Future ASMR Videos! (Narratives for Pokemon ASMRs, Sonic Listener ASMRs, and a Shy Guy Audio Roleplay ASMR, And More!) a

Project Overview

(All you need for these ASMR Roleplay projects is a decent-sounding microphone. By desktop or phone, it doesn't matter, as long as there's little to no background noise, no mic popping, and no static when you audition. Because this is an audio ASMR project as well, I don't want the mic to be too loud during some lines when you're supposed to raise your voice a little bit. A Discord Account for contact is recommended, but not required, as I can contact you here on the Casting Call Club website if you'd like, Discord is just more of an easier reach. Good luck auditioning, and if you get cast for a role, be prepared to possibly stick around for future projects! Enjoy, Future Jigglypuff Lovers!)

(Don't worry about being too late to audition, as the deadline set isn't official. Once I set up an official deadline, I'll change the title and give out the deadline warning.)

While I'm working on my first ASMR project about encountering a Pikachu, I thought I'd make a casting call for some new ASMRs I plan to make in the future! All of which include...

A Jigglypuff ASMR, where you're a Pokemon Trainer that has encountered the cute dual Normal/Fairy-Type Balloon Pokemon! As you bond with the Jigglypuff, I will give you a calm-voiced narrative rundown of Jigglypuff's habitat and what it's like living as the cute and adorable ballon-type Pokemon!

A Sonic the Hedgehog Chao Garden ASMR, where it's your first time ever exploring the Chao Garden. And you encounter a very polite anthropomorphic 6-year-old bunny rabbit called Cream along the way! Cream is very eager and excited to show you around the garden, and give you a calm-voiced rundown of every Chao's habitat, their fun facts, and their special skills as you bond and play with some of the cute, curious, and wholesome Chao!

A Sonic Prime ASMR, where you encounter Mangey Tails in the Boscage Maze. After growing a friendship with the jungle dimension Tails, both you and Mangey go on an adventure as I give you a narrative rundown of the twists and turns happening on your journey!

A Sonic Lost World ASMR, where you get to have some makeup applied and your fingernails done in a beauty salon by Zeena! Zeena is a beauty guru with quite an attitude, who isn't afraid to say how she TRUELY feels about your appearance... Despite this selfish Zeti, now turned makeup-guru's lack of support, will you be able to have the appearance of your dreams with Zeena's magic?

A Super Mario Shy Guy ASMR, where you encounter a lost and timid Shy Guy voiced by the Male Jigglypuff Lover himself. As you try to calm down and earn this Shy Guy's trust in order to befriend him, you might find out that he's not the bad minion he wants to be deep down in his heart...

A My Little Pony Zecora ASMR, where you take a wrong turn and end up in Zecora's hut instead of a wellness center you were planning to go to for a meditation session! But what seemed to be an embarrassing mix-up actually turns out to be a blessing in disguise, because as you find out, Zecora used to study the MASTERFUL arts of peaceful meditation, and says that SHE can be your meditation instructor for FREE! Sweet! A peaceful meditation session that helps you clear your thoughts through the fog of tension, and breathe out all your worries away with NO charge at all? How can you refuse something like that? Close your eyes, sit down with your hooves crossed, and let Zecora guide you on a journey towards your inner-peace...

A My Little Pony Babysitter Listener ASMR, where you are hired to babysit Shining Armor and Princess Cadance's baby daughter, little Flurry Heart while they're off and away for a night out! You've had great experience taking care of young foals, but what you don't know until it's too late is that you discover that you're taking care of an Allicorn... A young little pony with magical powers! Will you be able to sort out the magical surprises that Flurry Heart has in store for you, and keep her out of trouble before this Allicorn babysitting business turns into a disaster?

A PowerPuff Girls ASMR, where you are a lucky survivor after a serious natural disaster in Townsville. You were saved by the one and only Powerpuff Girls, but ended up with a bad injury, winding up in a hospital bed. When you wake up, you find a pleasant surprise... The three same Powerpuff Girls who saved you from a fatal accident have come to check up on you and see how you're doing! You were a really impressive trooper taking that blow like a champ, and the Powerpuff Girls must've seen it in you too! Relax, and stay comfy in your bed as the Powerpuff Girls give you calming words of wisdom and cheer you up after your big stressful event!

