Genshin Impact Fandub Round #1: Mondstadt Characters

Project Overview

Is it very important that you read through all of the rules and guidelines to understand what you may be signing up for! Please and thank you!

If you are looking for more roles to audition for, I have other open casting calls here and here. One of my assistants is also hosting their own casting call which may be found here

Who Are We?

Ceragon Dubs is a fandubbing group that is currently dubbing over Shall We Date? otome games by the company NTT Solmare. Some of these projects include Wizardess Heart, Lost Alice, and Blood In Roses. In the past, we had dubbed some Webtoon comics, however, due to Webtoon's Daily Pass introduction, they had to be cancelled. The current focus of the channel and production is bringing otome games to life by voice acting. Right now, in order to be able to monetize our videos we are trying to come with more original content such as fanfic readings, gaming videos, etc. I would like to wrap up some of the other dubs so that I can bring new dubs to the table!

**Please note: The production team and I have received permission to fandub these otomes from the corporation (NTT Solmare) itself.

DISCLAIMER: NONE OF THIS IS PAID! I wish I could pay you all, but I am a broke college student drowning in debt. I am not earning money from the channel, our Patreon, or even our ko-fi so unfortunately there will not be any payment. In the future, if this changes I DO hope to start paying everyone involved, but that's only if start earning money. NO PROMISES! Even then, I cannot promise the pay will be good as it depends on how much I am earning from Ko-Fi and Patreon-- plus there's over 100 VAs on the server. 

Video above is the route series the emergency recast protagonist is from. I would recommend looking into the route for a better idea of her character and her interactions with the chosen love interest, especially if you are casted.

Rules/Auditioning Guidelines:
1. Before auditioning you must keep in mind these are all LONG TERM projects. So please, audition at your own risk. Deadlines for lines will usually be about 3-4 weeks, but may be more or less depending on when the lines are needed. On rare cases, if the lines assigned are an emergency the deadline may be shorter(deadlines would be 1-2 weeks in this case).

2. Because this will be long term, you will need to be dedicated to your role. If you are going to audition, get casted, then leave once lines have been assigned/are due, please do not audition. Likewise, if you are going to ghost me (going MIA which is missing in action) then please do not audition. If you need to leave because of personal circumstances, I DO understand. I just ask that you contact me and do not leave me hanging! 

3. You will NEED a discord account. There are no exceptions. This is where our projects will be taking place, and how assignments will be given and received. Please understand that I will NOT be doing live direction/voice calls over discord due to personal circumstances and scheduling conflictions. If you specifically only want do to live readings, I'm sorry, but this is not the project for you.

4. All auditions submitted must be professional. (Examples, but are not limited to: outtatakes/messing up mid-line, people in the background, etc.) Auditions that do not meet this requirement will be dismissed. When you are doing your official lines, this will also be a requirement as well-- so in a way this is preparing you and letting you know what I expect ahead of time.

5. Submit 2-3 takes per line, each with different intonations in an AABBCC format(if you don't know what that means, then different line deliveries/emotions. "Takes" in the voice acting field means "repeating the line") If you do not do this, especially for a role that carries more responsibility and work, there is a high possibility we will not be considering you. If you need my reasoning for this: I need to know and trust that you'll read through instructions thoroughly(instructions will be sent in a long PDF file that explains how I'd like everything/letting you know specific information) when I assign lines to you. When lines are being sent out I require multiple takes, so this is also something you will be doing often. 

6. Please be easy and professional to work with. All members in my team, whether it be staff members, your fellow VAs, myself, etc. must be respected. If I ask for retakes or ask you to submit things a certain way because it was done incorrectly, there is no need to be disrespectful and rude. I do not want to have to argue with you. Like you, I would also like to be respected. It is nothing personal, however, I would like to avoid this.

7. It would be helpful for you to include your discord + tag in the comments or notes of your audition. This will help the staff and I are ton when you are joining the server because we will know who you are and what roles to give you. If for some reason I am unable to contact you via Casting Call Club, I will have your discord account ready to contact. Understand that if you are not responsive on Casting Call Club and do not have some way for me to contact you outside of Casting Call, you will be recasted. Please do not message me your discord as I will miss your message due to having over 300+ unread notifications (for a more detailed explanation check the "about Sparkly6262" section under this casting call.

8. Auditioning for any of these roles means you understand that you must be on top of your work. Strikes will be issued for missing or late work, and I have the right to remove you from the project if you have met all of your strikes. However, extensions may always be granted as long as you ask me. I will not say no unless it is an emergency. If you also go MIA (missing in action)/unresponsive I have the right to remove you from the cast. 

9. Due to the huge amount of characters that are in need of casting, you are allowed to audition for multiple characters. However, it goes without saying that it does not guarantee you'll be casted for any or all roles you audition for. 

10. You will need to be comfortable with swearing, or even saying insulting words such as but not limited to: "bastard, hell, damn, etc." I'm not sure if we will 100% have anything like this in our stories, but as a precaution, please do not audition if you are not okay with any of these. The children characters will not be saying stuff like this though.

11. I don't know about the other writers, but I know I will be writing a ton of angst. So being comfortable in your acting ability range would help a huge ton! 

12. Lastly, there is a mandatory interview for every VA. This series will be called "Meet the Cast." If you will not be comfortable with this, please do not audition. If you are curious to see what the series is about, the link will be here. The Meet the Cast will only be optional for behind the scenes crew, such as artists, editors, etc. if they are not comfortable to speak using their voice. But it will be mandatory for the voice cast.

Just as a heads-up to all auditions: if you selected to join the team, there is a high possibility I will be using your auditions as a "voice reveal" type of announcement on the channel. This series may be viewed here. The purpose of this series is to kind of "hype" up the project, you and your voice, and the character itself.


I usually only do callbacks when the casting call has officially ended, however, in this case I will try to do callbacks sooner. That way everyone has a good amount of time to turn in their callback audition. If you do not know what a callback is, it means that the casting team or I enjoyed your audition, but would like to hear something different from you. Example of this could be a change of pitch, different line delivery, etc. Callbacks are very important as it will help the casting team and I decide who to cast out of our top picks. Not submitting a callback after a certain amount of time tells us you are no longer interested in the role, and therefore we may go with someone else. 

Other Info:

- If you are sick, or getting a new set up, I would recommend you wait to send any and all auditions until you recover or until your new set up arrives. Otherwise, it may end up counting against you in the final selection. 

- Voice lines are either from the game(some are tweaked to slightly avoid spoilers), manga, or from one of my fanfics/made up. Please proceed with caution as some may be spoilers! 

- For most of the characters, I am looking to voice match in order to be as accurate to the game as possible. However, there will be some characters where I am open to interpretation/reccomend interpretation. For these ones, I will specifically list the voice types I'd like the character to have, or just say "open for interpretations." Even if your voice doesn't sound exactly like the examples given, that's ok! I will be taking both the voice and acting into consideration. Upvotes, your following, and comments will not be playing a part in the casting decision.

- Please do not audition if you are a strong advocate for a strong Genshin Impact ship/cannot respect someone's ship(especially the artist's ship). Many of you who are in the fandom know how toxic it can be, so if you cannot respect the work of an artist or writer we are dubbing the work of please do not audition.

- All characters are listed as minor/extra because it really depends on the amount of dialogue they have in the comics and fics we are dubbing over. some characters may be used often and some may not. it really just depends what the writing team and I have ideas for.

