Membership Pricing
Casting Call Club is free to try for as long as you want, but upgrading really helps us to upkeep CCC.
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What's included
- Partially Custom Profile
- Profile & Projects Listed in Search
- Show off 1 Achievement
- Have 1 Active Project At A Time
- Create projects and send in submissions
What's included
- Profile, submission, and project analytics
- See who viewed your profile
- Fully Custom Profile
- Add images to project / profile descriptions
- Show off 3 Achievements
- Message 10 people who don't follow you per month
- 100 cccCoins per month
- Have 3 Active Projects At A Time
- No ads
- Instant email notification when a new paid project is listed
What's included
- My Member Profile Featured in Search and other profile pages
- 300 cccCoins per month
- Message 50 people who don't follow you per month
- Unlimited Active Projects
- (Coming Soon) 10 person roster
- (Coming Soon) 15 Project Invites
What's included
- Project Featured in Search and other project pages
- 700 cccCoins per month
- Message 100 people who don't follow you per month
- (Coming Soon) Unlimited person roster
- (Coming Soon) 30 Project Invites
- (Coming Soon) Teams - co-manage a project together
The Business Plan gives you access to the Closing Credits Base Plan.
- Dedicated Member Events
- Curated Content Library
- Private Community Chat
- Private Job Board
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$0.00 per month
What Are The People Saying
3 years ago today, I sent in my first audition on @castingcallclub! 🥳
— erica chiem 🎃 (@EricaChiem) May 2, 2019
At the start, I didn't really know what I was doing getting into #voiceacting, but being a part of such a wonderful community... I'm so glad to have gone down this path in life 😊
Looks like all that auditioning paid off. In the talks with someone to star in an #indie #anime Thank you @castingcallclub ^_^
— George Keller (@gnbkeller) June 25, 2017
@castingcallclub This is one inspirational site 👍.
— Gorksonic-Ash.c (@AshC121) January 15, 2016
So today I discovered @castingcallclub, god damn this website is awesome
— Eli Cather (@Tauva101) June 23, 2017
@castingcallclub discovered your site some time ago and I've found it by far the most approachable and accessible especially to VA newcomers
— Helen O'Connor (@Inrezairo) June 24, 2017
There are more people using Casting Call Club than there are citizens of Guam, just fyi.
— Casting Call Club (@castingcallclub) June 5, 2019
If you want more VA work, seriously consider checking out @castingcallclub. The website is growing like crazy!! #ccc #va #teamprojects
— Joe Goffeney (@Dr_Bonehead) June 23, 2017
Landed my 1st EVER paid role, thanks to @castingcallclub you da real MVP! I’m floating on a dang ☁️ right now! 🕺🏿🕺🏿
— Joe Griffs (@Joe_Griffs) July 2, 2019
I just got cast for 2 different shows on @castingcallclub ! As an aspiring voice actor, this is super exciting for me! Even better, this is only like my third set of auditions! Didn’t expect to get any parts this quick, yet I got 2! I’m so excited!!
— Shitto also (@MrPokemaniac3) June 14, 2019
A lot of people came in through twitter, but our CCC has had over 150 auditions and it's still rising.
— Nai (@RemortStudios) July 12, 2017
Guys.... I did some auditions on @castingcallclub and literally since then it’s all I can think about. I feel like my passion for acting has been reignited and for the first time in the 20 years I’ve wanted to be an actress, I actually feel like I can.
— Lexi Wolfe (@LexiWolfeVO) June 16, 2019
Marked my first completed role on @castingcallclub today! Everything else I've been cast in is long-term, so it felt strangely satisfying to have something finalized!
— Ashley Hamilton (@ashdotham) May 4, 2019
@castingcallclub Love the website and imagination of everyone! The more experience I get, the more confident I become!
— Curt Hilton (@curthilton) May 14, 2019
Holy cats! I just got cast in my first role as a VA thanks to @castingcallclub I can’t believe I’m actually gonna be knuckles, this is wild!
— Jose’s Day Off (@JoseIglesias521) May 16, 2019
Random Emails We Get
"Buford, honestly thank you so much for creating CCC and the classes. This site is spectacular. Not only can you audition and practice, but it is free! I'm so glad you decided to make this amazing website. Also, the classes are so helpful, and I met so many great people!! Thank you so much!"
"You've done a fantastic job with this site. I'm glad I found it when I did because it very well could have changed my life for the better."
