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I am a Voice Actor, Singer, Artist, Animator, Video Editor, Audio Engineer, Writer, Director, Producer, and Live Actor
Professional Actor, Stand-up Comedian and Voice Actor. Has been working in the industry for over 11 years.
Anime Dubbing Demo:
Character, Video Game and Animation Voice Over Demo Reel:
Acting Demo Reel:
Stand-up Comedy Demo:
Speaks: english
Fanverse Official Studios
"You Are The Artist Of Your Own Life. Don't Hand The Paintbrush To Anyone Else"
I am a Voice Actor, Animator, Video Editor, Writer, Producer, and Live Actor
Hey my name is Fanverse, but you can call me Riley. I have a life long dream to voice act. I like to try a range of different performances. I am also a script writer, that is a real big passion of mine and definietly would love to write for people. I am a life long DC Fan, any DC projects going I am immediately there!
Discord: FanverseOfficialStudios#2142
Speaks: english
im just another guy who likes to animate and make games.
I am a Artist, Animator, Writer, and Director
Speaks: english
Accents: american
Skills and Interests: animation scream
I am a 18yr old Artist who will do my best to work hard and make the project that I am working with reach the stars!🩷💛🩵 2D Digital Artist/2D animator/Background artist/Thumbnail artist/Logo-Icon artist/Discord server make/Video editor!
I am a Voice Actor, Singer, Artist, Animator, and Video Editor
I am a 18 year old artist 🌸🍵☕️Here is my website! ————-> am planning on going to SVA collage soonI may be young but I know how to handle things when it comes to my projects that is being paid to the people and how people scam just for you to finish their dirty work.I can do Storyboards, Full Animations, Clean-ups, rough animations, backgrounds, Thumbnails and probably voice acting and editing/Comic dub editing!WILL NOT DO ANIME-STYLE ANIMATION OR ART RELATED STUFF!!! IT WILL MAKE ME MAD VERY EASILY WHEN DRAWING THAT TYPE OF STLYE AND WILL GET MAD IF YOU ASK ME TO BE HIRED TO DRAW ANIME STUFF!!!! >:1🏴‍☠️What Hardware do you use?For Animation/Drawing/Video editing:I mainly use my computer Windows 6 Probook 4? For voice acting:I most likely use my IPhone for that.What Software do you use?Drawing/animating:      I most likely use Krita as main drawing...
PLEASE NOTE: I have diagnosed severe anxiety disorder and probable autism (on waiting list for an assessment), so if I do not reply to you it's likely because I'm not interested, and replying, saying "no" gives me heavy anxiety, so please bear that in mind, also if it takes me a few days to reply.
I am a Voice Actor, Singer, Artist, Animator, Video Editor, Writer, Director, and Producer
-Jess-19-17th November-female-British-GMT/BST timezone-biromantic-frayromantic-Christian-Artist-Script writer-Novel writer-Animator-Hetalia fan-Severe Anxiety-Hypermobility diagnosis-Autistic
Accents: a all all accents all american accents all english accents all slavic accents american american (midwest) american (new york) american (northeast) american (southeast) american (southern) american valley girl american (west coast) any Any Accent Any accents aristocratic british asian american asian english australian british british (cockney) british (estuary) british (highbrow) british (liverpool) british (london) british (northern) british (posh) canadian canadian english canadian french central american country american danish english dutch english english english (american) english australian english (british) english (california sterotype) english canadian english (cockney) english (london) english (northern) english (posh) farmer (british) general african general american general american english general american (midwest) general american (natural) general american southern general australian general british general canadian general english general north american english generic american generic australian generic british generic english generic german gruff british mild australian mild british mild english neutral british neutral canadian neutral english new york north american northeastern american northen english northern american northern british northwest american northwestern american norweigan posh british proper british raspy australian same as callia scottish south british south east england southern (american) southern british southern (north america) southwest london accent south yorkshire british standard british standard english west country british western american western canadian western english yorkshire british
