(More Auditions Needed for Dada and Future AiAi before we close up shop!) Super Monkey Ball Adventure Cutscene FanDub! Chapter 1: Jungle Island

Project Overview

(All you need for this project is a decent-sounding microphone. By desktop or phone, it doesn't matter, as long as there's little to no background noise, no mic popping, and no static when you audition. A Discord Account for contact is recommended, but not required, as I can contact you here on the Casting Call Club website if you'd like, Discord is just more of an easier reach. Good luck auditioning, and if you get cast for a role, be prepared to possibly stick around for future projects! Enjoy, Super Monkey Ball Rollers & Future Jigglypuff Lovers!)

(Don't worry about being too late to audition, as the deadline set isn't official. Once I set up an official deadline, I'll change the title and give out the deadline warning.)

A honeymoon is on the way in Jungle Island!!! The Prince of Monkitropolis and the Princess of Kongi-La have both reunited together inside the Jungle Island palace together planning a VERY special occasion... Prince AbeABE and Princess Dee-Dee have declared that they're going to have the most FABULOUS white wedding any monkey has EVER seen... And better yet, it's going to take place HERE on AiAi and his Super Monkey Ball team's home island! But before AbeABE and Dee-Dee can deliver their promises... AiAi, MeeMee, Baby and GonGon have a LOT of work they need to do, and planning a wedding like this is a LOT more easier said than done in the Monkey universe, believe it or not. Firstly, before the wedding can commence, the monkeys will have to watch out for the evil Naysayers, monsters willing to crush ANY monkey's dreams... And afterwards, bring the peace to the Monkitropolis and Kongi-La islands... Two islands that NEVER agree on anything and always lock horns and wage war with one another... Before the GREATEST wedding seen in the Monkey universe can happen... AiAi and co. MUST find a way to convince the Kings of the two islands to put their differences and their great rivalry aside and bring peace to them in order to make the prince's and princesses's dreams come true... Will the Super Monkey Ball team be able to stop the feuds and the waging wars between the Monkitropolis city, and the Kongi-La island, or will it be no use, and will the Jungle-Island wedding have to be canceled altogether?

(This is a non-profit fan-made cutscene dub made just for your entertainment and mine where the gameplay cutscenes from Super Monkey Ball Adventure will be recreated with the characters talking in the English language. Everything Super Monkey Ball-related belongs to Sega. I do not own any in-game cutscenes used in this Fandub project, nor am I affiliated with Sega in any way. These are just made for fun! This Cutscene Fandub movie will be uploaded to my YouTube Channel. )

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Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Pospos (CLOSED)
Role assigned to: SponCranious

Pospos is Monkey Island's young mail delivery monkey. He tries his best to make his job of carrying letters as simple as he wants it to be... But unfortunately, it's harder to get everything accurate when you're as forgetful as Pospos... Absent-minded, Pospos often gets his letters mixed or muddled up, and fails to recall the recipient's names or addresses printed on the post letters. He'll often get someone brave or adventurous enough to help him out if it's too much for Pospos to take in, and often gives them the letter sealed in a red balloon for the delivery. Pospos is a kind-hearted post-monkey who really means well and tries to do the best he can... Even if he is often forgetful.

(For Pospos's voice, I'm looking for a high-pitched male teenager or preteen voice.) 

  • english
Voice description:
  • male teen
  • north american
  • animation/character
  • fandub
  • male child
  • (Startled) Oh! Um... Hi there! Good morning! *Chuckles Nervously* How have things been for you? Anyway, I'm afraid I don't have your letter right now due to some unforeseen circumstances, I do apologize for the inconvenience. I'll talk to you later and keep you updated, ok? Great! Bye now!

  • (In a worried state of panic) Ohhhhhh... If I wasn't such a forgetful monkey, this job would've been a WHOLE lot easier! But I've mixed and muddled up all of the letters again! Ohhh... The King's gonna give me the axe for SURE now! What shall I do, what shall I do?! Ohhhhh...

  • *Bonus* Do some improv. Say something you think would fit. Any sentence relying on this character's personality will do!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: Noctrum

Papa is a longtime resident of Jungle Island. He is a wise senior citizen who gives important pieces of advice to our heroes from time to time. He's pretty proud of his good memory, but recently, it has been starting to go a little bit all over the place, as there are some things that have happened to him that he can't quite remember no matter HOW recent they may be! It could be argued that Papa focuses a bit too much on the past than in the future, but he really is a kind senior gentlemen to be around!

