Project Overview


NEX-O-NAUTS is an upcoming webcomic being crafted by myself and a fellow artist, Based on a Dystopia-meets-fantasy world in which a group of rebels are going around the city of nexum, "The Haven of refugees", to uncover the truths it is hiding from the public.

As we are approaching the end of scripting 20 episodes, we are setting up a small teaser for it as an animation! In which we need 5 voices to aid us in bringing the characters to life in this minute long teaser.


A: Discord is best overall, though we also have an email you can shoot into! (thesenioralfy@

A: We are checking the submissions as soon as we can. We're keeping them open until the first of February in which we will make our final decisions.

A: Per character, it's a flat rate of 20 USD. This is a relatively shorter project, as it is a teaser.

Paypal is our go-to! Though other payment methods can be arranged personally if necessary.


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Latest Updates


    Hey you guys! It's already been a month, crazily enough, and we've already hit our deadline. Thank you so much to all who auditioned for the project, We were so charmed to hear all of you guys' submissions. all of our characters have been cast, except for Johan. We are keeping him open until the 4th due to a situation in communication.

    There are many of you we'd love to keep in contact with in the chance we make more teasers! It would be a pleasure to bring more people over when we introduce the wider world of the Nex-o-nauts in a coming future. Thanks again!

    - Marco


    Hey y'all, it's Marco again. We are approaching the deadline in just four days! It's been a wonderful month for us, and we are still so blown away to have gotten this amount of support from y'all. As of today, Our Trix and our Avior have been chosen and paid for their efforts, but we are still deciding on the rest! We're doing our best to get back to y'all asap. We are also still checking submissions as they come in.

    take care you guys!


    Hello everyone! This is Marco here, back with another update. Thank you all so much for all your submissions and support of the project overall. As we approach our deadline, we are starting to see certain character's auditions begin to die down. Because of this, we've been able to listen intently to all the submissions we've gathered so far. We've gotten a good understanding of everyone's potential.

    As the next two weeks go on, we've decided to gradually start making final decisions. Some roles may be taken by the end of today, or the week overall.

    Do not feel discouraged to send in submissions while the roles are open, we are still checking them as they come in! Thank you so much for your time!


    Hey, Y'all! This is Marco typing away.

    We've been seeing your auditions come in, and we are beyond surprised to wake up to this many skilled individuals hitting us up with submissions.

    As of yesterday, we've began on the shortlist process. This does not mean we're not looking out for newer submissions, however; We're keeping our eyes peeled until the day before our official deadline.

    We've also added a smaller role on the script of the teaser! Please stay tuned for whenever that role is added, as we might take on an extra one-liner for the task.

    Have a good one!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Paid: Flat Rate 20 USD
Role assigned to: harold ingram đź–¤

Avior Of Carina is the protagonist of the Nex-O-Nauts, and he is the leader of a group of rebels against the great city of "Nexum." He suspects Nexum of having had something to do with the beast that invaded his home, and it is his belief that they are sheltering the beast to use as a Bioweapon. 

Though he never would have thought he'd have to learn how to be a leader along the way, as he thought this would be a solo mission... unfortunately, in Nexum, connections are everything. 

Avior can be perceived as a distant man, not exactly mean, but indifferent. In truth, he's just got a lot under his belt. His mission to uncover Nexum's truths often takes up a lot of his time. You'll find that if you catch him at the right time, whenever he's not under his usual load of pressure, he can be quite sweet. Maybe in better circumstances, he would always be that kind of person. 

Relatively, he's 24. His voice is a bit raspy, but it isn't exactly low. Think of Kaz Brekker from shadow and bone. 

Overall for this role, we are looking for a Black VA, as is the character. It would be a disservice to not do so, as this gives us an opportunity to help out POC VA'S. We ask that you've got a decent recording setup, in which noise other than your voice is cancelled out. Hit us with what you got!

  • english
Voice description:
  • animation
  • animation/character
  • male adult
  • "I’m giving this a shot. I’m not asking for your input."

  • "I understand. I do plan on compensating for your work...But that won’t be possible for the next two months."

  • "there’s no “we”, anymore, Lanzo. I cant afford another failure." [SIDE NOTE: This sounds like a breakup, funnily enough. In reality it's just Avior arguing with a teammate.]

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Paid: Flat Rate 20 USD
Role assigned to: MorganVA

Ozgud Lanzo is Avior's henchman in the Nex-O-Nauts, and out of everyone in the Nexonauts, he's arguably been suffering the longest while living in Nexum. Ozgud is a former soldier of the city, now a runaway fugitive, as the Nex-o-nauts will soon learn from him that there is so such thing as "retiring" in the Nexumian forces. 

