(Just Neptuna Left!) Plants VS Zombies Heroes If They Had English-Speaking Voices! (Headcanon Voice Project)
Cursed with Glorious Purpose for Brain Freeze (Closed)

From the cold, artic wastelands lies a strong yeti-zombie superhero with an even COLDER heart. When you see Brain Freeze away from his home, and into a hotter atmosphere, you know that he is NEVER in a good mood. The only thing that can calm him down? By using his frosty superpowers to make himself feel like he's at home again... And his main targets that he chooses to freeze? Plants and humans! Brain Freeze aims to turn whatever he can into a popsicle just as long as he can get his own way, from turning Sunflowers into his personal ice-skates, to scooping out human brains to use as a freshly-made icy dessert! And Brain Freeze doesn't go at it alone... All of his zombie friends from the artic are MORE than happy to aid Brain Freeze into turning this whole planet into one big ice-rink! Better give this beastly yeti an ice cream and turn on that snowstorm weather machine! And quickly!
(For Brain Freeze's voice, I'm looking for a low-pitched or low-mid-pitched monster-like male voice with a Siberian Russian accent.)
- english
- male young adult
- male adult
- monster
- animation/character
- russian
I have awakened from my hiberation... And I am now hungry for some frozen brains! And you wouldn't like Brain Freeze when he's hungry! Because when Brain Freeze is hungry, he gets in a very, VERY cold mood. Those puny, cowardly plants better run away from my frosty temper if they don't wanna end up getting frostbitten!
Aw, what's the matter? Did Brain Freeze give you the COLD shoulder? (Monstrous Laughing) AH-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA!!!!
*Bonus* Do some improv. Say something you think would fit. Any sentence relying on this character's personality will do!

I think you accidentally sent in this take intended for another role.

I’m interested in this role, and did not see any lines for this as I am on my phone and it’s tough navigating it

Well, I'm looking for a male low-pitched or low-mid-pitched monster-like voice with a Siberian Russian accent.