Heaven For Everyone (A Full Feature-Length Resident Evil Parody) [REDUX]

Project Overview

The conclusion to the massively popular(?) Redfield Lineage Chronicles finally arrives!?

And its a full feature-length parody!?


Please note that this a continuation of the previous Heaven For Everyone casting call, which can be found here: Heaven For Everyone (A Full Feature-Length Resident Evil Parody)

If you have already submitted an audition to the previous casting call, there is no need to do so again. I will be using auditions from both this and the previous casting call to cast.

However, you are free to submit another audition if you want. Might even be beneficial to you, as the more of your voice I can hear, the better. Try out a new voice, put on a different cadence, have at it!


Heaven For Everyone is the climatic cinematic finale to the Redfield Lineage Chronicles, a parody series based upon the Resident Evil "Redfield Lineage" or "Redfield Bloodline" meme.

The essence of the Redfield Lineage meme is simple: Chris Redfield accosts one highly disgruntled Leon S. Kennedy to try and get him to sleep with his sister, Claire Redfield. For one reason or another, Leon rejects him (and by proxy, Claire.) This in turn anger Chris, and he goes on one hell of an adventure to get Leon to knock boots with Claire.

The Redfield Lineage Chronicles is my take on the meme, with a somewhat more "seriously unserious" feel to it. When Chris comes knocking, Leon rejects him, but mainly because he and Claire have a bit of a complicated history. Chris, however, is unaware of this and drags Jill Valentine and Rebecca Chambers with him as he goes after Leon. Ada Wong is thrown into the mix too, lurking in the shadows with a "special attachment" to Leon. Take all this, and throw in a couple jokes, obscure allusions, melodrama, and a whole lot of Queen puns and other various musical references, and you get the very essence of the Redfield Lineage Chronicles.

Heaven For Everyone wraps up the Redfield Lineage Chronicles with gusto. Covering multiple games and movies in the Resident Evil series, HFE is a full, feature-length parody. Straddling the lines between parody, pastiche, and terrible fanfiction, HFE is destined to break new ground by combining several different genres and slamming them all together into one incoherent, yet enjoyable mess that is both delicious and nutritious to the mind, body, and soul. ...Or something like that.

I've pulled out all the stops and I'm not stopping until it's over. I've always wanted to do a big, bombastic movie-type project, and with HFE I finally am! I'm dancin', I'm a star!


If you are cast, I'll send you a private message with my email and Discord name, and then we'll go from there.

Cast VA's will have a month from receiving their script to complete it. If anybody ever needs an extension, I'll be more than happy to hear them out and give them one. The aim here is quality, not last-minute efforts. I'll be grinding away at HFE until it is perfect, so if time is an issue, rest assured, I can wait and work something out with you.

Final "to-mix" lines must be submitted in .WAV. This is a non-negotiable. Compressed formats such as .mp3 will not be accepted for HFE proper. Please be aware of this. If you are unable to render your lines in .WAV, then I suggest you get busy finding a way to do so, or get bet busy walking into the sunset.

Auditions may be done with compressed formats, however. That's A-OK with me!

As for microphone quality, as long as it doesn't sound too bad, it should be fine. I'm Pro Tools certified, and know a few tricks, so I'll try to work with whatever you give me! However, if your mic sounds like a cat stuck in a tin can in the middle of a windstorm with the cat, tin can, and windstorm all on fire, then maybe save yourself the trouble and reconsider. 

Also, there will be some swearing and innuendos present in the script. If any of that offends you, then get lost.

And another thing about the script, cast VA's will not be receiving the entire script for Heaven For Everyone. Instead, they will be receiving smaller scripts containing their scenes and their scenes only. Full context will be given, of course, but the actual, complete script will not be given.

The reason for this is two-fold. HFE's script is massive, over 150 pages. I wrote and will be starring in the damn thing and even I'm intimidated by it's length. The second reason is that there a multitude of twists and turns in it, and I'd like to keep spoilers to a minimum.

Ergo, if you are a fan of the Redfield Lineage Chronicles and are worried about being spoiled by the very script of the movie you look forward to seeing, don't be worried. You'll only be getting your part and a bit before and after, but the whole story of HFE won't be spoiled for you.

And finally, a very important note about auditions. I don't care about how many kudos or upvotes an audition gets. All that matters to me is that the voice fits and the acting is good. That's all that matters.

It would also help if you try a line at least more than once with different kinds of reads. That'll give me more of your voice to evaluate.


Since this is a big movie-length project, I'll be offering payment for the voice work. Payment amount is determined by the length of the character's appearance and amount of lines in Heaven For Everyone.

Payment will be given through PayPal at the completion of a character's lines.


And finally, as for my experience, I've done the Redfield Lineage Chronicles (of course) which is up to 10 videos at this point, soon to become 11 with HFE!

