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Search all 5664 animator audio editing (cool edit pro) profiles
I am a Voice Actor, Artist, Animator, Writer, and Live Actor
Skills and Interests: academic reading Adaptability Adventurous Amazing analyzing Assassin audio editing (cool edit pro) care and goal-setting Cleaning Collaboration communication community organization Computer gaming cooking cooking/baking Cooking skills Create various creativity Critical thinking decision-making effective communication Element water evaluating fight choreography Fighter Fighters fighting fighting games Fighting skills financial management fire element funny gaming youtuber Genuineness good communication Green black magic Hand in magic hand magic Hard work and dedication Healing Power imagining and making connections independent Initiative and enterprise Instrumentfightercooking interpersonal skills Joking around Knifes leadership leadership abilities listen well to others Looking cute mean girl Musical Intelligence Nerd skills nerdy nitiative and enterprise NO magic Openness Oral and written communications skills Planning and organising prep cooking Problem Solving Problem-Solving professional drummer Professionalism and strong work ethic radio dj roblox gamer School captain Scientists self-care and goal-setting self-management self-motivation and others Sitting down skype patch sleeping smart Smartfightergood at jokes Staff Magic strength Sword Magic Swordman teamwork Teamwork and collaboration Teamwork skills Technical Skills Technology The second flame thoughtful sometimes time management trained singer Using Magic Wants people to be dead Witch magic Witch of Death work experiences youtuber
I'm a MTF Transfemme in her first year of HRT, and always aspired to be a voice actor or general actor.
I am a Voice Actor, Singer, Artist, Animator, Video Editor, Music Composer, Writer, and Live Actor
Search all 5664 animator audio editing (cool edit pro) profiles