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Creator of the Final Fantasy In a Nutshell series!
I am a Voice Actor, Artist, Animator, Video Editor, Writer, and Producer
I have been making crude animations on YouTube for over 10 years, I am not aspiring to be an amazing animator I am just looking to make fun content and get people involved and collaborate! We parody video games from Final Fantasy to Resident Evil, if you are interested in being in any of our animations just give me a buzz!
Speaks: english
Skills and Interests: video editing voice acting
my favorite number in the alphabet is green
I am a Artist, Animator, Video Editor, and Director
I am a self-taught cartoon animator and illustrator who is currently attending school for a BFA in Animation. When I was younger, I wrote fun stories on blank notebook pages solely about the characters I created. Five years later, I began my journey in animation.While attending college, I use my free time to work on personal animation projects. When I'm not focused on my animations, you can find me in the stuffed animal section of Target buying a large cat plush.Instagram: @iamcreativekittyYoutube: CK Animations
Speaks: english
Call me "La Artist".
I am a Voice Actor, Singer, Artist, Animator, Video Editor, Music Composer, Audio Engineer, Writer, Director, and Producer
Info:Male, autistic, 21 years old, semi-simp, biromantic, professional-skilled MS Paint artist for most/some contents, and sometimes does my few of artworks by any type (yeah both sfw & nsfw way) for boredom from if you want like to know me from any elsewhere in the social media, Deviantart, Twitter, Youtube and name of few.
In Projections & Casting:However I am also looking for voice actors in any form of projects and such, or even voicing myself as just some background character heard in the background. And well as if you like to be my friend (whatever that is mutual or quite friendful). DM at Discord or find me at other websites and we can chat like other users as usual.Even the fact is I wanted to form my own projects, and times as some voice actor with some damn less-poorly-but-only-useful "micless" by just talking at the speakers with Audacity being the only recording...
Voice Description: androgynous child female adult female child female teen female young adult male adult male child male senior male young adult monster neutral Abusive Additional Additional Voice adult Alone animation animation/character Annapantsu antagonist Antagonistish Anti-Hero antisocial aquatic Artistic Authority Bacon Bakery Based Based of Early Concept prior 2019 Beautiful Bedhead behemoth bored Bot brute Bully business calm Captain Careless CEO Cheerleader Childhood Friend chill Christian chubby cloud Clown coaching comedic Creepish criminal cruel Cruelty Crystal Cunning Curious cute Cyborg Dangerous Deadly Deceased Deep Voice demon Demon-ish Dense devious Dog-personality dumb dying Easter Egg Egg Electronic-theme Emo Ex-Mobster Expert explainer Fancy fandub Fastspoken Fat father femboy-ish film Flashback friendly funny Gambling Gang Leader Gang Member Gang Members Gangsta Gangster general Gentle Giddy girly Grace Vanderwaal Head Heartwarm-yet-dangerous helmsman helseman Highschooler hypnotized Insane internet Jazz-style Juliana Chahayed Kacey Musgraves King Lack words Laura Brehm Lazy leader Lightheart Living Legend Living Legends Loudmouth Lovely Loving Low Low Voice Loyal Machine Mafia Maid Mayor Meanspirited Member Merciless mobster Monster mother Muffling Muscle mutated Nasty natural Nerd neutral Noony Nut Old Outcunning Out of Trouble Overweight Parent pessimistic Pirate pitched voice plant Plants Pole-ish political Politician pop presentation Pretty Priest Princess Protagonist Pult Plant punk Punning queen quiet rich Rivalry Robin Williams robotic rude Ruffian Sadist Sadistic Secondary Selfish serious Servant Shroom Sid the Ground Sloth silly simple singing/vocals Sinister Sinner smart smoker Smooth-ish sumo superstitious suspicion Sweet Sweetable Sweetheart Talking Objects Tasty Temperamental Terrorist three-heads Tough toxic trainer treacherous tree Triplets Troublemaker True Antagonist Twin Twins uncoordinated mentally unflappable unknown villain visualnovel voice match warm wild-crazy wind young
I’m currently a student attending the Savannah College of Art and Design studying to be a director. 
