

Hello, I'm SkellyVA but you can call me Skelly! I'm a voice actor and singer. I have been voice acting, specifically on CCC for 2 years.

Joined Dec 2020 64 Following51 Followers
About SkellyVA


Name: SkellyVA

Contact me:

Discord: Skelly#3093
Gamejolt: @SkellyVA
Casting Call Club: Right Here

Email: DM me for email

Here is my carrd:

Projects I have worked on:

Royal Academy: Episode 1 New Beginnings
Identifies Classified Season 1 Voice Acted

Kizana Week Mod
One Night at Esmerelda's
Expeditious Season 2 Episode 8 "Pestering"
Expeditious Season 2 Episode 9 Season Finale
Five Nights at Arias
Dark World
Jojolion Episode 3 Soft and Wet Parts 2-3
Thus Spoke Kishibe Rohan
School Days in 9 Minutes
School Days Episode 7 Fandub
Complexi Tea

Fazbear Fighters: Remastered

Fredboi Series

Would You Rather: Yumeko vs. Marioftw
Autistic Hearts
Epic Life Adventure of Connor Fandub

JoJo Memes and Comics (DUBBED)
Expeditious | Season 4, Episode 1 "Broken"

Its nice to be working with you!

What SkellyVA is looking for

The type of jobs I want to work on is voice acting or voice over. It can be anime, fandubs, video games, anything really. I joined CCC so that I can have more experience and I want to have fun with these projects.

  • @stillthinkingu-u

    As a fellow director, I have been working with SkellyVa in my project, and I love to see her energetic to voice act for many things on other's projects, and also I love how she is always nice, and gets her lines in on time (even though I never really know lmaooo), but yeah!
    If you cast her, you'll have the right girl to voice act for you!
    Sincerely, Stillthinking_U-U

  • @craftyboy12

    Did a brilliant job voicing for a role in my project. Was very efficient and was completely happy to do any additional lines. Great at the soft, gentle tone I wanted for the role. Would definitely recommend!

  • @ross-k

    I have worked with Skelly as a fellow voice actor on numerous projects to date, including indy video games and various little animations. Always a good hand who delivers clean audio and gets the emotions on point. A reliable, resourceful, and great quality VA.
