Close Your Eyes

Project Overview

CONTENT WARNING: This is a horror game for audiences 16+. The game includes:

-Violent & Disturbing Scenes with Moderate Gore.

-Sensitive Topics including murder, complex relationships, depression, suicidal thoughts, and religion.

-Sexually Suggestive Content and "Barbie Doll Anatomy" Nudity.

-Crude Language and Swearing.

Close Your Eyes is a a 2D RPG Maker Horror Game reimagining a few older games released over the last 13 years; an anthology of eight interconnected stories that depict a dark, twisted world. It all starts with a little marshmallow who escapes death row after being convicted of murdering eight innocent people, running away to a nearby subway system while they're haunted by a strange game show host who occasionally appears to them with questionnaires. Other stories range from following a girl named Kiki who one Halloween night tries to collect treats to win the heart of a boy she likes who seems to be falling in love with another, to the tale of a lonely cloaked being called Mole who services instructions from what he believes is the voice of God as his faith is tested when he must deliver a baby.

Most of the main characters of the game have been voiced for a while now; you can hear some of that voice acting in the trailer above on this page. But this is me trying to get the game's dialogue to be fully voice acted by focusing on either side characters or roles with shorter scripts. The pricing of the roles comes in part from me being a relatively small indie developer juggling a few projects with a budget to maintain, these being smaller roles, and the differentiation between role prices reflects how much dialogue or complexity each character role has; A good example is The Hag pays the most, but for actual dialogue she only says maybe 300-400 words total. However, she makes a lot of different sounds, ranging from crying, screaming, to snake-like hissing, so her role is worth the most since its the most strenuous. Meanwhile, the $5 roles mostly consist of characters that get roughly a dozen to two dozen lines of dialogue total more just talking, something that could easily be finished recorded pretty shortly through just straight talking.

The gig will be paid upon completed audio delivery (and any revisions needed to be done being completed). Audio files can be delivered in .mp3, .wav, .flac, or .ogg. Can either deliver as one or multiple recordings with multiple lines, or separate audio files for each line, really any method of delivering the lines works with me. At least half-way decent Microphone quality is desirable for this project, with little to no background audio. I'm a decent audio editor and plan to mess with all the audio sent to me regardless for the game's tone & atmosphere, but clearer and decent quality recordings are preferred.

The deadline for auditions is April 12th, 2025 at 12 PM PST. There will be no casting before this deadline to let people audition as I'm finalizing the scripts. Once all roles have been confirmed and scripts sent out, the deadline for line delivery is June 1st, 2025 at 12 PM PST. For those who are picked for roles, for communication I'm open to either Casting Calls DMs, email, or Discord to communicate, whichever works best for you. I may ask for a few line revisions from what's delivered, and the line revision deadline will be June 22nd, 2025 at 12 PM PST.

Content Wise: The project would be 16+ if it were to get an age rating, though the exact content fluctuates a bit between the different games within the anthology. The game is a horror game, it's dark, there's some moderate gore (though the game usually avoids being too gory, there's a few scenes of "high impact gore" that is meant to be more shocking, on par with some Rated R films). There is disturbing scenes and dialogue, along with sensitive topics tied to things like violence, religion, complex relationships. I've also marked each role with a mention if there's sexually suggestive dialogue spoken or not for people's consideration. The game never gets too explicit, the sexually suggestive content is infrequent and it's mostly things like innuendo that's no worse than anything you'd see in a PG-13 movie. But there is two exceptions which are worth noting. The first being there's a sadomasochistic stalker antagonist who deals in the act of giving and receiving pain in a sexually charged way; he never strictly does anything sexual but he talks about violence in a perverse way. The second is there's a cartoony gag role that's a spin on the emperor's new clothes tale for a young woman who keeps lying and ends up having to both cover-up her lies and herself as her clothes unravel with her lies and she tries to not get caught. But all of this is tongue-in-cheek tied with a moral lesson and all of it censored, nothing more than barbie doll anatomy is ever shown, it's really not anything worse than you'd see in a French or Canadian children's cartoon, but still worth noting so I've marked every role that has sexually suggestive dialogue in it for people's consideration when auditioning.

