Bestiary of a Nighthunter 2

Bestiary of a Nighthunter 2

Project Overview

Bestiary of a Nighthunter is a visual novel following the story of Dedris, a monster hunter haunted by his past, and daunted by a bleak future. Still, he pushes on, determined to atone for his sins and leave the world a safer place for those that come after him.

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Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Sylvia (Friendly Cleric)
cast offsite

Sylvia is a cleric working as a healer in the church of the Kindler in the land of Midora. Sylvia is in her early-mid twenties and despite living in a monster infested world, she does her best to stay positive, using humor and kindness as a defense against the night. In this story she is a recurring character that becomes more important as time goes on. When she's "on-screen," Sylvia becomes close friends to the two lead characters and provides a valuable emotional anchor for them.

As for the production side of things:

First and foremost I have to mention that Sylvia is a black woman, so anyone under that umbrella will be considered first for this role. I'm looking for either a straight American accent, or one with a southern drawl (with the drawl being preferred). 

With that said, here are the details relevant to the project itself. This is a visual novel/podcast that involves a mix of voice acting conversations between characters and reading/narrating stories. This could mean an episode for this character could be anywhere from 400 words to 2500 words. Preferably, anyone auditioning is available for live directed sessions, or at the very least rerecording's should I need tweaks.

IMPORTANT: This project is planned to be four seasons of about 25 episodes each. As Sylvia is one of several recurring characters, she will be in almost all of these episodes. This means I will need you to be able to commit to this project over a long period of time (approximately 2-3 years). I'm looking for someone interested in more than just voice acting that wants to get involved with the project itself. Feel free to ask for more details.

This project is starting out as a passion project that's lived in my brain for years. All production costs have come out of pocket so far. This means that while I certainly want to pay people appropriately for their time, my budget is rather limited. Off the bat I wouldn't be able to pay much past the minimum, but if things go well, that will hopefully change around the second or third season as the projects Patreon (ideally) gains traction. (and when it says $25 per project, that means per episode for now). I fully intend to properly compensate people should the project do well, but I do understand that that amount of trust is difficult to just throw out there.

Thank you for taking the time to consider this project, and may a silver moon light your path.

  • I can see you haven’t come in search of divine intervention. What can I do for your friend?

  • Unfortunately for you, you met me instead of one of the other clerics first. They usually warn people about my sense of humor. Which, by the way, tends to make getting patients to laugh a lot more difficult.

  • I took a step back and the figure tilted it’s head with a crack to look back at me. It exhaled, shadow spilling from its maw in curling whispers, and moved toward me in a way I can only describe as scuttling. I recoiled, stumbling back quickly. I turned to flee, but my head cracked against cold stone. The pain tore my focus away from my spell and my light went out.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
cast offsite

Tarin is a young ranger who has lived a hard life. He doesn't want to risk his life fighting monsters, but he has run out of options. He is pessimistic and grim. I would prefer to work with someone willing to do a live directed session. 

  • It might take some haggling, but I'm sure you could convince the captain to give us a squad by tomorrow.

  • She chose this life. Not everyone has that luxury. Some people aren't brave enough to be a hero, you know.

  • When everything else fails, when all other doors are slammed shut in front of you, the merchant lords always need more bodies on the walls. Sometimes I wonder if I'd be better off on the streets. It'd be a slower death, but at least I wouldn't be living my life for some pompous merchant sipping wine in his manor while I find myself skewered on claws the length of my sword.

Audio Engineer
Audio Engineer
Audio Editor
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I am looking for an audio editor to assist in this visual novel project. It is a personal project with a limited budget, so off the bat I can't afford to pay anything to "staff". However, should the project take off that will certainly change. If you have experience and are interested, or want to know more about the project first, let me know!

