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I am a Voice Actor, Artist, Animator, Video Editor, Writer, and Director
Hello! My name's Serinity. I'm an artist, writer, animator/rigger, and also a pro procrastinator trying to make their stories come to life.Any/All PronounsINTPScorpioBisexual
I am a Artist, Animator, Video Editor, Music Composer, Audio Engineer, Writer, and Director
I'm a portuguese gamedev, designer, artist, animator.
I used to make all of my 3D stuff (including games) in Dreams PS4/PS5, now I'm moving on to Blender and Unreal Engine 5 Feel free to apply to any available roles I put out!
Stay tuned for when I put out any other roles that might become available!
-ˏˋ♥̩͙♥̩̩̥͙♥̩̥̩ ⑅ 𝖞𝖔𝖚𝖗 𝖆𝖛𝖊𝖗𝖆𝖌𝖊 𝕰𝖌𝖞𝖕𝖙𝖎𝖆𝖓 𝖆𝖓𝖎𝖒𝖊 𝖜𝖊𝖊𝖇 ⑅ ♥̩̥̩♥̩̩̥͙♥̩͙ˊ
I am a Voice Actor, Singer, Artist, Animator, Video Editor, Writer, and Director
Voice Acting

Voices Range: child - female adult, cartoon voices (ask for references)
Vocal Range: high to medium-low pitchAccents: North American, British, ArabVoices I have done: Celestia Frost (The Element Chronicles), Queen Summers (Majestica), Ayano Aishi (If DDLC meet Yandere Simulator), Eirine (Divinity)Equipment used: Junivo microphone, AudacityExperience: 3 years✦•··························································• •································································•✦SingingExperience: 9 yearsVocal Range: high to medium-low✦•··························································• •································································•✦AnimationThings you can hire me to do:
- Tweening
- SS Animation
- Video Editing/VFX
- Traditional AnimationExperience: 6 years✦•··························································...
I am a Voice Actor, Animator, and Video Editor
I am an indie studio, my mission is to make good games on ROBLOX. I am not a solo creator but an indie studio.
Speaks: english
Accents: american
PLEASE NOTE: I have diagnosed severe anxiety disorder and probable autism (on waiting list for an assessment), so if I do not reply to you it's likely because I'm not interested, and replying, saying "no" gives me heavy anxiety, so please bear that in mind, also if it takes me a few days to reply.
I am a Voice Actor, Singer, Artist, Animator, Video Editor, Writer, Director, and Producer
-Jess-19-17th November-female-British-GMT/BST timezone-biromantic-frayromantic-Christian-Artist-Script writer-Novel writer-Animator-Hetalia fan-Severe Anxiety-Hypermobility diagnosis-Autistic
Accents: a all all accents all american accents all english accents all slavic accents american american (midwest) american (new york) american (northeast) american (southeast) american (southern) american valley girl american (west coast) any Any Accent Any accents aristocratic british asian american asian english australian british british (cockney) british (estuary) british (highbrow) british (liverpool) british (london) british (northern) british (posh) canadian canadian english canadian french central american country american danish english dutch english english english (american) english australian english (british) english (california sterotype) english canadian english (cockney) english (london) english (northern) english (posh) farmer (british) general african general american general american english general american (midwest) general american (natural) general american southern general australian general british general canadian general english general north american english generic american generic australian generic british generic english generic german gruff british mild australian mild british mild english neutral british neutral canadian neutral english new york north american northeastern american northen english northern american northern british northwest american northwestern american norweigan posh british proper british raspy australian same as callia scottish south british south east england southern (american) southern british southern (north america) southwest london accent south yorkshire british standard british standard english west country british western american western canadian western english yorkshire british
Voice Description: 13 17 androgynous child female adult female child female senior female teen female young adult male adult male child male senior male teen male young adult neutral nonbinary able to change moods easily adult all british accents all english accents Aloof Ambitious Angry animation/character Annoying antagonist anxious argumentative Audacity audiobook bipolar Blunt boisterous bolshie bookworm bossy bouncy Brave british british (estuary) british (london) Broken Bubbly calm can change emotion easily can change moods caring changing tones cheery clingy closed up Cold Collected comforting Complaining Concerned confident creepy cruel Curious daring dark deep Defensive dependent deranged Determined distant Down to Earth dramatic easily led emotionless empathetic Encouraging energetic english english (london) evil Evil Laugh Excitable Experienced extravert Extrovert fake fatherly fearless Feisty female female adult female child female teen female young adult Fiery Fiesty Firm follower Free friendly fun funny Gentle grown up gruff grumpy happy harsh Hatred head strong Headstrong Helpful Hero High high pitched high-pitched honest horrible hot tempered hot-tempered Independent Intelligent Introvert just an act keeps self to self kind knows her own mind Laughing London lonely loud Loving Low Male Male Adult Male Teen Male Young Adult Mature mean Medium Medium-pitched mesmirising mocking motherly Mysterious Naive narrator nervous nice not easily rattled opinionated Optimistic Passionate positive private Protective quiet Reckless Reflective rude Sad Sadistic Sassy Scary Secretive selfless Serene serious Short Tempered Shy Sinister smart Smiling Smug Snobbish Soft speaks her mind stand offish Standoffish Strict Stubborn supportive suspicious Sweet talkative temper therapy Thoughtful threatening timid Tough traumatised truthful Understanding unfazed unhappy Upset villain villaineous Villainous voice match warm Weak welcoming well-behaved young
Support my Youtube: my Patreon:
I am a Voice Actor and Animator
I am a voice actor and a animator but I'm kind of an amateur when it comes to animation. I voice act to gain experience.
Youtube: Kaijrin#3642Patreon:
Speaks: english
Accents: english
"Yeah you can still survive, but not exactly live. No not exactly live.. " - Surviving (Jimmy Eat World)
I am a Artist, Animator, Video Editor, Writer, Director, and Producer
Note: I do apologize for lack of response and messages when I was away. I was practically in a slump and just got out of it like a good month or two ago.
Hello and Magandang Umaga, Tanghali, Hapon, Gabi, whenever you see this and welcome to my profile. My name is Cosmo, otherwise known as Morning, Afternoon or Evening; and I am your local emo that has AuDHD (ADHD and Autism) and PMDD, I know triple kill. I am also trans male that goes by He/They pronouns (He/Him preference) and Half African American and Half Filipino.
I dabble here and with there coding (Mostly HTML and CSS) mainly for the Official Tigers Eye Toyhouse and I study psychology. My goal here is to not only tell a story that is entertaining and heartwarming to a lot, but to also spread awareness of serious topics that I myself have gone through as well as the ones close to me. I deeply encourage you to join along in ...
Speaks: english
Accents: any
I do YT and mainly made this account due to a discord server I'm in where we're supposed to use this lol.
I am a Voice Actor, Artist, Animator, Video Editor, Writer, Director, and Live Actor
I like chez lol. I'm an introvert that is overly socially awkward and terrified to talk to people unless they're online lol. I also can't usually do my own voice acting due to a speech disorder that prevents me from pronouncing the letter "r".
Speaks: english
Do it... I dare you
I am a Voice Actor, Artist, Animator, and Video Editor
I'm a simple man whom is easily pleased when all goes as planned. There is a god but not the one you want to believe in.
Speaks: english
Accents: evil villain
Skills and Interests: deep vocal range nsfw audio
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