- Characters marked with a "⭑" mean they are more likely to be used by me for my fics, and therefore I am looking to cast sooner. Though the writing team may will be using other characters, in the end, I have to be the one supplying most of the fics so those marked with "⭑" are just characters I see myself using the most because of the ideas I have.

**All character info was taken from in-game profiles, voice lines, Genshin website, and the official Genshin Wiki. Though we are mostly doing audiobooks/fanfics, we are trying to keep to the character's original personalities and identities at the very least(unless there are AU's of course). I am trying to provide the bare minimum of information without containing spoilers for those who have not played the game or who aren't very far into it.

- This isn't a very important note, but more of a heads up: I will not be casting roles until the casting call officially ends. The only exceptions are for the Queen of Hearts and Sidd Rex's recasts, as well as the artists team. 

DISCLAIMER: NONE OF THIS IS PAID! I wish I could pay you all, but I am a broke college student drowning in debt. I am not earning money from the channel, our Patreon, or even our ko-fi so unfortunately there will not be any payment. In the future, if this changes I DO hope to start paying everyone involved, but that's only if start earning money. NO PROMISES! Even then, I cannot promise the pay will be good as it depends on how much I am earning from Ko-Fi and Patreon-- plus there's over 100 VAs on the server.

IF A CHARACTER YOU WOULD LIKE TO AUDITION FOR IS NOT HERE, THEY WILL BE IN ANOTHER CASTING CALL! I am going to do them in rounds per region. The next casting call I make will be for Liyue characters, next Inazuma, then Sumeru, and possibly the Fatui Harbingers + Abyss characters together as wellI don't know when I will make casting calls for these characters (probably after I cast all of Mondstad's characters OR get more writers/fics done for the other regions) so if you'd like to follow me to be notified when I do post casting calls for the other regions, feel free to do so. Please do not message me asking "can you message me or let me know when you post auditions for the other characters" because I will definitely forget to do this.

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Latest Updates

  • Casting Calls and more

    Hello everyone! Thank you all so much for your auditions and interest in my fandub project! Everyone has done a phenomenal job! I will be reaching out to many of you soon if I haven't already asking for callbacks either for the characters you auditioned for, or for characters in other projects you did not audition for. However, at the moment, I just wanted to give an update here as some of you have been reaching out to see the status of what's going on with castings:

    I will be reopening the following characters and they will be in other casting calls. If you have auditioned for them, rest assured, your original audition will still be considered! The team and I have just felt that we would like to hear more auditions, so we have decided to reopen them once more.


    Lumine, Venti, Jean, Diluc, Rosaria, possibly Oz, and lastly, Mona. If you see them on another casting call of mine, please DO NOT resubmit your audition! If you wish to change something about your audition then that is fine, but please do not copy and paste the exact same audition as it will cause confusion. As I have mentioned before, rest assured, ALL auditions will still be considered. There is no need to resubmit your original audition. If you do re-audition, please do not delete your original audition as it would really help to give more options!

    With that said, any other character not mentioned here will be casted/finalized soon if they haven't already been casted. It is just taking a lot longer than I had originally anticipated because of how amazing everyone did, making it very difficult to finalize talents!

    Lastly, to those that were interested in my future Genshin Impact casing calls, they have now been posted. Rounds 2 and 3 are now running, and can be found here: & here Deadlines for these two are still to be determined, but most likely will be around some time in February depending on how auditions go. As soon as I find out, I will update everyone via those casting calls. So if you're wanting to audition but are away from your set up, are waiting for a new mic, or are currently sick, I really would recommend that you wait you are back home, get your new mic, and recover. There should still be plenty of time to get your audition(s) in then before the casting calls come to an official close! :D

    If any one else is interested, I do have two more casting calls that will be ending soon: (Deadline: Jan 10) (Deadline: possibly jan 10 as well).

    Thank you all so much once again for your auditions, interest, and time. I wish you all a Happy New Years, and hope you all have a wonderful year! <3

  • New role added & Reminders

    Hello everyone! Thank you all SO MUCH for your interest and support in this fandub project! It truly means a lot and I'm so happy to see there's many interested in it <3 Everyone has done a wonderful job! It is going to be very hard when casting, so thank you all so much for such fantastic auditions! This is just a friendly reminder that all auditions are due December 1st. The casting call's listing on the front pages is NOT accurate. There was a lot of confusion about this. So please do not rush your submissions if you are currently sick, are waiting for a new mic to come in, etc. take your time! I do not plan on ending the casting call sooner than what is planned. The official deadline has been, and will still be December 1st! So if I have contacted you for a resubmission because your audition(s) cannot be played, please make sure to submit them either here or the email I've given to you before the deadline. If you do not, unfortunately there is not much the casting team and I can do if we cannot listen to and access your audio. If I have contacted you for a callback, the deadline is still the same for you, which is December 1st. Another thing for this update is that I have added a new (female) role! She is NOT from Genshin Impact, but is an emergency casting, therefore I have added her here to hopefully be able to cast her as soon as possible. If any of you are interested in auditioning for her, please consider submitting an audition! It would really help! Though the role is listed as a singer role, you may still audition if you are not comfortable with singing! Singing is a huge help if you are, but if you aren't then you will still be considered! If you are not comfortable with singing, just please put in your audition somewhere that you are not comfortable. Lastly, the casting call for Liyue characters is almost completed! I don't have an estimate of when it will be done, but so far I have about 3/20 of the needed characters done. When it is officially finished and posted, I will hopefully make another update here and post the link for those that are interested in the Liyue characters + Paimon. Most likely though, it will be posted once this casting call comes to an official close. It gets a bit difficult to have more than three casting calls running at once, so I apologize in advanced for the wait! Thank you all so much once again, and I wish you all the best of luck! I hope everyone has a wonderful rest of their day.
cast offsite


**Before auditioning, please understand that this protagonist is a main lead. You will need a lot of free time and dedication for this role. You must be able to showcase a range of emotions (cry, being angry, happy, etc). After you do the audition lines, you're free to include some of your own little takes to showcase your acting range if you wish, but it is not required. Once you are casted, lines will be sent immediately after you join the server. You will be picking up where we left off on Klaus' route, which will be Ch. 7. Please DO NOT audition if you cannot commit. Klaus' route is ongoing on the channel and in very high demand. There have been so many issues and hiatuses with it and we are at the halfway point of his route, so lines WILL be sent in quiet often. Probably once a month, or even once every 2 months(all depends how my college schedule goes). I would like the protagonist's voice to be consistent in his route so if you will not be able to commit to the deadlines, please do not audition. The protagonist has a huge workload since she basically does all of the narration. Once his route is done, you will be voicing one other route. After that you're pretty much done! 

There will be 5 VAs voicing the same character, and each VA gets a chance to voice act in two (2) of their own routes and be the main star of. HOWEVER, if one of your fellow VAs is unable to record, I may ask you to step in to help them out-- so in a way, it is a team effort where you may end up being an understudy for someone else as well. The workload and responsibility is very heavy, so once again, if you will not be able to commit, please do not audition! I do not intent to sound harsh or rude, but at the same time, the team and I would like to wrap up the dubs as soon as possible so this means we need to get more voice lines for the routes done ASAP. 