I am a Voice Actor, Animator, Video Editor, Writer, and Director
I am an independent filmmaker who just wants to get his stories told through the means of animation. I've been creating stories for my YouTube channel for just over 7 years now and want to continue to do so as long as I can and hopefully one day be monetized so I can give those earnings back to those who helped me get there. I firmly believe that voice acting is the most vital part of the production which is why I seek the amazing talent this website has. 
"Yeah you can still survive, but not exactly live. No not exactly live.. " - Surviving (Jimmy Eat World)
I am a Artist, Animator, Video Editor, Writer, Director, and Producer
Note: I do apologize for lack of response and messages when I was away. I was practically in a slump and just got out of it like a good month or two ago.
Hello and Magandang Umaga, Tanghali, Hapon, Gabi, whenever you see this and welcome to my profile. My name is Cosmo, otherwise known as Morning, Afternoon or Evening; and I am your local emo that has AuDHD (ADHD and Autism) and PMDD, I know triple kill. I am also trans male that goes by He/They pronouns (He/Him preference) and Half African American and Half Filipino.
I dabble here and with there coding (Mostly HTML and CSS) mainly for the Official Tigers Eye Toyhouse and I study psychology. My goal here is to not only tell a story that is entertaining and heartwarming to a lot, but to also spread awareness of serious topics that I myself have gone through as well as the ones close to me. I deeply encourage you to join along in ...
Speaks: english
Accents: any
An active double major in Film Productions and Digital Arts! Attending university for future of Tv Show Creator.
I am a Voice Actor, Singer, Artist, Animator, Writer, Director, Producer, and Live Actor
Hello, I am Michael, 18. I have a passion to create tv shows and video games. He/Him please!
Speaks: english
Voice Actor, Furry, They/Them, YouTuber, Musician
I am a Voice Actor, Singer, Artist, Animator, Music Composer, Writer, and Director
Hi, I'm 0racle, a Canadian Voice actor, Youtuber, Furry, and Musician from Newfoundland & Labrador, Canada. founder/CEO of Zoey HeadquartersFeel free to audition for my Zoey Headquarters animation project via the "Projects" tab, when you're free, and not busy n_n
Voice Description: androgynous child female adult female teen male adult male child male teen male young adult monster 13 18 adult aggressive Agressive All Accents all americana accents All American Accents all asian accents All Australian Accents all british accents All Canadian Accents All Colorado Accents all english accents alligator all london accents All new york accents all ukrainian accents american American alligator American (Southern) androgynous Anger issues Angry animated cartoon animation animation/character annoyed Annoying antagonist any Any Accent Arrogant Asian background characters bat Bear Bird black panther Blanc De Hotot Blue Jay Blue sea dragon bold bossy Bot boyish Brave british (london) bunny calm Canada Jay canadian Canadian English Canadian (Northern) caring cat child chill colorado country american Crab Crazy creature creepy Curious Dad Danganronpa deep Deep Voice Demanding demon doctor Dog donkey Dragon Duck dwarf Edgy Emo energetic Engergetic english English (American) english (asian) English (Australian) English (British) English (Canadian) English (Colorado) english (london) English (new york) english (ukrainian) evil Excited father fearless female female adult female child female teen female young adult Feral Goat Ferret Fish Floridian Fox friendly funny Furry Gangsta ghost Glaucus atlanticus greedy groundhog happy hare Helpful High high pitch High-Pitch hillbilly Horse Hot-Blooded Hot-headed Husky hyper intorvert Introvert Jackel jellyfish kawaii kind king penguin Laid-back Lazy leopard Lizard lonely loud Low low - medium low - medium pitch Low Pitch main antagonist main protagonist Male Male Adult Male Child Male Teen male teen adult Male Young Adult Mascot Medium medium - high Medium-High medium - high pitch Medium-High Pitch Medium Pitch medium-range medium-ranged medium to high pitch military minor characters mole Monkey Monokuma Monster Morgana Musician Nerd nervous New York nice Panda Partygoer Penguin Persona persona 5 Persona 5 Royal pig pissed off Playful Prankster Problematic Protagonist Protogen punk quiet Rabbit raspy Reindeer robot robotic rude Sad Scared school science scp sea horse serious shape Shifter she/her Shy silly skateboarding smart Snake Soft Soft-spoken Soilder Sonic Sonic the Hedgehog southeast asian Southern Accent Spider Spirit Student stutters supportive Surfer Dude Sweet Teacher teddy bear teen teenager temptress Thug tickle monster Tough tough guy transgender upbeat warm wild Wolf
Vamptastic Vtuber
Nice to meet you, I am Tamahr the Vampire. I am a Vtuber, Voice Actor, and Director for my own show and video game, and for other projects. I hope we can have a good time!