(For Papa's voice, I'm looking for a male medium-pitched eldery voice.) 

  • english
Voice description:
  • american
  • animation/character
  • male senior
  • elderly
  • fandub
  • I remember when they first invented Monkey Balls back in my youthful days. I used to ride on them almost all the time just for good fun! We didn't have any mazes, we didn't have any races, and we most CERTINATLY didn't have any Naysayers back then!

  • (Grumbling) Those darn Naysayers... I'll tell you what, if I somehow find a way to be my more young, agile-self again, I'd give all those horror-seeking hoodlums what for if it's the last thing I do!

  • *Bonus* Do some improv. Say something you think would fit. Any sentence relying on this character's personality will do!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: Jacob Struchen

Sisi is a well-known monkey tourist reowened for his wonderful photography skills. He knows where to take the best pictures, and knows WHERE to put in the best monkeys to add a little bit of extra flavor to his already incredible snapshots! He even became an official photographer for the Royal Family, entertaining King Junjun with the perfect pictures!

(With Sisi's voice, I'm looking for a male mid-high-pitched or high-pitched young adult voice with a Bostonian accent.)

  • english
Voice description:
  • male young adult
  • bostonian
  • animation/character
  • male teen
  • fandub
  • They say a picture's worth a thousand bananas, I say I beg to differ... A picture's worth a MILLION bananas!

  • Ok, AiAi, this is it! The picture of the year, I can feel it in my primate bones! Oh, just move a little bit to the left, please... Further back a little... Ok, maybe just a little bit closer... Yeah there! Perfect! Alright, smile and say... Bananas!!!

  • *Bonus* Do some improv. Say something you think would fit. Any sentence relying on this character's personality will do!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
King Junjun (CLOSED)
Role assigned to: QuakerDX

Junjun is the royal king of Jungle Island. He often is the one to call in AiAi and his Super Monkey Ball team whenever trouble arises in his island. While hot-headed and irratable, he's a caring king all at the same time and wants to make sure that every monkey is happy in Jungle Island. He supports the idea of Prince AbeAbe and Princess Dee-Dee, monkeys of two different rival islands having a wedding here in Jungle Island for example! It is up to AiAi and his team to make sure that they make that wedding happen, which is easier said than done if the two other Kings of AbeAbe and Dee-Dee's rival lands butt heads with each-other...

(With King Junjun's voice, I'm looking for a male low-pitched adult voice with any accent based on royalty.)

Voice description:
  • royal
  • royal english
  • fandub
  • male senior
  • animation/character
  • (Happy) AiAi and co.! What a nice surprise seeing you all here in my palace! I've heard SO much about you and your incredible escapades! Why, I even recall you saving another Monkey island from starvation from that so-called evil genius Dr. Bad-Boon! *Chuckles* I know that stubborn ape from WAY back in school, you see.

  • (Frustrated) Where are my royal guards? Why aren't they protecting our sacred gates?! What, you mean to tell me that they're AFRAID of the Naysayers? Preposturious! I don't care if the Naysayers scared my guards out of their socks! We're monkeys! We don't wear socks anyways! Bottom line is, I'm the King, and I demand that they do EXACTLY what I say!

  • *Bonus* Do some improv. Say something you think would fit. Any sentence relying on this character's personality will do!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
King Junjun's Royal Guard (CLOSED)
Role assigned to: Lava

This monkey is one of King Junjun's royal guards. This one specifically is in charge of the sacred Super Monkey Ball gates desgined to keep out the Naysayers, cruel, dark, twisted monsters who will do ANYTHING to make sure every monkey's dream is crushed. The royal guards worked together to keep the gates closed in order to stop the Naysayers from going on... But unfortunatly, no one remembers the password to open them up again, and the only way they can be opened up now is by completing a certain amount of mazes set up by the gate's releams.

(For the Royal Guard's voice, I'm looking for a male mid-high-pitched young adult voice with an English Medival accent.)

  • english
Voice description:
  • animation/character
  • male young adult
  • medieval
  • fandub
  • (Nervous) Oh, AiAi! Thank goodness you're here! You see, we have a little bit of a problem on our hands... I was ordered by King Junjun to take care of these Naysayers, but frankly, I'm REALLY scared of those monsters... So I instead decided to lock our sacred island doors to confirm that they 100% have NO way of reaching our land now! Only problem is... *Gulp!* I kinda forgot the way to open the doors up again...

