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I am a Voice Actor and Producer
Joshua Story is a former US Marine, Professional Voice Actor, and Audiobook narrator based out of Los Angeles. He's worked in Film and Television for over a decade. Primarily known for his characterizations and accents, he's used those skills to voice everything from Video Games and Animation to Commercials and Industrials.

Ages:Teen, Young Adult, Middle Age
Languages:English (North American)
Dialects:Australian, British (Cockney, Estuary, London, RP, Scouse), Irish, New Zealand (Standard, Maori), Russian, Scottish (Standard), US (Standard), US New York (New Jersey, Bronx, Brooklyn), US South (Deep South, Dixie, Delta)
Genre(s):Anime, Audiobooks, Business, Cartoons, Educational, Internet, Podcasting, Radio, Television, Video Games
Speaks: english
Skills and Interests: discord phone patch / skype
Whoops! I accidentally deleted my previous headline when I misunderstood what box I was filling out. I love voice acting, but I also really love directing. I seem to be not so good at the job of "producer", though.
I am a Voice Actor, Singer, and Music Composer
I have some experience in voice acting. I've been in a few videos by other people (like The Beard, known for his Team Fortress 2 comic dubs), but in addition to voice acting, I've found that I really enjoy directing. I'm trying to get more experience with directing, and I think this project will be a great way to do that. My other interests include playing piano, arranging music*, and playing video games (mostly PC and Nintendo systems).I recently completed this comic dub that I'm very proud of: I even wrote the melody for the song! And I performed as Flam, too.In April 2022, I completed this project: "The Nemesis" is an adaptation of a fan fiction starring Starlight Glimmer, Trixie, and Twilight Sparkle. It was a lot of fun to coordinate the voice actresses and artists on this one.*Check out my Mu...
Speaks: english
I am a Voice Actor, Singer, Music Composer, and Writer

My name is Mitchell Drake and I am an aspiring Voice Actor. Ever since I was a kid I always loved hearing the wacky voices done in some of my favorite cartoons to the outstanding performances given in anime and video games. My wish is to provide those same experiences to people of all ages with the talents that I have!

Discord: R3DLeader1#4025
Speaks: english
I am a Voice Actor
I'm a librarian by day, and a voice actor by night. I offer a fairly deep and distinctive transatlantic voice for a variety of audio projects.
I am a Voice Actor, Singer, and Writer
Hey there :) 21-year-old college student pursuing a BA/MA in English Literature and hoping to get some voice work done on the side! I'm a big nerd for connecting with a character and getting in their head, and I'm always grateful for any opportunity to do that! I am a queer voice actor and would be comfortable playing roles of many different gender and sexual expressions.
Hootin' / Hollerin'
I am a Voice Actor, Singer, and Live Actor
Hi, All! You can call me ALLEVEIATE (she/her)!
I'll give each recording 110% effort and can’t wait to work with you.

- Two decades of Conservatory Acting and Singing Experience(Mezzo-Soprano/Alto)
- Standard American Accent
- Voice Range: approx. 18-40 years old 
- Voice Description: “soothing, motherly," and "Shonen teen-esque," naturally sitting in a mid to low female range. Check out my CREDITS BELOW for more samples!

- CST Timezone- Most easily reached via Discord (alleveiate#8581)
- Online and available for recording/auditions on short notice

I hope I can alleviate your artistic process and team up with you for some killer content! 
British English Voice Actor :)
I am a Voice Actor
Hi, I'm SJ :)I'm a 21 year old voice actor from the UK - having done voice over since I was 12, and professionally since I was 15, I'm a safe pair of hands!

You can trust me to effectively bring characters from a script to life! I enjoy character acting a lot and find myself very privileged to be able to devote my voice over work to the development and execution of voicing characters!
Speaks: english
Skills and Interests: adr character acting looping
I am a Voice Actor, Artist, Audio Engineer, Writer, Director, and Producer
Canary P.I. is my first project which i write, edit, and direct.  I've always had a passion for audio and movies, so i took the plunge to create an audio drama that combines my interests.  Which include horror of all eras, and black and white movies of days past.
Speaks: english
A Swedish guy with a passion for voice acting
I am a Voice Actor and Live Actor
Oscar is a thirty-year-old up-and-coming voice actor from Sweden. For more than three years he's been in the business of amateur voice acting and during that time he has played a plethora of roles both big and small.Currently, he is providing the voices of Sunspot and Mr. Sinister in X-Men The Audio Drama, as well as playing the voice of Thor in Avengers The Audio Drama.
Setup: audacity
Skills and Interests: audacity singing (amateur)
Nick Owens
Hi I'm Nick, a voice actor from Melbourne. I do funny voice memes and am looking to get into more serious projects.
I am a Voice Actor
I record all my memes and auditions with a Blue Snowball Mic, but am able to utilise more professional equipment when actually recording if the project requires it.
Speaks: english
I am a Voice Actor
I am 18 years old.I am Icelandic.Little experience,
Accents: scandinavian
Skills and Interests: crazy insane
Norwegian beginner voice actor
I am a Voice Actor
My name is William, i am from Norway (scandinavia) and i am a beginner voice actor looking to improve my voice acting skills. i am always open to any tips and feedback to improve!
microphone: Beacn micdiscord - kio0001 (open dms)
Creator of cult-horror animated series "Petals"
I am a Voice Actor, Artist, and Animator
Hello! I'm a 21 year old, Californian-based artist/story writer! I've been working on a cult-horror animated series under the name "Petals."
Following my dream as a voice actor. Check out my linktree!
I am a Voice Actor, Singer, and Live Actor
Hey, you found me.I'm Edward J Jorgenson, a dynamic Voice actor living in the middle of the United States. I have a passion for story, both for telling and experiencing them.I have done a bit of work as an audiobook narrator, so I am accustomed to long booth sessions, but I really want to expand into animation and video games. My hobbies include but are not limited to building cosplays for myself and friends, playing the games my cosplays are typically from, and singing.I will happily exchange discord information to serious parties.Don't hesitate to drop me a line. I'd love to check out, and maybe be a part of your next project.
Check it out, I met some fellow Snakes at Popcon Indy!
Speaks: english
Skills and Interests: cad work character acting reaper
A starting VO/VA/Whatevermajammies
I am a Voice Actor
Why boy howdy! I'm Forest. I write poems every now and then and I especially enjoy storytelling/narration. But if you take a look at my submissions, any variety goes. (memes included) Thanks for stopping by!I am active on CCC as well, so I'm reachable on both here and discord.Discord: peter3916Manager's discord: orvynetMessage whichever you like, low bar.I am fine with suggestive, but not out right explicit content. We can talk about it if you're hesitant.
currently dabloinking 
I am a Voice Actor, Singer, Artist, Animator, and Writer
hi! name's beau (he/him)! i have too many hobbies </3. mainly using this website for voice acting auditions!
Speaks: english
Setup: iPhone 13
Skills and Interests: powerful being
Voice actor and singer from Sweden, has done acting and VO work in swedish and english for shortfilms, commercials, radio and animation projects for Dreamworks and more. See and hear more on my Instagram: yasminegzaiel or my agency website Nordic Talents. Let's collab!
I am a Voice Actor, Singer, and Live Actor
Setup: audacity