Soul Eater ReWork Episode 1. TEST FOOTAGE (Fan Dub/abridged)

Soul Eater ReWork Episode 1.  TEST FOOTAGE (Fan Dub/abridged)

Project Overview

Welcome to Soul Eater Rework.

(Test footage, Abridged)

Soul Eater is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Atsushi Ohkubo. Set at the "Death Weapon Meister Academy", the series revolves around three teams, each consisting of a weapon Meister and at least one human that can transform into a weapon.

Here we will be redoing the lines into our own way for this anime is well overdue on a new series since its one of those cases were the anime finished before the manga.

I will be putting both contents from the manga and anime into the series.


  1. Be able to work with others, take directions, critiques, and try to be better everyday.

  2. Have a platform I can contact you and have discord.

  3. Have sometime for you and I to work together on your lines

  4. Be respectful of yourself and other

  5. Know a bit about your voice and microphone and have one space were its just you and your voice.

  6. Be willing to stand up for yourself and include your own ideas to make the characters more natural to yourself

  7. Have some knowledge about the character but make it your own.

  8. Have fun with it

Looking forward to hearing you. -JJ

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  • The end and The Beginning

    Welp its time to start recording and getting this series on a move,

    The remaining Characters can be treated as hot spots.

    The first people to wow can be brought in.

    Other than that, Thanks so much for trying out We will be looking forward to seeing you again in the next series we work on,

    This is JJ and thanks for coming out.


    Hey yall thursday is curtain call and Ima need a death the kid soon

  • 3RD PICK

    Bella for Liz



    BippetSnippet for MAKA!




    Congrats fam I pick you for soul

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Maka Albarn
Role assigned to: BippetSnippet

The MAIN Character is the Badass but still a nerd "Maka Albarn".  If you have seen the show she is depicted as the most courageous person in all of the DWMA world. You will be working with Soul Evens a lot so be sure to be open to having a partner while acting.  

I am looking for someone to change Maka's already perfect voice(Laura Bail and Chiaki Omiga)  from the original and try to make it more natural to your own voice.  She is a soft yet determined girl but she will fight a B**ch so be sure to have that grittiness.

!!!THIS IS IMPORTANT!!!! When you audition DO THE LINES IMMDEITALLY I want to hear YOUR WORK first. 

At the end you can do what ever you want.  

Have fun-JJ

  • english
  • japanese
Voice description:
  • scottish
  • animation/character
  • female teen
  • female adult
  • japanese american
  • female young adult
  • german
  • A sound soul dwells within a sound mind and a sound body

  • Kishin Asura, Your soul is MINE!

  • Hey Soul. I was wondering. Do souls taste good? You seem to like em.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Soul "Eater" Evans
Role assigned to: TheRavensReaper

Soul EATER Evens is the deuteragonist in the series and in my opinion the coolest looking character in the show.  

He of course has confidence in himself so I need you to bring that out when voice acting him. 

He is a weapon in the show and the right hand man of Maka so you will be working with the VA so don't be a creep of I'll ship your ass out.  

Im looking for a cool yet firm voice to him.  He has that dog in him so be sure to be ready for any cool lines I throw at you.

!!!THIS IS IMPORTANT!!!! When you audition DO THE LINES IMMDEITALLY I want to hear YOUR WORK first. 

At the end you can do what ever you want.  

Voice description:
  • child
  • male adult
  • male teen
  • male young adult
Other info:
  • amateur piano player
  • classical piano
  • What are you smoking? Don't you see how cool I am? You think I'm going to settle for a flat chested girl like her?

  • After all cool men don't cheat on their partners, do they?

  • I'm your weapon partner Maka! That means I'm always prepared to die for my Meister!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Blair "Witch"
Role assigned to: brandnamepending

Blair is a powerful Cat "Witch".  

She is very powerful and very confident in her body(Cant avoid that in anime).

She has that cat like voice were she can be in a serious deadly moment but sounds like she is going for a walk in the park

She is an adult so I am looking for a more mature voice THAT can also do some high notes when ever she is toying with any one she wants(I couldn't find the better words for that saying as that's literally what she does).