A Canimals ASMR, where trouble arises as you find something strange in your kitchen cupboards... A bizarre pink can labeled “Mimi: Do Not Eat!” is hiding behind your other cans... Strange, you don't remember ever seeing a can like that in your supermarket, let alone BUY it! Out of curiosity, you open up the can, and when you do, you discover that Mimi's not food in a can... But a white POODLE in a can! An animal in a can! A Canimal! Understandably, both you and Mimi are frightened... And Mimi doesn't trust you... But once you gain your courage back, you find different ways to communicate and bond with the little Poodle in a can, and as Mimi gains trust in you, and the pair of you bond a surprising friendship, you may discover secrets that are VERY important for you to keep...

And a Dust: An Elysian Tail ASMR, where you take on a volunteer job, helping out young and helpful Mudpot resident Bopo with his family's hard yard-work, which includes jobs like shoveling up soil terrain to provide new land, filling up the village's water supply to keep the neighborhood healthy, and fetching some firewood for the family's camping trip! And all while getting to know each other better and really growing a strong friendship...

(The video above isn't owned by me and is just shown for a demonstration purpose of what audio ASMR videos are like. All credit is given to FallenEcho ASMR for the video featured.)

(The project thumbnail image isn't owned by me either. All Credit goes to MataKnight for the project thumbnail artwork too.)

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Latest Updates

  • New Casting Call for these characters one at a time!

    (I've now decided to make casting calls for one character at a time, but I'm still considering the people who auditioned here as as candidates for the ASMR videos, so nobody has to re-audition for another character, but if you want to if you've auditioned, you can say hi for me in the new casting call if you want to!)

Volunteer Writers for the Mangey and Shy Guy ASMR
cast offsite

I'm looking for some volunteer writers to make some scripts for two of the ASMR episodes. One being an ASMR Adventure Narrative about the viewer meeting Mangey, and one about a Conversation Listener ASMR about meeting a Shy Guy lost in the Mushroom Kingdom, one who's very timid and very shy with you, and is a minion working for Bowser, being too afraid to stand up to him and quit working for the King of Koopas, but eventually warms up to you and befriends you after getting to know each-other a bit better. Please let me know in the audition box description what ASMR you're intrested in writing the script for. I'm looking for a writer who knows the Sonic Prime series really well, and one writer who makes scripts for quite a fair bit of Conversation Listener ASMR videos. To audition for the Mangey ASMR, you can send me any narrative scripts you've made, and it doesn't have to be ASMR related, and to audition for the Shy Guy ASMR, you can send me any ASMR Conversation Lister scripts you've made. Here's my Pikachu Narrative ASMR script to use as an example for the Mangey ASMR! https://docs.google.com/document/d/103VKLDhd2VIoCRu0JX5caSa54qUDuBRieSxh5oi7yL8/edit?usp=sharing

  • english
  • *Say something you think would fit*

Thumbnail Artist
cast offsite

I'm looking for some volunteer artists to create some cute and adorable thumbnails for the episodes! I'm looking for adorable and welcoming artwork. To audition, you can show me any artwork you've made. If you're interested in contributing to making more artwork my ASMR projects in the future, please let me know in the audition description box, otherwise, you'll only make artwork for this episode you choose by letting me know in the audition box description.

  • *Say something you think would fit*

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Jigglypuff (Pokemon)
cast offsite

Jigglypuff is a cute and adorable dual Normal & Fairy-Type Pokemon. Jigglypuff has been identified by scientists as what's known as a 'Balloon Pokemon', because of how much air Jigglypuff has inside of her, making her lighter than she looks! Her strong lung capacity can make her do MANY things that other Pokemon can't do longer than her... Like inhaling lots of air inside her lungs to make herself lighter in order to float and hover up to higher places, but more importantly, to sing a soothing lullaby as long as it can in order to lull her opponents to sleep, and change many of their vocal cords halfway through the song if needed. Most Jigglypuffs are pretty persistent with their songs, and they will continue to sing until they run out of air and deflate if their opponents resist sleeping. Jigglypuffs are very popular with their sweet and sassy personality, with an adorable appearance to match, with their main adoring feature being their big beautiful blue eyes!

(For Jigglypuff's voice, I'm looking for someone who can do a Jigglypuff voice that sounds similar or identical to the Jigglypuff voice in the anime and video games. Here are some voice clips for reference!)