Voice Description: 13 17 androgynous child female adult female child female senior female teen female young adult male adult male child male senior male teen male young adult neutral nonbinary able to change moods easily adult all british accents all english accents Aloof Ambitious Angry animation/character Annoying antagonist anxious argumentative Audacity audiobook bipolar Blunt boisterous bolshie bookworm bossy bouncy Brave british british (estuary) british (london) Broken Bubbly calm can change emotion easily can change moods caring changing tones cheery clingy closed up Cold Collected comforting Complaining Concerned confident creepy cruel Curious daring dark deep Defensive dependent deranged Determined distant Down to Earth dramatic easily led emotionless empathetic Encouraging energetic english english (london) evil Evil Laugh Excitable Experienced extravert Extrovert fake fatherly fearless Feisty female female adult female child female teen female young adult Fiery Fiesty Firm follower Free friendly fun funny Gentle grown up gruff grumpy happy harsh Hatred head strong Headstrong Helpful Hero High high pitched high-pitched honest horrible hot tempered hot-tempered Independent Intelligent Introvert just an act keeps self to self kind knows her own mind Laughing London lonely loud Loving Low Male Male Adult Male Teen Male Young Adult Mature mean Medium Medium-pitched mesmirising mocking motherly Mysterious Naive narrator nervous nice not easily rattled opinionated Optimistic Passionate positive private Protective quiet Reckless Reflective rude Sad Sadistic Sassy Scary Secretive selfless Serene serious Short Tempered Shy Sinister smart Smiling Smug Snobbish Soft speaks her mind stand offish Standoffish Strict Stubborn supportive suspicious Sweet talkative temper therapy Thoughtful threatening timid Tough traumatised truthful Understanding unfazed unhappy Upset villain villaineous Villainous voice match warm Weak welcoming well-behaved young
Voice Actor, Furry, They/Them, YouTuber, Musician
I am a Voice Actor, Singer, Artist, Animator, Music Composer, Writer, and Director
Hi, I'm 0racle, a Canadian Voice actor, Youtuber, Furry, and Musician from Newfoundland & Labrador, Canada. founder/CEO of Zoey HeadquartersFeel free to audition for my Zoey Headquarters animation project via the "Projects" tab, when you're free, and not busy n_n
Voice Description: androgynous child female adult female teen male adult male child male teen male young adult monster 13 18 adult aggressive Agressive All Accents all americana accents All American Accents all asian accents All Australian Accents all british accents All Canadian Accents All Colorado Accents all english accents alligator all london accents All new york accents all ukrainian accents american American alligator American (Southern) androgynous Anger issues Angry animated cartoon animation animation/character annoyed Annoying antagonist any Any Accent Arrogant Asian background characters bat Bear Bird black panther Blanc De Hotot Blue Jay Blue sea dragon bold bossy Bot boyish Brave british (london) bunny calm Canada Jay canadian Canadian English Canadian (Northern) caring cat child chill colorado country american Crab Crazy creature creepy Curious Dad Danganronpa deep Deep Voice Demanding demon doctor Dog donkey Dragon Duck dwarf Edgy Emo energetic Engergetic english English (American) english (asian) English (Australian) English (British) English (Canadian) English (Colorado) english (london) English (new york) english (ukrainian) evil Excited father fearless female female adult female child female teen female young adult Feral Goat Ferret Fish Floridian Fox friendly funny Furry Gangsta ghost Glaucus atlanticus greedy groundhog happy hare Helpful High high pitch High-Pitch hillbilly Horse Hot-Blooded Hot-headed Husky hyper intorvert Introvert Jackel jellyfish kawaii kind king penguin Laid-back Lazy leopard Lizard lonely loud Low low - medium low - medium pitch Low Pitch main antagonist main protagonist Male Male Adult Male Child Male Teen male teen adult Male Young Adult Mascot Medium medium - high Medium-High medium - high pitch Medium-High Pitch Medium Pitch medium-range medium-ranged medium to high pitch military minor characters mole Monkey Monokuma Monster Morgana Musician Nerd nervous New York nice Panda Partygoer Penguin Persona persona 5 Persona 5 Royal pig pissed off Playful Prankster Problematic Protagonist Protogen punk quiet Rabbit raspy Reindeer robot robotic rude Sad Scared school science scp sea horse serious shape Shifter she/her Shy silly skateboarding smart Snake Soft Soft-spoken Soilder Sonic Sonic the Hedgehog southeast asian Southern Accent Spider Spirit Student stutters supportive Surfer Dude Sweet Teacher teddy bear teen teenager temptress Thug tickle monster Tough tough guy transgender upbeat warm wild Wolf
Vamptastic Vtuber
Nice to meet you, I am Tamahr the Vampire. I am a Vtuber, Voice Actor, and Director for my own show and video game, and for other projects. I hope we can have a good time!
