Lunacidal: Voice Auditions / CASTOFF

Project Overview
This voice casting will be used primarily for animated bits, storyboard bits, and comic dubs.
> You must have Pay-pal or Cash-app. Nothing else will go.
> You must have prior experience to voice acting at the least.
> You must have a clear microphone with quality to it.
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Vaughn, the protagonist
A 19-year-old from 1930s Boston North End, this character speaks with a fast-paced, high-pitched voice and a strong Boston accent. His tone is a mix of cynical pragmatism and witty sarcasm, with a touch of childishness. Despite his slightly snobbish attitude, he retains the classic Boston roughness, reflecting his Italian roots.
- english
- male young adult
- bostonian
- Male
- animation/character
- Cynical
- animation
- Pragmatic
- taunting
- film
- male teen
- Fast Speaker
- teenager
- accent
- Passionate
- Male Voice
- Witty
- Young Male Voice
- cartoon art
- cartooning
- american (new york)
- bostonian
- cartoon voices
- all american accents
"Wish things didn't have to change so much, but now, it's easier to get plugged than make a few bucks."
"(Whistle) One dynamite (Whistle) Two, Three , FoUR,-- Alright, let's get this baby blowin', eh? (Baby Taunt Voice) See how he likes a kiss from mama. .. Uh.. (nonchalant) Tally-Ho."

- english
- male adult
- storyboard demo
- british (london)
- film
- animation/character
- male senior
- animation
- british
- general british
- Cold
- profressional
- Reserved
- semi deep voice
- British Voice
- Easily annoyed
- Aloof
- British Accent
- confident
- cartoon voices
- british
- cartoon animation
- british (london)
- neutral british
*Say something you think would fit*

- english
- russian
- animation/character
- male adult
- male teen
- russian (moscow)
- male young adult
- russian english
- standard russian
- adult
- animation
- film
- Laidback
- russian accent
- russian
- Suave
- Smooth talker
- Crazy
- Unhinged
- gentle voice
- Gentle
- cartoon art
- cartoon voices
- generic russian
- russian
- all american accents
*Say something you think would fit*

- male adult
- german
- animation
- standard german
- animation/character
- film
- storyboard demo
- audio description
- german accent
- Monster
- Menacing
- Deep Voice
- deep
- stoic
- bold
- terrifying
- young
- Deep German Accent
- german dialect
- cartooning
- standard german
- cartoon voices
- german
- all american accents
*Say something you think would fit*

- english
- positive
- american (new york)
- animation
- male child
- american
- animation/character
- male teen
- Jolly
- bostonian
- storyboard demo
- young male
- female adult
- smooth
- Playful
- female teen
- upbeat
- Excitable
- bostonian
- cartoon voices
- cartooning
- cartoon animation
- all american accents
*Say something you think would fit*
"What curious contraption have we here? A veritable playground for the inquisitive mind! Look at all these marvelous beakers and whirligigs! It’s as if a symphony of science is about to unfold right before our eyes!"

- english
- female young adult
- female adult
- french american
- film
- american
- french
- Cocky
- animation/character
- bostonian
- funny
- animation
- woman
- Woman Voice
- silly
- confident
- Goofy
- young woman
- Lively
- american
- cartoon voices
- cartooning
- american (new york)
- bostonian
- all american accents
*Say something you think would fit*

- english
- male adult
- english (american)
- english
- film
- bothered
- male young adult
- male teen
- all english accents
- Young Male Voice
- rude
- Angsty
- teenager
- Sarcastic
- Doubting
- Stagnant
- animation/character
- comic
- all english accents
- english
- british
- cartoon voices
- cartoon animation
*Say something you think would fit*
Public Submissions