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I am a Voice Actor, Singer, Video Editor, Writer, Director, Producer, and Live Actor
Hi! I'm Taiga this is my stage name, I am a YouTuber who just happens to love voice acting. I've voice acted for quite a few YouTubers, and I'm wanting to expand my horizon of voice acting. I really do enjoy voice acting and I am fully committed to it. If you'd like me to be a voice actor for you, send me a message and I'm surely to reply to you as soon as I can. I am 24, so I'm able to do a teenager voice and a young adult. I am however, also able to do a higher pitch voice for a little kid.
How long have I been voice acting?I've started acting since I was around the age of 12, I was doing it for awhile but sadly had to back out of acting due to personal things when I was 14. However, I started to do voice acting at the age of 15 and never stopped. I love voice acting and I pray one day I can do some real life films. 
Roleplays I've been in on YouTube: Heartbreaker, Griffin's D...
Speaks: english
I am a Voice Actor, Video Editor, Writer, Director, and Live Actor
Actor, immersive theatre performer, voiceactor/voiceover artist, model, livestreamer and presenter from Buckinghamshire, England.
"I´m not planning to die, so my enemies might have to." 🖤
I am a Voice Actor, Artist, Video Editor, Writer, Director, Producer, and Live Actor
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🏮Hey there! I go by Ella ^^ 
【 Basic Info 】- 🍁
✦ Name: Ella Asteria✦ Age group: 15-20✦ Experience: 1+ year
•┈••✦ I always get my lines done before the deadlines•┈••✦ I always do multiple takes on each line•┈••✦ open to feedback! 
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▹ 【 My Contact 】
❤︎ | Discord: ella asteria
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【 My Ranges & Accents 】- 🍁
✦ Ranges: medium low - high✦ Ages: Young child - Senior✦ Accents: Canadian, Spanish, Korean, Russian & French. (Willing to expand!)✦ Languages: English, French & Spanish
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【 Additional Abilities 】- 🍁
✦ Sobbing/crying: ✔︎✦ Screaming: ✔︎✦ Groaning: ✔︎✦ Growling: ✔︎
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【 To Keep In Mind 】 - 🍁
✦ I Won't be taking part in any NSFW projects.✦ I Won't be auditioning for LGBTQ roles if their actions/dialogues/styles are too gay. :)
Speaks: english
Local idiot who loves to sing, act, write, play video games, and more.
I am a Voice Actor, Singer, Artist, Writer, and Live Actor
Heyo! My name is Kay and I am 19 years old. I am an aspiring singer, actress, writer, and composer, however as of now, the first is what I am primarily after. I am a beginner here on CCC but am willing to lend my voice to original projects from animation series/shorts to video games and anything in-between.
I can do both lower and higher pitched female voices and my vocal range for music is G3-C6 and sometimes higher (though I cannot belt above B4).
English is my main language. I am not fully fluent in but can read and pronounce words in Spanish and sometimes Japanese.
Speaks: english
I am an actor (voice & body), HD skin designer, builder and animator for minecraft! However, I am an amateur, and I am seeking to improve myself everyday! 
I am a Voice Actor, Video Editor, Writer, Director, and Live Actor
I made a lot of projects, so I am pretty busy with that and also studies! I direct my time learning how to program (which I am a beginner, so you won't be confused) and ACTING for Minecraft roleplays! I may not be the best actor, or have the best voice as I stutter a lot, I am willing to work and try becoming something better each day.I also do HD skin designs and building, however, I may not be the best builder/designer, I am seeking to improve myself in this field, even though it might be "great" or "good".I have a Minecraft Fan-discord server you can join: it also has YouTube channel and other social media you can find there! We are constantly in-need for assistance, so join and be notified of any application upcoming!
Speaks: english
Setup: krita
Search all 4577 live actor team management profiles