If you are NOT comfortable with singing, and choose to still audition, please say so. You dont have to be the best singer of all time, but you would have a higher chance of being selected if so. You just would have to be comfortable with singing a few bits and pieces(it doesn't need to sound like a professional is singing). The reason this is listed as a singer role is because she does a bit of spell-singing (casting spells with song) in some of the season 4 arcs. Because there are going to be 5 VAs total voicing the protagonist, there is a chance you will not be one of the ones chosen to voice a season 4 arc. I just prefer it if you were comfortable with singing in case you are chosen.

Age: 17-18
Occupation: Student

The protagonist is a kind-hearted, loyal, clumsy, and somewhat naïve girl. Her attitude is generally optimistic, and she tends to see the best in people, making her rather gullible and prone to being teased and pranked. She is also very innocent and easily embarrassed, though is very stubborn when she wishes to be--a trait shown particularly in Azusa's route.
While she is genuinely kind and brave, the protagonist also displays occasionally reckless tendencies. She tends not to think her actions completely through, and thus disregards the possibility of potential danger to herself.
The protagonist is canonically a rather terrible student, with a tendency towards carelessness and forgetfulness in her studies. She tends to be overwhelmed by emotion; for instance, she is so excited to receive the Acceptance Letter that she does not even read it through, thus missing out on various crucial details regarding the school and the provisional terms of her enrollment.
She often thinks of others before herself and in acts of selflessness, gets into trouble.

Voice: Mid-high or high pitched, sweet, innocent, optimistic, and possibly naive sounding. I'm looking to voice match one of her VAs (mostly example #1 as they did the most work and some of the fill-ins sounds similar) if possible. Example #1, Example #2. That way, when Chapter 7 releases there isn't such a noticeable difference in the voices!

  • (Narration) After searching for hours and hours, I finally found the girl's dormitory.

  • (Upset, down in the dumps/moping)I can't believe it.... I totally messed up on my first day here!!!

  • [Context: The protagonist gets nervous when Klaus gets closer to her. However, he is blunt or rude most of the time, so the protagonist is a bit upset with falling for him] (Frustrated) Ugh! Why did my heart have to flutter with him?!

General Writing Team
cast offsite

The team and I are looking to expand the channel's content, and do stuff that is more original so they we may one day be eligible to monetize our videos (our dubs cannot be monetized due to contract reasons), so the plan is post fanfic readings. 

However, in order to do fanfic readings, I will need some help so that is why I am trying to create a writing team. Please do not apply if you will not be okay with us POSSIBLY monetizing the video your fanfic will be featured in in the future. There will occasionally be times where viewers can submit their own fanfics for a reading, but other than that the fics we will post on the channel will be original ones the writing team and I have come up with.

Once I am able to start earning a decent amount of money from the channel's videos(this will only happen once we get enough watch hours since thats the only requirement that is missing), ko-fi, or patreon, I will try my best to pay anyone involved with our videos. IF ALL WORKS OUT, AND IF THE I AM ABLE TO EARN MONEY, I cannot guarantee that you will be paid huge sums of money for your work. It really just depends on how well our videos, patreon, and ko-fi do. I cannot make any promises if this will work or not, so there is a chance you may be doing unpaid work as well. Please understand that I am currently a full-time college student and I cannot afford to pay anyone at the moment, so that is why it is very important that you understand what you may be singing up for by proceeding.

Please attach any fanfics you have written, or story in general that you have written(please no research papers/essays). 

If you are casted to join the team, I'm not really strict on what you do. I'm usually all for creative freedom as long as it is within reason(goes without saying, no racism, assault of any kind, etc. As for NSFW? I'm not really sure about that, it really depends on the comfort level of the VAs of the characters involved. So I'd like to avoid that if possible) I would mostly like to do one-shot fics, but chapter fics are allowed. I'd mostly like to have fanfics focus on character x audience/reader/listener (since that type of thing seems REALLY popular. or I guess they're just called character x y/n? I have no idea.) but ships are okay as well(a bit meh on this because I don't want to have ship wars in the comments), or they can be completely platonic ships! Like I said before, I'm pretty much open to anything. Writing is something you should have full range on and have fun while doing it so I am not picky. The only requirement is you will have to come up with one fic per month. I will be holding myself to this standard. If you are doing a chapter fic, then one chapter per month fits this requirement.

I don't really care what kind of fandoms you write fics for either, HOWEVER, the team and I would like to mostly focus on Genshin Impact, The Arcana, and/or Wizardess Heart(so if you are part of any of the fandoms that's a huge bonus since you already know the characters, but if you are not, you might want to do some research on the characters). I am NOT opposed to the idea of doing fanfic readings for other fandoms though! I just want to have a main focus for fanfics on the channel, if that makes sense. I will also be looking to create a brainstorm team to help the writers out, so brainstormers can probably toss ideas here and there and if a writer likes that idea they can create a fic from it. 

Please be friendly or at the very least professional. Some writers may submit their work in the writers group chat for feedback or proofreads, so they may ask for constructive criticism/feedback. There is no need to diss a fellow writer's work or make fun or them.

  • Say something you think would fit

General Artist Team
cast offsite

Please read through everything to understand what you may be signing up for by applying!

Artists of all experiences, levels, and styles are all welcomed to apply! 

This is the general application for the production team. What that means is you will be helping to make thumbnails for the other projects-- mostly Wizardess Heart or for Genshin Impact. For Genshin Impact, instead of a black background, I will be asking the artists to either pick a scene from the fic (or I will choose it) and ask for that to be done. This will be used not only for the thumbnail, but throughout the audio reading as well. YOU MAY NEED TO DRAW YOUR OWN BACKGROUND IF IT IS FOR A GENSHIN IMPACT FANFIC THUMBNAIL! I will try my best to get in-game scenery so we don't have do to this, but just incase I am putting this here.

How will this work? Thumbnail work is on a voluntary basis. The team will also have to work together to get assignments done. Work will be split into three positions: sketching, lineart, and coloring/shading. You do NOT have to draw backgrounds unless you want to! Otherwise, in-game backgrounds will be provided. Aspect ratios for thumbnails must ALWAYS be 16:9 or 1280x720 pixels. You are also allowed to work on a thumbnail entirely on your own if you desire.

The sketch artist will always be the one deciding how the thumbnail will go. When I give out assignments, I will be giving ideas of what I would like for the thumbnail, but ultimately it is up to the sketch artist. They can go with their own idea, or pick one of mine.

There will be 3-4 assignments per month, but may expand depending on if the team grows. Each artist has 2 weeks to get their portion of the work done. If you are doing your own sketches, inking, and coloring, you will get a month to get everything done. So work will kind of be going at a fast pace.

When submitting your application, in the notes of your audition please let me know which of the following positions you are interested in: sketches, lineart/inking, coloring/shading, or all of the above. If you prefer to do your own work with no help, it would help for you to mention that as well please!

If you do an assignment one month, you will be exempt from doing another assignment the next time one is assigned. That way, everyone pitches in to help! If you end up taking an assignment and you aren't able to do it, just let me know (preferably way before it is due-- not the day the assignment is due, and not when the assignment is late). I can ask if someone else wants to cover for you. However, when the next assignment is assigned you will not be exempt from it, and will be asked if you can help.

  • Say something you think would fit

Video Editor
Video Editor
Fic Editors

I will need a bit of help because as much as I'd like to, I cannot handle all of the editing on my own. This role is only for those who would like to edit our audiobooks/fanfics/etc. whatever falls under that same category basically.

