1st Wave of Characters Cast!
Thank you all so much for auditioning! Well done to everyone who did their very best, and congratulations to everyone who got cast for a character! For those who are wondering, I have actually cast a couple of voice actors for characters they haven't auditioned, based on their takes of the characters they have. For example, I have cast Agatha Maris as Beta-Carrotina, who originally auditioned for Solar Flare, and testudoaubreill, as Citron, who originally auditioned for Super Brainz!
Now, I have left some characters up on the casting call, as I either wanna see if I can get a little bit more auditions before I decide to cast these following characters, or I'm looking for something different in relation to these character voices.
For Wall-Knight's voice, the kind of high-pitch I'm actually looking for is somewhere around Winnie The Pooh's Piglet, or Edd from Ed, Edd, N' Eddy, or any voice in that kind of pitch. That's mainly why I only labeled Wall-Knight as a Teenager role.
For Grass Knuckles' voice, I need more auditions that sound like the character's pumped-up, energized, hyper, full of enthusiasm, and ready to kick some grass!
For Smash's voice, I'm looking for a more menacing low-pitched voice, like the Hulk, or Batman's Solomon Grundy. Some of the auditions actually have what I'm looking for, but the quality of the microphones could be better. I actually should've posted this good tip in my microphone notice... If you have Audacity, I recommend recording through that app, as it often tends to give your recordings a pretty pristine quality compared to other recording apps!
For all of the Imps, while most of you went to do a high-pitch even without a voice changer, that's pretty good! Very good practice for future auditions, where this sort of voice is needed, but I'm looking for a voice with a voice changer that can amplify the voice's pitch to make it pretty high and squeaky, like the original voice actors did to the imps in the Plants VS Zombies games and Garden Warfare spinoffs. Of course, females can choose to audition using a young male boy's voice, which I've actually got a couple for! But I want to see how many more auditions I can get with these conditions before I pick a voice for them. To make Huge Giganticus easier to audition, my original voice headcanon for him is actually Dexter from Dexter's Laboratory!
For Brain Freeze's voice, my voice headcanon for him is actually Heavy from Team Fortress 2, but with an accent more on the Siberian side of Russia.
And that's about all for now! Remember, audition through audacity if you have it, while still keeping your background noise, static, and room echo to a minimum. If you've played the original game, and have heard the voice clips from the following characters, you can choose to audition using your impression or style of the original voices from the games!