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Radio News Director who loves anything and everything voice-over! is PostermanVA feel free to add me for work or just to talk :) Website: https://po
I am a Voice Actor, Singer, Writer, and Live Actor
I am a radio news director and have been looking to get into voice-over for a while, my goal is to get into anime, games, and more! Voicing a memorable villain is my life goal!
Speaks: english
Hail and well met fellow travelers! Just your friendly neighborhood nerd trying her hand at another creative outlet. I’m an author, film student, and artist who needs to be dabbling with a projects at all times to stay sane but y’know, at least I have fun doing it.
I am a Voice Actor, Artist, Animator, Video Editor, Audio Engineer, Writer, Director, and Live Actor
Even though I stared my first novel, officially, when I was fourteen, I’ve been a storyteller since I can remember. I’ve also always had an affinity for both acting and voice acting. So I might use this platform to participate in other people’s projects, as well as explore the vast internet wilds for talented folks looking to co-create with me.
Also, I’m in my second year of uni, so that’s a time constricting thing to keep in mind, but we’ll manage.

(Currently working on a podcast and videogame with some very incredible friends of mine, so I’m sure I’ll be on the lookout for fellow nerds to join the creative process soon.)
I am an actor (voice & body), HD skin designer, builder and animator for minecraft! However, I am an amateur, and I am seeking to improve myself everyday! 
I am a Voice Actor, Video Editor, Writer, Director, and Live Actor
I made a lot of projects, so I am pretty busy with that and also studies! I direct my time learning how to program (which I am a beginner, so you won't be confused) and ACTING for Minecraft roleplays! I may not be the best actor, or have the best voice as I stutter a lot, I am willing to work and try becoming something better each day.I also do HD skin designs and building, however, I may not be the best builder/designer, I am seeking to improve myself in this field, even though it might be "great" or "good".I have a Minecraft Fan-discord server you can join: it also has YouTube channel and other social media you can find there! We are constantly in-need for assistance, so join and be notified of any application upcoming!
Speaks: english
Setup: krita
Writer of Wonderful Words!
I am a Voice Actor, Writer, and Live Actor
The writer you always needed with the talent you always wanted! :)
Speaks: english
Voice Description: female young adult
pronouns are he/it 
I am a Voice Actor, Singer, Writer, Director, and Live Actor
Hello, I am 17 year old dude who is silly . I am willing to do some voice acting (I am Canadian and can do a somewhat low voice, but I have a higher voice type in general). I may post my own projects for people to apply for, and yeah.
Speaks: english
Voice Description: male teen
Search all 1471 live actor proficient writer profiles