Voice description:
  • creature
  • voice match
  • animation/character
  • pokemon
  • audio description
  • *Make any Jigglypuff noises in any emotion for about 15 seconds or more*

  • *Sing Jigglypuff's Signature Lullaby for about 15 seconds or more*

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Cream The Rabbit (Sonic)
cast offsite

Cream is a 6-year old anthropompric cinnamon-brown rabbit with a big, wholesome, angelic heart. Cream is a sweet-natured little girl and does not have any bad bones in her body, always being polite, always being honest, and always doing what she is being told to do by other friendly, authorative figures. Cream is adventurous and outgoing, always looking for a new adventure, and always looking to make new friends to whoever she meets, and is always ready to lend a hand to others whenever they need it! And now, Cream is very eager and excited to be your tour guide around your very first time in the Chao Garden! Cream is very happy to have this chance to tell you everything she knows about the garden and things you need to do to get along and bond with every single Chao that Cream has met! 

(For Cream's voice, I'm looking for hers to sound similar or identical to one of the previous voices she's had in the video games. Here are some voice clips for reference!)




(Character Thumbnail Artwork made by YaraNalin)

  • english
Voice description:
  • north american
  • voice match
  • animation/character
  • female child
  • creature
  • Oh, hi there! Have you come to check out the Chao Garden too? What's that? Is this your first time here? *Gasp!* How wonderful! Me and Cheese can give you a tour of the whole garden if you’d like!

  • My Mom says we're not allowed to go to the Dark Chao Garden... She always tells me that the scary Dark Chao cause mischief and trouble almost all the time... They terrify me.

  • *Bonus* Do some improv. Say something you think would fit. Any sentence relying on this character's personality will do!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Chao (Sonic)
cast offsite

Chaos are adorable and cute little pets from Sonic Adventure 1 and 2 that come in many different shapes and sizes, and grow stronger and learn more every time you teach them new things, and in this Sonic ASMR, you get the chance to encounter and bond with some of these curious, wholesome baby critters with the help of your special Chao Garden tour guide, the young, angelic and friendly Cream the Rabbit with extra support from her loyal red bow-tie Chao sidekick, Cheese! Every Mobius resident has thier top Chao... What will YOURS be?

(You can audition for any type of Chao in this role. You can audition for as many types of Chaos as you want, whether it's Cheese, the normal Chao Garden Chaos, or the mischevious and villianous Dark Garden Chaos. The Dark Chaos will be in a future ASMR episode, as I don't really imagine Cream would like showing the viewers around the Dark Garden and teaching them some things about the Chaos that live there, but Cheese and any normal Chao will be in this episode. Please tell me which type of Chao you're auditioning for in your audition description. I will cast more than one actor each for the normal Chaos, and for the Dark Chaos later on in the future. For Cheese's voice, I would like his voice to be similar to the one he has in either the video games, or the anime. For the Chaos and Dark Chaos, thier voices can either sound similar to the video game voices, or you can make your own young, cute high-pitched voices for the Chaos! Both males and females can audition for the Chaos and Dark Chaos, but I'm looking for a female voice actor for Cheese's voice. Here are some voice clips for reference!)

Cheese: https://youtu.be/njBRQyVxhSY

Normal Chao & Dark Chao: https://youtu.be/_B49rgdMdJs

Voice description:
  • baby
  • creature
  • neutral
  • animation/character
  • voice match
  • *Make any Cheese noises in any emotion for about 15 seconds or more*

  • *Make any Chao noises in any emotion for about 15 seconds or more*

  • *Make any Dark Chao noises in any emotion for about 15 seconds or more*

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Mangey Tails (Sonic Prime)
cast offsite

Mangey is the Jungle Dimension doppleganger of Miles 'Tails' Prower from Sonic Prime. He's an orange anthropomorphic fox with two tails residing in the dried-up jungle wasteland of the Boscage Maze. Mangey doesn't have the intelligence as his mainstream counterpart, behaving like a feral animal and prey hunter, lacking the communication skills with his English volcabuarly, and is only just learning how to fly using his two tails. Mangey is all feral animal instincts, scratching and sniffing, and communicating only with barks, chitters, whimpers, snarls, and growls. Whenver Mangey feels threatned, he usually attacks and fights back, but he is also very loyal and is willing to be by your side whenever he knows you're not a threat and come in peace. He may look all defensive at first, but once Mangey gets to know you, you earn his trust, and he can look over you for protection and is willing to defend you from any danger. How will you and Mangey fare in your adventure through the Boscage Maze with you alone with him?