  • (Complaining) Why is this helmet so big on my head? I can't even see properly! *Straining as he tries to take it off* Ow! I can't even take it off my head! Oh well...

  • *Bonus* Do some improv. Say something you think would fit. Any sentence relying on this character's personality will do!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: Hedge T Haiden

Dada is an anixous monkey who's often seen wearing a top-hat. He borrowed it from Zootopia's famous monkey magician Duv d'Duv. The nervous and protective Dada usually hides important things under his top-hat for safe-keeping, but if there's one thing you should know about magician hats is that you NEVER ever hide things underneath them just for somewhere safe to put them... Dada often finds that out the hard way as the things he puts in usually dissapear, and sometimes, other things will occasionally randomely pop out of the hat that Dada would LEAST expect. One thing that's still in one piece though is Dada's little baby daughter Tootoot. Tootoot is a cheerful and bubbly baby girl who often hides in Dada's top-hat whenever she's scared... But now, since everyone is wearing top-hats today, Tootoot MIGHT'VE ended up on a stranger's head by accident! Will Dada be able to find her sweet baby daughter again with the help of AiAi and co.?

(For Dada's voice, I'm looking for a male medium-pitched young adult voice.)

  • english
Voice description:
  • male young adult
  • fandub
  • male adult
  • animation/character
  • north american
  • (Calling out in a panic) Tootoot! Oh, Tootoot!!! I can't seem to find my little baby girl anywhere! Have you seen her? She isn't trying to mess with shopkeeper Paipai's cash register again, is she? What if she snuck into another stranger's top hat? Oh no... That's even worse! (Calling out) TOOTOOT!!! MY SWEET LITTLE BABY, WHERE ARE YOU?!?!?!

  • (Relived) Tootoot! Oh, My sweet little baby girl, I've found you! (Baby-Talking) Is my whittle baby waby Tootoot still in one teeny tiny whittle itty bitty piece? Oh, Dada was so worried about you, baby! You gotta stop wandering off to other places without my knowing, little girl!

  • *Bonus* Do some improv. Say something you think would fit. Any sentence relying on this character's personality will do!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: andrewj

Owow is a dedicated bee-keeper on Jungle Island. Owow has a deep fondness for bees and the sweet nectar they make for him. Despite getting stung by bees many times in his life, (Which is what gave this monkey the name 'Owow') he's always been very forgiving to his little buzzing buddies, and whenever he works, he contentedly hums a few little tunes here and there, and sometimes, even his bees join along in the humming with their own musical buzzing! Owow's a kind-hearted bee-keeping monkey who treats his bees well, and is even upset whenever he sees them gone! Although his mainiacal laughing whenever he bonds with the bees can be a little bit over the top for someone as nice as him.

(For Owow's voice, I'm looking for a male mid-high pitched or high-pitched young adult voice.)

  • english
Voice description:
  • male young adult
  • male teen
  • fandub
  • north american
  • animation/character
  • *Sinister Giggling* My sweet buzzing babies... Come closer to me... And give me all your honey... (Annoyed) Um, sorry, do you mind? I'm trying to bond with my friends over here.

  • (Panicking) *Gasp!* Oh no! Where have they gone?! Where have all my buzzing babies gone?! Oh no... How can I make more sweet nectar without my bees?!?! (Calling out) MY SWEET BUZZING FRIENDS, WHERE ARE YOU?!?!

  • *Bonus* Do some improv. Say something you think would fit. Any sentence relying on this character's personality will do!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Sir Gargar (CLOSED)
Role assigned to: andrewj

Sir Gargar is King Junjun's tough and fierce, but extremely loyal palace Head Guard. Gargar really takes his guarding duties seriously, and every order the King gives out, Gargar eagerly follows! Before playing the role of noble and loyal Head Guard, Gargar used to be a big school bully, but got his huge commupance after getting stung repeatedly and rapaidly by Owow's bees. Now, he does his best to make sure everyone's happy in Jungle Island, and even looks after some of the royal guards if there's anything stopping them from doing the task they're meant to do signed by the King himself! Gargar may be a fierce warrior on the outside, but on the inside, he's a big softie and a caring friend to be around.

(For Sir Gargar's voice, I'm looking for a male low-pitched adult voice with a Medieval accent.)

  • english
Voice description:
  • medieval
  • male young adult
  • fandub
  • animation/character
  • male adult
  • Sir Gargar reporting for duty, your majesty! You have recruited a very experienced and super-loyal knight to do your every bidding! And a retired veteran rugby player too. Trust me on this, King JunJun, I won't let you down! You can count on me to do my very best to keep your palace a problem-free kingdom, your majesty!