If you'd like to ask any questions, feel free ask here in the comments, or shoot me a DM. The game is already released under "Yai Gameworks" on Steam Early Access here:

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Voice Actor
Voice Actor
The Hag
Paid: Flat Rate 16 USD

The Hag is one of the most challenging roles I'm asking to be filled here, though she doesn't have much spoken dialogue actually. She makes a lot of different noises. These range from crying, to screaming, to making snake-like hisses, giggling, and so on. Please only audition for this role if you're fine with recording a few takes of various vocal sounds for the game.

The Hag appears multiple times through the game in varying forms, sometimes acting friendly or non-violent to the player, but other times she's quite violent and a threat. She has a scene where she's a mostly bedridden girl who's addicted to a game that she keeps playing, and this bit is where most of her spoken dialogue comes from. In another scene, she appears in the form of a giant monstrous serpent who hunts the player in tall grass. In yet another scene, she appears as a disfigured monster covered-up by a body bag who chases the player. And yet in another, she appears as a baby crying out helplessly. The Hag is a complex mix of a thing; she vaguely appears in the form of a girl, but her body gets distorted regularly in various ways. Her role is full of spoilers I don't exactly want public right now, but I'll talk more in-depth about it with whoever gets the role so they can understand what they're voicing as this role needs more guidance than most of them. But for now, just know that like 75% of this role is making sounds convincingly, and 25% is dialogue. The role has approximately 300-400 words of dialogue, and somewhere between 50-60 noises to make with various contexts.

There is no sexually suggestive dialogue, nor is any of the sounds she makes sexual. The Hag is more tragic and twisted than anything.

  • english
Voice description:
  • video game
  • female child
  • monster
  • animation/character
  • videogame
  • "Just get on the game already, I'm so boooored." ((A little upset and pouty, groaning and getting impatient. The "boooored" is to be dragged out for emphasis.))

  • **Crying sounds. Imagine you're an infant, lost, confused, helpless, crying out for anyone to reach out to you, but there's no one there, and all you can do is cry your eyes out.**

  • **A shrill angry scream. An unpleasant, upsetting memory has appeared in front of you and is attacking you. But you cannot speak. All you can do is scream at it, scream in pain, scream in anger, you have to be more terrifying than the unpleasant memory in front of you to make it go away.**

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Paid: Flat Rate 12 USD

Jeremy is a piece of work. He appears as a giant bipedal skeletal rabbit, but don't let his looks deceive you, he's sick, twisted, and dangerous. He has a burning hatred for a woman named Ghastly, reasons unknown to her (at first). But Jeremy makes it alarming clear he means her harm, and delights in making her miserable. He plans to torture her, run her through the wringer, and use his giant frame as a presence to lash out violently with malicious intent. He's a bit of a creative, writing disturbing poetry, drawing on walls what comes from his pitch black heart. This role has a lot of anger, sadistic delight, some yelling, and you need to sound intimidating and cruel.

The role is a bit more loaded than some others, being somewhere around 1000 words of dialogue.

He has some sexually suggestive dialogue, in relation to:

-Comparing his drive for violence to ecstasy.

-Talking about brutal acts in a weirdly romanticized way.

-He makes some comments on the body of the woman he hates, to shame her.

  • english
Voice description:
  • male adult
  • videogame
  • video game
  • animation/character
  • "Dear 'poor little thing,' I was hoping to diminish your will to live, but I see that you're doing a mighty fine job of that all by your lonesome self." ((Poised like someone reading a letter they wrote dramatically, filled with a loathing but happiness to see the one they loathe suffering, a schadenfreude delight.))

