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VA | 30 | YouTuber/SplatTuber | Willing to collaborate with voicing!
I am a Voice Actor, Singer, Animator, Video Editor, Music Composer, Director, Producer, and Live Actor
Greetings! My name is Corey Ellis, better known as Silverreploid CLE. I am not only a Splatoon lover, content creator on YouTube or anywhere, even a Reploid/Inktoling (culmination of Inkling and Octoling), but I am also a dreamer at heart, meaning that I dream of the many goals that I want to fulfill based on desire, inspiration and many more of the relatable aspects. Let alone just being a YouTuber, I am also a musician, gamer, voice actor, and of course a singer, depending on the mood.I am a community college graduate, as of (2019), with an Associates of Applied Science majoring in Business Tech. Most of the skills I have learned from the many courses under the major were put into perspective in my career. As for the remainder of what I do, such as animating, videography, music-making, etc., I have self-taught myself.I have started my journey in content creating as of December 31st,...
I am a Voice Actor, Singer, Artist, Animator, Video Editor, Writer, Director, Producer, and Live Actor
My name is Charles Moss. I am a voice actor and freelance 2D Animator. I also created and voiced in a SCAD thesis film called "Detective Cat".
Speaks: english
Skills and Interests: animation singing
I am a Voice Actor, Artist, Animator, and Writer
You can call me either Leon or Meep, I'm 23 years old, and I live in Florida. I'm an artist, writer, and voice actor, and a big fan of the analog horror genre. The YouTube channel for my upcoming analog horror series, Buck & Doe's, can be found here.
Speaks: english
Accents: texan
Freelance Video Editor ready to take on more work!
I am a Animator, Video Editor, and Audio Engineer
Freelance Video Editor with 4+ years working experience and 7+ years editing experience. Currently looking for more job opportunities!

Creators I've worked with:

My FULL Portfolio:

I am a Voice Actor, Animator, Video Editor, Director, and Producer
Hi! I'm NeonSeb, I'm a 18-year-old solo creator who creates primarily Roblox content!
Projects:"World's Worst Heroes" | Roblox Animated Project for 2024 UIL Film State Festival [](Discontinued) Nitro Season 1 | Roblox Animated Series -
Speaks: english
I am a Voice Actor, Artist, Animator, Writer, and Live Actor
Skills and Interests: academic reading Adaptability Adventurous Amazing analyzing Assassin audio editing (cool edit pro) care and goal-setting Cleaning Collaboration communication community organization Computer gaming cooking cooking/baking Cooking skills Create various creativity Critical thinking decision-making effective communication Element water evaluating fight choreography Fighter Fighters fighting fighting games Fighting skills financial management fire element funny gaming youtuber Genuineness good communication Green black magic Hand in magic hand magic Hard work and dedication Healing Power imagining and making connections independent Initiative and enterprise Instrumentfightercooking interpersonal skills Joking around Knifes leadership leadership abilities listen well to others Looking cute mean girl Musical Intelligence Nerd skills nerdy nitiative and enterprise NO magic Openness Oral and written communications skills Planning and organising prep cooking Problem Solving Problem-Solving professional drummer Professionalism and strong work ethic radio dj roblox gamer School captain Scientists self-care and goal-setting self-management self-motivation and others Sitting down skype patch sleeping smart Smartfightergood at jokes Staff Magic strength Sword Magic Swordman teamwork Teamwork and collaboration Teamwork skills Technical Skills Technology The second flame thoughtful sometimes time management trained singer Using Magic Wants people to be dead Witch magic Witch of Death work experiences youtuber
LeAnn Schmitt
I enjoy drawing alot but my back and wrist do not.
I am a Artist and Animator
I'm LeAnn Schmitt but you can totally call me Neal. I am a 2d animator/ storyboard artist as well as a comic artist who is most known for their animatics, silly cowboy comics, and action packed webtoon Covenant 13.

Check out my linktree to see all the other fun stuff I am up to!

I am on a never ending quest to find people to help me bring life to my work via music, voice acting, and post production polishCurrently I am focusing my efforts on freelance work but I have worked as a board artist at Bento Box and an animator for events held by Wacom.
Speaks: english
Accents: british
hiya! Need an animator, editor, voice actor or writer?
I am a Artist, Animator, Video Editor, Writer, Director, and Producer

Hey! My names Nenko, a polish Gacha creator and animator with 6 years of experience with animating frame by frame and 4 years of experience by animating Gacha stuffs!
I like art, writing, editing, animating and sometimes for fun animating!!

What unpaid work I can do?:-voice acting minor roles, -minor editing,-writing short stories. 
What paid work I can do?:-rigging (LIVE2D, Gacha),-voice acting bigger roles, -art,-bigger editing,-writing huge stories/ series/ mini movies.
Priv message if interested in any of those :)
Socials: (you can see an example of my tweens/animations there :p (more on tiktok))
TikTok: is made my by friend :3
I get overly attached to moving pictures on a screen.
I am a Animator, Video Editor, Writer, and Director
I am a giant film fan and an amateur filmmaker. Currently creating an ARG (Alternate Reality Game), about giant spiders and broken families.
Speaks: english
Accents: german
Hi, I'm Dan. I'm a 19 year old filmmaker currently attending film school in New York.
I am a Voice Actor, Singer, Animator, Video Editor, Music Composer, Audio Engineer, Writer, Director, and Producer
Speaks: english
Accents: british
I am a Voice Actor, Artist, Animator, and Video Editor
Hi !i'm Zaow, i'm french and i'm a young 3D artist searching for some potential paid job.My current biggest project is the dadish show (trailer is out on my youtube channel : : [redacted]m