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From Indie Games and Serial Audiodramas to AAA, animation and broadcasting, Jonathan is a trained UK Voice Talent with seven years experience in the industry. Rich, resonant, tempered with gravitas, adaptable and (almost) unmistakably British RP sounding, Jonathan's voice can tell a thousand stories
I am a Voice Actor
My name is Jonathan, a trained British Voice Actor with nearly eight years coaching and six years professional experience in Voiceover ranging from Corporate Clients such as Broen Labs and Xplor to AAA and Indie Game Developers like Playside Studios and Inti Creates. I also have training and experience in both Live Action and Animation ADR. Clients have described my voice as rich, resonant, deep, tempered with gravitas, very genre adaptable and (almost) unmistakably British sounding! I say almost as, strangely enough, my native accent has somehow been confused for Scottish, London, Welsh and one time even Spanish. Your guess is as good as mine.
RP/Southern British English, providing a clear, confident, resonating, reassuring and authoritative voice.
Home Studio Ready. Source Connect Standard Certified.
Credits:Videogames/InteractiveSMITE - Cosmic Executioner Thanatos - Hi-Rez...
Speaks: english
I am a Voice Actor, Singer, Animator, Audio Engineer, Writer, and Director
Hello! Thanks for stumbling upon my account let me tell you a little bit about myselfMy Names "Ajacks" I'm just a guy who likes to have fun by... Hanging out and chilling with my friends and family members, Watch Anime, Read Manga & Play some video games. Some of the thing I really Enjoy are MANGASOne PieceFullmetal AlchemistFire-ForceSoul-EaterPokemon AdventuresMy Hero AcademiaFairy TailANIMEOne PieceFullmetal Alchemist BrotherhoodTengen Toppa Gurren LagannBeybladeDigimon Adventure 99 & 02Digimon TamersShin ChanYu-Gi-OhDragon BallDragon Ball ZDragon Ball SuperPrecureSailor MoonDetective ConanPokemonVIDEO GAMESSonic The HedgehogMario BrosMario And LuigiPaper MarioMegaman Battle NetworkMario Kart
Preferred names are Neon, or Ground, She/Her, Advanced project director
I am a Voice Actor, Singer, Artist, Animator, Video Editor, Music Composer, Audio Engineer, Writer, and Director
-+- Hello! I'm Neon or GroundEevee! I'm a project director for animated projects and other things! -+-What I do for work - I'm an elementary student, so I may be young, sometimes I voice act for fun! Please contact my Pixabay profile if you need help with music work, or send me an email!About my projects - I'm a project director for Nightwolves, Tee K.O.: The third tournment, and Midnight Memories, an upcoming project/musicalYou may heard my voice in the following projectsSamantha - The Playster Buddies by Smiley Face ProductionsShine - Eeveelution Adventure by PrismEeveeEevee - Halloween with the Eeveelutions by KuromiEeveeThe Projects I DirectNightwolves - A fantasy adventure filmTee K.O.: The Third Tournament - Action film based on the party gameMidnight Memories - 3D animated mystery filmFYI: Unfortunately, I'm not auditioning for NSFW projects, I'm not comfortable with swearing.....
I am a Voice Actor, Singer, Artist, Animator, Video Editor, Writer, Director, and Live Actor
Hey I'm from the channel Scottish gacha ready to audition and make
Speaks: english
Skills and Interests: newfoundlander
I am a Voice Actor and Live Actor
Speaks: afrikaans
Accents: jordie
Skills and Interests: cork irish