Soul Eater ReWork Episode 1. TEST FOOTAGE (Fan Dub/abridged)

mono for Soul "Eater" Evans

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Soul "Eater" Evans
Role assigned to: TheRavensReaper

Soul EATER Evens is the deuteragonist in the series and in my opinion the coolest looking character in the show.  

He of course has confidence in himself so I need you to bring that out when voice acting him. 

He is a weapon in the show and the right hand man of Maka so you will be working with the VA so don't be a creep of I'll ship your ass out.  

Im looking for a cool yet firm voice to him.  He has that dog in him so be sure to be ready for any cool lines I throw at you.

!!!THIS IS IMPORTANT!!!! When you audition DO THE LINES IMMDEITALLY I want to hear YOUR WORK first. 

At the end you can do what ever you want.  

Voice description:
  • child
  • male adult
  • male teen
  • male young adult
Other info:
  • amateur piano player
  • classical piano
  • What are you smoking? Don't you see how cool I am? You think I'm going to settle for a flat chested girl like her?

  • After all cool men don't cheat on their partners, do they?

  • I'm your weapon partner Maka! That means I'm always prepared to die for my Meister!

Soul Eater ReWork Episode 1. TEST FOOTAGE (Fan Dub/abridged)

I really REALLY love your work for soul! I would rank this a 90/100! The only things I could really say is your voice is a bit too much as in a bit too deep for his swag. Don't get me wrong I like your deep grittiness but if you can go a bit higher as he is a Teen. Also go off the books as for I want to see how natural a cool rebel teen like soul can do with your voice. Looking forward to hearing you again-JJ

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