(Just Neptuna Left!) Plants VS Zombies Heroes If They Had English-Speaking Voices! (Headcanon Voice Project)
MoodyAzulVA for Chompzilla (Closed)

Fresh from the mansion's garden comes a SUPER-SIZED Chomper with a carnivorous appetite bigger than a Venus flytrap, and more powerful than a prehistoric reptilian! Enter Chompzilla, a solar-powered plant hero who's ALWAYS hungry for victory... And always hungry for zombies! Like with Solar Flare, Chompzilla's powers all run on solar fuel from the sun, and the more exposure there is, the BIGGER Chompzilla feels! She may look like a mindless eating machine, but this Plant Hero's compassionate enough to share her growth and power to her plant troops, and is even smart enough to floss after every battle! And yet, unfortunately, zombie breath is a REALLY big problem... A problem that Chompzilla couldn't care less about, because she believes that she was grown that way! To eat, devour, and DESTROY!!!
(For Chompzilla's voice, I'm looking for a monster/creature-type voice for her. Both males and females can audition. I want Chompzilla to sound like a very scary and threatening monster, using a Dee Bradley Baker/Frank Welker performance, or you can place in monster sound effects or alter your voice, like with King Hippo/Giga Mac from Punch Out, or the voice recordings of the monster vocals from Sound Ideas.)
- creature
- animation/character
- monster
*Make any Monster/Creature/Animalistic-like noises for about 20 seconds or more*

Gmail: [email protected]