  • "Ohhh, I've pondered on what I could do to make your little bitch face scrunch up in pain, to make you suffer more than you could ever inflict upon yourself!" ((Relishing in it, flairs of anger and twisted lashing outs of cursing and putrid hatred.))

  • "I'LL SEE YOU RAW AND RED!" ((An angry but excited exclamation as he transitions to getting himself pumped up to be violent and dangerous.))

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
The Baby
Paid: Flat Rate 16 USD

The Baby was once upon a time the doll of a woman, but its grown up to be a giant, rather creepy looking living mannequin of sorts. Despite its unnerving appearance, Baby is actually a sweetheart who just wants love, attention, and to protect their mother. Baby joins their mom throughout her journey for revenge, trying to remind her of who she used to be, and who Baby still see's deep down inside of them as their mom gets more clouded by her own venomous hatred. Baby just wants to help their mom go down the right path and to take care of them as they're nearing slipping off a ledge they can't come back from. Baby doesn't need to have a masculine or feminine voice, any gender identity may audition for them. However, you do need a character voice that may seem befitting of a giant baby doll. I'll be interested to hear how people interpret that in what voice they perform.

The role maybe obviously has no sexually suggestive dialogue, they're a baby (even if a giant doll baby), and is the longest script here, being around 1500 words.

  • english
Voice description:
  • videogame
  • video game
  • baby
  • child
  • animation/character
  • "Don't be afraid, mama! I'm here to protect you!" ((Trying to not scare their mother, to be reassuring and comforting.))

  • "I guess awful ole' Jeremy was right... You don't remember me anymore." ((Sad to be forgotten by who they love the most, but trying to be strong for them, but can't hide how hurtful it is.))

  • "No! That's not my name, mama! You're lying! You're lying!" ((On the verge of tears, throwing a tantrum like... well, a child.))

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Paid: Flat Rate 12 USD

Valerie is a tragic victim and a tricky role to play. She doesn't get much dialogue, but the stuff she gets includes a few challenging scenes. In essence, she's a deeply religious woman who was a bit too naive and trusting, targeted by a creepy stalker who successfully saws off her limbs and stuffs her in the walls of a church he frequents. Her speaking role essentially consists of four parts; Her at the start when she's a sweet and religious woman who tries to be kind to others, a difficult scene where her stalker corners and overpowers her, her last pleas for help and begging to God, and then a version of her that may or may not be real, may or may not be alive or dead, who speaks more cryptically, calmly, and almost smug yet maliciously to her aggressor as he tries to get things under control to both get away with what he's done and selfishly get what he wants yet can't seem to get. We see things more scattered, often more the result of things than any actual acts happening, for example when she's abducted we see him cornering her and then jump to her bound and pleading, and her limbs being sawed off is shown in a very abstract way without seeing either her limbs, any blood, or the like. The role does contain challenging content, and parts you need to sound scared and panicking.

She gets about 700-900 words of dialogue.

She has some sexually suggestive dialogue, in relation to:

-Her weird alter-ego who appears after she's stuffed in the wall says some innuendos, mainly in relation to how pathetic her aggressor is, and dialogue that plays into her "leaving" him, despite being his unwilling captive and victim. Again, its unclear how real what we're seeing is from the perspective of a very unreliable narrator, and the intent is more for horror, creepiness, and a sorta' sickening feeling than anything kinky.

  • english
Voice description:
  • videogame
  • video game
  • female adult
  • animation/character
  • "Are we to love the sinner, but hate the sin? And do you propose that thy sinner loves the sin they commit, or does the act of love lead to sin?" ((Spoken courteously but engaged in a sorta' philosophical discussion about the nature of loving sin, she's contemplating and responding diligently.))

  • "Why are you doing this!? Did you not like how I answered to your questions!? Are you not afraid of what God might do to you!?" ((Panicking as she's getting cornered by her stalker, talking while scared, trying to rationalize why on both her behalf yet reach out to her stalker as a man of shared religion.))