  • (Frustrated) *Groan* Must I be the one to do EVERYTHING in this palace? If the other royal guards weren't so lazy and cowardly, we could've gotten a LOT more done here!

  • *Bonus* Do some improv. Say something you think would fit. Any sentence relying on this character's personality will do!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: KLoveSchnare

Dugdug is the Palace garden farmer who really takes his gardening buisness seriously. He tries to make sure the gardens are in perfect tip-top shape, with the soil evenly flattened, and all of the plants as colorful and tenderly cared as plants could be. Unfortunatly, Dugdug's small spectacles tend to fall off from time to time, and apparently, that's when the birds fly in to take the chance to grab some crops when Dugdug can't see a thing! Someone else is often relied to shoo away the birds during those times. Poor Dugdug...

(For Dugdug's voice, I'm looking for an elderly male medium-pitched voice with either a Southern American accent or an Irish Farmer accent.)

  • english
Voice description:
  • male senior
  • farmer
  • farmer (british)
  • south american
  • animation/character
  • fandub
  • irish
  • (Proud) Ah, DugDug, you've done it again! A perfect palace garden without even a weed or speck of dirt outta place! *Chuckle* Farm-work just keeps getting easier and easier for me!

  • (Angry) Ah!!! Birds! Now get your filthy stinkin' claws off my hard work, you feathered ruffians! Ooh, why I oughta... *Gasp!* Oh no, my spectacles have fallen off! Hey! Oh no! Let go of my spectacles now, you birdbrained scoundrel! How in tarnation can I see without my spectacles?!

  • *Bonus* Do some improv. Say something you think would fit. Any sentence relying on this character's personality will do!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Makmak (CLOSED)
Role assigned to: andrewj

Makmak is a big gentle giant with an even BIGGER heart. He may love eating bananas just as much as AiAi, but he loves GIVING them away even more to others! Makmak has a big appetite, but is always willing to share his food with others just to see their big smiles. And Makmak has the PERFECT occupation for something like that... Charity! Makmak likes to start out charity programs for other generous monkeys to donate bananas to him for him to give them to those in less fortunate positions. Makmak LOVES being a charity monkey, and absolutely LOVES helping out others. A monkey as kind and helpful as Makmak really only needs a description as simple and sweet as that.

(For Makmak's voice, I'm looking for a male medium-pitched 'gentle giant' type of voice.)

  • english
Voice description:
  • north american
  • male adult
  • animation/character
  • male young adult
  • fandub
  • silly
  • If there's one thing I love more than eating bananas, it's giving them away to other monkeys in a less fortunate position than mine... (Giggling) Hee-hee-hee-hee-hee! I love bringing smiles to those who were thought to be in unlucky situations... All they needed were generous hearts, and a BIG friend to make it all happen! *Laughing*

  • Thank you so much for helping your big charitable pal Makmak out! Oh, AiAi, what would the residents of Monkey Island do without generious monkeys like you? These 100 bananas will be perfect for the picked plantains for primates fund!

  • *Bonus* Do some improv. Say something you think would fit. Any sentence relying on this character's personality will do!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Cawcaw (CLOSED)
Role assigned to: Lazzi Faire

Cawcaw is a resident bird-watcher on Jungle Island. Cawcaw really enjoys his sightseeing hobby, and likes to go to many different places on the island to watch birds from close to afar with many different and stunning views through his binoculars. Currently, his next bird-watching spot he plans to go to is a smaller island not too far away called the Distant Island. And in Distant Island, he's planning to watch some birds from a view on the cliff near the island lighthouse operated by fisherman Keikei!

(For Cawcaw's voice, I'm looking for a male mid-high-pitched or high-pitched young adult voice.)

  • english
Voice description:
  • male young adult
  • male teen
  • fandub
  • north american
  • animation/character
  • This looks like a good spot for me! Ah, all those wonderful chirps are like music to my ears! I could listen to them all day...

  • (Whispering) Shhhhhhh... Psst... AiAi, did you come to sightsee with me? Great! You Just have to be very quiet here, I just spotted a rare, timid species of bird that will flee over the smallest sound... Shhhh...

  • *Bonus* Do some improv. Say something you think would fit. Any sentence relying on this character's personality will do!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
cast offsite

Perper is a sailor on Distant Island, the smaller neighbour island nearest Jungle Island. He lives on the island with his fisherman brother, Keikei, and assists him in keeping the island lighthouse staying lit up whenever nighttime comes around. Perper's hobbies include watching the ocean's waves rolling by, polishing his double-headed coin collection, and sending secret love messages to his Jungle Island wife Mermer... And sometimes requests for banana chutney.

