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(Just Neptuna Left!) Plants VS Zombies Heroes If They Had English-Speaking Voices! (Headcanon Voice Project)
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(Some characters are still open. Please check out the project update for more information about what I'm looking for in these roles. Good luck!)

(All you need for this project is a decent-sounding microphone. By desktop or phone, it doesn't matter, as long as there's little to no background noise, no mic popping, and no static when you audition. A Discord Account for contact is recommended, but not required, as I can contact you here on the Casting Call Club website if you'd like, Disc...
Skyburner (Sci-Fi Minecraft Series)
listed by slightlyinsulting
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Synopsis:A group of misfit corsairs, otherwise known as ‘space pirates’, attempt to escape the most secure and hellish prison in the Sol System—dragging along an unsuspecting journalist caught in the chaos.Requirements:Preferably 18+ voice actors, since the film has violent content.Discord is required for communication.A high quality microphone.Further Information:Skyburner is a three episode mini series (roughly 45 minutes in total) set in the Awoken universe - SI's original science fiction ...
Love Tri High - Minecraft Romcom series
listed by GenFromTheBin
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Deadline is not accurate!! Will be updated daily!!On Monday, December 30, the following roles will close: Amber, Nathan, Lola, Millie, Dewey, Ellis, Amber's Mom.ARTISTS AND BUILDERS ARE NEEDED MOST!!This series is mainly a silly play on your typical Shojo romance. It's mostly light-hearted, so I encourage improving your lines and such!!Plot:Taking place in Brewston, a small town in the deep south, the story follows Ruby, a young girl in her senior year of high school. For years, she's been pi...
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