  • "You know he suspects you, right? You're too obvious. You stink of excitement, unable to cover-up your shame~!" ((A version of her that may or may not be real, smug, playful, seeming to toy with him, seeming thrilled that her aggressor can't keep up his charade well.))

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
The Boy
Paid: Flat Rate 10 USD

Despite the name "The Boy", this is an adult man. The title doesn't come through his choosing. Though we never learn his actual name, The Boy is a complex tragic character who has a soft side to be courteous and charming in a way, but a rigid and blunt side to express his personal horrors in all he's going through that's out of his control. He tries to be considerate, polite, but gets pushed to points he can hardly bear. He's in love with a woman who loves him back, but a jealous friend he once had "benefits" with won't let him go even when he tries to move on and set boundaries, and soon all three of them get sucked into a twisted tale of horror. He only has a loose understanding of what's going on, but feels partially responsible for what's happening, so he accepts some of the punches, but also calls out when he feels things are going too far. He doesn't control his fate, he tries to rationalize the horrors around him, but sometimes is overwhelmed by them. While he keeps up a somber demeanor, he has moments of depression, flares of anger, and complex views and feeling tied to him viewing himself both as guilty but also a victim. Those who can do a lot with a little, but in more grounded ways, stand a better chance to get this role.

The role has somewhere around 1000 words.

He has some sexually suggestive dialogue, in relation to:

-He references a one night stand he had, though in no explicit detail.

-He talks around his fault in taking responsibility for feelings developed during a complicated one-sided relationship. He tends to try to not be too vulgar, and has shame directly talking about what he did.

-There's an on-going motif in the game about comparing candy to a girl. Some of his dialogue plays into that in a suggestive way.

  • english
Voice description:
  • animation/character
  • male adult
  • video game
  • videogame
  • "You make me feel a certain kind of calmness; it's almost nostalgic, I think. Are you sure we haven't met before?" ((Feeling a warmth, but also something bugging him at the back of his mind. He's courteous and curious, trying to place why he feels nostalgic, feeling like he's forgetting something.))

  • "More and more I lose my sense of self, I feel like I'm really small in an endless sea of noiseless voices." ((Feeling isolated, small, defeated, and helpless to the tides. Afraid, overwhelmed, and simply trying to convey how small he now feels.))

  • "Disgusting! Why did I fall for such a grotesque sweetness!?" ((Full of contempt, anger, disgust, but trying to remain collected and together all the same.))

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Paid: Flat Rate 10 USD

Kiki is one of the main playable characters that I haven't gotten voiced yet, but she actually doesn't speak very often. Most of her dialogue comes from four monologues she does, which is more her talking to herself, lonely, depressed, reflecting on herself and what's happened. She plays a mostly silent protagonist the rest of the time.

Kiki is a girl many consider sweet, but she thinks that's the biggest lie about her that everyone for some reason believes. She loved a boy that was once her best friend, but then a girl she introduced him to stole his heart. She wants to win him over again, but can't seem to. She does a terrible ritual to be with him forever. Kiki is a girl struggling with loneliness, depression, and not being loved by the person she loves. She's desperate for his attention, feeling pathetic over her desperation, and trying to keep it together while she descends into the bellows of a despairing horror.

Her role has roughly 1000 words of dialogue.

She has some sexually suggestive dialogue, in relation to:

-Some of her dialogue plays into a motif in the game tying being a "sweet girl" to being like a piece of candy, going in some suggestive directions. Really, Kiki's dialogue treads more to the PG-13 territory than anything R-Rated, it's pretty tame by internet, game, movie, and television standards.

  • english
Voice description:
  • female teen
  • video game
  • animation/character
  • videogame
  • female adult
  • "My mind doesn't like me, does it? If it liked me, it wouldn't be so unruly and cruel, and maybe it'd finally give me nice dreams again."