(For Mangey Tails' voice, I'm looking for his to sound similar or identical to the voice he has in Sonic Prime. I'm looking for a female voice actor to voice Mangey. Here are some voice clips for reference!) https://youtu.be/9PzLi3VXn2Y

(Character Thumbnail Artwork made by Koda83)

Voice description:
  • male child
  • voice match
  • creature
  • monster
  • creature
  • animation/character
  • *Make any Mangy noises for about 20 seconds or more, whether its barking, growling, snarling chittering, whimpering or yelping*

  • (In a broken structure) You... Fwend...

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Zeena (Sonic Lost World)
cast offsite

Zeena is a green, villainous Zeti from the Sonic Lost World video game. Zeena is the feisty, vain member of the Deadly Six, with the only individual she cares about being herself and herself only. Zeena is portrayed as a typical fashion queen, wanting to take great care of her appearance, and keep herself looking as pretty as she can be! She is very protective of her looks, and she is often seen taking care of her nail art, and the nail art getting ruined by others ESPECIALLY infuriates her. She is also a mischievous temptress, playfully flirting with others, but despite all of those quirks, Zeena really is an antagonistic Zeti you HAVE to take seriously, as she is selfish, cruel, heartless and violent. She doesn't care what happens to others, and has no remorse for her actions... Unless it's herself and her appearance, in which it's the ONLY thing Zeena looks after, but you MIGHT be lucky to be able to get Zeena to work for you or help you if you give her the best compliments! In this ASMR, you have a makeup and manicure session with this fashion and beauty guru Zeti! Will you be able to get the best makeup and nail art you can from Zeena despite having to put up with her nasty attitude?  

 (For Zeena's voice, I'm looking for hers to sound similar or identical to the voice she has in Sonic Lost World. Here are some voice clips for reference!) https://youtu.be/yveM0SC748M https://youtu.be/HoAsQTQihLY

Character Thumbnail Artwork made by Sol-Lar-Bink.)

  • english
Voice description:
  • animation/character
  • american valley girl
  • female teen
  • monster
  • female young adult
  • female adult
  • voice match
  • So you came here because you're worried about the way you look, right? Well, it's clear that you're wise to think about your appearance that way... Because you look absolutely HIDEOUS!!! Ugh... You should consider yourself lucky you even HAVE someone here to help you become a better-looking you! So take a seat, and keep your trap shut while I work my magic on you.

  • Hmmm... What kind of nail art do you think looks best on you? Shhhhh, silence. Rhetorical question. You do not get to pick the artwork for your nails. I know what looks best on everyone, so you're going with THESE types of colors!

  • *Bonus* Do some improv. Say something you think would fit. Any sentence relying on this character's personality will do!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Zecora (My Little Pony)
cast offsite

Zecora is a mysterious zebra living inside a hut near the darker parts of the Ponyville woods. At first glance, Zecora and her home, where she brews magical potions in her own cauldron like a wicked witch of the West can feel spooky and suspicious to be around, but once you get to see Zecora's true colors, you'll find that she's actually a really wise, mature, kind-hearted and forgiving zebra, and only aims to brew the best potions for good purposes, and nowhere near evil ones! In fact, Zecora is even like a smart patient teacher, willing to teach you everything you need to know about the obstacles in your journey ahead! Zecora exclusively speaks in rhymes, something that she believes gives her potions a better chance of working well. In this ASMR, you mistake Zecora's magical hut of spells for a wellness center after taking a wrong turn... But what seemed to be pretty embarrassing, turns out to be a blessing in disguise and a happy accident... Because Zecora's willing to find your inner zen herself! Turns out that Zecora learned the high-quality art of meditation WAY back in her younger foal years, and now she's insisting that she gives you the lesson herself... All free of charge! How could you turn down a free lesson in a meditation session? Close your eyes, sit down with your hooves crossed, and let Zecora guide you on a journey towards your inner peace...

(Thumbnail Artwork made by SorcerusHorserus) 

(For Zecora's voice, I'm looking for hers to sound similar or identical to the voice she has in the My Little Pony F.I.M. cartoon. Here are some voice clips for reference!) https://youtu.be/TqIcoWEJkbc 

  • english
Voice description:
  • female adult
  • female young adult
  • creature
  • animation/character
  • audiobooks
  • east african
  • voice match
  • *Chuckles* You seem to be so red in your cheeks! I can tell that this isn't the place you seek. For you've wandered and stepped straight into my humble home A place without any massaging tables or a roof that's a dome.... Where are you going? You don't have to take more outside peeks! I know exactly what you're looking for, exactly what you seek! I have studied the great art of meditation WAY back in my foal years, And no center gives you a FREE lesson to get those thoughts clear! So, whaddya say? Is it a deal? Will you steer this mediation wheel?

