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I am a Voice Actor, Singer, Artist, and Live Actor
☆Welcome to my bio lovely person☆I look forward to sharing my voice with you.Profile working progress
Speaks: english
Accents: nerdy
Setup: audacity
Voice Description: female young adult
Voiceover, Mocap & on-cam actor in LA from AZ ✵ loves horror, games, making art, martial arts, animals, escaping cities to nature ✵ Latina ✵ Survivor ✵ 🧿
I am a Voice Actor, Artist, and Live Actor
Hey! I'm a Voiceover, Mocap & on-cam actor in LA from AZ ✵ loves horror, games, making art, martial arts, animals, escaping cities to nature ✵ Latina ✵ Survivor ✵ 🧿EMAIL: [redacted] RESUME:
✵ Insta:✵ Twitch Partner:✵ Threads:
✵ Kofi:✵ Twitter:
I am a Voice Actor, Artist, Writer, and Live Actor
Hello everyone I am a aspiring voice actor!
Speaks: english
I am a Voice Actor, Singer, Artist, Animator, Video Editor, Music Composer, Writer, and Live Actor
Hi! My name’s William/Boo (They/it/he + any neopronouns) and I am a big fan of audition stuff. Ranging from voice acting, music composition, drawing/animating and writing, I do basically all of these. It’s quite a hobby of mine, but I do enjoy it quite a lot!
Howdy everybody, I'm yams!I'm an aspiring voice actress. Many people have told me I should try it because I sound like an AI or a Disney princess. Thank you for reading and listening!
I am a Voice Actor, Singer, Artist, and Live Actor
Speaks: english
"How about you come over? I'll make it worth a while."
I am a Voice Actor, Artist, Video Editor, and Live Actor
I do have a grade B Microphone and have been doing voice training for 5 years. My vocal range is Mid Alto to Full Soprano which works well with voice acting. I also do artwork (for all my life), acting/dancing, music edits, and helpped with directing.
Speaks: english
I am a Voice Actor, Singer, Artist, Music Composer, and Live Actor
Bonjour et bienvenue sur mon profil !Je m'appelle Loan (de mon petit pseudo "Lewoan"), j'ai 20 ans et je suis ravi.e de vous voir.Ici vous pourrez trouver tout ce qui me concerne en terme de matériel et de ce que je suis capable de faire.Pour me présenter en quelque mot, je suis un.e passionné.e pour tout ce qui concerne l'audiovisuel, le doublage, la musique, les sons, TOUT ! J'ai fait 6 années de chorale (bientôt 7) (style de musique varié), j'ai fait 2 ans de théâtre, et 2 ans de doublage avec mes ami.e.s. Je tente donc ma chance aujourd'hui de vous proposer ma voix pour vos projets.Je fais également du dessin, de la musique assistée par ordinateur, et un peu de montage vidéo + audio en autodidacte. Donc pour résumer, je reste encore très amateur.trice, mais je suis très motivé.e et déterminé.e à m'améliorer et à donner le meilleur dans de futures auditions.Merci pour votre attenti...
Voice Description: male young adult nonbinary
Search all 8824 live actor traditional drawing profiles