You will be provided with the fanfic you will be editing for, which will serve as your script/reference for where lines go. You will be responsible in looking for music and sound effects to be used for the video you are editing(unless the writer provides a specific soundtrack in the fic). However, they must be under the creative commons license which means anyone can use the music/sound effect you are looking at AS LONG as credit is given. If we need to purchase a license to use the sound effect/music then I'd like to refrain from that if possible. I don't know how that stuff works-- as in, I don't know if *I* will be needing to purchase the license as well if it is being posted onto my channel. For example, you have purchased a license to use a specific song, but because I did not ALSO buy a license to use the song, I do not think I will be able to post it onto the channel. 

  • Say something you think would fit

Video Editor
Video Editor
Comic Editors
Role assigned to: art PossiblyLegit

I will need a bit of help because as much as I'd like to, I cannot handle all of the editing on my own. 

Comic editors will be helping me edit comics from Genshin Impact, The Arcana, etc! It would be nice if you knew any animation so we could do stuff like this: /, but if not then that's fine! 

You will be responsible in looking for music and sound effects to be used for the video you are editing(unless I provide you with specific soundtracks/SFX to be used or add suggestions). However, they must be under the creative commons license which means anyone can use the music/sound effect you are looking at AS LONG as credit is given. If we need to purchase a license to use the sound effect/music then I'd like to refrain from that if possible. I don't know how that stuff works-- as in, I don't know if *I* will be needing to purchase the license as well if it is being posted onto my channel. 

  • Say something you think would fit

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: White-T-Poison

A traveler from another world who had their only kin taken away, forcing them to embark on a journey to find The Seven.

All of the playable characters see the traveler in a positive light. Their personality is kind of up to the player through the dialogue options we can choose. However even if we react in a negative way or say something rude, the characters won't really react and nothing in the story changes at all. 

The twins are both travelers from another world. When they were going to leave Teyvat and journey to the next world, they were stopped by some unknown god. The twins defended themselves against her as best as they could, but are quickly overpowered by her. The sibling that does not get chosen to be the character you play as ends up being taken away by the unknown god first and is later missing. Due to storyline and spoiler reasons I will refrain from saying much else. 

Voice: Would love to voice match Zach Aguilar

  • (Surprised, teasing) With your size, I can't believe that you can drink that much liquid...and not explode like an Anemo slime!

  • (Confused, questioning, trying to piece things together) Was that place actually the real world? But.. wouldn't a real place just randomly disappearing like that be catastrophic?

  • (Heartbroken & upset) And just like that, the God took away my sister. So while we used to travel from world to world, we are now trapped here.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
[Reopening] ⭑Lumine⭑

A traveler from another world who had their only kin taken away, forcing them to embark on a journey to find The Seven.

All of the playable characters see the traveler in a positive light. Their personality is kind of up to the player through the dialogue options we can choose. However even if we react in a negative way or say something rude, the characters won't really react and nothing in the story changes at all. 

The twins are both travelers from another world. When they were going to leave Teyvat and journey to the next world, they were stopped by some unknown god. The twins defended themselves against her as best as they could, but are quickly overpowered by her. The sibling that does not get chosen to be the character you play as ends up being taken away by the unknown god first and is later missing. Due to storyline and spoiler reasons I will refrain from saying much else.

Voice: Would love to voice match Sarah Miller-Crews

  • (Heartbroken & upset) And just like that, the God took away my brother. So while we used to travel from world to world, we are now trapped here.

  • (Confused, questioning, trying to piece things together) Was that place actually the real world? But.. wouldn't a real place just randomly disappearing like that be catastrophic?

  • (Full of anger and hatred-- bloodthirsty) I will not let this man roam the world any longer. I WILL put him down, even if I risk my life doing it!

[Reopning] Venti

One of the many bards of Mondstadt, who freely wanders the city's streets and alleys.

Venti is an unknown bard that came to Mondstad out of nowhere. He sometimes sings outdated songs, and will hum new ones that have never been heard of. Venti loves apples, wine, and lively atmospheres, but hates cheese and anything that feels slimy. It is said that Venti knows each and every song, from the past, present, and future. 

Venti has a somewhat recalcitrant, carefree, and playful attitude as well as a liking to rhyming in his speech. He sees a particular worth in music to the point where he names his lyre saying, “every being deserves a name to be called upon, and woven into a song.” He is also bold– not fearing to insult or ignore those who are supposedly powerful. He is also very well liked by the people of Mondstadt due to his musical talent.

Despite his normally playful personality as Venti the bard, he speaks wisely whenever he assumes his true identity: Barbados, the Anemo Archon and the God of Mondstadt. Venti does not mind revealing his identity and using his power when it matters most. 

Voice: Would love to voice match Erika Harlacher

I do not think the writers and I will be having him sing for anything, but just incase, I am just leaving this as a singer role. Please do not audition if you are not comfortable with the possibility of singing (or even humming) something.

  • (Confused, concerned & worried) What do you mean?? What happened to this city?

  • (Cheerful, happy) Morning! What's in store for today?

  • (Curious at first, but when he discovers its the food he hates he becomes disgusted) What's that tasty morsel you've got there.... Eew!! A melted cheese pancake?! A smelly, sticky, disgusting mess!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
[Reopening] Jean Gunnhildr

As the Acting Grand Master of the Knights, Jean has always been devoted to her duties and maintaining peace in Mondstadt. She had taken precautions long before the onset of Stormterror's assault, and she will guard Mondstadt with her life as always.

As the Acting Grand Master for the Knights of Favonius, Jean takes all of her responsibilities and duties seriously– regardless of how minor they are. Because of this, Jean often exhausts herself trying to help everyone solve their problems which often concerns her fellow Knights.

Jean’s work ethic makes her well-liked by her fellow knights as well as Mondstadt’s citizens. So much so, she is kind of notorious for it from other organizations. If at all possible, Jean will try her best to use peaceful methods to solve problems, but if it really comes down to it and she has no other choice, she will not hesitate to use force. 

Voice: Would love to voice match Stephanie Southerland or SAITO Chiwa

  • (Worried) They're late. Maybe I should go look for them? It's not like them to be gone for so long..

  • (Longing, a little sad because she missed her favorite food) It's been ages since I had pizza from the Cat's Tail. If only they delivered... 

  • I am Jean, the Dandelion Knight, requesting approval to join your party. From this day onwards, my honor and loyalty lie with you.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: Azia

Always energetic and full of life, Amber's the best — albeit only — Outrider of the Knights of Favonius.

A perky, straightforward girl, who is also the only Outrider of the Knights of Favonius. Her amazing mastery of the glider has made her a three-time winner of the Gliding Championship in Mondstadt. As a rising star within the Knights of Favonius, Amber is always ready for any challenging tasks. 

Amber is described as a “model for justice” and has a very outgoing and friendly personality. She fulfills her duties as an Outrider diligently despite being the only one left in the platoon. She usually abides by the rules except when it comes to using her windglider– as she has had her gliding license revoked numerous times. 

Voice: Would love to voice match Kelly Baskin or IWAMI Manaka (mostly prefer Kelly Baskin though. Also open to a mix of both but is not required).

  • Morning! Wanna go on a jog?