She does speak in rhymes so be sure to be ready for any tongue twisters. 

Oh and also she turns into a cat so be ready for any silly voice lines as well.

!!!THIS IS IMPORTANT!!!! When you audition DO THE LINES IMMDEITALLY I want to hear YOUR WORK first. 

At the end you can do what ever you want.  

Voice description:
  • female young adult
  • female adult
  • female teen
  • I never said I was a witch, did I? You just made that assumption all on your own. I’m really just a cat with a ridiculous amount of magical power.

  • You say that, but your nose is bleeding pretty badly.

  • Pump-pump-kin pumpkin, Halloween Cannon!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Lord Death
Role assigned to: A Dash of Parsley

So you're basically seriously.

Lord Death is the master of the DWMA and the lord hence the name of LORD DEATH. oh and obviously he is the Grim Reaper.

He has a DARK past and to mask that up he made an actually silly mask for kids to not be afraid of Death(just like how we do in real life).

He is a silly guy at heart ever since he had the change of having two kids.  His sons Death The Kid and Kishin Asura really formed his new persona.

You will be having some serious lines eventually but for now I need you to have that fun grown up voice as you talking to your child.  

I want you to have a constant thought when acting for him of Explain to a child that he will die one day but not today, Today they are going to the waterpark.

!!!THIS IS IMPORTANT!!!! When you audition DO THE LINES IMMDEITALLY I want to hear YOUR WORK first. 

At the end you can do what ever you want.  

Voice description:
  • male senior
  • adult
  • male adult

  • You filthy unforgivable swine! That's it, I'M GOING TO SKIN YOU ALIVE AGAIN!

  • Special attack........COFFE TABLEEEEEEE FLIP!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Jack the Ripper
cast offsite

Even though for the MOST NOTORIOUS SERIAL KILLER OF ALL TIME you only get one episode.

Jack is simple he is a monster(literally) who is obsessed with souls

I want to bring that obsession of murder and hunger out of you.  You have the chance to steal the show and you could also voice some more people down the line so good luck

Male or woman doesn't matter for jack as he is a monster who speaks broken.  BE THE CREATIVE MONSTER YOU CAN BE.

!!!THIS IS IMPORTANT!!!! When you audition DO THE LINES IMMDEITALLY I want to hear YOUR WORK first. 

At the end you can do what ever you want.  

Voice description:
  • androgynous
  • monster
  • monstrous
  • creature
  • "Want more...Food"

  • "run-makes-you-tasty-more"<- he doesn't speak clearly so yeah say that.

  • This isn't a line but I want you to grossly growl as if you just bit into someone neck and giggle about it.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Spirit Albarn

You are Maka's Dad so you will be working with that VA so don't be weird.

Spirit is a Scumbag who is trying to clean his image for his Daughter who hates him for cheating on his Ex wife.  

He loves his daughter dearly but she doesn't really match that energy but his still tries non the less. 

He is what Soul is to Maka, To Lord Death.  He is the Death Scythe.

He has a little beef with soul because he spends a lot of time with Maka.

Personal demons aside Spirit is a strong and badass dude at the end of the day.  Vices be damned he is the scythe that claims your soul. 

!!!THIS IS IMPORTANT!!!! When you audition DO THE LINES IMMDEITALLY I want to hear YOUR WORK first. 

At the end you can do what ever you want.  

Voice description:
  • male adult
  • Hey, Soul Eater. If you even think of touching my Maka, if you lay a hand on her, as a death scythe... no. As her father, I will freaking kill you. You got me.

  • Maka! Please don't hate me, Maka! I love you and mama! I promise, Maka!

  • I don't wanna Die! I still have some chicks I wanna bang!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Death The Kid
Role assigned to: A Dash of Parsley

Death the kid is the son of lord death and basically Jesus.

He would be the perfect Meister only for the fact he already is a Grim Reaper and also that he is obsessed with symmetry.  

He welds to M1911 pistols that are both weapons named Liz and Patty.  

