

Project Overview

Here are all the voice references in ONE video:

Please note, I will be AWAY on the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th of May and will not be able to answer any messages since I'm on holiday, so if you do not receive a quick reply then that is why. I will answer any questions and messages on the 5th May. These auditions will be fully closed on 10th May.

Hi! Jess here, owner of Shattered Reality and The Cyclist, I am kick starting one of my old series again! This series started in January 2021, and it had a few episodes released before getting cancelled, I reopened it and then stopped doing it for a while and then re-did it again and managed to get the last episode of Season 1 out, I started Season 2 but had so many unreliable actors and it was a mess so I gave up, and now I'm getting used to CCC I'm rebooting it! :)

Note: the lead characters in this are Eden, Eve, Mavis, Scarlett, Ruby, Ava, Emmie, and Mya.

The thumbnail from left to right is: Mya, Eden, Scarlett, and Eve

If a character is not here it is because they already have an actor. I did season two auditions back last year and quite a few of them have gone inactive so although this is a recast there will be some characters in which you'll be the first actor for them. You will know which because characters who you will be the first actor for will not have a voice reference, but any who have been played before will.

If you would like to, please join the discord server:

I am undecided on which channel I'll be sharing the episodes on yet, but here's a link to my main:

This will have NO swearing.

Also, I was 15 when many of the Trapped episodes were shared so please don't judge me, my writing is better now :)

To be a cast member in Trapped you either have to have discord or wattpad (discord is preferable though).


Everyone is safe back at home, except is it really home when you had to leave one of your friends behind in the portal dimension with the dreaded Lorelei?

Mya is introducing Eve to the real world, making friends, and fitting in, including meeting the lovely Mavis, who wants nothing more than to spread love and goodness to everyone.

Ruby is forever thinking of her sister, Scarlett - wondering if she'll ever even see her face again.

Ava and Emmie, who were trapped for an extremely long time are trying to get to know their old friends again, as well as their family members.

Despite all this, they know they still don't truly have their freedom yet and rescuing Scarlett is on the top of their priorities list, however the road to saving her may be an extremely dangerous one, and may require yet another sacrifice - one much more horrific and scarier than Scarlett's sacrifice ever was...

And there's also a rumour circling...Lorelei isn't the only one who can open up portals...

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Latest Updates

  • Last update I will do but if anyone casted doesn't claim by the end of Sunday your role will be given away to someone else

    It's been 5 days, the majority of people have claimed. And most of the people that haven't have been online. Make sure to check comments on your audition in case you missed something. One of my characters doesn't even have the main OR backup claimed. Please claim or else your role will be given to someone else. Claiming = joining the discord server that I sent you.

  • Casting done!

    Casted everyone! I have to go now but will check all my messages later :D Also, apologies that the verification and credits channel didn't have send messages enabled, it is enabled now so you should be able to type there. Congrats to everyone! It took 5 days to cast :O Also if you would like to I can release some of my shortlists because for some characters it was very close. It is also preferred if you keep your audition available for me in case I lose both a main and a backup and have to refer back to the auditions again - which could happen. Also, for anyone trying to find someone's audition but can't, some of the people who I casted have private auditions, so it's not that I casted someone who didn't audition, it's just because only I can see it. Also, feel free to audition for The Cyclist, it's on my profile :)

  • Thank you for 602 auditions!

    I will be casting over the course of the weekend. I will assign the roles to all the characters either Monday, Tuesday, or Wednesday (likely to be Monday or Wednesday since I'm fairly busy on Tuesday). Please note, yes, I said Raela was a backup until June, however since it's almost June and my actor is leaving then but she's in my other series anyway, I think I'm just going to get the person I assign to start playing her from the beginning of S2 (this season) since it makes sense, so whoever will be assigned Raela you'll be playing her just as you would any other character :) Thank you and good luck!

  • lead actor kind of just dropped out

    This means the auditions MAY be open longer than the 10th but ONLY for this character, however if I receive enough auditions for her before the 10th I will close it on the 10th as said. The character is Eve and I will be adding her right now. She's literally the lead character, so this isn't really that ideal, but please audition for her it would really help me <3333

  • 5 DAY WARNING!!!

