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Artist with many project ideas. Art:
I am a Artist, Animator, Video Editor, and Writer
Hey everyone! I'm a self-taught artist making a voiced comic series and looking to find some great talent using Casting Call Dubs. I'm currently a student and will soon transition to the next phase of life so my deadlines for auditions will be pretty far out because of that. Please give me some leniency during this time if I slack on responses.
Speaks: english
hey! my name is Cameron Brumfield, i go by "cloudiistars" on the internet. im an intermediate voice actor. i do most of my voice acting for free, but hopefully i can start earning money from voice acting soon. feel free to send me a message here on CCC about your project!
I am a Voice Actor, Artist, Animator, Writer, Director, and Live Actor
My name is Cameron Brumfield. I'm 17, non-binary/genderfluid, and lesbian pan-ace. My pronouns are they/them.
I go by cloudiiistars on Instagram, cloudiistars on YouTube, and my main story channel is called "Kiprinns Academy" on YouTube.
I am a solo creator.
My audience isn't necessarily that big on YouTube or Instagram, but I'm trying my best to get my name out there!My discord is cloudiistars#9790 (or cloudiiistars)
OrnithoStudios is a indie studio with the goal to tell different stories then those seen today, we currently are in production of a multi-media project known as The Meliora Project that tells a single story over different media outlets, a show, a comic, and a video game.
I am a Voice Actor, Artist, Animator, Video Editor, Writer, and Director
Have you ever wondered what would've happened to the ethereal realms if Satan was the one whom had created the known universe? If you have, then Welcome to Project Meloria, a multimedia story-project created by Quill Tulip to tell this very idea. 
The currently released/announced stories for Project Meloria are Meloria: Psychosis and  Meloria: Year Zero
These projects, and the other unreleased projects have been in heavy development for the past 10 years!
Speaks: english
I am a Voice Actor, Artist, Animator, Video Editor, Writer, and Director
Hello everyone! I'm Akemi, a digital artist and writer, interested in writing fan fictions and voice acting.
Speaks: english
"Yeah you can still survive, but not exactly live. No not exactly live.. " - Surviving (Jimmy Eat World)
I am a Artist, Animator, Video Editor, Writer, Director, and Producer
Note: I do apologize for lack of response and messages when I was away. I was practically in a slump and just got out of it like a good month or two ago.
Hello and Magandang Umaga, Tanghali, Hapon, Gabi, whenever you see this and welcome to my profile. My name is Cosmo, otherwise known as Morning, Afternoon or Evening; and I am your local emo that has AuDHD (ADHD and Autism) and PMDD, I know triple kill. I am also trans male that goes by He/They pronouns (He/Him preference) and Half African American and Half Filipino.
I dabble here and with there coding (Mostly HTML and CSS) mainly for the Official Tigers Eye Toyhouse and I study psychology. My goal here is to not only tell a story that is entertaining and heartwarming to a lot, but to also spread awareness of serious topics that I myself have gone through as well as the ones close to me. I deeply encourage you to join along in ...
Speaks: english
Accents: any
Your friendly neighborhood nerd.
I am a Artist, Animator, and Writer
Hi! I'm MagicUniverse4ever. I'm an Italian girl who likes drawing, writing, watching cartoons, and creating them! I have a lot of projects in the works, so I'm sure there will be something for everyone.
I love Invader Zim, Dungeons and Dragons, The Dark Crystal, and generally fantasy stories!
I am a Voice Actor, Artist, Animator, Video Editor, and Director
Film student and aspiring video editor just looking for some practice in creating stories and helping to bring them to life! I have a few years experience experience in animation, character design, directing, video editing and minimal experience in voice acting, although I'd like to get more experience.
I am a Voice Actor, Artist, Animator, Writer, and Live Actor
Skills and Interests: academic reading Adaptability Adventurous Amazing analyzing Assassin audio editing (cool edit pro) care and goal-setting Cleaning Collaboration communication community organization Computer gaming cooking cooking/baking Cooking skills Create various creativity Critical thinking decision-making effective communication Element water evaluating fight choreography Fighter Fighters fighting fighting games Fighting skills financial management fire element funny gaming youtuber Genuineness good communication Green black magic Hand in magic hand magic Hard work and dedication Healing Power imagining and making connections independent Initiative and enterprise Instrumentfightercooking interpersonal skills Joking around Knifes leadership leadership abilities listen well to others Looking cute mean girl Musical Intelligence Nerd skills nerdy nitiative and enterprise NO magic Openness Oral and written communications skills Planning and organising prep cooking Problem Solving Problem-Solving professional drummer Professionalism and strong work ethic radio dj roblox gamer School captain Scientists self-care and goal-setting self-management self-motivation and others Sitting down skype patch sleeping smart Smartfightergood at jokes Staff Magic strength Sword Magic Swordman teamwork Teamwork and collaboration Teamwork skills Technical Skills Technology The second flame thoughtful sometimes time management trained singer Using Magic Wants people to be dead Witch magic Witch of Death work experiences youtuber
Hello, The Horror Of City director here! 
