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I am a Video Editor, Audio Engineer, Director, and Producer
Hello to all voice actors! I am TheLaserSonic, or as I prefer to be called, TLS!I've been interested in Voice Directing for a long time, passively viewing the various voice productions that crop up here or on YouTube, and only recently started working on my own productions. I have found it incredibly rewarding, and always enjoy working and matching the passion brought by my casted actors.Above all else, I aim to become a voice director that any voice actor would be proud to work with, not only through my direction, but throughout every facet of the production; from the moment you are casted to the moment the video goes live.To finish, I want to let you all, as actors, know that I greatly appreciate who takes the time to audition for my projects. Even if you are not casted, don't give up! You will find your voice and role eventually.
Speaks: english
Skills and Interests: managing video editing
I am a Voice Actor, Animator, Video Editor, Music Composer, Audio Engineer, Writer, Director, and Producer
Hello everyone. My name is Sounalius and I've recently gotten into voice acting as of 12/1/2019. 
I am the Founder and Director of Sounulus Entertainment: an independent private company currently developing a standalone game dubbed "Project Otherworld". It is based off the experience of notable individuals in the former gamemode in Garry's Mod called "GFmod", and the major events that took place.
Project development is unfortunately on hold as we migrate game engines.
The future feels ambitious, and I am prepared to do my best.Thank you for reading.
Trans Voice Actress with QUITE the range
I am a Voice Actor, Video Editor, Audio Engineer, and Director
⫹ Hello! ⫺Hello there, a dear viewer of my profile! I am Elise Lepley, a seventeen-year-old trans voice actress who has been doing voice acting/voice engineering for almost six years. I am also a professional audio engineer and amateur creative/voice director.⫹ Contact ⫺If you wish to have me on a project, my Discord is usually the best way to get to me but if you want to contact me through email, it is audio.lepleyethan (at) gmail (dot) comProfile Picture Art Drawn by 
I am a Voice Actor and Director
Hi there! I'm Bell, a new VA working towards being a professional voice actor and voiceover artist. My interests include anime and video games, so if you want someone who's got the passion to back the voice, I'm your girl!
I am also available for directing, assistant directing, vocal directing, and as a casting director. Please reach out if interested.
See completed projects I have directed and produced on my channel here:
Mic/Interface: AT2035 + Audient ID4 MKII
Software: Ableton Live 11 Lite, Audacity
Setup: Pop Filter, Home Studio
All auditions recorded before 10/8/2023 used AT2035 + Focusrite Scarlett SoloAll auditions recorded before 9/22/2022 used Shure MV7 XLR + Focusrite Scarlett Solo
All auditions recorded before 12/24/2021 used Shure MV7 USB
All auditions recorded before 7/4/2021 ...
Speaks: english
Skills and Interests: adr high pitched young child
I am a Voice Actor, Video Editor, Writer, Director, and Producer
Hello!My name is SunlightYellowVA / SunlightYellow and I'm a voice acting hobbyist who is hoping to one day attain work in voice over for anime and live action western localization. I've been voice acting and directing for about 5 years as a hobby, making and partaking in content as both an actor and director. Though I'm not amazingly versed as an actor, I am very well practiced as a writer and director.
You can find my works and social medias below!
My YouTube 

My Twitter

My DiscordSunlightYellow#0574
Speaks: english
Voice Description: male teen male young adult
Crystal Storm
Voice Actress, Voice Director & Show Runner
I am a Voice Actor and Director
Looking for a warm extremely versatile voice for your next project? That's me! I'm a mixed race (black/white) voice actor, part of the LGBTQIA+ community, with a passion for voice acting (and voice directing!)VO Qualitieswarm - unique - real - happy - high energy - child-like - moody - edge - sultry - sensual - intimate - athletic - quirky VO TypesAdult Woman / Senior WomanSouthern MatriarchEdgy VillainDramatic Narrator
Speaks: english
I sometimes listen to the same 3 second audio clip for 6 hours
I am a Writer and Director
Hi there. Glad you're here.I am the owner of ErinAudio on Youtube.
ErinAudio - YouTube
Speaks: english
Voice Description: male adult male young adult
About lil' old me:
I am a Voice Actor, Artist, Writer, Director, and Producer
Hello to y'all.-I'm Eldian Devil, an upcoming but dedicated Youtuber with almost 200 subscribers. I enjoy creating memes, edits, and stories to remember. I'm looking to expand my directing/writing repertoire however I can. -My biggest strengths are as follows: Writing, Music Selection, Video/Photo Editing, Directing, and a small bit of acting. -I am also currently looking for other youtubers/content creators to collab, work with, and hopefully learn from. Feel free to hit me up in my DMs or on any of the listed social media platforms below: Discord: eldianshitposter#6758 Twitter: Youtube:
Speaks: english
We are a pair of passionate TOKUSATSU fans with a goal to create our own series.
I am a Voice Actor, Video Editor, Writer, Director, and Producer
 Our hope is to bring the same love of the genre to more people and build our community. Our podcast has been fortunate enough to have hosted many guests throughout our time, and meeting more of the community has been the greatest experience of all.
Now our goal is to share that love in the creation of our very own AUDIOPLAY KAMEN RIDER SERIES. 
We are looking to work with fellow passionate TOKU FANS to build the best project together.
Film and animation professional with over 9+ years of experience, seeking to advance my career in writing and directing. I'm keen to be involved with all aspects of development, from script editing, writing for animation, games, and comics; to directing and VO directing.
I am a Writer, Director, and Producer
I'm an experienced animation professional, motivated to advance my career in all aspects of production, directing, and writing/editing. As of late, I have been interested in a different career path, particularly involving more creative endeavours. I am currently open to roles on this platform involving writing and editing work, in addition to directing and voice over direction opportunities, as this is where I would like to see my career progressing in the future. In 2021, I directed Sun & Moon's Christmas short TIMELESS GIFTS. My new short film PASSENGER was commissioned by Ffilm Cymru, BBC Wales, and BFI Network Wales in 2022. The film wrapped Spring 2024 and is due to premiere at the Aesthetica Short Film Festival in November. I'm currently working on developing my first feature film with funding and continued support from Ffilm Cymru Wales.I've produced SPECTRE OF THE BEAR, al...
Search all 3773 director voice directing profiles