    I just got back online after my holiday, just reminder that these auditions will be closing on Friday 10th May! I have youth group so they will be closing at 11:59pm BST (the deadline will say 11pm UTC, so it lines up with my own timezone) on Friday :D The results will be done over the course of Saturday and Sunday. Thank you for the amazing amount of auditions! Before these auditions my record was 249 and I've received more than double that, which makes me feel so overwhelmed but so excited at the same time so thank you everyone :D

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Eve Patel (EEV puh-TEL)
Role assigned to: Lqvender

ADDED 8TH MAY - my lead actor just dropped out so I had to add her to the auditions. She didn't actually say she dropped out but she blocked me on every platform possible so I take that as dropping out.

I don't have a voice reference as of right now, but her voice is relatively high pitched, energetic, and confident.

She's 16 years old.

I am really not bothered about accent as long as you can do a fitting voice for Eve.

Eve is the lead character. She is Lorelei's daughter and has never experienced the outside world. She's spent her entire world living in the portal with her mother Lorelei, auntie Brooke, and Ava since Ava has been the for a while. She's bonded a lot Mya and Raela. She offered to sacrifice herself rather than Scarlett as she'd never known anything different and had nothing from the real world she'd left behind like everyone else, but Mya refused to leave without her, so now Eve is experiencing the real world for the first time, and then she meets Mavis.

  • english
Voice description:
  • energetic
  • High
  • all accents
  • all american accents
  • all english accents
  • any
  • Any Accent
  • generic english
  • general american (natural)
  • general british
  • general canadian
  • general american
  • canadian english
  • english canadian
  • Sweet
  • british
  • british (estuary)
  • english (british)
  • generic australian
  • american
  • warm
  • confident
  • female teen
  • high pitched
  • british (london)
  • generic american
  • kind
  • canadian
  • female adult
  • female young adult
  • Bubbly
  • generic british
  • " You’ve met my mum, Mya, this is dangerous…reallyyyyy dangerous…and well almost everyone went with her… " *nervous, anxious, freaked out*

  • " WHAT?! " *shocked, panicked*

  • " Which can only mean one thing… " *nervous, stuttering a little*

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Eden Arlington (EE-den AR-lin-tun)
Role assigned to: Catathyst


Eden is a pretty confident and reckless person. She would do anything for her best friend Skye (as well as her friend Madeline and her brother Ryan) which includes stepping into a giant portal with her.

Eden is 15 and a pretty normal teenager until she stepped into a portal which changes hers and her friends lives forever. Now though, after getting back to the real world, she hates reality, but she also wants to find Scarlett.

She is one of the lead characters.

  • english
Voice description:
  • all american accents
  • all english accents
  • all accents
  • american (northeast)
  • canadian english
  • english
  • english (american)
  • Reckless
  • daring
  • female teen
  • female young adult
  • english (british)
  • a
  • warm
  • american (new york)
  • american (southern)
  • kind
  • "What’s it to you anyway? You just hide in Sadie’s shadow all the time." *annoyed*

  • "So um, Emmie…does this person know that they can make portals?" *curious, concerned*

  • "Our home…finally…" *relieved, happy*

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Mavis Massey (MAY-vis MASS-ee)
Role assigned to: Pearlea

Mavis is an extremely gentle and caring person. She meets Eve and Mya inside a grocery store and notices how troubled Eve is. She doesn't know that Eve is the daughter of the worst known super-villain though. Eve is trying to fit into the real world, without revealing who she is, and Mavis - as well as Mya - try to help her with this.

Mavis is 16. I don't mind what accent she is, whatever you feel is right! I'm looking for a calm, collected, and gentle voice though.

She is one of the lead characters.

