Legends of the Sith: Injustice | A Star Wars Fan Film

Legends of the Sith: Injustice | A Star Wars Fan Film

Project Overview

Hello there!

My name is Ariya, and I am currently looking to cast voice actors for a Star Wars short film I am making. I’m an aspiring director making animations and shorts on my Youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCG9L4Trg-DV3Qdm0ho3vong

Film Logline: After discovering that the Rebel hero Luke Skywalker is his long-lost son, Sith Lord Darth Vader investigates his former wife’s death in search of what truly happened to her and their son.

Here are the characters I am looking to cast:

Darth Vader: Cast

The Emperor/Darth Sidious:

  • Word Count: ~128

  • Compensation: $30

Padmé Amidala:

  • Word Count: ~102

  • Compensation: $30

Anakin Skywalker:

  • Word Count: ~50

  • Compensation: $25

  • Extra Notes: portrayal as Hayden Christensen version of Anakin

Jobal Naberrie (Padmé’s Mother):

  • Word Count: ~80

  • Compensation: $25

  • Extra Notes: 79 years old at this point

Imperial Officer:

  • Word Count: ~24

  • Compensation: $15

  • Extra Notes: I won’t send sides for this role since they only have 3 lines. I’m just looking for a portrayal like the imperial officers from the original trilogy, and I will send you reference from the films. This role is also gender fluid!

Audition Deadline: 03/12/24

If you have any questions, please send me an email at [redacted] ! Thank y’all so much for your time. Have a wonderful rest of your day, and may the force be with you, always.

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Latest Updates

  • Casting Update

    Hello friends!

    Thank you all so much for taking the time to audition for our project. It has been such a great experience to hear each and every one of your auditions. Here comes the hard part.

    Now that the deadline has passed, we are finalizing choices for each character, and will make final decisions by Sunday of this upcoming weekend.

    Have a wonderful rest of your day, and may the force be with you, always.

    All the best,


  • Thank You!

    Thank you all so much for your auditions so far! I honestly didn't think we'd receive so many. We are having such a blast going through all the submissions, and seeing you all bring life to the characters makes us so happy. I wish I could thank you all personally in the comments, but I hope this will suffice.

    Thank you all so much again for your time. I hope you have a wonderful rest of your day, and may the force be with you, always.

    All the best,


Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Anakin Skywalker
Paid: Flat Rate 25 USD
cast offsite

Word Count: ~50

Scene Background

Please audition using the scene down below!

This portion of the film is a vision/dream from Vader/

Anakin's perspective. It encompasses what he truly desires

and what would've happened if he had saved Padmé all those

years ago. Though, it also serves as his light side pushing

through to call him back to the light, and that is what

Padmé represents here. She isn't necessarily Padmé, but is

someone Anakin will listen to and that the Force/his inner

light sides uses to get through to him.

Emotionally, Anakin is not the version we see him in Revenge

of the Sith in this vision/dream. He is free from the fear

that Palpatine/The Emperor used to manipulate him to seduce

him to the Dark Side. In this scenario, Anakin believes

himself to be truly in balance with himself.


Anakin now wears more traditional Jedi robes with BEIGE and

LIGHT BROWN colors. He walks through the halls of the Naboo

home, passing by pictures of the NABERRIE family, and a

picture of SHIMI SKYWALKER and a young Anakin. Anakin finds

PADMÉ AMIDALA, 27, and C-3PO in what looks like a baby's

room. She rocks a baby back and forth in her arms humming a

song. Anakin grins at her, looking at her like it's the

first time he's seeing her. Padmé puts the sleeping baby in

a crib and turns around. The two look at each other lovingly

and share a long awaiting embrace.



You're back! I just put him to sleep, let's go outside.


Alright, then.

Anakin looks down the baby's crib with a smile full of pride

and happiness.

ANAKIN (cont'd)

Stay with him you two.


(happily beeps



CUT to Anakin and Padmé happily holding hands walking

through a GARDEN next to a grand LAKE surrounded by

MOUNTAINS next to their home. Padmé is laughing at something

Anakin had said previously.


I've missed you Padmé. I'm sorry I

couldn't have come any sooner.


But you still have a ways to go Ani.


What do you mean?

The two reach a small stone balcony overlooking the lake.

Padmé walks over to the edge admiring the lake while Anakin



He's already so much like you.

Anakin smiles at her and leans onto a pillar.

PADMÉ (cont'd)

One time, a pair of convors were

fighting while we were out in the

gardens. I'd become so distracted, I

hadn't realized he'd crawled towards

them. But the two became calm before

I could even panic. It was like he

was communicating with them somehow.

Like he brought them together again,

in balance. They flew away like

nothing had happened.


He gets his compassion from you. Now

that the war is over we can all

finally be together.

Anakin walks over to Padmé and holds her in his arms.

ANAKIN (cont'd)

No politics. No plotting. No Jedi.


All thanks to you. Anakin Skywalker

saved the Republic. Saved me... But

that didn't happen. He died, didn't

he, Lord Vader?

Anakin is taken aback.



His eyes WIDEN with fear.


Lord Vader?



Voice description:
  • canadian
  • male young adult
  • *Say something you think would fit*

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Padmé Amidala
Paid: Flat Rate 30 USD
Role assigned to: teganmorrisvo

Word Count: ~102

Scene Background

Please use scene below for the audition!