He was trained at a young age by his father to be his next heir. Kid also has an evil brother know as Kishen Asura(basically Lucifer)

He is of Royalty so he does have that rich kid energy and kind of does look down on others but he does have a soft spot for his team of Maka and Blackstar.  In terms of the team he is the neutral level or the Paper to the rock and scissors of the team.

Kid would like to replace his father one day but not relatively soon for he wants to make his own weapon of his own specifications. 


Kid maybe a creation of the lord but he was raised as a human.  Have fun with it.

!!!THIS IS IMPORTANT!!!! When you audition DO THE LINES IMMDEITALLY I want to hear YOUR WORK first. 

At the end you can do what ever you want.  

  • english
Voice description:
  • male young adult
  • animation/character
  • french
  • american
  • male teen
  • aristocratic british
  • italiano
  • american (new york)
  • Did I leave the toilet papers both folded up........WE HAVE TO GO I NEED TO CHECK.<- Kid being weird


  • You.....YOU ARE DISGUSTING! DISGUSTING!(say that 10 times over)<- For every time he shoots his guns he says that.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Patricia "Patty" Thompson
Role assigned to: Dare

Patricia "Patty" Thompson is a Demon weapon and the younger sister to Elizabeth Thompson.

She and her sister are known or used to be known as the "Brooklyn Devils" before meeting their Meister in Death the Kid.

Known she is known as one of the "Demon Twin Guns"

She is now a student along her team at the DWMA.

She is the silly and probably undiagnosed ADHD member of her group.  She is carefree and really what ever she wants.

She has a bubbly voice as she is kind of young compared to her team.  She didn't have any formal education and the fact they threw her straight into the what seems to be the AP classes tells me she might be a genius.

Though she lacks in formal education Patty is from the streets of Brooklyn, New York and knows how to shoot and fight. 

She is really a good girl who just had bad childhood but was shielded from that thanks to her older sister.  She loves animals and can name any animal (also she can make them in origami).  Patty seems to have the one thing that no one else in the show has and that's fear,  Patty doesn't cry or get sad maybe from the fact that she likes everything about her life and cant comprehend sadness or she is just a really good actor,  Non the less she is the most happiest girl in the show.   

She does have her mothers body so she is a bit sexualized in the show but just like Hello Kitty patty doesn't care about that as she just wants to draw and have fun in her own way.

!!!THIS IS IMPORTANT!!!! When you audition DO THE LINES IMMDEITALLY I want to hear YOUR WORK first. 

At the end you can do what ever you want.  

  • english
Voice description:
  • female teen
  • female young adult
  • new york (brooklyn)
  • british
  • animation/character
  • female child
  • american (new york)
  • american (northeast)
  • You're not garbage. If you were garbage you would smell a lot worse, so why don't we just get up and try again, okay?

  • Oooooh such a pretty Giraffe....You better watch out! I can break your neck!

  • Get your ass moving now, damn you.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Elizabeth "Liz" Thompson
cast offsite

Liz is a demon weapon and the older sister of Patty. 

She is from the streets of Brooklyn, New York where she single handedly raised and took care of her little sister by doing what ever was necessary.  She was criminal before she met her Meister in Death the Kid.

She is now a student in the DWMA along her team and has now devolved a moody personality as she now can be a normal teenage girl who didn't have to grow up to fast.  She now has a taste for luxury since Death the Kid is rich. 

Contrary to her ditsy little sister she actually has feelings and is afraid of most things paranormal like ghost and ghouls. 

She finds Kid both as her savior and as the biggest pain in her ass.  But she still is very indebted to him from taking her to a better place. 

Liz doesn't really care for book smarts as she grew up in the streets but she still knows how to play people.  

She takes a lot of her acting skills from her deadbeat and non existing mother who was a prostitute and if she had a chance in Hollywood she would of been a star.   

Liz is a strong girl who just grew up a bit too fast but now has a chance to be calm cool collected but kid annoys her.

Good luck.

!!!THIS IS IMPORTANT!!!! When you audition DO THE LINES IMMDEITALLY I want to hear YOUR WORK first. 

At the end you can do what ever you want.  