I am a Voice Actor, Singer, Artist, Animator, Writer, and Director
THIS IS FOR THOSE PEOPLE WHO WANTS ME TO ANIMATE GACHA OR A PSD MODEL FOR GACHA PEOPLE! An Animator, PSD maker, Voice actor, Artist, Writer, and a character design! I am currently learning how to use LIVE2d! I use Alight Motion to animate.ONLY DM ME ON DISCORD !!!
Speaks: english
Skills and Interests: 2d animation medium tone voice
Cassandra Sequel Musical Fanfiction
I am a Animator, Video Editor, Music Composer, Writer, Director, and Producer
Hello! I'm writing a fanfiction sequel series to Tangled with Cassandra in the lead role, and I'm producing songs to accompany the story in order to keep it a musical. What I'm looking for on here are singers who can portray the characters in each song!
This story contains LGBTQ+ themes as well as themes of self-acceptance, redemption, love, destiny, trauma, and family.
Speaks: english
Vamptastic Vtuber
Nice to meet you, I am Tamahr the Vampire. I am a Vtuber, Voice Actor, and Director for my own show and video game, and for other projects. I hope we can have a good time!
I am a Voice Actor, Animator, Writer, Director, and Producer
Ok... Lets start at the very begining, my name is Tamahr Williams, I was biten by a 33-year-old vampire, and I became the one and only--- Wait... this is a Spiderverse reference! Let me hold that back! ____________________________________________________I'm Tamahr the Vampire, I am a Vtuber, voice actor, and RPG maker. Who is looking for a project to work on so, I can start my true journey! Mostly I get lazy, but I'm trying my very best to do some stuff. Also I'm also Autistic, just to let you know. So, if you want me to voice act a project or ask me to voice act for my project, make sure to go to my discord server. ____________________________________________________Roles I done:Marnix- Cosmic war ((48) Cosmic war episode one “bloodshed” [animated sci fi series] 16+ - YouTube)Tamahr, Andrew, Ori, and Vinninenie- Tamahr's Normal Life (
Voice Description: Android any child creature female female adult female child Female Creature female senior female teen female young adult Genderfluid He's 200 years old Male male adult male child Male Creature male senior male teen male young adult neutral nonbinary pokemon they/them They/Them Teen They/Them/Their unknown A bit mean Actor alien Anger Anger issues Anger problem Angry any anything badass Bad Mannered Bowser Brave Busy calm caring Caring for her girlfriend chill Chilling Choir Clueless Clumsy Cocky Cold Cool creature cute deep depressed Doggy dumb Eccentric evil Excited Extroverted Fair fast Fast talker fast talking Flamboyant Flippant flirty focused formal friendly fun funny Goombas greedy Grieved gruff grumpy happy Has a bit of an anger problem Hellhole Heroic Hot Iconic Impatient Insane Intelligent Introduction kind Kinda Flirty Kind to nature King Lazy little mad loud Loves Shadow Queen Loving Loyal luigi Mafia Man in 50s mario Mature meme Meme-able Merciful Messing around mischievous Monstrous mother Namekian nice Normal Old Organized Outgoing patient Peach Perverted petty Pirate Playful Plotting polite Polyglot powerful Power Ranger Pretty Prideful Prince Protective queen Quick-witted Quips raspy relatable Responsible rich Rivaled with Goku rock Sad Sadistic Sarcastic Sassy Scared Scaredy-cat Scaredy Cat Scary Selfish serious Simp singing/vocals smart smooth Smug Sneaky Soft-spoken Strategist Strict strong Superhero super sentai supportive Sweet taunting Theif Thief Thinkable Threating tiktoker tired Toads Tomboy Tough Ultra Instinct upbeat Up to the challenge Villian warm Wise-Cracking Wizard Wolf like Yandere
ıllı The Moon is beautiful only when the mind is seeking beauty, and the heart is loving / Astro ﹒ ♡ she-they-them / usa / non-binary ✶ ᐢ..ᐢ﹒><﹐🔗 socials @diamonds_3dits (insta) (insta) :: ┆creds 2 mikkique﹒♡ ✦.
I am a Voice Actor, Singer, Artist, Animator, Video Editor, Writer, Director, and Live Actor
i am currently making a gacha va series! though its not posted anywhere yet, im still working on it and a discord server. The series is called A cosmic quest! So, keep a look out! I can voice act, animate, script writing, drawing, directing, singing, impressions and sm more!
Skills and Interests: digital drawing