I've also done a series of Psycho-Pass Parody Dubs based upon the Akane and Kougami ship from the Japanese Anime Psycho-Pass. Things get a bit spicy with those two, that's for sure.

And lastly, I've done a long Snake x Samus Comic Dub called Blue Rose Intrinsic, working together with comics' original artist FYS to bring life to some Snake x Samus goodness.


I look forward to hearing your audition!

If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to leave one in the comment box or send me a private message!

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Latest Updates

  • Major and Minor Casting Complete on HFE!

    Casting for the Major and Minor roles for HFE is finally complete! Thank you to everyone who auditioned! The casting process wasn't easy, I tell you that much. There were a lot of good auditions! I wavered between 2-3, sometimes even more voices for a role. But in the end, after a lot of comparing and contrasting, I was finally able to make my decisions. Again, thank you to everyone who auditioned, and if you weren't picked this time around, hopefully your next audition will net you a seat at the poker table called uhh... acting(?) Keep Easy, Detective "MCDO" Masterclass
  • Casting Process Has Begun!

    Thank you to everybody who auditioned for Heaven For Everyone! (Both the original casting call and the redux casting call!) I have now begun the casting process, and am currently going through all the auditions. Now of course, there's close to 200 auditions between both the original and redux casting calls, so it might take me a bit. Or maybe a bit more than a bit. I want to thank you all for auditioning for my project, and I wish you all luck in not only this casting process, but in all future casting calls you audition for! As explained in the about section of the casting call, if you're casted I'll be sending you a private message with my email and discord, and then we'll go from there. You'll also be notified by CCC itself if you get casted, so that's cool too I guess. If anybody has any questions, comments, or job offers, please feel free to send me a private message through CCC. Thank you, Detective "MCDO" Masterclass
  • Last Call For Auditions!

    Thank you to everyone who has auditioned! Since I'll be starting the casting process after the conclusion of this Casting Call, I've moved the deadline over by four days, to Friday, August 12th. This is the last call, so if you wanna re-submit an audition or direct a friend to this casting call, this is the last time to do it! Again, thank you to everyone who auditioned, and I wish you all luck in both the casting process for Heaven For Everyone, and in your voice acting careers! Detective Masterclass
Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Rebecca Chambers
Paid: Flat Rate 40 USD
Role assigned to: MaddieShallan

Former S.T.A.R.S. medic turned researcher, Rebecca heads the BSAA’s… well, research division. Out of all the characters involved in this whole shindig, Rebecca is probably the sanest of the lot. Probably.

In actuality, Rebecca secretly spends most of her downtime writing copious amounts of erotic fanfiction of Cloud and Tifa from Final Fantasy 7. She’s also very fed up with this whole “Redfield Lineage” business, but that’s to be expected. She’s the closest thing to “normal” in this world full of eccentric people. Honestly, at the end of the day, Rebecca just wants to go home, grab a cup of tea, boot up her PC and write some seriously “high-action” erotic fanfiction between Cloud and Tifa. That’s all she really wants to do. …Not that she’d tell anybody, of course.

In her younger days, she was full of life and energy. But now, as a grown-ass adult in a crazy-ass world, Rebecca is much more world-weary. She just wants to finish the job and head home. But of course, it’s never that easy, especially with how crazy all her friends are.

Think of her as the lone straight man in a crowd full of fools. That describes HFE’s Rebecca to a tee.

Voice Type: Serious, Solemn, Deadpan

NOTE: In the latter half of Resident Evil: Vendetta (and consequently Heaven For Everyone) Rebecca gets captured by Arias and is injected with a virus. This virus constricts her breathing and weakens her immensely, so expect a good portion of her lines to be breathless words and efforts.

  • (Serious, Fed-Up) Leon… Chris has poured a lot of resources into finding you. He’s mobilized all 8 branches of the BSAA, spent half of their yearly budget over the course of two weeks, and hell, he’s even roped me into this! Would you at least listen to what we have to say first... please?

  • (Angry, Exasperated) Do you know what I could be doing right now? Do you have any idea? I could be working on a cure for all the new viruses out there. I could be analyzing all the petabytes and petabytes of research data we get everyday. I could be writing erotic fanfiction of Cloud and Tifa passionately getting it on with each other while Aerith and Zack watch from the lifestream! But can I do any of that? No! I have to sit here and play babysitter to dumb and dumber!

  • (Struggling, Weak) [STRAINED, PAINED BREATHS] …It’s no good Chris….. I… I can’t-... you.. you have to... kill... me.....

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Glenn Arias
Role assigned to: RianBCK

The smug antagonist of Resident Evil Vendetta, and consequently, the second half of Heaven For Everyone.

Arias always has an air of being superior to those around him. He thinks his plans and machinations will always put him on top, and hides his true snake-like nature under pseudo-gentlemanly-like conduct and speech. He's slicker than a used-car salesman and as slippery as a riverboat card shark.

