Soul Eater ReWork Episode 1. TEST FOOTAGE (Fan Dub/abridged)

Vixen Thomas for Patricia "Patty" Thompson

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Patricia "Patty" Thompson
Role assigned to: Dare

Patricia "Patty" Thompson is a Demon weapon and the younger sister to Elizabeth Thompson.

She and her sister are known or used to be known as the "Brooklyn Devils" before meeting their Meister in Death the Kid.

Known she is known as one of the "Demon Twin Guns"

She is now a student along her team at the DWMA.

She is the silly and probably undiagnosed ADHD member of her group.  She is carefree and really what ever she wants.

She has a bubbly voice as she is kind of young compared to her team.  She didn't have any formal education and the fact they threw her straight into the what seems to be the AP classes tells me she might be a genius.

Though she lacks in formal education Patty is from the streets of Brooklyn, New York and knows how to shoot and fight. 

She is really a good girl who just had bad childhood but was shielded from that thanks to her older sister.  She loves animals and can name any animal (also she can make them in origami).  Patty seems to have the one thing that no one else in the show has and that's fear,  Patty doesn't cry or get sad maybe from the fact that she likes everything about her life and cant comprehend sadness or she is just a really good actor,  Non the less she is the most happiest girl in the show.   

She does have her mothers body so she is a bit sexualized in the show but just like Hello Kitty patty doesn't care about that as she just wants to draw and have fun in her own way.

!!!THIS IS IMPORTANT!!!! When you audition DO THE LINES IMMDEITALLY I want to hear YOUR WORK first. 

At the end you can do what ever you want.  

  • english
Voice description:
  • female teen
  • female young adult
  • new york (brooklyn)
  • british
  • animation/character
  • female child
  • american (new york)
  • american (northeast)
  • You're not garbage. If you were garbage you would smell a lot worse, so why don't we just get up and try again, okay?

  • Oooooh such a pretty Giraffe....You better watch out! I can break your neck!

  • Get your ass moving now, damn you.

Vixen Thomas
Soul Eater ReWork Episode 1. TEST FOOTAGE (Fan Dub/abridged)

You kinda sound like Paimon from genshin impact

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