(I will be voicing Perper, using my best Popeye impression with a Pirate-Speaking accent.)

  • (I will be voicing this character, so there's no lines to read out.)

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Keikei (CLOSED)
Role assigned to: Damien-VA

Keikei is a fisherman residing in Distant Island, the smaller neighbour island not far away from Jungle Island, along with his sailor brother Perper. Both Keikei and Perper work together in keeping the island lighthouse lit up when darkness arises, although it's Keikei doing more of the hard work, and lunch deliveries whenever Perper's wife Mermer needs some grub. When Keikei's not doing his lighthouse duties, he's often seen fishing in the Island sea, preparing food for more lunch deliveries!

(For Keikei's voice, I'm looking for a male low-mid-pitched adult voice with a Sailor or Pirate accent.)

  • english
Voice description:
  • animation/character
  • fandub
  • pirate
  • male adult
  • sailor
  • male young adult
  • Yarr... It be a fine pleasure meeting you, matey! My name be Keikei, operator of the Distant Island lighthouse and a fine fisher of the seven seas... It just be a real shame that I rarely get any fishies swimming around here on our land, yar...

  • (Annoyed) Yarrr... It's been almost an hour! Is our catch of the day not budging? If only fishermen like me and sailors like my brother were good at swimming...

  • *Bonus* Do some improv. Say something you think would fit. Any sentence relying on this character's personality will do!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Mermer (CLOSED)
Role assigned to: Fxshii

Mermer is a Jungle Island resident who's the humble wife of sailor monkey Perper from Distant Island, a smaller neighbourhood island not too far away from Mermer's home island. Mermer often sends love-letters and food to Perper using balloons. As well as being a cheerful wife, Mermer's also a master wood-carver! Mermer loves to collect driftwood from the island sea-shore and carve them into beautfiul shapes in her spare time. She has even carved Perper's sailor pipe and other Distant Island resident Cawcaw's wooden bird-watching binoculars! This talented artist often likes to say "The beauty is already in the wood. I just set it free".

(For Mermer's voice, I'm looking for a female mid-high-pitched young adult voice with any of the accents listed for the role.)

Voice description:
  • west country
  • west country british
  • irish
  • female young adult
  • scottish
  • (Worried) Oh dear... I really hope Keikei finally catches some fish for us to eat... Oh, I cannot BARE to see my poor handsome sailor-monkey suffering... I bet poor Perper's STARVING!!! If only there were an easy way to cook and deliver some grub to him on his island...

  • (Happy) It's like my precious sailor lad Perper always says: “Love knows no bounds like a landlubbing prince and princess together!”, oh, the prince and princess must be SO happy being together almost as much as I'm happy being together with my lad Perper!

  • *Bonus* Do some improv. Say something you think would fit. Any sentence relying on this character's personality will do!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Prince AbeABE (CLOSED)
Role assigned to: Fletz

AbeABE is the brave and courageous prince of the city of Monkitropolis. Adventurous and ambitious, some would say that AbeABE's the bravest monkey in Monkitropolis, as he seemed to be the only monkey brave enough to explore the ancient tunnels into the land of the Kongri-Lans. A tribe that while may look intimidating for most, is actually a pretty welcoming one once you stay around for a bit! And because AbeABE chose to stick around, he was also the first monkey ever to SEE a Kongri-Lan take their mask off... And reveal a face of true beauty in AbeABE's eyes! Turns out that the Kongri-Lan who decided to get a little more personal with the prince of Monkitropolis is actually the princess of the Kongri-La island, a rival island to Monkitropolis! But Prince AbeABE and Princess Dee-Dee have proven that even opposites do attract! And ever since the two hit it off, they've really grown a strong relationship with one another... And now, they're planning to have a wedding here in Jungle Island! Only problem is, that's easier said than done when two monkeys are leaders of two different islands that disagree and wage war on one another. Will AiAi and Co. convince the Kings of Monkitropolis and Kongri-La to put their differences aside and accept this very special moment that their prince and princess are about to have?

(For Prince AbeABE's voice, I'm looking for a male mid-high-pitched young adult voice with any accent you choose.)