In his early years, he was a CIA agent who was sent to infiltrate a black market bio-weapon ring. He easily did so, though the money and the dealer's daughter made him play both sides of the table. The CIA didn't take to kindly to this, and bombed his wedding to terminate his contract... and his existence. He somehow survived, and entered a process of mourning over his beloved wife, swearing vengeance upon the world for its insolence.

A few more years down the line he happens to catch a glimpse of one Rebecca Chambers, and notes that she looks very similar to his deceased wife. The one rusted hamster wheel in Arias's brain starts to turn as he formulates a way to both pay back the world and get back his wife.

Voice Type: Suave, Smug, Pompous, Real "I Want to Punch This Guy In The Face For Acting So High And Mighty" Type.

NOTE: During the later half of Resident Evil: Vendetta (and Heaven For Everyone), he is mutated into a huge B.O.W. like weapon. His VA's voice will be digitally pitched down to match his new monstrous from.

  • (Suave) I want the same thing that all men want. Money, power, the world. Oh, and most importantly, love. The first two I’ve already accomplished. The third and fourth are now within my grasp.

  • (Monologuing) My beautiful wife, I’ll never forget her. I think her name was Sarah. We met during one of my jobs for the CIA. I was a lowly undercover agent, and she was the daughter of my mark, a black market dealer in bioweapons. It was love at first sight. After I killed her father, I realized that if I took over her father’s business, I could stay with her and we could live happily ever after until the end of our days. So I did.

  • (Happily, Increasingly Delusional) Actually, here’s a better idea. If you don’t want to marry me, then I’ll just replace your arm with Sarah’s! Yes… Yes! And then, with the use of psycho-therapy… I’ll just make you… into Sarah! Yes… It’s the PREFECT PLAN! Sarah will live on, THROUGH THIS ARM!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Sheva Alomar
cast offsite


Sheva is one of the BSAA's West Africa Branch's star players. Originally assigned to Chris to help him navigate the vast deserts of Africa, Sheva forms a friendly partnership with the brawny Redfield. When Chris reveals that his main reason for being there is to go after Wesker and stop him from destroying the world, Sheva wastes no time in joining Chris on his crusade.

In Heaven For Everyone, Sheva's role is mostly unchanged from the original story. However, she's a bit more forthcoming and friendly with Chris, even giving him advice when it comes to "friendships" and "partnerships."

Sheva is a woman full of class, and elegance and precision always follows in her wake. She has an air to her that's very similar to the British Adult Contemporary singer Sade, and has a voice to match.

Voice Type: Classy, Elegant, Basically An Incarnation of The Singer Sade.

  • (Friendly) You must be Christopher Redfield. Welcome to Africa.  My name's Sheva. Sheva Alomar. I'll be your tour guide, translator, bodyguard, whatever you need me to be during your time here in Africa.

  • (Serious) From what the BSAA’s West Africa branch has been able to piece together, Wesker is working on something big. Problem is, we’re having trouble tracking him. Any leads we get on his whereabouts are already a few days out of date by the time we get there. He’s quick and mischievous that Wesker, just like a cat.

  • (Desperate, Hanging On for Dear Life) Chris, it's no good! I’m slipping! You'll never get to me in time! Please, forget about me and focus on Wesker! 

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Albert Wesker
Role assigned to: Cursed with Glorious Purpose

Everybody's favorite megalomaniac.

Wesker's entire M.O. is to force the evolution of humans by spreading a zombie virus across the world that eliminates the weak and leaves only the strong standing. Or something like that. He's not exactly playing with a full deck of cards... or I guess it'd be more accurate to say he's playing with 4 different decks of cards all shuffled together. He probably thinks it would give him the upper hand on the playing field. In reality, all of the other players of the game are left dazed and confused by his action, which is just what he wants.

In Heaven For Everyone, Wesker is very smug and self-centered. But then again, he's kinda always like that, isn't he? He believes that his plans to take over the world are full proof, and the only way forward for humanity. When Chris shows up on his doorstep to stop him, Wesker is more than happy to "entertain" his "old friend" by sicing a brainwashed Jill Valentine on him. As Chris struggles in a fight with his formerly lost best friend and partner, Wesker launches into his usual theatrics and gloating. He's just that kind of villian.

Voice Type: Smug, Pompous, Self-Centered

Personally, I feel that William Dafoe's portrayal and voice for the Green Goblin would suit Wesker almost perfectly. A bit of smugness here, a bit of self-importance there, and a whole lotta ham & cheese will go a long way in portraying Wesker.

  • (Smug to Arrogant) Jill, Jill, Jill. 40,000 years worth of human evolution is about to reach its peak, and all you can think about is some fallen woman? Insolent fool. Open your eyes, Chris! The dawning of a new world is upon us, and I will be the one to herald its arrival! Before you, stands a god!