I am a Voice Actor, Animator, Writer, Director, and Producer
Ok... Lets start at the very begining, my name is Tamahr Williams, I was biten by a 33-year-old vampire, and I became the one and only--- Wait... this is a Spiderverse reference! Let me hold that back! ____________________________________________________I'm Tamahr the Vampire, I am a Vtuber, voice actor, and RPG maker. Who is looking for a project to work on so, I can start my true journey! Mostly I get lazy, but I'm trying my very best to do some stuff. Also I'm also Autistic, just to let you know. So, if you want me to voice act a project or ask me to voice act for my project, make sure to go to my discord server. ____________________________________________________Roles I done:Marnix- Cosmic war ((48) Cosmic war episode one “bloodshed” [animated sci fi series] 16+ - YouTube)Tamahr, Andrew, Ori, and Vinninenie- Tamahr's Normal Life (
Voice Description: Android any child creature female female adult female child Female Creature female senior female teen female young adult Genderfluid He's 200 years old Male male adult male child Male Creature male senior male teen male young adult neutral nonbinary pokemon they/them They/Them Teen They/Them/Their unknown A bit mean Actor alien Anger Anger issues Anger problem Angry any anything badass Bad Mannered Bowser Brave Busy calm caring Caring for her girlfriend chill Chilling Choir Clueless Clumsy Cocky Cold Cool creature cute deep depressed Doggy dumb Eccentric evil Excited Extroverted Fair fast Fast talker fast talking Flamboyant Flippant flirty focused formal friendly fun funny Goombas greedy Grieved gruff grumpy happy Has a bit of an anger problem Hellhole Heroic Hot Iconic Impatient Insane Intelligent Introduction kind Kinda Flirty Kind to nature King Lazy little mad loud Loves Shadow Queen Loving Loyal luigi Mafia Man in 50s mario Mature meme Meme-able Merciful Messing around mischievous Monstrous mother Namekian nice Normal Old Organized Outgoing patient Peach Perverted petty Pirate Playful Plotting polite Polyglot powerful Power Ranger Pretty Prideful Prince Protective queen Quick-witted Quips raspy relatable Responsible rich Rivaled with Goku rock Sad Sadistic Sarcastic Sassy Scared Scaredy-cat Scaredy Cat Scary Selfish serious Simp singing/vocals smart smooth Smug Sneaky Soft-spoken Strategist Strict strong Superhero super sentai supportive Sweet taunting Theif Thief Thinkable Threating tiktoker tired Toads Tomboy Tough Ultra Instinct upbeat Up to the challenge Villian warm Wise-Cracking Wizard Wolf like Yandere
@kaaoksenkorppi Voice Acting samples:
I am a Voice Actor, Artist, Animator, Writer, and Live Actor
Would like to try voice acting, but I am not native English speaking (I am Finnish and that can be heard strongly). Mostly think I am suitable to temperamental/strong, mysterious/villain/insane characters, and I enjoy them more. I can voice act young or adult fem and non-binaries, guess also young males. I am not trained, just doing this for fun. I can also make animations, art and stories. Find them here: KaaoksenKorppi - Youtube
Just a 21 year old trying to make stuff that makes people like me happy!
