(Just Neptuna Left!) Plants VS Zombies Heroes If They Had English-Speaking Voices! (Headcanon Voice Project)

EGeorgel for Captain Combustible (Closed)

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Captain Combustible (Closed)
Role assigned to: Sir Captain

Yeesh, what a hothead Captain Combustible is! Literally! With a fiery body and an even MORE fiery temperament, ticking off this mad torchwood plant hero should be the LAST thing on your mind. Even the SLIGHTEST comment could tick Captain Combustible off, especially when someone calls him stumpy! And then, he will not HESITATE to aggressively burn them down until they're a black crisp, and then turned into ashes! As well as growling, Captain Combustible can also be heard laughing during the process of burning down his victim, showing that as well as being hot-headed, Captain Combustible is also crazy, twisted, and psychotic, enjoying burning down the zombies who he thinks deserve his fiery pain! A burning spree may not be the best thing to have a fiery passion for... But hey, it's only delivered to the zombies, so no real harm done... I guess?

(For Captain Combustible's voice, I'm looking for a low-pitched or low-mid-pitched male voice with any accent you shall choose.)

  • english
Voice description:
  • male adult
  • animation/character
  • male young adult
  • Angry? ME? Well, that's my secret to a good zombie cookout... I'm ALWAYS angry!!! And believe me, you wouldn't like me when I'm angry... If those zombies think they can take the heat from THIS hot-head... *Seething breather* They've got another thing coming, that's for sure! *Crazy Chuckle* *Seething breather* Oh boy... *Seething breather* This is gonna be good...

  • *Crazy, Maniacal Laughter* YEAH!!! BURN, BABY, BURN!!! *Laughing* I just love the smell of a zombie barbeque in the morning... And any other time of the day too!

  • *Bonus* Do some improv. Say something you think would fit. Any sentence relying on this character's personality will do!

(Just Neptuna Left!) Plants VS Zombies Heroes If They Had English-Speaking Voices! (Headcanon Voice Project)

Just noticed there is a little echo, sadly dont have the time for a retake in a better environment T-T

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