  • english
Voice description:
  • fandub
  • male young adult
  • animation/character
  • I don't care what other monkeys say, me and Dee-Dee were made for each-other! No matter how far we were originally apart, the main thing is that I saw true love behind that Kongri-La tribe mask, and I knew that I had finally found the gorgeous girl of my dreams!

  • (Going defensive) Don't worry, Dee-Dee! It's ok to be afraid, I'll take on all these Naysayers for you! You hear that, Naysayers?! I'm my own weapon, and I'm not afraid to take you all down by force if I have to, you hear me?!

  • *Bonus* Do some improv. Say something you think would fit. Any sentence relying on this character's personality will do!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Princess Dee-Dee (CLOSED)
Role assigned to: Elena M (ToastedCrumpetVO)

Dee-Dee is the sweet princess of the Kongri-La island. She may be active in the spiritual activities of the Kongri-La tribe, along with all of the tribal dances she's mastered, but deep down, she wanted more than being viewed as a Princess of a seemingly intimidating clan. Sometimes she stands on the Kongi-La island shore and looks across the city towers of Monktropolis thinking to herself: "Will there ever be someone out there brave enough to travel all the way here just to see me?". Little did Princess Dee-Dee know that her hopes and dreams would come true soon enough... The only monkey seemingly brave and adventurous enough to meet the Kongi-Lans was AbeABE, the king of Monkitropolis. The meetup went SO well that Dee-Dee decided to remove her Kongi-La mask just for him... And ever since Dee-Dee revealed her true self to Prince AbeABE, the two have really hit it off to the point where they're now in an engaged relationship! And now, they're planning to have a wedding here in Jungle Island! Only problem is, that's easier said than done when two monkeys are leaders of two different islands that disagree and wage war on one another. Will AiAi and Co. convince the Kings of Monkitropolis and Kongri-La to put their differences aside and accept this very special moment that their prince and princess are about to have?

(For Princess Dee-Dee's voice, I'm looking for a female mid-high-pitched young adult voice with any accent you choose.)

  • english
Voice description:
  • animation/character
  • female young adult
  • fandub
  • I had a dream that one day... A dashing prince would find me and give me true love's first kiss... But no one on my land seemed handsome enough for a pretty princess like me! So I used to stand over the boarder between the shining shores of Kongri-La and the stunning towers of Monkitropolis, wondering if there were really a true prince up there in those city towers... Little did I know that doing that would make all of my wishes and dreams come true quicker than I would've expected...

  • (Scared) Aaaah!!! Naysayers! AbeAbe! Help me!!! Please do something!!! Cover me! Tell them off! Do anything you can to make those hideous monsters go away! Please!!!

  • *Bonus* Do some improv. Say something you think would fit. Any sentence relying on this character's personality will do!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Future AiAi
Role assigned to: Logs

Who is this mysterious monkey in a red suit and a futuristic square-shaped helmet? How does he know about the Jungle Island wedding? Have we even seen him in Jungle Island before? And how does he know all of the Super Monkey Ball Team's names? Hang on... He does kinda look familiar... Oh yeah! It's because it's AiAi... From the future! It appears as though this AiAi has somehow found a way to time travel and give all of the Super Monkey Ball team some important advice and new monkey chants throughout their journey... Especially his younger past self and his son... Wait... AiAi has a son?! That's right, Baby traveled from the future to come help his "past" AiAi defeat Dr. Bad-Boon... And now, Baby's Father in his present day has traveled from the future to help Baby, his son... And all the others! Good thing is, no one recognizes who he really is... Until he decides to reveal himself once the team successfully gets the wedding started and finished...

(For Future AiAi's voice, I'm looking for a mid-high-pitched young adult voice based on AiAi's voice from the Super Monkey Ball 2 dub if he were grown into a young adult. The example video has the voice for reference.) 

  • english
Voice description:
  • north american
  • male young adult
  • animation/character
  • fandub
  • Uh oh... Looks like there seems to be some sort of disturbance in my past! Looks like my baby son and myself are calling for my help! I'd better put my disguise on and see what's happening in Jungle Island! Now, where did MeeMee put that time-machine?

  • AiAi and co.! There you all are! Look, I know you have a lot of questions for me right now, like how I all know your names, but what's important right now is that setting up the wedding is gonna be harder than it sounds... And trust me, you're gonna need all the help you can get! Making a wedding for a Monktropolis Prince and a Kongri-La Princess is WAY easier said than done, and not just with those pesky Naysayers either!

  • *Bonus* Do some improv. Say something you think would fit. Any sentence relying on this character's personality will do!


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