  • Say something you think would fit

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Len, Miner in his mid-late 50s
Paid: Flat Rate 25 USD
cast offsite

Len is a miner in Kaldberg, a settlement in the far north of Midora. After surviving the worst cave-in in years he claims a monster was to blame. Most in town judge him to be going mad both due to the trauma and his old age. However, when a monster hunter comes to town, he takes the opportunity to tell his story to someone who will listen. 

Len is an abrasive, crotchety older man. I imagine he'd have a faint northern English or Scottish accent, but I am open-minded to any creative decisions.

  • You weren’t there Maria—none of you were! You can mock me all you like, but I know what happened in those mines weren’t no ordinary cave-in. There’s something down there, and it’s wearing all their faces.

  • It started as a normal expedition. The merchants have over half the men and boys in town employed. That day there was me, Tomas, Ordan and his boy Wyll . . . Ah, nevermind. If you want to know their names I can take you on a walk through the graveyard, though their bodies are buried a bit deeper than six feet.

  • What? You’re a bloody nighthunter! It’s your duty to protect people like us! What good are you if you can’t kill something terrorizing the common folk. People died down there—good people, and you’re just going to sit there and refuse to do anything about it?

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Mathias, Merchant Lord
Paid: Flat Rate 15 USD
cast offsite

IMPORTANT: In the artwork for this project, Mathias' physical appearance will be portrayed as Filipino. As such I will prioritize anyone with that heritage (granted, this is a fantasy world so I will be lenient with that point) Anyone is allowed to audition for this role, just keep in mind that I am prioritizing correct casting and that will affect your chances a small amount.

Mathias is a merchant lord of Midora. This position means he is among the most powerful men in the kingdom, and he knows it too. Mathias is boisterous and confidant, but beneath that is a layer of cunning found among the most adept of merchants. His performance should primarily display that haughty outward appearance, but you'll need to be able to pull that calm, cold intelligence out from time to time.

If you are interested in this role, I will need to know that you are able to commit to it for some time. Mathias is a character that pops in and out of the story multiple times. As such, I will need you on board for this project for the long haul.

  • The problem with theories, you see, is that theories are riddled with holes, and holes in theories lead to holes in my pockets.

  • (fondly at first, then shifts to morose) He’s a bright boy. The marvels he will achieve will be a thing of wonder. Truly, he deserves a father concerned with more than just coins and ships. 

  • By investing in you I am investing in the future of Midora, Dedris. I am not blind to the wisdom of your actions. But understand this: I cannot afford to misplace my trust, nor my coin. Power between the merchant lords shifts as freely as sand beneath the tide. Should it come to light that your claim is misled after I have publicly supported you, it would spell the end of my house. Bring me proof and I will sign it.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Silas, Advisor and Retainer to a Merchant Lord
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For now this role is small enough that I cant afford to pay, however should this project do as well as I hope, I will be able to turn that around. Silas is a character who will return several times throughout the story, so please do not apply if you cannot guarantee commitment to the project.

An important note is that Silas is Caucasian, so I will be prioritizing auditions of applicants that match that description. However, anyone is allowed to take a shot at the voice. I would liken him to a character like Alfred from Batman.

Silas is the advisor and retainer of Lord Mathias. While his position and social status is that of a servant, he is a close friend to his liege lord. Additionally, he holds Mathias' son close to his heart as he has had a significant hand in raising the boy. He is very prim and proper, and exudes an air of calm professionalism.

  • Master Dedris, welcome back. I hope your expedition was a fruitful endeavor. Lord Mathias will see you now.

  • Tien! Such behavior is unbecoming of a young lord, and certainly far too dangerous. Come along now.

  • There are no words that can describe the grief that has so wrongfully fallen upon this house. Consolation is of no interest to my lord. Vengeance, however, is an investment we can help with.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Old Villager
cast offsite

This is a minor character, but their lines are important all the same! As it is a small role I can't afford to pay for itm,

  • I hear there’s something stalking the road leading through the mountain pass.

  • You reckon you’ll send the town watch after it?