  • *Deep Breathe in... Deep Breathe Out...* Ommmmmmmmm.... Close your eyes, and deeply breathe in and out... Finding your inner-peace is what this is all about... *Deep Breathe in... Deep Breathe Out...* Ommmmmmmmm.... Always remember, every pony is special, and that mainly means you, Because no one else can accomplish the things the way you do... *Deep Breathe in... Deep Breathe Out...* Ommmmmmmmm.... Imagine your thoughts are like one of the Wonderbolts in a race, As they're zooming away from the worries that put you out of place... *Deep Breathe in... Deep Breathe Out...* Ommmmmmmmm.... Whenever any obstacle tries stopping you, you make them slip like strong grease... You have that special power within you... You are one with mindful inner-peace... *Deep Breathe in... Deep Breathe Out...* Ommmmmmmmm....

  • *Bonus* Do some improv. Say something you think would fit. Any sentence relying on this character's personality will do!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Flurry Heart (My Little Pony)
cast offsite

Flurry Heart is a baby Alicorn foal who's the daughter of the Royal Equestrian family of Princess Candance and Shining Armour. Flurry Heart may be little, but her heart is as big as Princess Celestia's royal castle all built together! You were hired to take care of little Flurry while her parents are out and about... But watch out, if you think taking care of a regular baby foal is hard work, try keeping a foal who possesses magical powers in line and out of trouble! Flurry Heart has the power to go off wherever she pleases with her power of levitation, and she can even make OTHER things levitate! It's going to be quite a handful taking care of a cute and adorable, but tricky and sneaky Alicorn, but with your babysitting experience taking care of foals, your sharp mind can be prepared for ANYTHING Flurry Heart throws at you! 

(Thumbnail Artwork made by Meggie-Vectors)

(For Flurry Heart's voice, I'm looking for hers to sound similar or identical to the voice she has in the My Little Pony F.I.M. cartoon. Here are some voice clips for reference!) https://youtu.be/7b-Z8QwKQMM https://youtu.be/KtGHdA0A0tI

  • english
Voice description:
  • baby
  • animation/character
  • audiobooks
  • voice match
  • creature
  • *Make any baby noises for about 20 seconds or more, whether its cooing, babbling, gurgling, giggling, laughing, whimpering, crying or blubbering*

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Blossom (The PowerPuff Girls)
cast offsite

Sugar, Spice, and Everything Nice were all the main ingredients that a bright scientist named Professor Utonium needed to create the perfect little girl... But after the Professor accidentally added in ONE more extra ingredient to the mix, called Chemical X... The perfect girl was split into three... One girl represents the sweet, sugary side, another girl represents the spicy side, and the 3rd and final girl represents everything that belongs in a nice, well-behaved girl... Not only that, but all three of the girls have dedicated their lives to fighting crime with the special superpowers they've been born with! And thus, the PowerPuff Girls were born! Three young kindergartener superheroes aiming to stop any trouble that arises before bedtime! Blossom is the leader of the PowerPuff Girls, and the Everything Nice part. As a good leader should be, Blossom is helpful, and very intelligent and mature for someone her age! While Blossom can be fussy, vain, and even a little bit hypocritical, especially when she tries to play the peacemaker when her two sisters Bubbles and Buttercup fight, but ironically ends up fighting and arguing with mainly Buttercup from time to time! Other than that, Blossom is a really great friend to be around, and you can count on her to lead the charge to saving a life, and fight crime before bedtime! In this ASMR, after being rescued by the Powerpuff Girls following a pretty serious disaster in Townsville, you end up in a hospital bed, and all three girls decide to see how you're doing! Blossom is willing to make sure that all your stress and worries drift away with relaxing, and kind and strong words of wisdom and encouragement!

(Thumbnail Artwork made by TripleXAwesomeness)

(For Blossom's voice, I'm looking for hers to sound similar or identical to the voice she has in the PowerPuff Girls cartoon.  Here are some voice clips for reference!) https://youtu.be/qqqFpf9l-OQ

  • english
Voice description:
  • female child
  • audiobooks
  • north american
  • animation/character
  • voice match
  • Hi there! Blossom, Bubbles and Buttercup, the one and only Powerpuff Girls at your service! I know it's a suprise, but yes, we are the SAME girls who saved you from something that could've been more than just a massive Townsville disaster out there. You were a pretty impressive trooper though! You took that hard fall like any strong champion would, and superheros like us know a true champion when we see one! Right, sisters?