  • english
Voice description:
  • calm
  • Serene
  • mesmirising
  • female adult
  • female teen
  • Any Accent
  • all american accents
  • british
  • english (american)
  • all slavic accents
  • Soft
  • female young adult
  • any
  • american
  • english
  • english (british)
  • Collected
  • canadian english
  • Gentle
  • all english accents
  • "No, no, I wasn’t looking where I was going. I’m Mavis." *apologetic, introducing herself*

  • "Eve, what's wrong? Are you...hiding something?" *worried, almost betrayed*

  • "LORELEI'S YOUR MOTHER?!" *shocked, annoyed, betrayed*

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Ruby Limington (ROO-bee LIM-in-tun)
Role assigned to: Nova


Ruby is Scarlett's 6-year-old sister. Her main mission now is to save her sister from the hands of Lorelei. She can't think of anything else. She is very kind and open towards people. Once upon a time, when Scarlett and Ruby were inside the other dimension together they barely spoke to anyone, because Scarlett struggled to trust people, until Ruby opened her eyes and then Scarlett made the unthinkable sacrifice to save everyone. Now though, lonely and lost, Ruby recruits some of her friends to bring back peace...and her sister.

I am looking for a high pitched 6-year-old voice. Since Ruby has had multiple actors there are multiple voice references, all the voices fit Ruby, so I do not mind which one you try to sound like, or if you want to do something different. I am not too picky as I'm mainly focused on finding a young, high pitched, 6-year-old sounding voice. I would prefer an American accent as Scarlett's actor is American and Ruby's former actors are American, but as long as you portray her well I'm not that bother as long as the voice fits :)

She is a lead character.

(Also small note, Zar is Zahra's nickname)

  • english
Voice description:
  • High
  • Sweet
  • warm
  • all english accents
  • all american accents
  • american (new york)
  • american (southeast)
  • general american
  • general american (natural)
  • kind
  • Annoying
  • female child
  • american
  • american (midwest)
  • american (northeast)
  • american (southern)
  • american (west coast)
  • central american
  • english (american)
  • young
  • selfless
  • Passionate
  • "Finding my sister has always been my priority, Zar. I’m sorry…" *sad, guilty*

  • "It’s only two stops away now! Oh gosh what is my mum going to think? Scar…" *sad, longing for her sister*

  • "Scarlett’s…not coming back." *upset*

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Lorelei Patel (LOH-ruh-lie puh-TEL)
Role assigned to: Kenya


Lorelei is the main antagonist in Trapped (and really the only antagonist). She's has a daughter, Eve, and a sister, Brooke. She runs the portal dimension, and her main goal is to make people suffer. She trapped everyone in the portal before they managed to escape after Scarlett made her sacrifice. Now though, she has Scarlett captive in a cell and has plans to cause even more distraction. She's determined to stop Ruby rescuing her sister. Lorelei is also the only one who knows who the second portal summoner is, and she wants them dead.

For Lorelei I am looking for an adult-sounding voice that sounds evil. I have left a voice reference for my best actor out of her two former actors, but I don't think it sounds sinister enough so please make your voice a lot more evil than the reference. I'm not too fussed how you sound if you portray her emotions well. An American accent would make sense (because Eve's actor is Canadian) but I'm not that fussed about it if the character is portrayed well.

Lorelei is a lead character.

  • english
Voice description:
  • english
  • Sadistic
  • american
  • american (northeast)
  • english (american)
  • english (british)
  • Sinister
  • horrible
  • all american accents
  • all english accents
  • american (new york)
  • canadian
  • canadian english
  • american (southern)
  • american (southeast)
  • rude
  • female adult
  • all accents
  • american (midwest)
  • english canadian
  • mean
  • evil
  • "You realise that someone else other than me in the group that was trapped here can open portals?" *bluntly*

  • "Well Scarlett, no one can get back in. I can talk to you without having to be worried about you being able to tell anyone." *evil, almost laughing*

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Emmie Langley (EMM-ee LANG-lee)
Role assigned to: koh


Emmie hasn't seen her mum, Samantha, for a couple of years. But finally she's reunited with her. Except, it won't be for long when Emmie has to set off on a mission to save Scarlett.

Emmie is a calm 11 year old girl who often likes to keep herself to herself. She doesn't like talking to people - at least not until she warms to them. She's quite standoffish - but for a good reason. She has managed to warm to Mya and Raela quite a bit though.

For Emmie I am looking for a quite similar voice to the one in the reference because I absolutely love that actress' voice and I think it fits well, so please try and sound like her as much as possible!