  • english
Voice description:
  • female young adult
  • female adult
  • new york (brooklyn)
  • animation/character
  • female teen
  • american (new york)
  • american
  • Not the sharpest tool in the shed, is he? These little rich kids are always so gullible.

  • A sound soul dwells within sound skin and sound cuticles. That doesn't sound right!

  • I can see through you, Your lying, you want to gobble up my hot body!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Tsubaki Nakatsukasa
Role assigned to: Holiday

Tsubaki is the partner for Blackstar.  She is a very kind and easy going gal in the anime(The manga she is a bit of a perv).

She is a weapon who is special because she has different forms and has the badass ability to tolerate Blackstar.

She is one of the members of the famous Nakatsukasa Family.  She is a pro killer in her time as an assassin. 

Over all a cool badass with a ego maniac partner.

She is a Japanese, Tall, badass sword weapon ninja.

Even though she looks soft as a flower im looking for someone who can bring out that killer voice out of her have fun.

  • english
Voice description:
  • female teen
  • asian american
  • japanese
  • female adult
  • female young adult
  • all american accents
  • animation/character
  • Excuse me! I'm not a microphone, I'm a chain scythe! A weapon! You don't understand assassination, do you?

  • I'll admit Black Star makes some dumb calls from time to time, but the important thing is I'm here to back him up no matter how big a fool he is. If we're fools we're fools together, that's the kind of team we are.

  • I am Tsubaki, a flower without fragrance. When I fall it will be silent and tragic.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Sid Barrett

Sid is the special military badass teacher who is also Blackstar's adoptive father turned Frankenstein monster.

He is one of the best interpretations in my opinion of an African American anime character in history. 

He is a trained marine and has knowledge of most weapons from knifes and swords to Sniper riffles and other cool guns. 

I will be using him as a natural father figure role in my show and incorporating his professionalism with modern black roots

As stated above since he is a Black man I would like a Black voice actor for him please respect my choice on this thank you.

Sid is a three-star Meister, and also was on the mission that wiped the star clan.  He also has a partner in Mira Naigus. Sid is overall a great man and even better person even if he is a zombie.

  • english
Voice description:
  • male adult
  • male young adult
  • american
  • chicago
  • american (new york)
  • west coast american (california)
  • black american
  • animation/character
  • Ding Dong, Dead Dong

  • Who cares If you're from the Star Clan,'re you, and that's all that matters. You ain't the same as White☆ fight!! You are not a child of the Demon Path.

  • Good morning, good afternoon, good night. How have you been? And all that. I always try to remember my manners

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Mifune the Samurai
Role assigned to: VoiceDuck

Mifune is the body guard to the little witch Angela.  He is a master of the sword and the rival of Blackstar. His full name is unknown but what we do know is that he can kick some ass.  He has this tragic background story that molded his tough cool guy persona. 

Even if he doesn't know which side is the bad side and which is good he is still a good person at heart protect those who cannot.

He has the philosophy mindset of the sword warrior.  There is two paths in his eyes, The Path of the warrior and the path of the demon and he hates the demon.  

More specifically the star clan as once in his younger days he witness these corrupted assholes killing a bunch of people in their own homes. 

He is willing to die for the last mission he was hired to do in protecting the witch Angela and eventually becomes a teacher at the end of the series realizing that he can use his wisdom for good. 

Oh and also he is such a badass that his style of swords is literally called ''the god of swords''.

  • english
Voice description:
  • american
  • male adult
  • male young adult
  • texan
  • animation/character
  • My name is Mifune. I am the guardian of the witch Angela.

  • I thought I'd seen at least some potential in you... But it seems I've overestimated you.

  • Is it a path of a demon... or a path of a warrior? Black☆Star... On which path will you walk?

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Dr. Franken Stein

Here we have your always need white haired anime sensei.  From Kakashi, Roshi, Jiraiya, and now Gojo.  We have the underrated gem of the late 2000s early 2010s Dr. Franken Stein.

