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Creator of the Final Fantasy In a Nutshell series!
I am a Voice Actor, Artist, Animator, Video Editor, Writer, and Producer
I have been making crude animations on YouTube for over 10 years, I am not aspiring to be an amazing animator I am just looking to make fun content and get people involved and collaborate! We parody video games from Final Fantasy to Resident Evil, if you are interested in being in any of our animations just give me a buzz!
Speaks: english
Skills and Interests: video editing voice acting
jesus rode in on an ass. your MOTHER'S ass (he/they. frankierosies on insta)
I am a Voice Actor, Singer, Artist, Animator, Video Editor, and Writer
hi i'm frankie! he/they. i love metal and horror and tobias forge. and dave mustaine. and fenriz. and other men?? i dunno.i write, draw, sing, and occasionally voice act. very rarely...
Speaks: english
I am a Voice Actor, Singer, Animator, and Video Editor
🎇Hello, my name is Monochrome. But mostly everyone calls me Thunder/Mono, I currently do voice acting, animation, and singing as hobbies. I am self-taught with the majority of my hobbies and am learning and developing more along the way. I'm open to just about any project, but tend to lean more on Minecraft Roleplays, and Gacha when it comes to voice acting but am willing to try most projects. 🎇💫=============💫About Me:
Hello! My name is Thunder/Mono, I am 19 and go by She/Her pronouns. I'm a bit eccentric, and laugh at just about anything; I like and can just about work with anyone or independently. You will almost always catch me listening to music, or animating. I love trying new things and am always looking forward to growth and improvement in anything I do.💫=============💫PRONOUNS: She/HerAGE: 19TIMEZONE: PSTVOCAL RANGE: Medium-High(Soprano)💫=============💫✨Contacts:✨Discord: Mon...
Speaks: english
Setup: audacity
A befuddled writer, Character designer and developer, voice actor, artist. Contact me for commissions or requests!
I am a Voice Actor, Singer, Animator, Video Editor, Audio Engineer, Director, and Live Actor
I am a fem VA that has a range of low to mid-high. My singing range is tenor/contralto. I use a Blue Yeti USB connection microphone.__________Hello! I am Sammy/Sammyliscious! I really love voice acting and my goal is to voice each character I have as best as I can! I tend to lean towards expressive and cartoony acting, though I'm comfortable with any! I am okay with any sort of production that is not sexual NSFW, as I am not comfortable in roles like that. Other than that, however, have at it! Everyone is welcome to message me for questions and comments of any kind!__________Thanks for stopping by! Here are my links.My Website: : DO NOT USE MY VOICE OR ANY OF MY WORK FOR AI TRAINING OR AI RELATED THINGS.
Speaks: english
@feanwee on Instagram and twitter. @iriselinebos on instagram from my academic work. inquiries can be mailed to [email protected]
I am a Artist, Animator, Director, and Producer
Animation student at Willem de Kooning Academy. I am 25 years old and from the Netherlands. passionate about illustration, animation, acting and cosplay.
I am a Voice Actor, Singer, Artist, Animator, Director, and Live Actor
Hiya! I'm RyaminoI'm Ryamino!I am 18 years old (3rd of April).I like voicing in Animations/Comic Dubs and Minecraft Roleplays! :) I also enjoy drawing and creating my own cartoons!I have a YouTube channel, with infinite subscribers.I'm also British! :>Discord: Ryamino#5154Enjoy your stay!!SOCIAL LINKSYOUTUBE CHANNELYou may have seen me in...Ollie/Oliver Pendragon - HEROBRINE (A Minecraft Fan Film) - LouiMezDezBradley - The Warden of the Gateway (A Minecraft Series) - LouiMezDezMany Years Of...
Speaks: english
Skills and Interests: burp the alphabet
I am a Artist and Animator
anonymous :}
Speaks: english
Accents: norweigan
Voice Description: female adult male adult adult
Hello, I am a VA and a writer.
I am a Voice Actor, Singer, Artist, Animator, Music Composer, Writer, and Director
Hi, My name is SayHello. I am a male, but I can do both males and females. I can sing and I have an extraordinary range. I am currently 14, but I can do practically any range, though. I want to become a legit voice actor, so if you need a role, just ask me and I'll help you any time.
I am a Animator, Writer, and Director
Director and story writerNo matter how much you change, there will always be a portion of you that is still thereWorking for two game related projects currently- (08-01-2022)-CANCELLEDin the works.- (7-19-2024)- CANCELLED
Experience on RPG MAKER & Tyranobuilder.socials:x/twitter:
2D Animator!
I am a Voice Actor, Artist, Animator, Video Editor, Audio Engineer, Writer, Director, and Live Actor
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1. True Home Horror Story Animated - Animator (2023)
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2. Salis: Project X Part 1 (2023) Release Date: December 2024
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3. Love Thy Dragon (2024)
(Work in Progress) Release Date: December 2024
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4. Salis: Project X Part 2 (2024)
(Work in Progress) Release Date: December 2024
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2D Characters
3D Stylized Backgrounds‎ ‎‎ ‎ ‎‎ ‎Software:Blender / Grease Pencil    |    DaVinci Resolve  ‎ ‎
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Speaks: english
Creator of cult-horror animated series "Petals"
I am a Voice Actor, Artist, and Animator
Hello! I'm a 21 year old, Californian-based artist/story writer! I've been working on a cult-horror animated series under the name "Petals."