Emmie is a lead character.

Voice description:
  • english
  • warm
  • kind
  • Secretive
  • canadian english
  • english (american)
  • female child
  • all english accents
  • british
  • calm
  • any
  • Any Accent
  • southwest london accent
  • american (southern)
  • female teen
  • all accents
  • british (london)
  • british (estuary)
  • american
  • all american accents
  • american (midwest)
  • american (new york)
  • american (northeast)
  • american (southeast)
  • quiet
  • private
  • general american
  • Standoffish
  • keeps self to self
  • voice match
  • "Evil evil woman, she runs this whole other dimension, and she’s able to open portals…" *telling her mum about Lorelei*

  • "Lorelei once told me something there was one other person who can create portals."

  • "WHAT HAS HAPPENED TO MY BEDROOM?" *angry, shocked*

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Raela Sangey (RAY-luh SAN-gee)
Role assigned to: hunbee!

NOTE: Raela currently has an actor but she's dropping out around June or July, so if you receive the role of Raela you will be her backup until the Summer and then you will play her from either June or July onwards. So you will definitely play her, just not yet. My current actor is going away to college this year.


Raela is Mya's sister. Lorelei really doesn't like Mya and Raela due to them snooping around, which ended up in her tormenting Raela. Now back at home, things are still not going right for the two girls after discovering an awful tragedy in their family. Raela wants to protect and help Mya but she's not sure how to.

For Raela I'm looking for a medium-high British voice that's kind and warm. She's 14 years old.

Raela is a main character.

  • english
Voice description:
  • british
  • british (highbrow)
  • british (liverpool)
  • british (london)
  • british (northern)
  • generic british
  • comforting
  • british (estuary)
  • british (posh)
  • british (cockney)
  • female teen
  • english (british)
  • general british
  • female young adult
  • warm
  • kind
  • caring
  • Sweet
  • "Mya! You’re about to make me extremely broke-" *playfully*

  • "So you two were friends before you got sucked into that portal, Ava?" *curious, questioning*

  • "Time to see our parents…" *a little nervous*

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Zahra Rose (ZAR-ruh ROSE)
Role assigned to: KiChan

Zahra is Scarlett's best friend, and has been missing her and Ruby ever since they disappeared. When she finds out Ruby has returned she is pleased but disappointed not to see Scarlett. She tries to comfort Ruby.

Zahra is quite stubborn, and she always says what she thinks. She's not the kind of girl you'd want to mess with.

Zahra is 12. I'm looking for a grown up (but whilst sounding like a child) voice that sounds relatively deep, and quite blunt. I am not looking for a specific accent.

Zahra is a main character.

  • english
Voice description:
  • british (estuary)
  • english (british)
  • general british
  • Stubborn
  • speaks her mind
  • generic british
  • british (highbrow)
  • british (liverpool)
  • british (london)
  • british (northern)
  • british (posh)
  • female teen
  • american
  • american (midwest)
  • american (new york)
  • american (northeast)
  • american (southeast)
  • female young adult
  • all accents
  • any
  • Any Accent
  • all english accents
  • british
  • british (cockney)
  • grown up
  • Sassy
  • all american accents
  • american (southern)
  • english (northern)
  • general north american english
  • all slavic accents
  • Blunt
  • "Ruby, please don’t leave again…I can’t lose you again." *upset*

  • "MYA LOOK OUT-" *warning, panicked*

  • "IT’S YOU?! You’ve been gone so long!" *in shock*

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Bette Nevel (BET-ee NEV-uhl)
Role assigned to: midnightdrawss

Bette is a girl who is easily led by others, which includes how she follows Sadie around like a puppy. She struggles to stand up for herself. However, she eventually reveals how kind she can be to Mya, when Sadie isn't around, and she wants to help Mya.

I do not have a specific voice in mind for Bette right now, she's 15, and I'm open to interpretation, so do whatever you'd like in your audition! :)

Bette is a main character.

