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Hello! My name is Niecy and I am an American female looking for voice-over work.I am a beginner in the industry, but I have gone through a voice-over program. I am able to hit both female and gender-neutral voices. I have a large imagination, and I am passionate and excited to get started. 
I am a Voice Actor, Singer, Artist, Video Editor, Writer, and Live Actor
I bring words to life with a warm, deep and articulate voice.
My conversational, believable, exciting, serious, silly, intense, cheerful, confident, animated and friendly style brings content to life in a personable and engaging way. I can do character voices, accents to enhance narrations or gaming projects.

I offer a professional voice for all of your needs and I always assure customer satisfaction.
Speaks: english
I do things and make stuff.
I am a Voice Actor, Artist, Animator, Video Editor, Audio Engineer, Writer, Director, and Producer
My name's Silly_Sam_26. I'm a solo animator and storyteller. My main social media accounts are on YouTube and Wattpad. I am currently very small with a little less than 200 subscribers, but I'm working hard to become bigger and more known!My goal is to inspire and entertain others and make the world a little bit better in my own unique way. I've always loved writing and drawing, so it's my creative outlet.I'm sort of a jack-of-all-trades, but I do focus mainly on story-telling and editing.
Speaks: any english
Setup: Any
I am a Artist, Video Editor, Writer, and Director
Cakt here! I am a storyteller and webcomic artist. I do like to dabble in some scriptwriting and directing projects as well. My overall goal is to bring people a story through books, audio, or art. I look forward to working with you. Thankyou
Speaks: english | Needing a crazy, cat-loving, Co-Director who is willing to do any work you assign? Need someone who is pretty good at writing fantasy? Well, you're in luck, 'cause I'm your girl!
I am a Voice Actor, Artist, Video Editor, Writer, Director, and Producer
☽★☽★☽★☽Greetings, I'm Mira_Mocca, but I prefer you call me Mira. I'm an American YA Director and Content Creator on YT that has been in the business for about a few years now.I've been interested in being a Content Creator for as long as I can remember, always wanting to tell a story to someone or to make them smile. I've been self-teaching myself writing techniques from all over the world for 5 years now, knowing writing styles like the back of my hand, easily able to change depending on what I'm writing. I'm not as new to directing and content creation as you might think, but rest assured, I'm passionate about everything I bring to the table. If you ever need help with a project, just give me a shout; I'm sure I can help.
Pronouns: She/Her | Female
While I might be adept at writing in various styles, I currently can only speak one language, so I hope to expand upon...
Voice Description: child female adult female child female senior female teen female young adult male adult male teen male young adult pokemon adult Aloof anime Annette anxious Arrogant Ashe audiobook Axel/Lea Balthus Balthus von Albrecht Barbara Bernadetta Bernie Blunt bold brash bright Byleth (Female) Byleth (Male) calming caring casino Caspar Celeste Ludenburg Celestia Ludenburg Cheerful cheery child Childe (Tartaglia) Childish Claude clear Cocky Cold Considerate Constance von Nuvelle Dainsleif Dedue deep Defensive Determined Dimitri Dorothea easygoing Edelgard Emotional Entitled fantasy Felix Felix Hugo Fraldarius Ferdinand von Aegir Fierce gruff Hapi Hilda Himiko Toga Hinata Hyuga Hubert Hushed Ienzo Ignatz Ingrid Isa Itachi Uchiha Jean joking Junko Enoshima Juzo Mido kind King Knowledgeable Lazy Leonie Linhardt Lisa (Genshin Impact) Lively Lorenz Louis Amamiya Lucy Heartfilia Lysithea Manipulative Marianne Marth Mature Max mittleman Mercedes Mercedes (Fire Emblem) Mondo Owada Moody motherly Mute Naruto Naruto Uzumaki Natsu Nico Robin Noble Noelle Silva Ochako Uraraka Outgoing Petra Playful Preppy Prideful qiqi quiet Raphael Razor relaxed Rhea Riku Robbie Daymond rude Saix Sakura Sakura (FE) Sarcastic Sassy Sasuke Sasuke Uchiha sayaka maizono seductive Seiros serious Sharp Sleepy snarky Snobbish Soft soothing Sothis spontaneous Stern stoic Striking Sweet Sylvain tired Tomboyish Unphased warm Worn Xiangling Xiao Yakumo Shinonome Yao Momo Yasuhiro Hagakure young Yuno Yuri Leclerc Zexion Zhongli
Hi there! I'm Bruce and welcome to my little corner of the world. Greetings!
I am a Artist, Animator, Video Editor, Music Composer, and Writer
Hello! My name is Bruce, I am 29 and I am amateur 3D and 2D animator and musician. I hope to get along with the great artists and creators of this site, and I also hope to find support in my projects. Thank you! and Greetings!
She/Her Animator, Coder, Artist, and Voice Actor!