  • (Frustrated) No, no, no! Buttercup, you're all wrong! You're not supposed to add any cinnamon into a remedy! I've told you a million times that spicy things give the patient an itchy throat!

  • *Bonus* Do some improv. Say something you think would fit. Any sentence relying on this character's personality will do!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Bubbles (The PowerPuff Girls)
cast offsite

Sugar, Spice, and Everything Nice were all the main ingredients that a bright scientist named Professor Utonium needed to create the perfect little girl... But after the Professor accidentally added in ONE more extra ingredient to the mix, called Chemical X... The perfect girl was split into three... One girl represents the sweet, sugary side, another girl represents the spicy side, and the 3rd and final girl represents everything that belongs in a nice, well-behaved girl... Not only that, but all three of the girls have dedicated their lives to fighting crime with the special superpowers they've been born with! And thus, the PowerPuff Girls were born! Three young kindergartener superheroes aiming to stop any trouble that arises before bedtime! Bubbles is the angelic, adorable and sweet Sugar part.  Often described as the 'Joy and Laughter' of the Powerpuff Girls, Bubbles is cheerful, kind-hearted, and always wants to make sure everybody around her is just as happy as her! Bubbles is as sweet as sugar can be, and there are hardly ANY flaws in such an adorable cutie like her! However, with Bubbles' unbelievably sweet nature, she unfortunately and very sadly gets regarded as the “Weakest Link” of the PowerPuff Girls by her sisters, as she is naïve, ditzy, and can even be tricked by others in order for them to get their own way! Bubbles' sweet personality also makes her prone to being very emotional and sensitive, easily becoming driven to tears by something that has made her upset. But if you're a superhero, you're no pushover, even if you're Bubbles! If Bubbles gets pushed too far, she can become highly aggressive and determined, willing to dish out the pain to any baddie who deserves it! But if you're looking to get on Bubbles' good side, you're in luck, because as long as Bubbles knows you're not a treat, you can always find her to be a best friend not just to you, but to everyone else around her with her overpowering cheerfulness, sweetness and kindness!  In this ASMR, after being rescued by the Powerpuff Girls following a pretty serious disaster in Townsville, you ended up in a hospital bed, and all three girls decide to see how you're going! Bubbles cannot handle seeing you stressed out after everything that has happened to you, so she's trying everything she can in her power to try and calm you down, whether it's her giving you some of her stuffed toys, or relaxing you with some soothe, calm mobile music! You know these things aren't exactly fit for your age... But is there such a thing as too much relaxation, even with a younger, overprotective little girl like Bubbles?

(For Bubbles' voice, I'm looking for hers to sound similar or identical to the voice she has in the PowerPuff Girls cartoon. Here are some voice clips for reference!) https://youtu.be/rAC4W563Ayk

  • english
Voice description:
  • north american
  • animation/character
  • audiobooks
  • voice match
  • female child
  • (Worried) *Gasp!* Oh no... You seemed to be really stressed out! (Gets a bright idea) *Gasp!* A-ha! Don't worry, I know the PERFECT thing that makes everyone all smiles again when they're feeling down! (Politely and softly) Um, excuse me nurse... I'm really sorry if I'm interrupting you in the middle of important work right now, I mean, I know you're pretty busy... But how much do those big adorable sweet love-heart teddies cost?

  • (Very uncomfortable) Um... Oh dear... Um... Blossom, Buttercup? Please take it easy! Please don't argue and fight in front of the patient, you're gonna give them a headache!

  • *Bonus* Do some improv. Say something you think would fit. Any sentence relying on this character's personality will do!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Buttercup (The PowerPuff Girls)
cast offsite