All of the loss Ozgud has had to undergo in the city has left him very resentful, therefore more than willing to help Avior in his mission to overthrow the city. 

Ozgud is a polar opposite to Avior. Avior likes to look formal, and likes to appear as collected as possible even when he's got a foot in the grave. Ozgud doesn't care, he's wild and chaotic. 

He's also one hell of a chatterbox, though most might argue that a lot of it is small talk, and he likes to keep his cards close to his chest.

He's 23. The best I could possibly describe what he sounds like? A mixture of Luis Serra from RE4 and Max from the sam and max telltale games. It's an in-between. If neither of those ring any bells, then he's got the kind of voice that can be both flirtatious at best and obnoxious at its worst. 

Overall for this role, it would be ideal to get a hispanic VA, as is the character. We ask that you've got a decent recording setup, in which noise other than your voice is cancelled out. Hit us with what you got!

  • english
Voice description:
  • male adult
  • hispanic american
  • hispanic
  • animation/character
  • animation
  • "You? Accepted help? HA! I don’t suppose this helper left you a business card, ey?"

  • "Most of these guys are scammers, It’s easier to trick a new guy than the average resident, so yknow..."

  • "I’m doing you a favor. Hell I’ve spent the entire week doing favors for a total stranger, mind you– So would you cut the crap?!"

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Paid: Flat Rate 20 USD
Role assigned to: Vyn Vox

Aleda of Hornslock is a reluctant member of the Nex-O-Nauts. She is a politician from another country, stranded in nexum as a fugitive after the events of a gala gone wrong. She's got no hope in going home anymore, so why even try? That is until the Nexonauts come into her life, and practically drag her into the team, as she is quite knowledgable in the routes of the city. 

She's in her mid 30's, and she is as close to a bitter alcoholic aunt as she gets. She's got a deep voice, and a very sarcastic tone. She wallows in her own self pity. 

Hit us with what you got!

  • english
Voice description:
  • female adult
  • animation
  • animation/character
  • "You tell everything like it’s complicated, Lanzo, give me a break."

  • “Here it iss… Blah blah blah..It’s always favors with you!!”

  • "What the hell, I've worked for less... But I'm counting every penny you owe me, starting now."

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Paid: Flat Rate 20 USD
Role assigned to: atscherningVA

Beatrix is the most normal out of the entire crew, to be frank. The only thing she's fighting against is her student debt as a computer science major! Which is apparently bad enough that she thought getting a gig against the government was a sick idea. She's the Nexonaut's hacker.

She's 22. She's a bit wild, very outgoing, and a little too dramatic. Her voice should be very reminiscent to a British star butterfly. 

Hit us with what you got!

  • english
Voice description:
  • british
  • animation
  • animation/character
  • female adult
  • "hehe, you hear that, Trix? You're a beautiful, gorgeous genius!!" [she's talking to herself]

  • "See.. I would love, and I mean, LOVE, to help, but a girl's gotta make her buck so..."

  • "what is wrong with you people..."

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Paid: Flat Rate 20 USD
Role assigned to: Dem

Johan is the Nex-O-naut's means of transport. Apparently the only one with a Driver's license too...

He did not intend to get himself into this rebel group, but now that he is, he might as well get paid well for it. Johan is a very reserved man, and most of the time, he sits back in his car while the others do their thing. He's just a chill guy who was dragged into one hell of a mess.

Johan is in his 20's. We are still pretty uncertain with how we'd like Johan to sound like, so feel free to do what you feel would suit him best. We are looking for an Asian VA, as so is the character. We ask that you've got a decent setup in which other noise outside of your voice is blocked out.

Hit us with what you got!

Voice description:
  • animation
  • animation/character
  • male adult
  • "Hey, where to?"

  • "...Is that what you had in the back?"


Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Paid: Flat Rate 5 USD
Role assigned to: Bryan Boston

We're also looking for a va who can give us a singular particular line, as there's a videotape that is included in the teaser. No specified gender, you're free to give it a shot regardless! 

The broadcaster is basically a trained spokesperson whose videotapes are used to soothe refugees incoming into the city of nexum. Generally, we are asking for someone who sounds neutral and composed. The broadcaster's role is to advertise Nexum as the right place to be for people fleeing their nations. 

Hit us with what you got! 

  • "The haven is set on ensuring your safety, and prioritizes your communities. Boarding with us ensures you a better future."


Public Submissions

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