Tales of Old- Animated student film

Project Overview
‘Tales of old’ is a 2D animated short film, created primarily in TV paint using hand drawn animation techniques.
Set in a rural Irish town, we are introduced to the protagonist, Emery, as she ventures to the local street shops. She is sneakily followed by a mysterious fae creature, eventually leading to her uncovering a fantastical story of her families history.
The Puca is a fae trickster from Irish folklore with the ability to shape shift. He lurks around with intrigue as he notices this young girl and makes the connection between her and an old man he used to know, who changed the landscape of the town and was long celebrated for his efforts.
In my film, I aim to reinterpret Irish folklore in a contemporary setting, exploring themes of superstition in modern Irish culture and how modern day people may react to seeing a fae creature in everyday environments, as well as elements of history, and how every person and every county have their own unique history to be upheld.
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A puca (pronounced poo-kah) is a celtic fae creature from Irish mythology, with the ability to shape shift.
You are playing a fast talking, Irish rabbit. He is malevolent in nature, and as a fae creature has existed for thousands of years. He is wise but also a mischievous trickster, his voice should balance these qualities. Think of someone who would tell you a good, very intriguing story.
Idealy, his voice would be slightly higher in pitch, and very chipper and non threatening despite his appearance.
The role is for animated student short film, which will be around 4-5 minutes in length, so this is ideally not a long role, but might be hard to fill because I want to find someone who fit's the role as best as possible. The accent is very important to me, I really want to make sure it sounds authentic as possible :)
Here is some voice inspiration;
Say, you don't seem like you know all that much about yer old fella..?
Would you like me to tell you the story of how we met?
The town was furious at me. They sent a rally of brave young men to confront me.
But I outsmarted them. I turned into a stallion, offered them a ride on my back.
When they were reckless enough to take a gander, I threw them off and pranced around with glee!
Sorry lass, did I give you a fright?
I just wanted to talk to ya, thats all!

This is a casting call for the role of Emery, a young girl in her late teens/early 20's who stumbles upon a mysterious rabbit on her way into town.
Emery is persistent, and not shy to try new things. She get's startled, but regains her composition quickly.
I don't have anything particular in mind for her voice, so as long as you can do an Irish accent that feels authentic, go for it! Feel free to do multiple takes if you need to as well, I'm looking for lots of different voice ideas. Thankyou!
Although she is on screen for most of the film, she doesn't have many speaking lines so she should be a quick role to voice.
Hey, come BACK HERE!!
It's that same rabbit...? What ... are you?
This is my great grandfathers gravesite??!? How'd you know???
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