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Just an aspiring VA hoping to get somewhere!
I am a Voice Actor, Artist, Video Editor, and Writer
Age 21 || Trans(FtM)~See my art on my tumblr!
Speaks: english
Voice Description: androgynous neutral
was? ich bin einen fiktionalen Charackter!?!!
I am a Voice Actor, Singer, Writer, Director, and Producer
Do not contact me for NSFW projects.If you would like to add me on Discord, please message me here first.Hello, I'm Atlas. I have been singing "seriously" since 2016 and have been receiving vocal lessons since 2021. Voice acting and writing since 2020.I am able to sing in Japanese, English, Latin, and German. My vocal range is from D#3-F6.I am a native English speaker, and also B2 level for German.Want to see stuff I've been a part of?IMDb - Portfolio - Portfolio -
Fun, emotional, and great at fake crying (he/xe)
I am a Voice Actor, Singer, and Writer
I currently voice act for fun! I won't show up anywhere in real life, I'm just recording from my phone (the phone mic is shockingly high quality) and sending the audio files over.I'm an older teenager (not giving my exact age for internet safety's sake). I will not do NSFW projects under any circumstances.--<>--While my main passion is voice acting, I can do other things!I do singing occasionally, though I'm not the best at it. I'm best at singing softly, and can't really do a LOT of complicated stuff. But if you need ominous humming, a comforting lullaby, soothing background vocals, or just general sweet singing, I'm your guy!I can also write! Here are examples (though warning, the third one gets really dark):, again, my main passion IS voice acting,--<>--CONTACT MEEMAIL: joyflameba...
Speaks: english
Accents: american
Aspiring Voice Actor.
I am a Voice Actor, Singer, Artist, and Writer
Hello there! I'm just a somewhat inexperienced animator/tweener who's making a series himself. I use he/him pronouns and currently have five years of online self taught voice acting experience! I am currently attempting voice acting classesI direct Fortunes of Barovia, a Curse of Strahd fangame. I am here to gain experience and to hone my craft, I'm new to paid things (currently trying to earn my own money) and I have a medium pitched voice!
Speaks: english
A teenager who wishes to assist in making dreams a reality
I am a Voice Actor, Singer, Artist, Video Editor, Music Composer, Writer, Director, Producer, and Live Actor
Pronouns: She/HerTimeZone: CST/CDT
Hi everyone! I'm ana, and I'm a teenager who loves everything related to performance arts. Hope to see you around :)
What musicals have I been in?(Sound of Music) || Character: Marta(Lion King) || Character: Scar(Shrek The Musical) || Character: Wicked Witch(Wizard of Oz) || Student Directorand more!
What else?Along with my love for performing and musicals, I also enjoy behind the scenes work! I love directing, editing, producing, composing, screenwriting, and currently learning guitar.
What I use to record:Microphone: HyperX SolocastProgram: Audacity
If you want to hear my singing voice, please message me! I have samples ready :)

CONTACT ME: Email: c0rdellaaurelianaa ( adoreana_
Speaks: english
Audrey Rose
Audrey’s Voice Acting 
I am a Voice Actor and Writer
*LGBTQ+ FRIENDLY ACCOUNT*I’m Audrey and I’ve been voice acting for over a year! I began doing voice acting on scratch and hope to continue here! Please keep in mind I’m completely self taught and open to any criticism! You can contact me on Snapchat at Itz-AudreyRose or my discord linked to my profile. To check out my voice acting click this link: to take you to my va acting profile on scratch!
Speaks: english
Livin' live in MEMORIES, not one in FORGET...
I am a Voice Actor, Animator, Video Editor, Music Composer, Writer, Director, and Live Actor
-Aspiring actor/filmmaker-Quick Learner-18 and will help with any project-Beginner but decent-Discord is Noah Sucks#2768-DM anytime if u need help [for free or paid, idc]-Like making content just need friends first lol-6'0-6'1, 180Ib, average, loves to learn combat and do own stunts, can improv a bit, and has brown hair with blond highlights.
I am a Artist and Writer
Hi! I'm GamingNinjacats, I've also been know to go by Eli in online games (like Genshin Impact and FFXIV)
She/her RPG gamer with a love for fantasy, creative writing and drawing.
I stream over on twitch playing said games or drawing people's characters on FFXIV.It's been loads of fun and lots of drawing practice.
I'm on here looking for all you talented people's help!
I'm making a Visual NovelRough beginnings but I have hope that it will become something amazing
Speaks: english
Accents: australian
Voice Description: female young adult
Hi, I'm Mr. Lavea! I'm a VA, artist and writer who's 21 and ready to give it his best!
I am a Voice Actor, Artist, and Writer
Hi there! It's your local artist, writer and VA, Laveau–but you can call me Veau! I am 21 and I go by He/They/Xe/It!
Speaks: english
Setup: audacity
I am a Voice Actor, Writer, and Live Actor
Hi, I'm Edmund, I'm a newbie to voice acting, regularly making use of my streaming of un-voiced games as a means of perfecting my craft.I have over a decade of experience in creative writing and independent music review, with my degree being in journalism and creative writing.
Speaks: english
Here for experience and fun!
I am a Voice Actor, Singer, and Writer
Hello! I'm Sly, 18, she/they. I was introduced to this through YouTube and I thought it seemed interesting. I do mostly voice acting and writing, although I'm a bit of an amateur when it comes to voice acting. All my recordings for auditions are on my phone, but I work more on my PC, which I believe has better audio quality. My writing is done through Google Drive.
Speaks: english
Voice Description: female child female teen
An aspiring writer looking to expand their portfolio and help bring creative pieces to life.
I am a Writer
While I started writing as soon as I was old enough to put pen to paper, I rediscovered my passion for it when I started creating D&D campaigns for my friends. This eventually led to me studying Creative Writing at university and going on to write poetry, fiction, scripts, game ideas and even character work. While I’ve mostly written fantasy works, I am also experienced in script and article writing but I’m always willing to branch out and try something new.I have plenty of experience but I would like more work to bolster my portfolio so with that being said I would love to help bring your passion project to life.
Voiceover & Performance . Narration / Games / e-Learning . Semblance of Authority . Creative Services . Writing & Editing 
I am a Voice Actor, Singer, Writer, and Live Actor
Dad Next Door. Arch and Aristocratic. From Fabulous Fop to Diabolical Villainy, Sam is your partner in the creative process. A twenty year veteran performer and entrepreneur, Sam wraps the delight of discovery in the Sandwich of Professionalism, whether your project is commercial, educational, or entertainment..
Speaks: english
Voice Description: male adult commercial general