  • "Why won't you open the door? Or maybe it was I that closed it...?" ((Anxious and sad, feeling pathetic, but not panicked. Wanting to be let him, but then realizing it was maybe themselves that closed the door to begin with, this realization dawning on them as they contemplate on what that means exactly.))

  • "I want to matter... to him...... I can't stand that she's with him. I can't..." ((Admitting it to herself, letting the truth wash over her. But then in a bit of anger and desperation crying out how she can't stand him with her. Then while breaking down, repeating the mantra of how she can't, unable to keep it together.))

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Paid: Flat Rate 10 USD

A voice mostly heard only on tapes. Douglas was a scientist researching into a strange alien material that began to change his way of thinking and seeing the world, until he became both consumed and afraid of the very thing he was researching, seeing it everywhere. He's suspects he's mad, and keeps trying to prove it to himself, but ends up dragging himself down a rabbit hole of conspiracy in the process. He talks in a fashion similar to old movies or early radio, his story playing out like a dramatized radio play, though with his sense of self slowly coming off its hinges .

The role has roughly 1000 words of dialogue, he monologues as he records these cassettes mainly for himself, but a part of him hoping someone else will hear them if he shall perish. Later in there's some dialogue he says more to someone than just to himself so he get a bit more reactive.

He has no sexually suggestive dialogue.

  • english
Voice description:
  • animation/character
  • videogame
  • male adult
  • video game
  • mid atlantic
  • "I speak now not as a man of science, but as someone who has spent far too much of his life thinking there was a way to rationalize it all." ((Said to his audio recording device, in a frank but dramatic way to express how he has been humbled.))

  • "And I'm going to prove it to myself! But I can't, I can't! But I must!" ((Struggling, trying to keep it together, anguishing while forcing his way forward.))

  • "But that's just the thing. What if I'm not crazy? That I'm absolutely right, and all those clown comics who throw their shit and scorn me as if I'd personally wronged them were the crazy ones, and I be as sanest I've ever been! Would that not be the scariest option of them all?" ((Starting off as if coming to a realization, letting out a bit of anger and frustration, before winding down on the discomfort that if he's right that'd be the worst thing.))))

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Paid: Flat Rate 10 USD

Neequ is a member of a council who takes care of a coven of witches. Neequ is a bit pompous, but still kind-hearted who takes her duty seriously of act on behalf of what's best for the coven first and foremost. She acts as something of a friend and mother figure to Kiki, and as the forest around them crumbles away into nightmares, she does what she can to help Kiki out. She has a tenderness to her, that contrasts with her pompous arrogance. She tends to be a bit theatric, a figure that almost is bigger than life, but grounded by a well-meaning nature and being a good listener. She has a lot on her mind, and is contemplative and sometimes cryptic.

Neequ has roughly 1000 words of dialogue, and no sexually suggestive dialogue.

  • english
Voice description:
  • female adult
  • animation/character
  • video game
  • videogame
  • "Thank you so much, Kiki! You're a doll! If I may insist, I'll come with you to confirm that you've found the correct necklace." ((Overjoyed with her agreeability, she happily thanks and praises Kiki before she sets her conditions in a more calm and collected manner. ))

  • "...Sweetie, that's a rock. Are you sure you're okay?" ((Concerned at the absurdity of being given a rock when she asked for a necklace.))

  • "Everyone is there, laughing at her. It's a mockery however, as really everyone is screaming." ((Said in a detached yet sinister way, presenting a creepy innermost horror with a bit of a hint of a twisted delight.))

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Paid: Flat Rate 10 USD

Hee is a villager in a coven of witches who's twin sisters with Tee. She's an outspoken and bratty smart aleck who doesn't respect authority. She has a tendency to lie a lot to make herself look better, and lies to cover-up a big mistake she makes that she pins on her sister. But while trying to cover that lie up, she ends up uncovered herself, losing all her clothes and locking herself outside. Now she has to hide both her lies and nakedness!