  • english
Voice description:
  • all english accents
  • american (new york)
  • asian english
  • danish english
  • dutch english
  • english (american)
  • english (british)
  • english (northern)
  • british
  • lonely
  • canadian english
  • english
  • female young adult
  • Any Accent
  • english (london)
  • any
  • Weak
  • quiet
  • all accents
  • all american accents
  • all slavic accents
  • female teen
  • british (london)
  • easily led
  • follower
  • Broken
  • "Sadie, what are you doing?" *curious, questioning*

  • "I don't follow Sadie around! Of course I don't!" *defensive*

  • "Sadie, maybe you can help them...isn't always being mean to people getting just a little boring...?"

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Skye Minchen (SKY MIN-shen)
Role assigned to: Reno


Skye is a very shy and introverted girl. But she cares deeply for her younger brother, Elliot, which is why she followed him into a portal and ended up in Lorelei's dimension. Later though, she blames all of their problems on her brother. Eden and Ryan, her friends, also followed her in.

For Skye I'm looking for a soft, high-medium voice which sounds a little similar to the voice reference. She's 14, and preferably as an American accent.

Skye is a main character.

  • english
Voice description:
  • general american (natural)
  • quiet
  • timid
  • Soft
  • all american accents
  • all english accents
  • american (new york)
  • american (west coast)
  • american (southern)
  • Introvert
  • american (southeast)
  • Shy
  • canadian english
  • american
  • american (midwest)
  • general american english
  • general american
  • central american
  • female young adult
  • female teen
  • american (northeast)
  • "I wondered when you’d show up." *angry*

  • "It's still your fault, bro." *annoyed*

  • "Sadie, I'm surprised you want to help us-" *shocked, surprised*

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Nathan France (NAY-fun FRANCE)
Role assigned to: CrimockLyte

Nathan is a childhood friend of Ava's. She has been missing for a long time so Nathan has been waiting for her to return ever since. Nathan is still warm and kind to her though, despite how much each of them have changed in the last 10 years.

For Nathan I'm looking for a soft, kind, and gentle voice. Not too deep, but not too high either. I am not bothered about his accent. He is 17 years old.

Nathan is a side character.

  • english
Voice description:
  • kind
  • Gentle
  • male young adult
  • male teen
  • Any Accent
  • all american accents
  • all english accents
  • general american
  • english (british)
  • Soft
  • any
  • all accents
  • english (american)
  • american
  • british
  • Medium
  • "I thought you were never coming back, we were only children, only six or seven..." *sadly, nostalgic*

  • "Ava, I'm sorry I couldn't help you, I tried so hard, I swear..."

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Edith Cassidy (EE-dif CASS-ih-dee)
Role assigned to: Virginia

Edith is Ava's mother. She is extremely broken by losing her daughter, and is delighted to see her again even after all these years. However, her and Ava struggle to get on due to the length of time between the two of them last having of spoken, and the fact that Ava is no longer a young innocent six year old, but a sixteen year old who has gone through hell and back since she got taken by Lorelei.

For Edith, I'm looking for a kind, motherly, and welcoming voice. An American accent would make the most sense as Ava's actress is American, but I'm fine with whatever as long as you portray the character well.

Edith is a side character.

  • english
Voice description:
  • american
  • female adult
  • motherly
  • Sweet
  • welcoming
  • any
  • all accents
  • all english accents
  • british
  • kind
  • Any Accent
  • all american accents
  • "Ten years Ava…ten years…" *sadly, thinking back*

  • "Ava, please, PLEASE, don't go again, I can't lose you again sweetie!" *motherly, begging, upset*

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Ben Field (BEN FEE-uld)
Role assigned to: Stephen J. Hooker

Ben is a friend of Emmie's. They were close before Emmie disappeared. However they have drifted apart and Emmie doesn't want anything to do with him, but Ben still really cares about Emmie and wants to change her mind. He's annoying, but is also funny, kind, and loving. He just wants the best for Emmie.

For Ben I'm looking a medium-deep kind voice. He is 12 years old. I don't mind about his accent.

Ben is a side character.