Standing at a towering 6ft10 he was one of if not the best Meister to come out of the DWMA.  He is a nerd when it comes to identifying souls, fighting styles, the human anatomy, how to get women, and various other things your cool overpowered teacher should have.

Before spirit met his wife he was school friends with this man so there relationship is a bit complex since stein liked to experiment on live subjects.  

He has the cool smart voice that can make any line sound serious and cool but he is unpredictable meaning he can switch up his mood in a heartbeat.

He also has a fling with Medusa.  They both liked each other but she's evil so that's bad, But he ends up getting a wife at the end of the series who he gets pregnant. 

Im looking for a person who can bring life into the zombie inspired teacher.  Good luck. 

  • english
Voice description:
  • animation/character
  • male young adult
  • male adult
  • This is fear. That's good then, I had forgotten what it felt like.

  • What's good and evil is determined by those of who are in power.

  • ''Soul Force!" This is your attack move so act it out.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Medusa Gorgon
Role assigned to: Vyn Vox

Here we have the reoccurring secondary villain to the series Medusa Gorgon.

Medusa is a complex character and heavily inspired by the Greek legend.  She has been changed a lot and now is a scientist who is fixated on human evolution.  The only way she sees humans evolving is by releasing the damn anti Christ to the world. 

She has a homunculus child by the name of Crona(gender is unknown) and is planning to use her own child to stop the madness Kishin Asura will unleashed while being able to control her own child. 

Now how does she stay in power?  Two reasons.  One she is one of the most powerful witch in the lands of soul eater and Two she is hot so a lot of people simp for this evil person. (specifically Dr. Franken Stein) 

Just like the Story of medusa she has her gorgon sisters but we only meet one in the series.  

She is a very important character to the plot and the development of Maka, Crona, and Stein. 

Im looking for a catwoman type of voice for her specifically because you will be playing mind games during the series.

She is also a grown ass woman...800 plus years.

If you aren't comfortable with adult themed lines don't even bother with medusa and try someone else.

Good luck-JJ

  • english
Voice description:
  • female adult
  • english
  • greek
  • animation/character
  • turkish
  • It will be alright, have faith in yourself. Crona, you will be a Kishin.

  • Snake, Snake, Cobra, Cobbra.(you are enchanting your spell here)

  • You think that you can punish me? How arrogant. You're the one who betrayed the Grim Reaper. Tell me, what do you think that your sentence will be? What gives you the right to be the one to punish me?"

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Crona "Gorgon"

Crona is a special character.  "They"(Their gender is never confirmed because in the anime he is a guy but in the manga its leaning towards she's a girl but for simplistic sake they are neither because Crona isn't a person its an homunculus in this iteration.) are the demon weapon made from Medusa.  

If it all came down to one duel between the main cast Crone is the strongest but if it came to talking to anyone normal Crona cant do that as it cant handle basic human emotions from years of torment from experiments from medusa and years of being forcefully injected with the cursed black blood Cronas brain should be mush...But its not.

Crona has one person or things with it at all times and that's

their weapon Ragnarok...who beats the shit outta Crona all the time.  

Crona was a bullied thing all its life till it met the only person to be nice in the form of Maka.  She led Crona to understand friendship and basic human decency. 

Crona is a broken soft spoken creature who becomes a person. BASICALLY PINOCCHIO. Also I added Gorgon because it is still medusas creation so I would assume Crona's full name would take after its parent. 

Looking for someone who can have some dead pan voices with some dry humor in there. 


  • english
Voice description:
  • scottish
  • animation/character
  • androgynous
  • female teen
  • male teen
  • deadpan
  • english
  • irish
  • I can't lose weight! I don't know how to deal with being any skinnier than I already am!

  • No, thumbtacks in my shoes would stick into my feet whenever I tried to walk. It would hurt. I don't think I could deal with that really.

  • Do you want to know where the real hell is hiding? It's inside your head.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Ragnarok "The demon sword"

Its simple really.

You are Cronas weapon and you like to beat the shit outta Crona.

Also You are made from black blood and love to yell. 