  • (Smug) Nobody's perfect. Well except for me, of course. I’m sure the two of you have a lot to catch up on, so I’ll take my leave. Wouldn’t want to get in the way of such a… touching moment.

  • (Angry, Bitter, Desperate) I could have ruled the world Chris! All those years of work, WASTED! Do you know how much I sacrificed!? How much I gave for the greater good!? You could never understand! You, and the rest of the fools on this godforsaken planet! MANKIND IS DOOMED TO FAIL! 

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Sherry Birkin (Adult)
Role assigned to: WolfSong913

The ever lovely Sherry Birkin, now grown up and a super-secret government agent just like Leon.

Originally a scared little girl who happens to run into Leon and Claire as they go through Raccoon City's undead streets, she escapes with the two and is later captured with Leon by the US government. Living in captivity for most of her developing years, she became a government agent after becoming of age.

In Heaven For Everyone, after the Raccoon City Incident, Sherry was more or less informally adopted by Claire and Leon. However, their happy zombie-apocalypse-surviving family became splintered after Leon and Claire had a falling out. She was then captured with Leon by the US government, and spent her (you guessed it) developing years under the watchful eye of the US government. After she became of age, she became a DSO agent, just like Leon, and is now adjusting to her new found freedom and responsibilities.

She's still very friendly with Leon and Claire, and considers them her adoptive parents. The three of them talk on three-way every so often. She's also friendly with Chris and Jill, and is somewhat amused at Jill's attempts to woo Chris, and Chris's subsequent failure to recognize said wooing.

She's also apparently picked up a few traits from both Claire and Leon, and as a result is both very knowledgeable of Queen's music and is a bit of a sarcastic wisecracker.

Voice Type: Friendly, Calm, Somewhat Serious

  • (Worried) I should have known you two would be involved in something as big as that. The DSO’s going crazy over here. They’re enacting all the emergency protocols and prepping for general mobilization. I even hear they’re pulling a few big guns out of retirement to serve as advisors. Are you both going in?

  • (Deadpan) Let’s keep this family-friendly you two, I’m still an impressionable little girl, after all. Your wanton flirting is a danger to my developing mind.

  • (Happily) [CUTE LAUGH] No need to worry, mother love. Now that I’ve hit the big time I always make sure to keep my eyes on the prize. Goodbye Mom, bye Dad! Call me when you two are done with the cleanup!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
cast offsite

Former Night Stalker and current pilot of Chris's V-22 Osprey.

A Brooklyn native, after doing all kinds of fancy flying in special operations for a couple years, he decided to join the fight against the mounting bio-terror threat and tried out for the BSAA's flight unit. His skills and history had him approved almost immediately.

He's currently assigned as the pilot of Chris's Osprey, and gets along well with the brawny Redfield. His banter and smooth moves make him a favorite on Chris's transport team. Nadia, his co-pilot/weapons operator on the Osprey gets along just swimmingly with him, despite their differing demeanors.

When Manhattan becomes the center of a massive bio-terror attack, it hits a bit close to home for D.C., and he makes it his job to eradicate as much zombie vermin as possible. He lines up the shots for Nadia, who is more than happy (and capable) to blast the zombies into oblivion.

Fun fact, in Resident Evil Vendetta, his full name is "Dante Carver", named after his motion captor actor, but everybody just calls him "D.C."

Voice Type: Brooklyn, Friendly, Encouraging

NOTE: A Brooklyn accent would be nice here, but isn't required.

  • (Friendly) Only if you’re buying! This ain’t no taxi service I’m runnin’- I charge extra for pit stops!

  • (Approving) Yeah! Swiped ‘em clean! Movin’ to the next one!

  • (Encouraging, Determined) Nadia! Give him a little somethin’ from Brooklyn!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: Kitsunebliss

The ever cool and ever unflappable sniper of Chris's transport team.

Originally a sniper for LAPD SWAT, Nadia joined the BSAA after witnessing a bio-terror attack first hand. She has a cool hand to compliment her ever-cool demeanor.

Onboard the Osprey, she serves as the cop-pilot/weapons operator, and is just as deadly with the Osprey's big guns as she is with her sniper rifle.

Though D.C. and Nadia's personalities are the opposite of each other, the two of them enjoy a good working relationship and friendship.

Voice Type: Cool, Calm, Collected

  • (Friendly) To be fair, that was a stationary target. Moving targets aren’t as easy- a pickup we were chasing was going maybe 40, 50 miles per hour… it took me three tries to finally nail the driver of that thing.

  • (Loudly, Over the Sound of Rotor Blades) Special Agent Valentine nabbed these for you two! Heard she had to call in a few favors for ‘em!

  • (Cool, Calm, Collected) I see the target. One electric special, coming right up.


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