Sugar, Spice, and Everything Nice were all the main ingredients that a bright scientist named Professor Utonium needed to create the perfect little girl... But after the Professor accidentally added in ONE more extra ingredient to the mix, called Chemical X... The perfect girl was split into three... One girl represents the sweet, sugary side, another girl represents the spicy side, and the 3rd and final girl represents everything that belongs in a nice, well-behaved girl... Not only that, but all three of the girls have dedicated their lives to fighting crime with the special superpowers they've been born with! And thus, the PowerPuff Girls were born! Three young kindergartener superheroes aiming to stop any trouble that arises before bedtime! Buttercup is the fiery Spice part. Buttercup is a sassy, stubborn, strong-willed, cocky and smart-mouthed daredevil who's always willing to take a challenge head-on... And even MORE willing to dish out the pain and punishment to any troublesome baddie! Buttercup is a headstrong hero who has determination possibly even stronger than her muscles! Buttercup isn't willing to give up even if a situation looks VERY grim, and will continue to fight on until her last breath! Buttercup is a tough cookie who's the hot-head of the team, and even the SMALLEST thing can set her off. She usually spreads her anger onto her PowerPuff sisters, which often leads to starting some fights. If Buttercup's on your side, though, you'll have a pretty POWERFUL weapon on your hands! Buttercup is a strong fighter, even for her small size, and she's not that easily intimidated by even the BIGGEST giants of bad creatures! Certainly a superhero you'll want as a sidekick or buddy! In this ASMR, after being rescued by the Powerpuff Girls following a pretty serious disaster in Townsville, you ended up in a hospital bed, and all three girls decide to see how you're going! Buttercup's headstrong nature makes her act a little uninhibited towards you. Instead of trying to make you feel better more often, she's just throwing out her true thoughts and feelings in a serious situation! But she's trying her best to be polite, and she's even trying to make things like a special remedy to give to you to help you feel better! Even if the remedy turns out a bit TOO spicy...

(Thumbnail Artwork made by Kiss-The-Iconist)

(For Buttercup's voice, I'm looking for hers to sound similar or identical to the voice she has in the PowerPuff Girls cartoon.  Here are some voice clips for reference!) https://youtu.be/NrhWdJjvWYU

  • english
Voice description:
  • female child
  • north american
  • tomboy
  • animation/character
  • audiobooks
  • voice match
  • *Chuckles* Have no fear, you shouldn't have to worry about being here for too long... Your recovery should take full effect in about... No more than a month or two. Because any more time would mean that you just weren't built with an attractive body... (Annoyed) What? Come on, girls! We all learnt that in our health classes! Remember? HEL-LO!!! Dr. Feel-Flat? Sounds familiar? (Muttering) Oh wait... Now that I think about it, he WAS a pretty irresponsible teacher, and he DID get fired...

  • (Annoyed) Seriously? Stuffed toys and a baby mobile, Bubbles? Are you for real right now? The only people who enjoy those sorts of things are the ones who are exactly like you... Ones who NEVER grow up! (Pridefully) What this patient really needs is a little bit of spice to get some energy back in their body, and I know just the PERFECT remedy for that! Ta-Da!!! Here, take a sip of my cinnamon medicine! I made it all by myself. So much spice makes everything nice! Even nicer than Blossom! *Laughing*

  • *Bonus* Do some improv. Say something you think would fit. Any sentence relying on this character's personality will do!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Mimi (Canimals)
cast offsite

Mimi is a white poodle who lives inside a pink can.  She's what's known as a Canimal. Canimals are animals living inside cans, hence the name. Canimals are actually NOT supposed to be discovered by humans, and they usually hide in a very safe place that's hard to reach and close themselves up to disguise themselves as just a basic can. This time, this one might've made a BIT too much noise when trying to position herself inside a very hard-to-reach place in one of your kitchen drawers, and little do you know, that when you open up the can labeled “Mimi: Do Not Eat!” out of curiosity, both you and what's inside would be getting the SHOCK of their lives! At first, everything seemed DISASTERIOUS after opening that can... But after you gain your courage, you earn Mimi's trust, and find a little bit more about her after bonding! As sweet as Mimi looks, she acts like a spoilt princess. She is stubborn, sassy, bossy and hot-headed, and can be angered easily and so suddenly. At one moment, Mimi can be really sweet and lovable to everything she lays her eyes upon, but if you do something or say something that Mimi doesn't like, all of a sudden, BAM! You're getting a rage-fest and dealing with a very stroppy and strong-willed poodle Canimal! But there IS a softer side to Mimi, and in this ASMR, you're about to find out that Mimi really loves to play salon and has a really big interest in makeup! Both of you will bond through getting much more fabulous in such a relaxing activity! 