  • (Disappointed, complaining, upset) Oh no it's raining.... now my uniform will get all wet..!

  • (Confident/proud) Mondstad's Gliding Champion, yep, that's me! Gliding Champion!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Lisa Minci
Role assigned to: Margret

The languid but knowledgeable Librarian of the Knights of Favonius, deemed by Sumeru Akademiya to be their most distinguished graduate in the past two centuries.

She is an intellectual witch who can never get enough naps. As the Librarian of the Knights of Favonius, Lisa is smart in that she always knows exactly what to do with whatever troubles her. As much as she loves her sleep, she still manages to keep everything under control in a calm, composed manner.

Lisa is a proficient witch who enjoys everything related to the elements along with any items that would aid her in understanding them. Though there are times Lisa is bored with her position of Librarian, she still takes the job seriously– so much so, she will personally go out and collect books that are long overdue. 

Depending on the severity of what has angered her, the surrounding air near her becomes electrified as a result of her Electro Vision. She can either be irritated or become extremely scary, the latter causing her to dispense “appropriate” punishment.

Lisa is also very flirtatious towards the payable character since she is rather fond of them. She also has a bit of a haphazard and carefree personality that comes from earning her Vision.

Voice: Would love to voice match Mara Junot

  • I'm not lazy, I just know when to save my energy for when I need it most.

  • (Bothered, ranting, maybe a tad annoyed) The interrogation room upstairs has sat there unused for two years now... It would be a much more lively place if Hertha would agree to let me use it as my private workshop... *sigh* She's such a spoilsport.

  • (Getting annoyed, leaving no room for negotiation) The Librarian. Although, I believe that should be quite clear already. Return the book. This is an ultimatum. 

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
⭑Kaeya Alberich⭑
Role assigned to: SilkySmoothVA

An accomplished swordsman and a strategic thinker in the Knights of Favonius, rumored to hail from beyond Mondstadt.

In the Knights of Favonius, Kaeya is the most trusted aide for the Acting Grand Master Jean. You can always count on him to solve any intractable problems. Everyone in Mondstadt loves Kaeya, but no one knows what secrets this witty, charming knight has...

Kaeya is an outwardly confident and charming individual who has a flair for drama. He is usually seen as overly laid-back and lazy, but he does take his work seriously. Kaeya’s charisma and determination have earned him the respect, favor, and admiration of many of the people in Mondstadt.

Kaeya also enjoys putting others into high-stress situations and challenging their values– which he will do to you regardless of whether or not you are friend or foe. He takes pleasure in seeing the hesitation in his comrades’ eyes and takes pleasure in the look of fear in his enemy's eyes. Kaeya will get whatever he wants, regardless of the methods he uses to do so.

Voice: Would love to voice match Josey Montana McCoy

  • *Sigh* Half of my beautiful day is gone. I really hate this job.

  • (Amused, possibly sneaky) No more questions. That was all I needed to know.

  • (Disapproving, kinda disgusted) I can't believe that some people actually drink grape juice... if they had a little more patience, they would find it ferments into the most exquisite wine. Hmph. So unromantic.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
⭑Diluc Ragnvindr⭑

The tycoon of a winery empire in Mondstadt, unmatched in every possible way.

As the wealthiest gentleman in Mondstadt, the ever-dapper Diluc always presents himself as the epitome of perfection. But behind the courteous visage burns a zealous soul that has sworn to protect Mondstadt at all costs, allowing him to mercilessly vanquish all who threaten his city.

Despite coming off as bitter and grumpy, there are times where Diluc can be gentle and tender through his speech. Dilic does not like alcohol by any means; he hates the taste and that it clodus his mind when he is trying to focus on working. He prefers non-alcoholic drinks such as grape juice. Diluc isn’t materialistic either, as he is entirely okay with parting with possession he no longer needs.

Voice: Would love to voice match Sean Chiplock

  • You want to know what's in my glass? It's.. grape juice. My drink of choice.

  • (Praising, acknowledging, and complimenting at first, but once you reach the irritated sigh he needs to sound annoyed and/or bitter/disgusted). Ah, yes... I've heard about her. She has her own convictions. Her determination to liberate herself from the shackles of her clan is praiseworthy. *Irritated sigh* but, she's... joined the Knights of Favonius.

  • [Context: Diluc hears about another bartender like himself who hates alcohol](Surprised) Huh... I never thought I'd come across another bartender like myself in Mondstadt.

Barbra Pegg
Role assigned to: Azia

The Deaconess of the Favonius Church and a shining starlet adored by all. Although the concept of a starlet is rather novel in a city of bards, the people of Mondstadt love Barbara nonetheless. "I owe everything to the city's spirit of freedom" — Barbara, regarding her popularity. Every citizen of Mondstadt adores Barbara. 

Barbra is hardworking, bright, charismatic, and optimistic. There are times where she can also be clumsy. Barbra once desired fame and recognition, but after she achieved that, it changed into the desire to help others in times of need.

Barbra feels a great amount of inferiority to her big sister Jean. She does not believe that anything she has done comes close to anything the Acting GrandMaster has done. As a result, she strives to one day surpass Jean’s dreads if only once. 

Voice: High to mid-high, cheerful, possibly soft or cute as she is technically an idol. I’m up for it being open to interpretation as well. But if you want to voice match either her English or Japanese VAs (or even seek inspiration from) they are listed here. 

I do not think the writers and I will be having her sing for anything, but just incase, I am leaving this as a singer role. Please do not audition if you are not comfortable with the possibility of singing (or even humming) something. 

Voice description:
  • female teen
  • My dream is to bring a smile to the faces of all the people in my life! As long as I can help you on you journey, I'm happy~

  • (Worried) My father left on the expedition with Grand Master Varka... I hope they're okay..

  • (Tired, falling asleep) *Yawn* All this standing around is making me sleepy..

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: Aki

An explosives expert and a regular at the Knights of Favonius's confinement room. Also known as Fleeing Sunlight.

Klee is an energetic and outgoing girl who takes after her mother Alice. She has a talent for creating explosives and because of this, she is not fazed by the sound of explosions. She adores anything that can blow up like her bombs.

Despite loving bombs, Klee is still your typical and energetic child who loves to play with her friends. She can be naive and confused about a lot of things since she is still a child. However, Klee usually likes to play with her bombs and go “fish blasting”-- which is just tossing bombs into lakes full of fish. She often always gets in trouble and is caught by Jean, who often puts her into solitary confinement to self-reflect. 

Voice: Cheerful, bubbly, and friendly or excited. Has to sound young as she IS a child, possibly also in the high to medium range. Open for other interpretations as well. Here are her English and Japanese voice references if they are needed(though I would prefer not to voice match for her!)

  • (Happy, bubbly and excited) Hi traveler!! Wanna go fish blasting with me?

  • (Sad) *Sigh* You're a good person, but I'm a bad girl. Once I'm out of solitary confinement and am done reflecting on my actions, we can go play together again, okay?

  • Dear Anemo God, please make Klee's bombs blow in the right direction and only blow up the bad guys. The end.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: TannerMetro

A righteous and good-natured adventurer from Mondstadt who's unfortunately extremely unlucky.