  • english
Voice description:
  • kind
  • english (british)
  • Annoying
  • funny
  • Loving
  • male teen
  • male child
  • all accents
  • Any Accent
  • american
  • any
  • canadian english
  • all english accents
  • all american accents
  • british
  • english
  • english (american)
  • "Emmie hates me…and she’s gone again…" *upset*

  • "Emmie, I'm sorry if I did anything to you...please just tell me what I've done. I can fix this." *promising*

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Brooke Patel (BROOK puh-TEL)
Role assigned to: Corvalla


Brooke is Lorelei's sister and originally Brooke was working for Lorelei until she took a stand against her and started helping Scarlett and Ruby. She wants to help Ruby find Scarlett, but she's unsure how.

For Brooke I'm looking for a medium-deep female voice, around 20-years-old. In terms of accent, an American accent makes the most sense.

Brooke is a side character.

Voice description:
  • female young adult
  • all accents
  • all english accents
  • american (southeast)
  • american (southern)
  • deep
  • all american accents
  • Any Accent
  • american
  • american (west coast)
  • american (new york)
  • central american
  • english (american)
  • female adult
  • any
  • american (midwest)
  • american (northeast)
  • general american
  • Helpful
  • kind
  • "I won’t let that monster hurt you…" *protective*

  • "How far is it to your house, Ruby? This train journey seems awfully long." *questioning*

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Elliot Minchen (ELL-ee-ut MIN-shen)
Role assigned to: StarBQSauce


Elliot is Skye's younger brother and originally the reason how Skye, Eden, and Ryan ended up in the other dimension. He was curious about the portal and got trapped inside it, so they went in after him.

Most of the time Elliot just complains, and gets rather annoyed when anyone blames the portal incident on him.

For Elliot I'm looking for a 7-year-old sounding annoying boy, I'm not bothered about the accent it just really needs to sound the same as Skye's, but Skye is also in these auditions.

Elliot is a side character.

Voice description:
  • general english
  • generic british
  • Annoying
  • loud
  • male child
  • all american accents
  • any
  • generic american
  • Any Accent
  • british
  • all english accents
  • english
  • canadian english
  • all accents
  • generic english
  • young
  • "Skyeeeee please stoppp blaming meeee!" *annoying*

  • "Yayyyyy!" *annoying*

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Lyndsia Sangey (LYND-zee-uh SAN-gee)
Role assigned to: Kiwi


Lyndsia is Raela and Mya's cousin, and Rhea's sister. She mainly wants the best for her cousins and is trying to help them, especially after a tragedy occurs in their family.

For Lyndsia I'm looking for a medium voice that is quite down to earth. She's 15 years old. I am not bothered about her accent that much but British fits the most because Raela and Mya are British, and so is Rhea's actor.

Lyndsia is a side character.

  • english
Voice description:
  • any
  • all english accents
  • british
  • british (cockney)
  • british (london)
  • british (northern)
  • female teen
  • Any Accent
  • british (estuary)
  • generic british
  • general british
  • Down to Earth
  • female young adult
  • Medium
  • "I don’t- That’s a lot of responsibility anyway." *a little scared*

  • "Mya, Raela, you look...upset. What on earth has happened?" *concerned*

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: Black Velvet

Narrator. What more can I say here?

  • english
Voice description:
  • any
  • male adult
  • narrator
  • androgynous
  • female adult
  • female young adult
  • male young adult
  • Any Accent
  • " Mya picks up about 20 bars of chocolate and throws them in the shopping basket. "

  • " Mavis pushed a piece of paper into Eve’s hand. "

  • " Emmie heads inside her house, surprised that the front door is unlocked. She walks in on her mum crying in the living room. "

Theme Tune Musician
Role assigned to: Aleks

The theme tune will be displayed all the way through the trailer, and will then appear in the intro at the beginning of episodes after that.

I'm looking for something that sounds lively and represents the series well. Please send whatever you want for your submission and if I end up casting you I will let you know the sort of thing I'm looking for :)

  • *Say something you think would fit*

Outro Musician
Role assigned to: SXG4RFR3E

The outro tune will be used in the credits at the end of each episode.

I'm looking for something that sounds lively and represents the series well, and sounds like the episode is coming to an end. Please send whatever you want for your submission and if I end up casting you I will let you know the sort of thing I'm looking for :) You are more likely to get accepted if your submission /sounds/ like an outro.

  • *Say something you think would fit*


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