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Iron Bat
I am a Animator, Video Editor, Writer, Director, and Producer
Minecraft film maker using the Blockbuster mod.Founder of Novoco. Member of the MachinimaHub team, and SilentKnight Productions.
Speaks: english
I am a Voice Actor, Singer, Artist, Video Editor, Music Composer, Writer, Director, and Live Actor
Depending on the service you're looking for, I have broken down my bio into different sections.

I am open to doing multiple roles on a single project or more, provided it doesn't clash with my other work. 
Formal business enquiries can be sent to derelictcountry @ gmail (dot) comI can also be reached via Twitter @derelictcountry or on Discord DerelictCountry#7982***

I've been producing my own Machinima both in house and with others for over three years. I have made projects in several different titles but my primary game series that I use is Halo. 
I have four controllers on both Xbox 360 and Xbox One. I have all armour unlocked for Halo Reach on four profiles and on the Master Chief Collection I have...
Speaks: english
Skills and Interests: Dynamic voice acting
I am a Artist and Writer
Hey! My name is Michael and I work alone on little projects that may never get off the ground! That doesn't discourage me as I simply find all of this fun! I hope we can work together sometime soon!
Speaks: english
Accents: bulgarian
Voice Description: male young adult
Director of Sims 4 Machinima, voice actress, and avid writer.
I am a Voice Actor, Video Editor, and Writer
ROLES:Luna - Deserted (Sims 4)Alaesa - The Chronicles of Narnia (Audio Drama)Sybil Mira - Lunar Chronicles (Audio Drama)Bea - Corrupted Souls (Sims Voice Over Series)Kelly Atwood - War and Peace (Sims 2)Virginya Feng - War and Peace (Sims 2)Kate Li Allison - The Backrooms (Sims 4)Priscilla - The Favored Leaf (Sims 4)Moira Earls - Collison (Sims 4)Celeste Wilder - Wilder (Sims 4)Summer Bennett - The Reaper 4 (Sims 4)
I am a Voice Actor, Singer, Artist, Animator, Video Editor, Writer, Director, Producer, and Live Actor
I just figured out how to edit my profile so HI YA'LL I'm Hyacinth star And Animator/Artist/Voice actor!Basic things you need to know are I'm 18 with she/her pronouns!Other then that i love and live for anything artistic! I have a passion project called Silver Sol on its way and i hope you'd check it out sooner or later^^I have VA roles in passion projects in the works as:Cloris and Lidia-Tales of the namelessNo Name-Mealworm(Character is a secret)-Hidden FateAnd some more!Ok that's all for now, toodaloo💋
I am a Voice Actor, Singer, Artist, and Writer
Hello! Most people refer to me as Ash, as it is short for my full name. I am a teen living in the US and am particularly good at certain accents. In real life, I partake in numerous theater events.
Speaks: english
I am a Voice Actor, Singer, Artist, Animator, Video Editor, Music Composer, Audio Engineer, Writer, Director, Producer, and Live Actor
Speaks: english
Search all 4343 writer bulgarian profiles