One of the few young adventurers of the Mondstadt Adventurers' Guild, he is always plagued with inexplicable bad luck. He is the only active member of his own adventure group, known as "Benny's Adventure Team," after all the other members decided to "take leave" following a series of unfortunate incidents. As a result, the team is currently on the verge of being dissolved. Being unable to break the poor boy's heart, Katheryne of the Adventurers' Guild has kept "Benny's Adventure Team" on the books, whilst also hiding from him the fact that all the other members have long since officially left the team.

Bennett has had a bunch of hardships in his life thanks to his extraordinary bad luck, but despite that, he continues to be a strong and hardworking member for the Adventurers’ Guild. Bennett is optimistic, well-behaved, and is full of passion for adventuring. 

Voice: Would love to voice match OSAKA Ryota but am also up for voice matching Cristina Vee Valenzula

  • (Energetic, excited, happy) Benny's adventure team assemble!!!  (Sad, dispirited/disheartened) *Sigh*... or not...

  • (Determined, confident, a bit hopeful)I like all kinds of things, but most of all, I like adventures! One day I'm gonna find the most valuable treasure in the whole worlds and then my dads can have a better life...and the Mondstatd Adventures' Guild will be back in business!

  • I brought a sandwich! You want some? I'll give you hal-- *starts choking and spluttering* ...Phew. Sorry, nearly choked to death there!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: Cinnamon VA

A boy who lives among the wolves in Wolvendom of Mondstadt, away from human civilization. As agile as lightning.

Some say he is an orphan raised by wolves. Others say he is a wolf spirit in human form. He is most at home in the wild, fighting with claws and thunder. To this day the wolf boy can be found prowling the forest, where he and his wolf pack hunt to survive using nothing more than their animal instincts.

Razor is generally a good-natured person who considers his wolf pack his family, and will become enraged if they are hurt by others. Razor loves his wolf family, but dislikes that he isn’t fully like them since he was an infant taken in by the leader of his pack: Andrius. Razor barely sees or meets any humans as they do not travel in Wolvendom, but when they do, he considers the few humans he encounters as his friends and will protect them from danger. 

Razor is a quick thinker, as well as honest and forthright due to his limited exposure to human life. He isn’t used to speaking and only speaks in short phrases and words. 

Voice: Looking for something similar to, or would love to voice match UCHIYAMA Koki. Open for interpretation as well. Some suggestions I can give are more soft spoken, possibly a bit monotone and/or distant sounding. He hasn't had much contact with other humans so he kind of is still learning emotions and whatnot.

  • I keep watch. You leave, you call me.

  • (Determined) Vision helps Razor... fight with lightning tooth! Protect lupical! 

  • Lupical means wolf home-- no Lupical means wolf family. My lupical lives in the woods. They say I am their lupical.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
[Reopening] Rosaria

A sister of the church, though you wouldn't know it if it weren't for her attire. Known for her sharp, cold words and manner, she often works alone.

An unusual woman with sharp, piercing words and a cold manner. Her movements are unpredictable. She often leaves without notifying anyone. She acts with some kind of purpose, but others don't seem to know exactly what she stands for…

Rosaria is an intimidating woman who dislikes topics that bore her, as well as having to work overtime. She is very keen, and is well aware that Diluc, Kaeya, Venti, and Albedo are more than what they appear to be. 

Despite being a sister of the church, Rosaria is the least devout. She always skips any church activities when possible, and is the first one to leave if she is forced to attend something. She does recite prayers, but she cannot even remember Barbatos’ name due to her lack of devotion and frequently gets his name wrong or mispronounces it. 

In secret, she acts as a purveyor of justice for the Church, and investigates any and all potential threats to Mondstad– eliminating them if necessary. Rosaria is skilled in killing since she was taught by her former “family”-- which is a group of bandits who had taken her in. 

Voice: Would love to voice match Elizabeth Maxwell

  • (Calm at first, but then confused as she tries to remember the name of the Anemo Archon) Blessings from the Anemo Archon Basibato? Wait... no, it's Bartabas...?

  • What's weird about a sister without reverence for the gods? There are hunters who don't eat pork, and fishermen who don't eat fish, aren't there? Just because you do something doesn't mean you love to do it. That's how every job goes.

  • You mean I'm supposed to dip this hash brown in jam? (Disgusted) Ugh, this is sacrilege!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: Soulia Sora

A maid who faithfully serves the Knights of Favonius. She dreams of joining their ranks someday.

Like most of Mondstadt's young people, Noelle always dreamed of being a knight of Favonius when she grew up. She may not have what it takes to be a knight just yet, but she is learning. Working as a maid at the Knights' headquarters, she is constantly taking notes on what constitutes knightly speech, knightly conduct, and knightly customs. She holds firm to her belief that one day she will join their ranks — she just needs to keep trying her hardest at everything she does.

Noelle is a polite, generous, young woman and professional maid who helps those in need without hesitation. She has a high standard for work ethic and will always strive to ensure that everyone’s needs are satisfied. She will do everything she can to go above and beyond everyone’s expectations of her. There isn’t any amount of work that would be a problem for her– some even believe that the more work Noelle is given, the happier she is.

However, despite being so helpful there are times Noelle can be stubborn. She believes that she is still very inexperienced and will be useless in any type of argument as she will simply do what she believes is best, regardless of the other person’s advice. 

Voice: Polite, kind, mid-high to mid-deep range. Open for other interpretations as well, or possible voice matches for her Chinese or Korean voices could work.

  • (Confident, reassuring) Leave it all to me! All of it, whatever it is! (A bit confused) ....What... exactly is "it"? I didn't quite catch your request...

  • This tastes wonderful! (A bit shy) Uh, would you mind teasing me how to make this? After all, its s my duty as a maid...

  • Everyone has free time in the evening, and that is when I am busiest. Where have Amber's washed hairbands been placed? How many new eyepatches did Kaeya buy? Keeping track of all these things is a maid's responsibility. 

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Amy/Princess Fischl von Luftschloss Narfidort
Role assigned to: Angela Jett

**Auditioner Note: Fischl will be saying a LOT of German names. I will provide guides as best as I can if you do not play the game and already know how to say them. But I am just letting you know ahead of time there may be some words you will have difficulty with in in the future.

A mysterious girl who calls herself "Prinzessin der Verurteilung" and travels with a night raven named Oz.

A mysterious girl who calls herself "Prinzessin der Verurteilung" and travels with a night raven named Oz. Currently serves as an investigator in the Adventurers' Guild. Through her unique abilities, eccentric character, and (while she would never admit it herself) hard work, Fischl has become a rising star among the Adventurers' Guild's investigators, earning the recognition of all.

Due to her upbringing as a child, Fischl is obsessed with fantasy stories and roleplays as a benevolent princess named Fischl. She speaks in an overly formal manner, which greatly confuses anyone who interacts with her. Oz ends up translating her speech if anyone is confused. 

Fischl is used to speaking this way and pretending to be someone she is not, that whenever she breaks character she ends up confusing everyone just as much as when she is in character. Even if her ideas sound crazy, Oz is quick to ask others not to underestimate her insulation since her instincts are very keen.

Outside of roleplaying, she is a kind and well-behaved girl. She gets along with her parents despite spending much time with them or disagreeing with them regarding her decisions. However, her parents respect her enough that they comply with whatever she requests. She tends not to think about her past, as she truly sees herself as Fischl and not her true identity, who she considers to be a completely different person.

You will be doing two voices for this character. Her main voice for her persona Fischl, and her real voice for her real identity Amy. 

