

I eat pie that's called Nothing lol.  

Joined Sep 2020 319 Following1235 Followers
About StillthinkingU-U


^more information & production credits.

If you wish for me to voice act for me, please check pricing for the form below. (This includes non-paid roles as well.)

Aliss (Former name is Still [Still_ThinkingU-U)

Voice Actor, Violinist, and more.

Contact Info:

Casting Call Club: [You're Here.] 

Please PM/DM me for my email.

Discord: Still_Oi [Formerly Still_Oi#4339]

<3 Please contact me for serious inquiries. <3

 (I mean if you want to be friends, then okay! :> ) 

Facts About Me:

Likes; Ice creams, books, writing, making music, sweets, travelling. 

Dislikes: discrimination, hateful content.

Age: Currently in high school. 

Gender: Female (she/her)

Accent: Korean American/North American.


My Activity:

From fall to summer (Sept-June) I have busy schedules but I can make time if it is manageable, and from July-August I have enough time to answer you on discord. (Usually 15:00-20PM PST.)

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:0 why is there a baby one 0-0

Voice Range:

For voice acting, I can act from low voices to medium high, and I am fit for minor/extra characters. For singing, I am a soprano, C4-D5, 14 semitones. I can try to go higher, but mostly likely I will stay at medium high.


^more information & production credits.



Project Information & Plot:

Fandub or Original Project:

Character & Role:

Swearing Involved?:

Show me examples of work: 

Paid, Unpaid?:

Planning or Ongoing Project?

The Main Platform:

<3 Pricing: <3

I do not take pricing but if you do insist, robux (Roblox currency) is my current currency until further notice. 

5 EPS: 20 R.
10+ EPS: 25 R.
Series & Seasons: 50 R.

MOVIES: 100 R. (for one full movie.)
MOVIES: 200-500 R. (Multiple Parts, depending on characters.)
Please PM/DM me for further pricing information. Do not purchase without PM/DM for more information.

<3 If I am cast, I will likely send my lines in 2-3 days, if I forget and don't get a reminder, it will usually take two to three weeks.

I am free to audition, and if you'd like to cast me, please check the form above on how to get me to audition on your project. 

Projects I will audition for: 

Gacha, Animated Stories, Roblox, Minecraft, Visual Novels, and Fandubs.

I will not audition for NSFW projects.

Please private message / direct message me if you want my business email. <3

Check above for my activeness.

What I can do for your project:

Voice Act, Sing, Write, Audio Engineer, Musician, Art, etc.

Thank you for reading!

  • @gacha-ivy

    Hi! I'm gacha ivy and i love her work and shes a reallyy good Editor/voice actor/Script maker and more please follow her! shes a great person :) af

  • @ri-s

    Hello everyone who's reading this! I highly recommend StillThinking because she's the nicest, most considerate person I've ever met! She always makes sure to include you in everything, and if a project is falling behind, she gets immediately on top of it! All in all, she's the perfect person if you want to hire her for music!

  • @deleted333550

    Stillthinking, is an amazing friend, voice actor, and director! She is determined, always ready to help, and overall an amazing person! We are in a lot of projects together! And I'm really glad that I get to work with her! I'm writing this recommendation because she deserves it! 100& I enjoy working with her! And I know other people do too! You'd be very lucky to have her as a friend, voice actor, director, etc! I highly recommend her!

  • @deleted439571

    StillthinkingU-U is an amazing friend, voice actor, music developer, artists, and director! She will always be there for you and will turn in her lines on time, or a bit late depending on her schedule. She is so amazing and is truly one of my best friends! I would suggest to take her on! (Like- as in a voice actor- please don't fight with her 0-0.) She was there for me when I needed a new Leah Williams and I owe her everything <3!
    This girl is just amazing that she has to be casted!
    She can be casted and trusted!
    Trust me! You do not want to leave her out of anything !
    ~Take Care! <3

  • @stillthinkingdirects

    I want to see if this actually works ;w;

  • @swirlzva

    This gurl is an amazing girl.
    I personally am a bit jealous of her in the inside, but..
    You have to cast her!
    She is very nice, and is quite reliable :)
    Cast StillthinkingU-U or else ^^

  • @skellyva

    I have been working with StillthinkingU-U on her project, and she is a good and a hard working person. She is respectful and she has been such a kind person. If I have a question on the project, she reminds me, and I appreciate how she has the kindness and patience for her fellow coworkers. Stillthinking is a hard worker. She is supportive and has such a kind soul. Stillthinking is also really talented and she would be such good help to you. I highly recommend Stillthinking.

  • @gacha-ivy

    U-U i dunno what to say sO TiMe tO bE wEiRd UwU mwhahhahahha

  • @maddi-stout

    StillthinkingU-U is awesome! She is there for me and if I make a mistake she kindly corrects it for me!! She is a great director and friend. She is one of the few people on CCC that I can actually talk to if something is wrong. (not that I don't trust other people) I am recommending her for being a great person, and for being there! She deserves every word in this recommendation 100%!! I HIGHLY recommend her! Thank you Stillthinking for being a super kind person!

  • @isla-starz

    Still Thinking is a very patient and talented person! She is an artist in my project and her work is brilliant! I recommend her for any project as she can fit in any role perfectly.
    Stay safe everyone. ^^

  • @taekoo_ships123

    She is an amazing editor! She makes great music, and a lot of stuff. She is also a great voice actor and surely does need a mic xD. But she is a true friend and I can't thank her enough for trying out for extra roles and making great music with me!

  • @sena-productions

    She is a queen I tell you, A QUEEN. She is so so kind and has amazing voice! Other than voice acting, Shes great at making music!

  • @just-crystalstar

    She seems very hard working, and attends to voice actors fast and kind

  • @thisisanacc

    She is just great. Her voice is so pretty and her work is She supports me a lot and I appreciate it. I would highly recommend

  • @itzbeth

    StillthinkingU-U is an amazing person to work with and is a great friend of mine. She is a great Voice Actor, Singer, Director, and so much more. She is will to help out others and is very friendly to other. I would definitely recommended her. Keep up with the good there.

    XOXO, Your friend ItzBeth

  • @diamond-gacha

    There was no "I am doing this recomendation because I want to". Do not mind my spelling I'm dumb. They made me write like an essay about my roles so I could not just ignore the recommendation. My "friend" or fellow voice actor likes them so they can not be bad. Plus, they have more than 1000 auditions so they must be good.

  • @deleted49223

    They're a wonderful audio editor, even did the work for this project here. They exceeded my expectations, and then some.

  • @nc-amethyst

    hello! your voice is amazing and I wanted to invite you for one of my projects. more information in the description!

  • @cookiesva

    Even though we haven't started yet, I feel like Still has been my first VA friend, as well as a very talented voice actor, songwriter, and all the other things she does! I always have to frequently say congratulations to her(not a bad thing). So she's really talented and friend and I recommend casting her>:D

  • @auzera-price

    StillthinkingU-U is an amazing friend! She's good at a lot of things including Voice Acting, Directing, writing scripts, and being an amazing person! If you were to ever find her auditioning for something, it's always best to cast her! She's always determined and can be trusted greatly! She deserves this recommendation 100% I enjoy working with her and I'm sure you'd think the same!