I am a Voice Actor, Animator, Video Editor, Music Composer, Audio Engineer, Writer, Director, and Producer
Jasper is a twenty-one-year-old writer, director, producer, audio editor, video editor, animator, and aspiring voice actor. Yes, they know that is a lot of little titles, but give them a break. They are a huge comic-book fan with some of Jasper's favorite characters including Spider-Man, Superman, Black Canary, Invincible, The Wasp, Hawkeye, Green Lantern, and Moon Knight! Jasper is also in many different fandoms such as Marvel, DC, FNAF, as well as Transformers! 
Jasper is currently working with their close friends from college to develop a Spider-Man Audio Drama for Spotify in addition to future short films and YouTube projects! They are also helping these close friends in their production network with their own projects by holding casting calls for them!
Accents: Adventurous Aggressive Agressive alaskan alien all accents all american accents all english accents american (midwest) american (new york) american (northeast) american (southeast) american (southern) american valley girl american (west coast) Angry annoying arabic aristocratic british Arrogant Articulate Assertive Athletic atlantic australian Authoritative balinese bangladeshi Batman bavarian black american bold Booming Bossy british british (cockney) british (london) british (northern) british (posh) bronx brooklyn brooklyn italian bully Businessman Butler californian calm calming canadian canadian english canadian french caring Cartoonish Charismatic Charming chicago clear Cocky Cold coloradian Comedic comforting commanding Compassionate confident confused cracky crazy creature criminal Croaky curious danish english dark Deceptive Deeo deep demonic Determined detroit east african Echoey Echoing egyptian egyptian arabic elderly elegant emotional emotionless Empathetic energetic english (american) english australian english (british) english (cockney) english (london) english (posh) ethereal evil clown evil villain excited Experienced expressive farmer fast talking fatherly Fearless Fiery Fisherman floridian Formal friendly funky funny game show host gangster geeky general american (midwest) general canadian generic german generic italian generic russian Gentle gentleman Genuine german God Godlike Graceful grandpa gravelly Greedy greek gremlin grizzled growl gruff gruff russian gutteral happy harley quinn hawaiian hawaiian english high pitched hispanic american hispanic english hispanic/latino holly hunter Hotheaded Hulk Impressionist Independent innocent insane Inspiring intellectual intelligent Intense Intimidating Introspective iowan italian italian american italian mobster japanese japanese american jersey jock Journalist kenyan latin american lawyer Leader Leaderly lizard man long island loud louisiana loving low pitch mad mad scientist mafia marlon brando martian mature mean medium high medium low melancholic Melodic menacing Mentor michigan michigander mid atlantic midwest midwest american midwestern mild australian military Mischievous monotone monster monstrous montanan moody teen motherly mother voice Motivational muffled mysterious narrator nasally nebraskan nerdy netherlands netherlands belgium new jersey new orleans news anchor new york new york (bronx) new york (brooklyn) new york italian new zealand noble norse norse/scandinavian northern california northern european northwest american northwestern american norweigan Oaf Obsessed Odd old Older Ominous Omnipotent optimus prime Otherworldly Passionate Paternal pennsylvanian Playboy Police posh posh american Powerful powerful being Precise Primal professional Proud puerto rican Punk queens quiet Quippy radio announcer Rageful raspy raspy australian Reassuring regal regal english Religious Figure Reporter Resonant Respectful Rich rich guy robotic romanian rough rough russian royal royal english rude rugged russian russian english russian (moscow) sad sarcastic Sardonic sassy scandinavian scared seductive serious shady Shark sharp singer sinister Sly Smart smooth soft soldier soothing sophisticated south african southern (american) southern drawl southern irish southern twang spanish standard german standard russian Strategic stressed strong suave sultry superhero supervillain sweet swiss german teacher teen Teenager Tense texan Thanos Theatrical tired tortured tough transatlantic Understanding unsettling Unyielding upstate new york urban new york Versatile villain Vulnerable Warm warrior washingtonian weird well-spoken west coast american west coast american (california) western canadian western new york whimsical wise witch Witty wizard wrestler yorkshire british yorkshire english young young adult young child youthful zombie