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The Terra Arcanum Chronicles - Back Half of Season 1 Actors needed and More!
listed by Hopelessopus
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Hello!Looking to grow the cast of TACAD for roles in upcoming episodes for season 1's back half. More roles may be added as scripts finish, all roles have a guaranteed 2 week period to be open before the role may be close from the time the role is added following the initial listing. (Updates will go out as Roles are added)We are looking for clean audio. (no background noises, excessive echos, clear quality etc.) Auditions with multiple takes per line (AA BB CC or AAA BBB CCC) will be higher ...
Otome Fandubs & more!
listed by Dawn
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Current deadline: TBA. (Deadline on listing is not accurate). It depends when I am able to get internet back to the fires and heavy winds in my area.Is it very important that you read through all of the rules and guidelines to understand what you may be signing up for! Please and thank you!Important Information/Rules/Auditioning Guidelines:1. FAQ: Kindly read FAQ before messaging me!2. Keep in mind these are all LONG TERM projects. Do not audition if you will not be committed/dedicated and wi...
The Worlds Ending
listed by Avalure
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The Worlds Ending is about everything that ever was and how it came to be, touches on briefly how life evolved then to now, it also goes into the acceleration of the singularity, as the time goes on in the series life becomes stranger then fiction and fiction some how predicts reality and uncomfortable truths are revealed, dark conspiracies that were laughable are found to be true. the characters are navigating in a world that no longer sees them valuable, it is up to the people to do the rig...
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