(Artwork made by Alex13Art)

(For Mimi's voice, I'm looking for hers to sound similar or identical to the voice she has in the Canimals.cartoon. Here are some voice clips for reference!) https://youtu.be/3B7MqxQ-idU

Voice description:
  • creature
  • animation/character
  • audiobooks
  • voice match
  • *Make any dog noises for about 20 seconds or more, whether its barking, growling, snarling, whimpering or yelping*

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Bopo (Dust: An Elysian Tail)
cast offsite

Bopo is a young helpful boy from the Dust: An Elysian Tail video game. He lives in a mushroom cottage neighborhood called Mudpot, which was lacking a supply of water, thus making some of the villagers seriously sick... Bopo's father, was unfortunaetly one of the victims of dehydration. Bopo went out of his way to fetch bucket-loads of water to get the village supply running again, with help from his new friends Dust and Fidget... But unfortunately, it was all too late... Bopo's Dad tried to hold on as long as he could, but he was... Sadly... Cut down in his prime from the fatal illness... Bopo, feeling very upset from his father's early, undeserved departure, wanted to help bring a special little piece of snow to put on his grave to commemorate all the good things that his father did for Bopo... The father's big goal in his life was to travel and climb up a snowy mountain... And Bopo wanted to make his dream come true in order to commemorate all the fun memories and good times that the two had together... Snow is pretty rare to find in Mudpot, but Dust and Fidget eventually found some for Bopo to give his father a proper send-off! In this ASMR, you're a volunteer worker, helping Bopo with yard-work like shoveling up soil terrain to provide new land, filling up the village's water supply to keep the neighborhood healthy, and fetching some firewood for the family's camping trip!

(For Bopo's voice, I'm looking for his to sound similar or identical to the voice he has in Dust: An Elysian Tail. I'm looking for a female voice actor to voice Bopo. Here are some voice clips for reference!) https://youtu.be/A9sYf4wuX1w https://youtu.be/bjDCDlDwIZk 

  • english
Voice description:
  • animation/character
  • voice match
  • male child
  • south american
  • So you must be that volunteer Mama was telling me about? I really appreciate you coming over, then! It's really nice of you to offer my Mama a break and give us a helping hand with all our hard work!

  • (Tired and proud) Phew! Thank you so much for helping me with everything. Because of you, Mudpot should have enough water to stay healthy for 2 years at the least now! I'm so grateful and lucky to be around someone as helpful as you... *YAWN!* All that hard work kind of makes a hard-working boy like me... *Yawn...* Kinda sleepy... (Falls Asleep) Zzzzzzzzzz...

  • *Bonus* Do some improv. Say something you think would fit. Any sentence relying on this character's personality will do!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Mamop (Dust: An Elysian Tail)
cast offsite

Mamop is Bopo's caring Mother from the Dust: An Elysian Tail videogame. Mamop resides in a mushroom cottage neighbourhood called Mudpot, which was lacking a supply of water, thus making some of the villagers seriously sick... Mamop first appeared to be a strict and demanding figure when Dust and Fidget came to the village, but later it's found out that she was only being bossy and defensive to them because she was making sure that her family was safe from harm, because Mamop's helpess husband was SERIOUSLY ill from the lack of water in the village... And thus passed away as a result.. And that's when we see Mamop's true colors... Mamop's a very kind, caring, supportive, and deep-down, very gentle mother, caring for her family's health and wellbeing, and supporting Dust and Fidget when they fail to bring enough water to the village on time, telling them that they did what they could, and she and the rest of her family are very grateful for that. In the ASMR, Mamop shows off her soft side instantly with you, knowing that you are here to help her family out with hard work, like shoveling up soil terrain to provide new land, filling up the village's water supply to keep the neighborhood healthy, and fetching some firewood for the family's camping trip!  

(For Mamop's voice, I'm looking for hers to sound similar or identical to the voice she has in Dust: An Elysian Tail. Here are some voice clips for reference!) https://youtu.be/wJQFLVD41zQ

  • english
Voice description:
  • female young adult
  • female adult
  • south american
  • animation/character
  • voice match
  • I would just like to give out all my special thanks to you once again for offering to help my little Bopo out with all of our hard Mudpot work! You did such an amazing job. We are so lucky to have someone as honest and hard-working as us helping out around our cottage!

  • (Calling out) Bopo! Bopo!!! Supper's ready!!! Bopo? Oh, Bopo... Worked yourself too hard again, haven't you? *Giggles* Oh well, I guess your supper can wait until tomorrow... (Quietly) Here, lemme just carry you into bed...

  • *Bonus* Do some improv. Say something you think would fit. Any sentence relying on this character's personality will do!


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