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Creating, Voicing, and Editing things!
I am a Voice Actor, Video Editor, Audio Engineer, Writer, Director, and Live Actor
Hello, my name is Crafty Rat, I am a voice actor, director, and video editor. I have around 9 years of musical theater experience and took acting classes late 2019. I've always been interested in creating and voicing in projects, and Casting Call Club has given me the perfect opportunity to do that!
Currently working on directing three projects: Grave Mistakes, VoidVille, and The Elseworth Examination!
Speaks: english
I am a Voice Actor and Live Actor
Hi, my name is Paxson Helgesen. I'm a professional voice actor. But first and foremost - I am a storyteller. Nothing brings me greater joy than giving a character a voice that brings their story to life, making their world feel just as real as ours.

I started my career as a Sound Designer for video games, where I would often do creature vocalizations and efforts for characters. I realized I loved performing, and have been training as a voice actor ever since. Collaboration with other creatives is one of my favorite thing, as we can create something together greater than the sum of its parts. 

So whether you need a lively young hero, an eccentric villain, or some snarling monstrosity - let's make something great together!
Website: SkillsUpright Citizens Brigade - Improv (Long-form, Harold Struct...
Speaks: english
Daria, she/her, sound designer and aspiring actress looking to get into more projects.
I am a Voice Actor, Audio Engineer, Director, Producer, and Live Actor
Hey! My name's Dare, or Daria for long. I'm an aspiring voice actress, foley artist, and sound engineer. I'm also the head director and producer of Podfeels, as well as its foley artist, and I play the role Jade Harley. I'm looking to get to work on more projects, ideally some paid work, but I'm not picky.
Speaks: english
Search all 346 live actor sound designer profiles