A role for those who want to play a bratty and embarrassed girl. She has 1000 words for a gag scenario inspired by The Emperor's New Clothes where she's taught a lesson for lying and how lies are always exposed.

She has probably the most sexually suggestive dialogue in the game, in relation to:

-After losing her clothes, she runs around without them (always censored) in an ashamed, "Eek I'm naked", cartoony panicking & sardonic way rather than anything sexual.

-There's an on-going gag where she's so pale that people mistake her things, like for a goat, a cow, or a ghost, rather than realize she's a naked woman. Rather than come clean or confess she gets in increasingly ridiculous situations by lying or playing along that are humiliating for her.

  • english
Voice description:
  • female adult
  • female teen
  • video game
  • videogame
  • animation/character
  • "Oh don't be such a prude, no one will find out, I've got it all under control!" ((On a personal crusade and being a big brat about it.))

  • "Did I seriously just lock myself out totally naked...? I could knock and ask for help, but then they'd know I'm lying! No, I can fix this! Even if I have to run around naked for a bit..." ((Startled, embarrassed. frustrated, humiliated.))

  • "They think I'm a goat!? That isn't funny! Plus there's a towel RIGHT THERE, but if I try to cover myself they'll surely figure out not only that I'm a girl, but that I don't have any clothes on! Gah! I hate this, but it's too risky, I should just keep pretending to be a goat, and just forget that I'm completely naked!!" ((Annoyed, embarrassed, humiliated, mortified.))

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Paid: Flat Rate 5 USD

Tee is a villager in a coven of witches who is the twin sister to Hee. She is timid, shy, awkward, and a bit of a goodie two-shoes who tries to put family first. She loves her sister who's a bit of a bratty troublemaker. She feels guilty after selling her sister out, and tries to make it up to her.

Smaller role for those who want to play a sorta' awkward stuttering girl who's breaking down.

She has only between a dozen to two dozen lines of dialogue, appearing as a member of the village at key points in the game.

She has some sexually suggestive dialogue, in relation to:

-There's a scene she's hiding naked in a bush, and is embarrassed to let anyone see her.

-There's a scene where she breaks down under the guilt and says some outlandish suggestive things she should do to atone for her sister.

  • english
Voice description:
  • female teen
  • female adult
  • video game
  • videogame
  • animation/character
  • "Uhm, uhmn... Hee, I don't think we should...uh... anger them, maybe...uhmn..." ((Anxious, stuttering and mumbling a bit to her sister standing next to her.))

  • "I-I wanted n-nothing to do with it... It was a-all Hee's idea! I'm innocent!" ((Tee desperately blurting out the truth to avoid getting in trouble.))

  • "A-Aaah! K-Kiki, d-don't look! I, uh, don't have a-any clothes on..." ((Startled, embarrassed, stuttering and insecure.))

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Paid: Flat Rate 5 USD

Mimi is a village in a coven of witches who enjoys some small talk, but struggles with keeping communication going. As such, she may seem a bit bland to others, but she tries to find things to talk about.

Smaller role for those who want to play a sorta' awkward girl.

She has only between a dozen to two dozen lines of dialogue, appearing as a member of the village at key points in the game. She has no sexually suggestive dialogue.

  • english
Voice description:
  • animation/character
  • video game
  • videogame
  • female adult
  • "Blessed be, Kiki! You just got back from picking berries, right? How's that been going for you?" ((A energetic greeting, followed by some small talk.))

  • "Oh... Blessed be to you, Kiki." ((Caught in thought, notices Kiki, and says with low energy and a bit depressed a sorta' muttered hello.))

  • "I freeze up, and don't know what to say. I'm so stupid..." ((Beating herself up a bit for her social anxiety struggles.))

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Paid: Flat Rate 5 USD

Coco is a villager in a coven of witches who seems a bit scatter brained and paranoid, but deep down she just feels a bit sad. She struggles with hearing voices, and is convinced they may be caught up in something bigger than themselves.