Okay for more context.  Ragnarok once was a powerful demon and not the Norse event.  He has multiple abilities from flying to punching and screaming. One day a powerful witch named medusa grabbed him and melted him in a pot mixing black blood and Cronas own blood. Then inserted him into Crona and now is stuck inside Crona for ever.  He realizes that Crona is weak minded and not able to over power him so he beats the shit outta Crona till they are forced to listen to him. 

Since he cant escape he listens to medusa since he doesnt have any other choice.

  • english
Voice description:
  • english (american)
  • animation/character
  • male adult
  • male senior
  • male young adult
  • scotch
  • norweigan
  • irish
  • If you let him hit you with that technique again, I'm gonna stick thumbtacks in your shoes, got it?

  • Oi, Crona. If the grim reaper catches up to us you're not having any dinner tonight.

  • How could you punch me Crona!? I don't believe it!! You have no idea how it feels to be hit by you!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Mira Naigus

Mira Naigus is the demon weapon partner of Sid,  She is also a Teacher, Doctor, Marine, CIA agent under the DWMA, and overall badass. 

You will be working along side with Sid as mention in her character breakdown and you will have some lines but she really gets robbed of more screen time as she was a minor character in the anime compared to her role in the manga and the spinoff series Soul Eater not. 

I'm looking for Black voice actors for Black Characters so keep in mind that. 

  • english
Voice description:
  • black american
  • female adult
  • animation/character
  • Leave this room and tear them stiches boy watch was gonna happen.

  • Stop all that absurd posturing and listen to will die. You're a human being, not a god.

  • Target 300 meters away, Balding man on the phone sitting, You are clear to execute take the shot Sid, Nice work.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
"Little Witch" Angela Leon

The little witch angela is a simple character.  She is a little girl who is also a witch.  Her only guardian is her protector the samurai Mifune  That's really it.

She also has a very active beef with Blackstar.  

She has a little kid personality because she is a damn child.  So be your best little girl you can be. 

  • english
Voice description:
  • female child
  • animation/character
  • Don't be mean to Mifune!

  • Mifune protects me from humans because I'm still weak!

  • You suck. Dummy.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Kishin Asura

Hello Satan.

Kishin Asura was a very under used character in my opinion so we are going to be fixing that.

Asura is the oldest child of lord death(that means you have a smaller bro in Kid)  Just like lucifer who was casted out of heaven in Christianity you were also casted your father ripping your skin off and turning you into a bag while you hang in his basement.....I don't know how else to put it as that's what literally happens 

To be fair Asura did betray Lord Death as he was the one to steer into the path of darkness and wanted to spread his influence on Fear and Madness. 

He is very unpredictable.  One moment he is the coolest guy in town and the next you are the joker about to release your toxins into Gotham's sewer system.  This will be a fun character

Philosophies aside you are the 2nd big bad in my iteration on the series as a (spoiler alert) small emotional unstable and broken non binary pink hair homunculus does eat you and takes your power in the end.  BUT you will have your cool one liner and a pretty badass fight scene. 

One take only for him and be the most cunning you can be for this evil soul.

  • english
Voice description:
  • crazy
  • male adult
  • joker
  • animation/character
  • male young adult
  • serious
  • Humans don't fear death... They fear the pain of imagining death...

  • Imagination is where all our fear originates, it is the mother of terror and mankind's greatest weakness.

  • Why do you blindly trust Shinigami when you possess such power for yourself? This is why humanity is foolish.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Background Characters/Minor roles

Hi so I forgot to add these small characters but if you think you a unique voice or any thing drop it down there

I need Al Capone importantly right now so Yeah thanks

  • Any accents you can do

  • Classroom characters

  • Singing or what ever you think can make you stand out

Co Writers
Deferred: Agreed Amount
cast offsite

I'm just looking to see if there is any cool writers out there that want to start small in this project.

For the first test,  Write up the last fight scene with Maka and the rest of the team fighting the big bad himself Kishin Asura

Im looking to see how you can blend Drama with comedic timings and also keep the serious tone alight.

This is unpaid for now as this is a test footage but maybe we can do some other works if I like what you can cook.


  • *Say something you think would fit*


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