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I post a mix of Gaming Content, Vlog Content, Cosplay films, and more on my YouTube!YouTube: MrCoolhwhipInstagram: MrCoolhwhipFacebook: MrCoolhwhipTwitter: MrCoolhwhip
I am a Voice Actor, Singer, Video Editor, Director, and Producer
Some Dude - Fehi
(It's been 5 years since I have worked on Voice Acting. I'm back in the game. Let's do this!)
I am a rookie Voice actor with 6 years of vocal training and 10 years of Vocal performance. I took some acting classes and worked to bridge some gaps in my knowledge of Stage performance vs Camera performance. It seems to work for me. I hope we can work together.
Speaks: english
Voice Description: male young adult
Skills and Interests: audio editing (basic) machinima
I am a Voice Actor, Singer, Artist, Video Editor, Director, and Producer
Kamusta, ka-64! This is MickeyMario64, and yes, this is my official CastingCallClub profile, wherein in my channel, I host PKM-150's Eeveelution Squad Comic Dub Project and Zander-The-Artist's Hope in Friends Comic Dub Project, and here is where I open up audition in case I make future comic dub projects or chapters for the series, as well as (hopefully), I could take part on other comic dub projects too. Since yeah, I thought of trying out and practicing voice acting to try out and see what I can do and hopefully improve, much like art. I also have a Youtube, Twitter and Deviantart in case you wanna check it out. If ever you have any inquiries regarding voice projects as well as inviting me to participate, let me know. ^^
Check these out too!~
Voice Description: male teen
Member of the Foolish Snow Owls and a Minecraft Youtuber
I am a Voice Actor, Singer, Director, and Producer
Welcome to my pageFree time writer, voice actor, singerFor minecraft projects I am also a youtuber with knowledge in HD skins
Check out my Youtube link
Accents: german russian
I hope someday I can make this my full-time job. Until then, I'll continue making people smile!
I am a Voice Actor, Singer, and Live Actor
Hello, my name is HeroHayden47! I am a gaming content creator with almost 50,000 followers on all my social platforms combined. I also am a voice actor, singer, and I can play a few instruments.My Voice range is mid/mid-highMy Singing range: G2-A5I use a DGM20S Gamerwave Maono Microphone, (No background noise, crystal clear quality, built-in noise cancelation, and has its own app that cancels out background noise.)I have 3 years of Voice Acting experience. I started really focusing on voice acting in February of 2024. I also have a full-time voice-over coach who trains me with weekly lessons.I have been singing with my singing coach for 2 years now. (I started my third year this Fall.)I also have 6 years of acting experience making student films that tend to last 7-50 minutes long.
Speaks: english
Machinima series creator. Voice actor. Audio editor Twitter: @Bellaqui_8  YouTube: @BellaQuiPresents Discord: @Bellaqui_8
I am a Voice Actor, Singer, Animator, Video Editor, Music Composer, Audio Engineer, Writer, Director, and Producer
My name is Bella Qui and I create machinima series using the Sims 4. 
Speaks: english
Setup: garageband
Search all 4156 singer machinima profiles