Helluva Boss ft Stolas and Octavia

Helluva Boss ft Stolas and Octavia

Project Overview

Hey there! I'm looking to make a fan episode of Helluva Boss that centers on Stolas spending time with his daughter, since what little screentime they had was often Octavia having a crisis about Stolas's decisions. They care a lot for each other, but there's been little focus on how their relationship was actually positive save for portraits that flash on screen for only a few seconds.

It is likely to be a short, only around 8 or 9 minutes in length, set after Apology Tour but before Mastermind. Some brief bit of it entails Stolas trying and failing to have relationships outside of Blitz, since I thought the show was steering in that direction before they ended up together.

As of right now, I'm only able to pay the voice actors for each role, Any Other Work will be Volunteer if you wish to help out with art, animation, backgrounds, or music. I really want to be able to pay for more work, but I'm not sure I'll be able to do that often. I already have the script written.

I started a small bit of storyboarding, but I'm very slow at drawing. I hope to get this done around August if possible, though I know a ton of work is required for what is essentially a passion project.

IMPORTANT NOTE: It may be a few weeks or months before I can officially pay everyone if cast for a voice role! As I might have to save up a bit more money.

As a result, if you are cast for a role, aside from informing you of the casting, I will wait until I have have the means to pay you before any work begins (unless you are fine with otherwise). But everyone WILL be paid the amount I have set. I might be open to negotiating larger payment if someone's audition really knocks my socks off, though there may be a bit of a wait.

- You must be 18 or over to apply.

- I'm looking for voices that can be as accurate to the canon characters as possible, their mannerisms included.

- Have a good quality microphone, with no background noise. Make sure your mic doesn't peak!

- Add your Discord.

- You can do more than one take if you want, up to three.


- You can apply for more than one character if you feel your voice fits.

- This is my first time doing a casting call. I'm likely to extend the deadline as I will likely pay and focus on each actor one by one, leaving greater room for auditions.

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Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Paid: Flat Rate 200 USD

I'm looking for someone who can both match Stolas's high tone consistently in their lines AND his vocal mannerisms, as closely as possible. Obviously this entails being familiar with who the character is and having watched Helluva Boss.

Bonus points if you can sing. I'm not sure anything will come to pass related to the singing, but if it does, you WILL be paid additionally for the effort. It just may take me a few weeks or months to be ready to pay, so I won't ask anything to be done until I can give proper compensation, unless I am told otherwise.

Additional since there's only three custom lines available:

Yes, dear. I promise, when the day comes nothing will be able to keep me from being there with you. Good night, my Owlette.

That's all you were waiting for, wasn't it? For me to play into this idea you have of me that I'm this prince who thinks he's so much better than you. Well, I don't! Why would I allow everyone to see how much I like you? How I've tried so fucking hard to spend time with you, to support you? You don't owe me those things, but you can't just ignore all that!

Octavia. How are you, my owlet?

(Panicking, frantic) Shit, shit, SHIT! Where is it? I know they're here. I stocked up on them after...- Fuck! Where are they?

*sing a portion of Mastermind if you're also a singer* or all of it, if you want. Particularly want to get a feel for the high notes. Make sure the song isn't audibly playing in your recording.

Voice description:
  • depressed
  • Gentle
  • aristocratic british
  • male adult
  • Flamboyant
  • Stressed
  • That's all you were waiting for, wasn't it? For me to play into this idea you have of me that I'm this prince who thinks he's so much better than you. Well, I don't! Why would I allow everyone to see how much I like you? How I've tried so fucking hard to spend time with you, to support you? You don't owe me those things, but you can't just ignore all that!

  • Octavia. How are you, my owlet?

  • (Panicking, frantic) Shit, shit, SHIT! Where is it? I know they're here. I stocked up on them after...- Fuck! Where are they?

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Paid: Flat Rate 150 USD

Looking for someone to voice Octavia, like all other roles have an understanding of her character and vocal mannerisms.

It may take me a few weeks before I can pay for the role. I will likely go one actor at a time.

Additional line:

I do understand! I understand that we were never enough for you! You never loved mother, and you don't love me, you love him. And you needed THESE! Was this my fault that you needed these?

Voice description:
  • Moody
  • british
  • female young adult
  • Excited
  • female teen
  • quiet
  • sullen
  • (Slightly closed off) Fine, I guess…

  • I'm glad we're hanging out again, Dad. It's been a while.

  • Oh! There's this documentary about the formation of stars! It's called Starfire (giggles)

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Paid: Flat Rate 50 USD

Minor role here with only about five lines. Stella is extra, so go ham.

Voice description:
  • female adult
  • obnoxious
  • cruel
  • Crass
  • loud
  • british
  • Oh yes! Stolas has had his heart shat on by that little imp cretin he was seeing!

  • Ugh, Stolas. You know I like throwing parties. Plus, it's true, so you can come if you want.

  • (Laughs obnoxiously) What a great fucking plan, Andrealphus!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Paid: Flat Rate 50 USD

Also a minor role with a few lines. Stella's conniving brother. Just as cruel and over the top as she is.

Voice description:
  • male adult
  • aristocratic british
  • Scheming
  • extra
  • conniving
  • You silly minx, you (giggles). Though, you know, if your husband dies it won't turn out well for you.

  • Hmm. Well, this kind of situation is extremely unique. A Goetia has never behaved like this before. But, with him alive, we have options. Opportunities. Eternity's a long time, my dear; I say we bide our time, and wait for our chance to... GAIN the upper hand.

  • AND she'll lose what little faith she has in his love for her.


I'm looking for people that can draw as closely to the style of the show and replicate it. To apply, link me any of your artworks relating to either Helluva Boss or Hazbin Hotel. You can draw something new if necessary.

  • *Say something you think would fit*

Storyboard Artist

I'm looking for people that can draw as closely to the style of the show and replicate it. To apply, link me any of your work relating to either Helluva Boss or Hazbin Hotel. Other storyboards can also apply.

  • *Say something you think would fit*


I'm looking for people that can draw as closely to the style of the show and replicate it. To apply, link me any of your artworks relating to either Helluva Boss or Hazbin Hotel. You can draw something new if necessary. Other animations may also apply.

  • *Say something you think would fit*

Deferred: Profit Share

I'm looking for a possible musician to help with a short song I plan of having made for a mini montage, in the vein of Helluva Boss's "I Like It" and "Day by Day." I have some short lyrics written and this could also be paid, but likely down the line when I have more funds. I'm thinking of something with sort of a pop yet depressing sound. Justin Bieber's "Stay" fits the mood, especially instrumentally.

  • *Say something you think would fit*

Audio Engineer
Audio Engineer
Audio Engineer

Audio engineer to help with sound effects and audio mixing.

  • *Say something you think would fit*


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