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Ello Fello Earthlings!
I am a Voice Actor, Video Editor, Music Composer, Writer, Director, Producer, and Live Actor

Ello fellow earthlings! I'm Shorty. I'm a college student, but my voice doesn't really sound like it. Even so, I use it to my advantage!
I have often voiced MJ in Spider-Man stories and mythical creatures. Wise women with soft voices, villains with malicious intent. My vocal range is not what most expect from voice actors, but I make up for it with my passion for acting.
I have also been a writer for about eight years, and have the ability to create a story from nothing. The number of ideas swimming around in my head is unreal, and I have never before faced the obstacle of writer's block.

Speaks: english
We will make it as creatives, Insha'Allah
I am a Voice Actor, Writer, Director, Producer, and Live Actor
Greetings and thanks for visiting my page, my artistic mission is to inspire and entertain.Here is an audio drama that I made with the help of other CCC users: free to reach out if you'd like to collaborate because I like learning and gaining allies.Fare thee well
Speaks: english urdu
Profile Under Construction
I am a Voice Actor, Singer, Writer, and Live Actor
Important Non-Casting Club Voice Work:Turnabout Storm: The Other Side - Miles Edgeworth 
Fallout: Autumn Leaves - Edgard
My Little Investigations - RoverI have 19 years of singing experience and training. I am a strong bass-baritone who has held the lead in my local musical productions. My roles have included the following:

The Nightmare Before Christmas - Jack Skellington
Avenue Q - Bryan
The Adams Family Musical - Uncle Fester
Young Frankenstein - Dr. Victor Frankenstein
A Gentleman's Guide to Love & Murder - Earl Adalbert D'ysquith, Lord Asquith D'ysquith Sr., Lady Hyacinth D'ysquith, Reverend Ezekiel D'ysquith
Speaks: english
Voice Description: male adult male young adult
Fanverse Official Studios
"You Are The Artist Of Your Own Life. Don't Hand The Paintbrush To Anyone Else"
I am a Voice Actor, Animator, Video Editor, Writer, Producer, and Live Actor
Hey my name is Fanverse, but you can call me Riley. I have a life long dream to voice act. I like to try a range of different performances. I am also a script writer, that is a real big passion of mine and definietly would love to write for people. I am a life long DC Fan, any DC projects going I am immediately there!
Discord: FanverseOfficialStudios#2142
Speaks: english
Just a Random Girl with a MicrophoneFind me on Fiverr: 
I am a Voice Actor, Artist, Writer, Director, and Live Actor
Graduated BFA Theatre Performance student trying to make her way through life and pursue her passion for performing. Lover of all things acting related and living in her own world of fantasy. Interests include anime, manga, D&D, video games, cosplay, movies, and more! I got my first start in voice acting here on Casting Call Club about three years ago. Since then, my passion as well as my skills in the area of voice over performance have only gotten better. Voice acting was always something I had wanted to try my hand at as I loved playing around with different voices and character work, and is something I have finally been given the opportunity to do. I always give my all in every aspect of my career and am very good at taking direction when prompted to see things and try them from a different perspective. I have excellent work ethic and hope that I can work with some of you othe...
Speaks: english
I am a Voice Actor, Singer, Writer, Director, and Live Actor
My name is Cameron I go by Cam. I have been acting for most of my life. I have written and directed plays for theater companies.  Voice acting is a new avenue for me but I believe with my acting, writing, and directing experience I can showcase a wide range of skills that would be beneficial to your project. 
Speaks: english
Setup: audacity
"Hope Is The Key To Your Heart!"
I am a Voice Actor, Singer, Writer, Director, Producer, and Live Actor
I'm an aspiring writer, actress, singer & lyricist who loves plays, musicals, TV shows, & Movies! I'm also very autistic and loves helping out people with disabilities!
Speaks: english
Creating, Voicing, and Editing things!
I am a Voice Actor, Video Editor, Audio Engineer, Writer, Director, and Live Actor
Hello, my name is Crafty Rat, I am a voice actor, director, and video editor. I have around 9 years of musical theater experience and took acting classes late 2019. I've always been interested in creating and voicing in projects, and Casting Call Club has given me the perfect opportunity to do that!
Currently working on directing three projects: Grave Mistakes, VoidVille, and The Elseworth Examination!
Speaks: english
Hi. Im Tahlia.  A 21 year old voice actor and cosplayer. I use They/She prononus.The Owl House Obsessed.  Feel free to contact me anytime!!Tiktok: itztahliaraeDiscord:
I am a Voice Actor, Singer, Artist, and Live Actor
Setup: Any Any
I am a Voice Actor, Singer, Video Editor, Writer, Director, Producer, and Live Actor
A Youtuber and Media Student
Speaks: english
Skills and Interests: 2d animation 2d animator 3d animation amateure animator amateur musician amateur video editing amateur voice acting animatic animatic artist animation animation director art direction audio engineering voice acting audio engineer (music) background art design baritone (singing) baritone (vocal) building in minecraft character art character artist character design character designer classical and modern singing colorist composing composing music content creation creating thumbnails creative direction dialogue script writing dialogue writing directing directing assistance direction drawing (2d traditional/digital) emotional voice acting film directing/writing/producing filming film music Game developer game developing game development game making horror writing logo design logo maker marketing mezzo soprano vocals minecraft minecraft building minecraft recording minecraft roleplaying minecraft roleplays minecraft skin artist minecraft voice acting musical theater music composer music composing music composition/production producer production management projectdirector screen/script writing screenwriting screen writing script writer script writing set building singing (amateur) singing (covers) singing (mezzo soprano) singing/songwriting singing (soprano / high alto) skin maker song production sound design sound designer sound design/production sound effects storyboard artist tenor vocals theatrical singing theme song writer thumbnail artist thumbnail maker unreal engine video creator/editor video game design video game development villain vocals/singing voice acting voice acting singing writing horror writing scripts writing song lyrics writing songs
Hina Satou
Hi Im Hina! <3
I am a Voice Actor, Singer, Artist, Animator, Video Editor, Music Composer, Audio Engineer, Writer, Director, Producer, and Live Actor
Hi! I go by the name Hina SatouI am 16 and I'm from SwedenI go by the pronouns she/herI like to voice act, sing and make content for youtubeI have been voice acting for 3 yearsI like to make gacha videos and voice acted projectsI am currently working on 3 projects.Dm if you would like to help or if you're looking to hire me! @cactuscatcreations 
I am a Voice Actor, Artist, Audio Engineer, Writer, Director, Producer, and Live Actor
Hello, thank you for stopping by. My name is Tragedy Faye, and I am the Co-owner of Cactus Cat Creations. This is a content-creating company that works with talents from around the world.Our current project is Darkness Falls, for which I am the producer, main writer, director, voice actor, and sound engineer. I am also the Community Manager for the Hall of Adventures Discord server run by Dodo of Dodo's Arthouse, a talented mapmaker and Game Master and the main protagonist of Darkness Falls. You can find his work at: of my other skills is that of a muse (consultant). I like to inspire others and help them in their pursuits. I have been a game master for over 20 years and have developed a vast world with rich adventure and intricate storytelling. I have worked over the years in developing several different voices and accents. I have worked creat...
Speaks: english
An Actor/Voice actor who's ready to throw herself into any challenge! I can't wait to work with you and bring your characters to life!
I am a Voice Actor, Writer, and Live Actor
Hi, it's nice to meet you! My name is Feodora Susilo, I am an Indonesian-Australian LGBTQ+ Actor/Voice Actor.
Check out my website for my acting reels, home studio specs, resume, etc: FEODORA SUSILO Website
To contact me on:
Twitter: @feodorasusilovo  
Discord: OracleFeo (please let me know through CCC messages, if you're going to contact me through discord)
Speaks: english
I am a 21 year old voice actor who also does a lot of script writing and director work.
I am a Voice Actor, Writer, and Live Actor
Hello there, I'm EV! (She/They) If you have any inquiries, feel free to contact me through the messaging system here on CCC or you can contact me on discord: evproductionsI have 8 years of acting experience, I've been publicly voice acting for over a year, and have been voice acting for my own projects for about 2 years now)I'm an avid writer and have been obsessed with storytelling since I was old enough to read and write. I have 3 years of experience with directional work. I am currently the director of a long term multi-season un-fiction horror audio drama that is entirely voice acted. Some info about me:I have a soft spot for anything horror related, but I am especially fond of horror games!One of my favorite types of projects to voice act for are video games, but I honestly can have fun voicing any type of project.I've written over 700 pages in scripts and have taken creative wri...
Hey there, my name is Dust! i'm a writer/voice actor/artist looking for some work!
I am a Voice Actor, Singer, Artist, Video Editor, Writer, Director, and Live Actor
Hi there! I'm an artist and writer (and on occasion i do voices as well.)My name is Dust, Donnie or Kurtis. Whichever you prefer :}

Please, if you hire me for your project, give me direct orders! Most projects I've joined have failed to do so, therefor I never actually do a job for them. I'd like to be helpful :}
Speaks: english
Baddie for hire //
I am a Voice Actor, Singer, Writer, and Live Actor
Howdy! I'm a VA/actor/singer/songwriter based in Denver. I've a versatile voice ready-made for your needs! I specialize in dynamic, nuanced performances with broad range and tonality. All the fun stuff about me you can find at I also have an extensive background in script/fiction writing and editing, and produce all my demo material - if any of the above catches your interest, let's connect!Discord: @smoothtownCurrently Spinning: Clairo - Charm (2024)Currently Playing: Monster Hunter Rise to scratch all the Wilds itchMost recent watch: Twisters (2024 - this is Glen Powell's universe and we're all just living in it)
Speaks: english
Voice Description: male adult
I'm Noah and I am a 17 year old American Male Voice Actor!
I am a Voice Actor and Live Actor
I'm Noah, a 17 year old American Male Voice Actor based in Florida!An actor ready to voice for your animations, games, dubs, and other forms of voice over!Feel free to DM me if you'd like to include me in your project!My credits and characters are on my site:
Speaks: english
Accents: american royal