Voice: Would love to voice match Brittany Cox (then here is an example of when she breaks character and becomes Amy. Though I'd like it to be a bit more shy)

  • Huh, you and I are both travelers from another world. That our paths have crossed here is no accident but the will of fate.

  • [Context: Fischl is talking about a food she does not like here-- which is a roasted fowl. Her familiar is literally a bird so naturally she would not want to eat fowl] (Sad) Ah, that the poor mortal coil, mutilated by bondage unnatural... Deprived of the humble coif in which it was born to gaze in awe at the majesty of its monarch... Surely it is a glimpse of my home world's hell, in the flesh. (Trying to remember the name, mostly talking to herself) Hmm.. the name of the dish escapes me..

  • (A bit gossipy) Indeed! One night, I heard her invoking the name of the Archon thus in another's presence: *Clears her throat* "May you be struck down in the name of Lord Bartabos!" One presumed that she was leading a prayer.

    [As Amy] (Flustered & embarrassed, stuttering) Wha-!! Oz!!! D-Don't say something so embarrassing! 

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
[Reopening] Ozvaldo "Oz" Hrafnavins

**Auditioner Note: Oz will be saying a LOT of German names. I will provide guides as best as I can if you do not play the game and already know how to say them. But I am just letting you know ahead of time there may be some words you will have difficulty with in in the future.

Oz acts as Fischl’s translator and rewords her sentences to make them understandable to everyone else. He also apologizes on her behalf whenever she says something that could offend someone. There are times where Oz will say things that make Fischl flustered or protest against. For the most part, he keeps up the roleplaying but when in private there are times where he drops the roleplaying.

Voice: Would love to voice match Ben Pronsky

  • (A bit weirded out, concerned and/or confused) "Ozzie"? What's gotten into you?

  • (Trying to put it nicely at first, but once he says the "you are stupid" line it should be blunt) What she means to say is.... you are stupid.

  • She does not care a great deal for this dish. My apologies.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: VickyonVenus

An alchemist filled with curiosity about all things. She researches bio-alchemy.

An alchemist with an insatiable curiosity towards the world and everything in it. Attached to the Knights of Favonius as an assistant to Albedo, her area of focus is "bio-alchemy." She strives to enrich the world by transforming living things with the power of alchemy. Granted, the products of her research sometimes prove to be more weird than wonderful — but on the whole, she has made monumental contributions to the field of bio-alchemy.

Sucrose is a recluse who loves experimenting and spends most of her time researching bio-alchemy. She likes to discover the secrets of her life, so her research often yields numerous results. She spends so much time on her research she ends up getting bored rather quickly when she takes a break. As a recluse, she has trouble talking with others and frequently worries about unintentionally offending them. 

Voice: Would love to voice match Valeria Rodrguez

  • My vision is my most important research tool. Hmm? Why, without it I'd be unable to proceed with most of my elemental research. Combat? Oh, I suppose I use it for that too when I'm out in the field looking for materials.

  • (Shy but then slowly building confidence to ask her question) I'm curious to know about your background. I was wondering... could I perhaps... observe you for a while? I'll be silent, and I won't interfere with what you're doing. (Shyly asking again, maybe a bit worried)Would.. would that be okay?

  • (Panicked) Waaaaa! [The "Waaaa! is more like a shriek] No, say back! Don't come over here! (Reassuring) No, no, it's nothing personal-- it's just that this experiment is highly volatile and might cause an explosion.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
[Reopening] Mona Megistus

A mysterious young astrologer who proclaims herself to be "Astrologist Mona Megistus," and who possesses abilities to match the title. Erudite, but prideful.

Though she is often strapped for cash and lives a life of thrift, she is resolved to never use astrology for profit... It is this very resolution that has caused her to constantly fret about money.

Mona is an astrologist who takes her passion seriously. She is pretty much a genius in this subject. With her astrology, Mona can tell whether or not a person is lying, and can sense their intentions with just a single glance. She is powerful enough of seeing someone’s fate and is able to accurately deduce a person’s traits just from knowing what their constellation is. 

Mona is a bit prideful with her astrology, so much so that any mora she gets is immediately spent on astrology-related materials regardless of their cost. Because of her reckless spending, she tends to run out of mora and doesn't have enough for her daily needs. There are times where she will not have a place to stay or even food to eat for days on end. 

Voice: Would love to voice match Felecia Angelle

  • One need not scry to know today's weather will be good.

  • (Curious, maybe a bit suspicious. If you've ever had a situation of "what's the catch?" that's what I mean) Just to be clear... you're sure I don't have to pay... for any of this?

  • (Mostly muttering and talking to herself) The equipment repair bill is due, and so is the final payment for that celestial globe I ordered... Also, I still need to renew my journal subscriptions, not to mention pay the rent... Hmm, which one to prioritize? ....Ah, I'll pay off the celestial globe first. If I leave it any longer, they'll sell out and then i'll never get my hands on one....

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: SmolBean

The incredibly popular bartender of the Cat's Tail tavern, rising star of Mondstadt's wine industry, and the greatest challenger to its traditional powerhouses.

A feisty feline young lady from Springvale, any drink mixed by Diona's hand tastes delicious beyond belief. Yet given her extreme distaste for alcohol, is her talent a blessing or a curse? A young lady who has inherited trace amounts of non-human blood. 

Diona is pretty much a classic tsundere in addition to being very naive. Diona adored her father and at one point idolized him in her younger days, however, after witnessing his change in personality when he was drunk shattered the pedestal she put him on. This started her vendetta against alcohol, and Diona now despises anyone who indulges in alcohol(excluding Lisa and Eula). 

Diona’s plan of destroying the alcohol industry is by becoming a bartender and serving terrible drinks so that alcohol’s reputation goes down. Unfortunately for her, she was unknowingly blessed with a magic that makes all of her drinks delicious regardless of the ingredients used. 

Voice: Would be nice to go with something similar to Dina Sherman. Other interpretations are welcomed as well, just as long as they have a bit of sass to them and sound young enough for a pre-teen.

  • (Worried, maybe a bit inviting at first. But then she acts like she didnt say anything) Without cat vision, will you be okay walking home in the dark? If you need me to escort you...What? Th-There's lights? Pff, well who said anything about escorting you? Go on now

  • (Flustered and embarrassed, trying so hard to be in the denial. Kind of like a tsundere) I--I wasn't waiting for you! I just happened to be resting!

  • (Annoyed and disgusted) How is it that even a captain is a disgusting boozehound! You know, that guy who's got that laugh!! He downs drink after drink. Ugh!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: White-T-Poison FPontanelesVO

A genius known as the Kreideprinz, he is the Chief Alchemist and Captain of the Investigation Team of the Knights of Favonius.

Albedo — an alchemist based in Mondstadt, in the service of the Knights of Favonius. "Genius," "Kreideprinz," or "Captain of the Investigation Team"... Such titles and honors are of no consequence to him when there is so much more research to conduct. The pursuit of fortune and connections cannot hold a candle to his heart's desire — acquiring the limitless, obscure knowledge left behind by previous generations of scholars.

Albedo is a reclusive person and dislikes most social interactions because he finds them stressful. Because of this, he rarely travels to Mondstad unless it is to meet up with someone, and mostly stays at his base in Dragonspine. He likes being around children (especially Klee, whom he views as a younger sister).