This portion of the film is a vision/dream from Vader/

Anakin's perspective. It encompasses what he truly desires

and what would've happened if he had saved Padmé all those

years ago. Though, it also serves as his light side pushing

through to call him back to the light, and that is what

Padmé represents here. She isn't necessarily Padmé, but is

someone Anakin will listen to and that the Force/his inner

light sides uses to get through to him.

Emotionally, Anakin is not the version we see him in Revenge

of the Sith in this vision/dream. He is free from the fear

that Palpatine/The Emperor used to manipulate him to seduce

him to the Dark Side. In this scenario, Anakin believes

himself to be truly in balance with himself.


Anakin now wears more traditional Jedi robes with BEIGE and

LIGHT BROWN colors. He walks through the halls of the Naboo

home, passing by pictures of the NABERRIE family, and a

picture of SHIMI SKYWALKER and a young Anakin. Anakin finds

PADMÉ AMIDALA, 27, and C-3PO in what looks like a baby's

room. She rocks a baby back and forth in her arms humming a

song. Anakin grins at her, looking at her like it's the

first time he's seeing her. Padmé puts the sleeping baby in

a crib and turns around. The two look at each other lovingly

and share a long awaiting embrace.



You're back! I just put him to sleep, let's go outside.


Alright, then.

Anakin looks down the baby's crib with a smile full of pride

and happiness.

ANAKIN (cont'd)

Stay with him you two.


(happily beeps affirmatively)


CUT to Anakin and Padmé happily holding hands walking

through a GARDEN next to a grand LAKE surrounded by

MOUNTAINS next to their home. Padmé is laughing at something

Anakin had said previously.


I've missed you Padmé. I'm sorry I couldn't have come any sooner.


But you still have a ways to go Ani.


What do you mean?

The two reach a small stone balcony overlooking the lake.

Padmé walks over to the edge admiring the lake while Anakin stops.


He's already so much like you.

Anakin smiles at her and leans onto a pillar.

PADMÉ (cont'd)

One time, a pair of convors were

fighting while we were out in the

gardens. I'd become so distracted, I

hadn't realized he'd crawled towards

them. But the two became calm before

I could even panic. It was like he

was communicating with them somehow.

Like he brought them together again,

in balance. They flew away like

nothing had happened.


He gets his compassion from you. Now

that the war is over we can all

finally be together.

Anakin walks over to Padmé and holds her in his arms.

ANAKIN (cont'd)

No politics. No plotting. No Jedi.


All thanks to you. Anakin Skywalker

saved the Republic. Saved me... But

that didn't happen. He died, didn't

he, Lord Vader?

Anakin is taken aback.



His eyes WIDEN with fear.


Lord Vader?


Voice description:
  • female adult
  • soft
  • female young adult
  • *Say something you think would fit*

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
The Emperor/Darth Sidious
Paid: Flat Rate 30 USD
cast offsite

Word Count: ~128

Scene Background

Darth Vader is in Padmé's Mausoleum grieving the loss of his

past wife, the source of his pain. He is interpreted by an

unknown woman. In his anger, he uses the force to choke her,

but hesitates and releases his grip when it is revealed that

this woman is Padmé's mother, Jobal Naberrie.

Darth Sidious is out of frame watching these events

transpire. He is disappointed in his apprentice giving into

his conflicted feelings about his past. His goal is to

recourse Vader in embracing the pain and hate that comes

with the Dark Side.

  • Most disappointing my apprentice. Your feelings for your old wife have made you weak, Lord Vader. Perhaps you have forgotten your place.

  • Your actions betray your fear. Do not think I am unaware of your recent ventures, Lord Vader. Prove your loyalty to me. Dispose of her.

  • What does it matter now, my friend. Long ago, it was your fear of losing Padmé I used to give you strength, to give you focus. Look where your pain has brought you. Yet your conflicted feelings now compromise everything. So let me teach you fear again Lord Vader, and how to bring you back to absolute power.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Jobal Naberrie
Paid: Flat Rate 25 USD
Role assigned to: Nancy O'Fallon

Word Count: ~80

Jobal Naberrie (79 years old) is Padmé Amidala's mother. All these years later, she still heavily grieves the loss of her daughter. She can not bring herself to let go as Padmé represents the last piece of hope on the planet and in her life. She becomes angry when she sees Vader at her tomb as she views the Empire as poisoning and disturbing Padmé's resting place.

Voice description:
  • female senior
  • And let the Empire spoil the last root of hope left on this planet? I think not.

  • How dare you disrespect this ground! Can't you just let her rest...

  • Anakin? You're Anakin Skywalker? How could you... How could you let her die? Did you kill her?!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Imperial Officer
Paid: Flat Rate 15 USD
Role assigned to: RossFeebackVA

Word Count: ~24

The Imperial Officer role is very short and swift! I'll attach a scene down below for some reference, but feel free to draw from another character if you see fit. I'm just looking for a military underling here.

Imperial Officer Reference: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qQB2NXfJev0

Voice description:
  • male adult
  • british
  • female adult
  • Lord Vader? We have arrived outside of the Naboo system. Shall I inform the Emperor of our delay?

  • At once, my lord.


Public Submissions

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