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I am a Voice Actor, Video Editor, Music Composer, Audio Engineer, Writer, and Director
Speaks: english
Accents: american
Voice Description: male teen
I am a Voice Actor, Singer, Video Editor, Writer, and Director
I’ve been voice acting ever since I was in Elementary school. It’s been a passion of mine for a while, and now its turned into a desirable career choice of mine.

When you cast me, you’re getting a hard-working, dedicated, and versatile voice actor. I’ll do whatever you need me to do to assure that your project will be getting the best out of me.
For business inquiries: [redacted]
Kayla Schafer Age: 28 Director-Video Editor-Writer-Educator~Singer
I am a Voice Actor, Singer, Video Editor, Music Composer, Writer, Director, and Live Actor
Hello internet, My name is Kayla, I'm a small internet personality on Dailymotion and on Youtube. You can find my work here:
(Note: My Dailymotion has more content as that was my primary platform for a while because of Youtube's corrupt copyright policy)
My channel started on Youtube in 2008 as anime emo slide shows made using Imovie. Then later, I worked my way up the scale and started doing reviews on music and movies under the handle, ChibiFangirl in 2013. Then in 2017 onwards, I've changed my handle to the EdgeLordess who is the ringmaster of the Digital Circus. I now do a variety of video work from reviews to academic lectures, memoirs and other projects as well.
I joined Casting Call Club after being recommended by a friend after one of the worst casting calls I had experienc...
Speaks: english
Aspiring Voice Actor.
I am a Voice Actor, Singer, Artist, and Writer
Hello there! I'm just a somewhat inexperienced animator/tweener who's making a series himself. I use he/him pronouns and currently have five years of online self taught voice acting experience! I am currently attempting voice acting classesI direct Fortunes of Barovia, a Curse of Strahd fangame. I am here to gain experience and to hone my craft, I'm new to paid things (currently trying to earn my own money) and I have a medium pitched voice!
Speaks: english
I am a Voice Actor, Artist, Animator, Video Editor, and Writer
Yoooo! I'm a graphic designer, character designer, composer, instrumentalist, and game dev, so if you're interested in any that stuffff.
Speaks: english
I am a Artist, Animator, Audio Engineer, Writer, Director, and Producer
Hi! My name is Cabbage. This is basically the start of a new business. Me and a friend are the directors/creators. We are planning on growing this into a real animated program where we give chances to others to show off their talents!If you are interested and still have questions, you can either dm me here or on discord @ ThiccCabbage42#2421 (that's my discord name xD)
Speaks: english
I am a Voice Actor, Writer, and Producer
Hi, my name is Chelsea Queen. I have started doing short films and acting and I like collaborating with new individuals. I found this site last year and have met a lot of nice individuals. I'd love to one day work with everybody! I put out castings often for small projects that I am working on and I'd love if you can follow me on my journey creating new projects. IG: chelsea_lynn_94Email: [redacted]Discord: chelsealynnqueen94#9762IMDB:
Speaks: english
I am a Voice Actor, Video Editor, Writer, Director, Producer, and Live Actor
hoping to be an actor or filmmaker this is why I make films and shows to show what I can do.
Just looking to be a real movie/animation maker, unfortunately I don't have any good equipment. BUT that's why I'm here, to hire, recruit, and audition your best voices, animation styles (currently looking for looney tunes animation style.), musical composers, and SFX artists. Hope to see you soon!
I am a Voice Actor, Artist, Animator, Video Editor, Music Composer, Audio Engineer, Writer, Director, and Producer
Speaks: english
VA, Writer, SFX designer, and learning Musician. Work will always be free of charge and I'm willing to help out with anything you need me for!
I am a Voice Actor, Artist, Audio Engineer, Writer, and Director
Hello! I'm Geek, and I'm a VA, writer, artist, and sound designer. I can provide a array of skills for indie projects, free of charge! While I may not be the best around I've been told my vocal tones, line delivery, and quality of voice work has been very good. And I make comic dubs, hopefully that can be useful as a sample of my voicework!
Setup: audacity
Six months after Paulina returned from her internship, an unknown threat had reached its climax! Celebration has become a nightmare, making happiness short-lived and the friendship that was once treasured reaching its potential downfall.
I am a Voice Actor, Writer, Director, Producer, and Live Actor
HELLO!Allow me to introduce myself…I am your friendly neighborhood, NS! Currently, I am in production with a special Thea Stilton project called, “YOU TALK TO ME NO MORE”. I also have a passion for writing and voice-acting!To conclude this short message, I cannot wait to share more of my works with you! Until then, see ya soon!!!
Composer, artist, adventurer
I am a Voice Actor, Artist, Video Editor, Music Composer, Writer, and Live Actor
I am a composer for film and TV, professional artist, and actor living in Los Angeles. Check out my music and projects here on my website:
Speaks: english