Albedo researches things that pique his interest, but once the feeling is gone–either by uncovering its truth or otherwise– he loses all interests and is left with a bittersweet sensation in his mind. Other than being an alchemical genius, Albedo is also a gifted artist. He is pretty much secretive about his personal life and doesn’t really open up to anyone. He considers himself dangerous because of his true nature (being an artificial human).

Voice: Would love to voice match Khoi Dao

  • (Pondering, talking to himself) The truth of this world... *Sigh* What could it be?

  • Relationships are... quite troublesome. Once you establish a relation with someone, you must continue to maintain it; if you lose contact, you must reestablish the relation. This taxing cycle requires a lot of time...

  • The soil is moist, ideal for collecting the roots of Bloom Blossoms. (Insisting) No, please allow me to handle this.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Eula Lawrence
Role assigned to: Angela Jett

A rebellious descendant of the old aristocracy who is always out on the battlefield.

As one born into the old aristocracy, carrying the bloodline of sinners, Eula needed a unique approach to the world to navigate the towering walls of prejudice peacefully. Of course, this did not prevent her from severing ties with her clan. As the outstanding Spindrift Knight, she hunts down Mondstadt's enemies in the wild to exact her unique "vengeance." The reason for which a descendant of the ancient nobles might join the Knights remains a great mystery in Mondstadt to this very day.

Eula dislikes those who view her as similar to the rest of her clan. She is one of the few Lawrence Clan nobles who realize that their actions against the people of Mondstadt were unjustified. Because of this, she has a strained relationship with her family who denounced her as a traitor for leaving the clan. 

While Eula tends to act like a noble on the outside, she is a kind-hearted person on the inside. Her acquaintances consider her a reliable ally and friend who has a unique sense of humor as they have grown to understand that her controversial statements are just part of her personality. Whenever someone points out something she does not want to admit, she raises her chin or puts her hand on her hips.

Voice: Would love to voice match Suzie Yeung

  • (Formal and professional greeting at first) Captain Eula Lawrence, Spindrift Knight, Knights of Favonius Reconnaissance Company. I extend to you my greetings. Huh? What's that...? (Confirming, trying to seem like she is evil too) Yes, Lawrence, the evil aristocrats of historical infamy. Oh, we're still very much evil. Just look at me, I'm infiltrating the inner ranks of the Knights of Favonius, all as a part of a diabolical plan to eat our revenge and reclaim our former glory!

  • Aristocratic etiquette is all just for show... Just smile and nod along! I was forced to learn all of the rules by heart, but even I don't take them that seriously.

  • Sometimes, when it's busy in the tavern, they ask me to share a table with other customers. (Starting to rant and maybe getting a bit annoyed) But once they find out that I'm a Lawrence, suddenly everyone gets indignant and provocative, and starts trying to bait me out in some way. I just want to have drink, is that too much to ask?!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
EMERGENCY: Sidd Rex Understudy
cast offsite

This character is NOT FROM GENSHIN IMPACT! I am posting this role here because it is an emergency and I desperately need to recast this role as production has been put on pause.

**At the moment, I am unsure if this is going to be a complete re-cast role, or just the understudy. To protect the privacy of the current VA, I will not explain the situation in detail but right now we are both unsure of how things will go from here on out. However, for now I will be listing the role as "understudy." If this changes, then you MAY end up being the main VA and officially our Sidd Rex VA. Either way, this is a emergency cast and I would like to wrap up the dub before the end of this year. Right now the dub IS on hiatus and I am not posting anything for it, as the cast and I are trying to finish as many voice lines as we possibly can. uploads for the Luke Estheim and Kyle Knock route dubs will not be posted until next year in January, so that episodes may air without failure or delays. 

Role: The March Hare

Likes: Traveling

Dislikes: Ambiguousness

Sidd Rex(also known as the bearer of time), is very close with Luke Estheim(the hatter) due to the fact that Sidd is always attending his tea parties. The two are so close, they can argue(whether it is physically with magic, or verbally with words) but never let it put a strain on their relationship. He is pretty chill, friendly, and easy to get along with. He kind of does his own thing in Wonderland, but at the same time, has good relationships with all of its residents. At one point in one of the routes, Sidd even goes as far as trying to encourage the heroine to use magic, to which Luke disagrees with. Sidd has no problem and just defends the protagonist saying there is no harm in her learning magic.

Sidd was given the role of The March Hare by the Spinner of Tales--the creator of Wonderland-- and this, his duties are to have tea parties with the Hatter and entertain Alice. His role is very lenient compared to the roles of the other characters, as it is not compulsory for him to attend EVERY tea party held by Luke. He also has another duty, which is acting as the Bearer of Time and deliver time to Chronus at the Giant Clock, which is located in the Kingdom of Time.

Voice: High to mid-high, slightly suave, but definitely has to be friendly. Example of our current voice

  • (Lost and confused-- not following the conversation) Huh? Of course you're Alice. What are you talking about?

  • (Teasing, amused) You know you kind of look like a cat, Alice. Your eyes are wide, and you seem very strong-willed.

  • You know i'll do anything to make you smile.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: JaydeeM

This character is NOT FROM GENSHIN IMPACT! I am posting this role here because it is an emergency and I desperately need to recast this role as production has been put on pause.

The Queen is Hearts isn't what you would normally expect of the Queen of Wonderland. Queen of Hearts is kind, caring, gentle, and cares about the well-being of her people, which includes the soldiers who serve under her and the comfort of "Alice." The Queen is someone you can tell anything to, and she won't judge you nor treat you differently because of it. 

The Queen prefers to call "Alice" her real name, which is "Amelie" because she understands being taken to another world and being mistaken for someone else. 


The Queen of Hearts is actually a regular human girl from the real world. She was taken into a place called Wonderland too, and took on the role of Alice. This is kind of an easter egg to NTT Solmare's other otome "Guilty Alice" because the Queen is the protagonist in that tale. However, in Lost Alice, she is chosen to take on the role of the Queen rather than Alice.

Before the two were taken to Wonderland, Amelie and the Queen were best friends and grew up together in the real world. Due to the rules of Wonderland, the Queen Of Hearts cannot reveal who she really is, as Amelie's memory of her was wiped clean.  This is also why she wears a veil to conceal her true identity. Every time Amelie remembers something she isnt supposed to, she gets painful headache and thought the Queen wants her best friend to remember her, she doesn't want her to go through so much pain. She basically looks out for her best friend on the sidelines, while trying her best to keep the rules of Wonderland in mind. She tries not to interfere, and when she does, she intervenes when it matters most. She trusts her best friend to change Wonderland in a way that the subjects will be happy with no fear of their creator: The Spinner Of Tales.

Voice: Young, warm, mid-high to high ranged, friendly, possibly smooth and/or elegant. We are looking for a voice similar to previous Voice Actress. Example

  • (Questioning, Worried, Interested)So, Amelie. Have you had any trouble since arriving in Wonderland? 

    [VA Note: Amelie is pronounced aa-muh-lee. I would advise looking it up if this is confusing!]

  • (Comforting, Hint of sadness) I understand your pain, Amelie...... I too, was once "Alice....."However, it was in a different world.

  • (Commanding, Slightly Scolding) Silence! Can't you see that Amelie and I are conversing right now?

    (Slightly serious, also worried) Luke is going to be trailed and put to death for revealing sensitive information.


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