  • Here's to hoping it stays that way.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Female Ranger
cast offsite

This is a very minor role so unfortunately I can't afford to pay for it, but I hope you consider it anyway!

  • That’s what my scouts are reporting—not that anyone has actually seen the thing.

  • My men hear its cries on their patrols; They say it’s howls sound almost like a woman's scream. Whatever it is, the only tracks they can find belong to the regular wildlife, save for a few deep gouges in trees and stones.

  • Not likely. I’ve only got two good scouts left. No point risking their lives hunting something that hasn’t come near the village.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Paid: Flat Rate 25 USD
cast offsite

Important note: I am working with Canadian currency, so payment will be $15-25 CAD depending on the episode length NOT USD.


Khana/Kithnir is a lead role that could either be male or female, so anyone is encouraged to apply. They belong to a race known as the Iadins, which are these people with silver hair and skin like stone that feel no pain. 

I am not looking for any particular accent, so take your pick, and have fun with it! This character is an Iadin, which is a fantasy race of people with silver hair and skin like stone. They are not native to Midora, so feel free to get creative with how you think they would sound.

As for the production side of things:

Here are the details relevant to the project itself. This is a visual novel/podcast that involves a mix of voice acting conversations between characters and reading/narrating stories. This could mean an episode for this character could be anywhere from 400 words to 2500 words. Preferably, anyone auditioning should be available for live directed sessions, or at the very least rerecording's should I need tweaks.

IMPORTANT: This project is planned to be four seasons of about 20 episodes each. As this is one of several recurring characters, they will be in almost all of these episodes. This means I will need you to be able to commit to this project over a long period of time (approximately 2-3 years). I'm looking for someone interested in more than just voice acting that wants to get involved with the project itself. Feel free to ask for more details.

This project is starting out as a passion project that's lived in my brain for years. All production costs have come out of pocket so far. This means that while I certainly want to pay people appropriately for their time, my budget is rather limited. Off the bat I wouldn't be able to pay much past the minimum, but if things go well, that will hopefully change around the second or third season as the projects Patreon (ideally) gains traction. (and when it says $25 per project, that means per episode for now). I fully intend to properly compensate people should the project do well, but I do understand that that amount of trust is difficult to just throw out there.

Thank you for taking the time to consider this project, and may a silver moon light your path.

  • I miss the white peaks. I miss the howling winds and the northern stars. I can still see them, but I can no longer walk among them.

  • My purpose is to protect. That is the purpose of all who have the strength to do so.

  • What makes a monster? Is it tooth and claw? Hunger and  black blood? No. Choices make monsters of us. Such is the way of this world.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Paid: Per Hour 25 USD
cast offsite

Tien is an energetic young boy who wishes to grow up to be like his hero, Dedris and dreams of protecting his city by slaying monsters. He is about ten years old and is quite the handful for his father, the Lord of Elsben.

Tien is spry, curious, and energetic. He can be quickly discouraged, but will turn around almost instantly with reinvigorated passion to do what he believes is right.

Tien is a recurring character so please do not audition if you cannot commit to this role for at least 2 years as the production side of things can be slow at times.

Important note: I am working with Canadian currency, so payment will be $15-25 CAD depending on the episode length NOT USD.

This project is starting out as a passion project that's lived in my brain for years. All production costs have come out of pocket so far. This means that while I certainly want to pay people appropriately for their time, my budget is rather limited. Off the bat I wouldn't be able to pay much past the minimum, but if things go well, that will hopefully change around the second or third season as the projects Patreon (ideally) gains traction. (and when it says $25 per project, that means per episode for now). I fully intend to properly compensate people should the project do well, but I do understand that that amount of trust is difficult to just throw out there.

Thanks for your time and may a silver moon light your path.

  • I want to be a hero, like you.

  • Nuh-uh. He’s just serious sometimes. One day I want to be a hunter just like him!

  • Morrin is only a year older than me and he’s already working on the walls. I should be allowed to fight monsters too.


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