I am a Voice Actor, Artist, Animator, Video Editor, and Writer
Heya!Name’s Wolf Breeze. You can call me Wolf!I have a passion for digital art and animation, and adore writing.I have a series named Endless Shadows!I enjoy watching people play horror games, but don’t play them myself, voice acting, drawing, animating, and writing!I‘ll try any voice, but probably going for some teen or child female characters!
I am an Aries!My pronouns are She/Her!My favorite color is pastel yellow!My favorite games are Undertale and Poppy Playtime Chapter 2I love watching KallMeKris, ForeverNenaa, Markiplier, and others!I like stuff that has to do with animation or art.Uh.. I like coding.See ya!
Speaks: english
(New) Owner of Cursed Moons Industries ☆ [urban_churro stepped down due to harassment and stalking :( ]. Currently any acting or behind-the-scene works are unpaid, but i strive to get us there! If you wanna talk to me, you can reach out through Discord: stubborn_stag_beetle 
I am a Voice Actor, Singer, Artist, and Live Actor
Voice Description: child Demon Dog female adult female child female senior female teen female young adult male adult male child male senior male teen male young adult monster Abusive Acceptance Accusatory addicted adrenaline-based adult afraid aged aggressive Aleks Le (Offical VA) androgynous angelic Angry animation anime annoyed Annoying Arrogant assertive authoritative Authority Barbie basically Basically a coward until passed out (serious slayer mode activated) bitter Blunt bold booming bossy bratty Bubbly calm Captivating Carefree caring cheery child Childish Chilling clear Closed Off Cold cold with anger comedic comedic intimidation comforting comical Concerned Confused Coward Crybaby Crystal-clear deep Defensive Demanding Demonic Denial depressed deranged Determined Dismissive dog noises doubtful dull Elegant emotionless Empowered Empowering Encouraging Exasperated exhausted expressive Fairy-like fandub fatherly fearful female Feminine Fired Up firey Firm Flashy forgetful formal friendly Frightened Gentle Gentleman goal-driven Godly Grandpa growls harsh Hatred have a say in the matter Helpful High high-low pitched High-Medium high pitch Highschooler High voice homophobe Humble Husky Ignorant Innocent Insincere Intimidating Irritated joking judgement Judging kind Kind-Hearted know-it-all Leading Light growl like an angel Logical lordly loud loud as hell loud/yelling Loving Low Low-high pitch Low Pitched low tone Lurking luscious Male manipulated Matter-of-Fact Mature Medium medium high Medium-High Medium High Low Medium High Pitch Medium-High Pitch medium-low Medium low Medium-low pitch Medium Pitch Medium to Low mellow meme energy mesmerizing mid-deep misled mocking Monotone Monstrous motherly Naive neutral nostalgia nostalgic observant Obsessed obsessive Old Open-Minded Optimistic Overthinking panic paranoid Passionate Passive patient patronizing Persuasive pessimistic petite Pity Pitying Plea Pleased powerful professional Protective quiet racist Rad Rasp raspy Raspy-ish Regretful Religious Remembering resentful Resonant Respect Respectful Result-Driven Roaring Rough Sad Sarcastic sassy and bratty very bratty Scary Screaming screeching Self-Aware self-important Semi-Adult semi-deep Semi-Loud Sensitive serious Shaky silly similar to Kirishima from MHA Sinsiter Slow Sly smart smarty-pants smooth Smug Snapped snarky Soft softspoken song Sorrow Spectator spoiled child mentality squealy Stern straightforward Strict strong strong voice Stubborn Stupid superior suspicious tactical teen threatening timid Trickster trustworthy Twisted and wicked Twisted excitement Twisted Joy twitter mindset Unapologetic Understanding undyne from undertale Unhinged Unwavering Upset Velvety voice match Wailing warm Warn welcoming Well-Spoken whiny Whisper wilted wise Witty Worried worshiping Yelling young young adult
Hello! My name is Summer Rose! I am from the midwestern part of the USA.I love to write and VA it is one of my many passions that I pursue.If you are in need of a writer or VA, don’t be afraid to shoot me a message!  
I am a Voice Actor, Singer, Artist, Video Editor, Writer, and Live Actor
I use a Rode N1 microphone
Speaks: english
Skills and Interests: amateur writer character acting
I’m good looking, funny, smart, and FAT
I am a Voice Actor, Artist, Writer, Director, and Producer
Just a goofy Christian guy who’s making some amazing indie toons with his amazing team over at Penseal Ink. (You should go sub btw) learning to be a game developerSticks And Stones
My instagram: Youtube/s:
I am a Voice Actor, Artist, Animator, Writer, and Live Actor
Hello, my name is Franci, I am a transgender Female to male guy. I'm currently working on my own projects where I get to recruit starters or simply people who find an interest in my work. I work for free and take people to work for free.i
Funny voice man, Ready and rearin too bring life to a character wherever I can!
I am a Voice Actor, Singer, and Artist
Hello my name is Jack!
Im 23, and I love to do Voice acting!
I wish too make this into a career at some point and expand my brand and name too the world of animation, arts, and much more!
If you find anything under my submission or (future) drafts you like as a reference point please don't be afraid too contact me!
Speaks: english