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{CURRENTLY AT MAX WORK CAPACITY} A YouTube animator looking for help with personal projects and more! please private message me for info on hiring my services, and for additional contact information
I am a Artist, Animator, and Writer
Welcome to my page! My name is Zane Monroe (He/Him) a 24 year old artist and animator looking for help on upcoming and planned original and fan works. 
As of current, art and animation is my full time job. Due to this, any projects I create will be volunteer work since I do not have personal funding to support an entire team. I deeply apologize and hope this changes in the future, it is my goal to reach enough followers that I can kickstart future projects and make even better and bolder works.I appreciate any help I receive and those who reach out to me for any current projects.Thanks for stopping by!
Six months after Paulina returned from her internship, an unknown threat had reached its climax! Celebration has become a nightmare, making happiness short-lived and the friendship that was once treasured reaching its potential downfall.
I am a Voice Actor, Writer, Director, Producer, and Live Actor
HELLO!Allow me to introduce myself…I am your friendly neighborhood, NS! Currently, I am in production with a special Thea Stilton project called, “YOU TALK TO ME NO MORE”. I also have a passion for writing and voice-acting!To conclude this short message, I cannot wait to share more of my works with you! Until then, see ya soon!!!
A voice actor who acts voices. Who woulda thunk?
I am a Voice Actor, Video Editor, and Writer
Hi everyone. My name is Muammar Krabbafi but you can call me Krabby. I like to voice act and have been doing so for a few years now. I can video edit to a slight degree and do many other digital media related thingies but voice acting is my bread and butter. At any time feel free to ask for help and I will be on the way
Search all 8083 writer british profiles