I am a Voice Actor, Animator, Writer, Director, and Producer
Ok... Lets start at the very begining, my name is Tamahr Williams, I was biten by a 33-year-old vampire, and I became the one and only--- Wait... this is a Spiderverse reference! Let me hold that back! ____________________________________________________I'm Tamahr the Vampire, I am a Vtuber, voice actor, and RPG maker. Who is looking for a project to work on so, I can start my true journey! Mostly I get lazy, but I'm trying my very best to do some stuff. Also I'm also Autistic, just to let you know. So, if you want me to voice act a project or ask me to voice act for my project, make sure to go to my discord server. ____________________________________________________Roles I done:Marnix- Cosmic war ((48) Cosmic war episode one “bloodshed” [animated sci fi series] 16+ - YouTube)Tamahr, Andrew, Ori, and Vinninenie- Tamahr's Normal Life (
Voice Description: Android any child creature female female adult female child Female Creature female senior female teen female young adult Genderfluid He's 200 years old Male male adult male child Male Creature male senior male teen male young adult neutral nonbinary pokemon they/them They/Them Teen They/Them/Their unknown A bit mean Actor alien Anger Anger issues Anger problem Angry any anything badass Bad Mannered Bowser Brave Busy calm caring Caring for her girlfriend chill Chilling Choir Clueless Clumsy Cocky Cold Cool creature cute deep depressed Doggy dumb Eccentric evil Excited Extroverted Fair fast Fast talker fast talking Flamboyant Flippant flirty focused formal friendly fun funny Goombas greedy Grieved gruff grumpy happy Has a bit of an anger problem Hellhole Heroic Hot Iconic Impatient Insane Intelligent Introduction kind Kinda Flirty Kind to nature King Lazy little mad loud Loves Shadow Queen Loving Loyal luigi Mafia Man in 50s mario Mature meme Meme-able Merciful Messing around mischievous Monstrous mother Namekian nice Normal Old Organized Outgoing patient Peach Perverted petty Pirate Playful Plotting polite Polyglot powerful Power Ranger Pretty Prideful Prince Protective queen Quick-witted Quips raspy relatable Responsible rich Rivaled with Goku rock Sad Sadistic Sarcastic Sassy Scared Scaredy-cat Scaredy Cat Scary Selfish serious Simp singing/vocals smart smooth Smug Sneaky Soft-spoken Strategist Strict strong Superhero super sentai supportive Sweet taunting Theif Thief Thinkable Threating tiktoker tired Toads Tomboy Tough Ultra Instinct upbeat Up to the challenge Villian warm Wise-Cracking Wizard Wolf like Yandere
I am a Animator
Hi! I'm Nevaeh, and I am currently an animation student at the School of Visual Arts in NYC! I'm working on my animated thesis film right now! Definitely check out my casting call if you'd like to try out for one of the main roles, or peep my film's progress on my Instagram,  (@uh_itsnerfornothin)
Speaks: english
Be careful what you dream.....
I am a Voice Actor, Animator, Video Editor, Audio Engineer, Writer, and Producer
Hello there, my name is StarlightMetal, just call me starlight. And I'm a young 18 year old adult who specializes in EAS Scenarios. I also do Voice Acting in EAS Scenarios, Gacha Club Mini Movies, Analog Horrors, and so much more. Can't wait to work with you someday! :)
Speaks: english