"You are awesome. This website is amazing and the classes are so helpful. I spent months looking for voice acting classes and couldn't find any that taught what I wanted to learn. This has changed me so much for the better so thank you. I appreciate all of this and all you do. "
"10/10 site, glad I found it when I did."
"Casting Call Club has done a great job of demystifying an area that is kind of hard to get into, whether as a hobby or a career. Having already taken the VA101 class, it'd be pretty neat to have more focused and specified classes available for a detailed look at specific aspects of the VO field. Good work, and thanks for the opportunities!"
"Thanks for all your hard work =) I think becoming a well rounded voiceover artist includes acting, recording/editing, and marketing, so focusing classes on each of these would be beneficial"
"I hope this site becomes a juggernaut that competes with the likes of sites like Voices and Voice123, because it opens the door for new and fresh talent, while still allowing experienced creators to continue to find success. However it doesn’t force you to pay for the change to audition, unlike those other sites, which I appreciate about CCC."
"When I first started, I signed up to audition for one specific role. A year later, in the present, I’m working on my own project, to which I hope it goes far. The time I have spent so far in CCC has really been amazing and has excited me since day one. Thank you so much :)"
"Thank you for offering these awesome classes!"
"Can't wait. This will prepare me for America in 3 years"
"Love your website, thank you for making it."
"Thank you for making CCC!! Acting is my passion and my dream career and I'm gaining so much experience and hope to attend one of these classes next year!!"
"I think that what you have done with this website has helped so many people and I just want to say thank you"
"Thank you for this amazing website. It’s helped me so much with finding new projects and finding talent. I hope you have a great day! :)"
"Buford, I have become a very personal fan of your website. I have felt welcomed within the community that your website has created, and it has allowed me to make many new friends. I hope the site continues to grow and improve."
"Thank you for the opportunities that you give us aspiring actors/voice actors/artists/singers/etc! I can’t wait to see what I can do next!"
"Thank you for giving me and others a platform to voice act. I've improved so much because of this website and I can't wait to see what will happen to CCC in the future!"
"Just thank you for creating a platform to allow so many of us to try to make our dreams a reality. "
"Thank you for this opportunity. I had thought it would be impossible to try and make voice acting a career. That I would have to move far away, but this has given me the hope that I can start now. I will try and use the skills that I learn here to the fullest and hopefully make something out of it. So again, thank you :)"
"I really like CCC and it made me improve on my voice acting and i have been using it since 2016 ever since i got into voice acting. so i am really grateful for this website. I will continue supporting CCC. :3"
"Thank you for making this site and allowing people the opportunity to do what they love!"
"I have had a wonderful experience with CCC, and I have been commisioned in a couple of things because of it. Maybe you could offer an animation course? Thanks!"
"I see amazing benefits to all of these classes. Thank you for all the hard work you and everyone at CCC do!"
"You are a beautiful person."
"I just want to thank you all for what you do, and the amazing opportunity that you provide us all. I would have never known where, let alone been able to afford to, start my dream career, if it weren't for this amazing site. So, thank you guys, and keep being awesome. <3"
"Buford, thank you for taking time out of your day to stay involved with one of the most influential websites in the online voice acting landscape. Thank you for taking feedback, listening to the community, and crafting CCC into something we can all enjoy. Keep it up, because this website is amazing."
"I think you're awesome! Keep up the great work. This site has brought me lots of joy and new friends, as well as more confidence in myself. Thank you!"
"Thank you so much for this opportunity to do this!! I just wanted to say how grateful I am for helping me (AND all those other future voice actors out there) pave the way to our dreams!!!!"
"I don’t know where I would be without this site. I owe you guys a lot. <3"
"For having started CCC three years ago, I believe you are heading in the right direction. The website itself is very accessible and user friendly, and having the option of classes has been a huge help for me since I was trying to find a way to learn voice acting. After having taken VA 101, my skills have made a noticeable improvement, and I have actually gain more confidence whenever I talk or record audio (I don't stutter or stumble over my words as much as I used to). You are doing something good here for countless people and I hope that you continue this good work. "
"I just want to say that the vibe this entire website gives off is welcoming and new comer friendly! I'm a college student just trying to get my foot in the door for Media Arts, and I came across this. About to try my first recording. Wish me Luck!"
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- If you downgrade, your subscription will remain active through the end of the billing period, but you will not be charged again.
- We do not offer refunds