Smaller role for those who want to play a kooky but sad girl.

She has only between a dozen to two dozen lines of dialogue, appearing as a member of the village at key points in the game. She has no sexually suggestive dialogue.

  • english
Voice description:
  • female teen
  • video game
  • videogame
  • animation/character
  • "Kiki, shhhh. The voices... They're back." ((Trying to get Kiki quiet, paranoid and saying quietly how the voices have returned.))

  • "I know you don't believe me, but there's something very wrong going on here!" ((A bit panicked, paranoid, and wants to prove herself.))

  • "When this is all over, I hope you'll still be able to smile and mean it." ((Said tenderly, with a bit of sadness.))

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Paid: Flat Rate 5 USD

Lotty is a villager in a coven of witches, an older 40-something woman who enjoys gossiping, old-fashioned and a bit closed-minded, but works hard to pull her weight around the village.

Smaller role for those who want to play a gossipy older girl.

She has only between a dozen to two dozen lines of dialogue, appearing as a member of the village at key points in the game.

She doesn't really have any sexually suggestive dialogue, but she makes one reference to being punished when she was younger by being caned on her bare butt. That's not brought up to be sexual and more as one of her demonstrations of how much harder she thinks things were for her than youngsters these days.

  • english
Voice description:
  • videogame
  • female adult
  • animation/character
  • video game
  • "...people are thinking the water tower may be haunted." ((Said whispering to someone else in excited chit chatter, but audible enough for someone passing to hear.))

  • "Toto really seems to like you, Kiki! You haven't been sneaking him treats when I've not been looking now, have you~?" ((Toto is her dog, she playfully teases Kiki about Toto's attachment to her.))

  • "Oh, she's just being a big baby. You youngsters have it easy these days." ((Dismissing someone's complaining and justifying it with how things used to be for her.))

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Paid: Flat Rate 5 USD

Mel is a stern council member who guides the coven of witches. She's almost always seen on official business, and seems to be a bit sadistic, often administrating punishments to those who disobey the council's orders. It seems when she was younger she grew up without much control in her life, so she sought it desperately and now overdoes it.

Smaller role for those who want to play a sorta' strict mean girl.

She has only between a dozen to two dozen lines of dialogue, She has some dialogue in relation to Tee's and Hee's scenarios, but really doesn't say anything past PG-13 on that, so nothing too bad.

  • english
Voice description:
  • video game
  • videogame
  • animation/character
  • female adult
  • "Perfect. One of these two sisters disgraced our Council's reputation by defacing a light post with a scandalous flag." ((Starting off with a bit of a smirk, before getting more professional. On official business, talking with authority.))

  • "So fess up, which one of you two are responsible?" ((Stern and said with a threatening aura.))

  • "You're coming with me under custody to partake in the Disgraceful Enlightenment. You will serve the punishment for both you and your sister combined for wrapping her into this." ((Said as if decreeing her punishment publicly, with a methodical pride in dishing this out to a deserving criminal.))

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Paid: Flat Rate 5 USD

Sadmellow is the sick and twisted dark voice in your head made real and manifested to taunt and delight in your downfall. It takes deranged delight in you squirming and failing, letting you know you're alone, and insists that the bad parts of you make you bad, and no one really could love the real you. It's invasive and malicious, taking a dark joy in a person's self-destruction.

Smaller role for those who want to play a delightfully twisted guy in your head.

The role has roughly around 400-500 words of dialogue, and no sexually suggestive dialogue.

  • english
Voice description:
  • animation/character
  • videogame
  • male adult
  • video game
  • "You've been paying attention, haven't you? Everyone hates you!!" ((Taunting. Deviously rubbing it in excitedly.))

  • "Did you think there was some path of redemption for someone as twisted as you?" ((An inquiry coming from a place of contempt.))

  • "Some people deserve to d i e." ((Said like a devil on your shoulder purring, emphasis like a snarl on the word die.))


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