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I am a Voice Actor, Artist, Writer, and Live Actor
✨️Voice actor // tween Animator & Artist // Write for fun✨️🐺yes, I am a furry🐺🎨(commissions are open)🎨🏳️‍🌈she//he//they//it// (any Xeno)👽
Welcome! Email me - [email protected] 
I am a Voice Actor, Singer, Writer, and Live Actor
An extremely versatile, approachable and enjoyable voice, with the age range to match. My voice has been used in national commercials with brands like Cheez it, Pedialyte, Takis, McDonalds, Quick Trip, PUBG, and more. 
I specialize in youth, young adult, and elderly voices but also have a deep range for character voices for all your fantasy, Sci-fi, cartoon, and anime needs.
I am a Music Composer, Audio Engineer, and Writer
Composer, arranger and accompanist for Metro Song Studio.
Speaks: english
Skills and Interests: composing writing scripts
Composer and Writer
I am a Music Composer, Writer, and Producer
Hi, Xono here!
| My Skills |I've been Script Writing for 5+ years and have learned a lot within those years, which you can see in my work today.  Writing is a hobby I picked up only because of the many ideas that roam my mind. I tend to write these ideas down and view them at a later date. If the idea strikes some inspiration, I will most definitely be making a story out of it.
I have also been Composing and Producing for around 6+ years across multiple platforms, mainly using FL Studio and Musescore to plan orchestral pieces! I learned most of Music Theory through Band, where I played the Trumpet for around 5 years. Within those years and with the help of my teachers, I've learned and grown to enjoy many different genres of music and the aspects that come with them. This led me to become a freelance producer, making music my own personal series and for others who strive to achi...
Speaks: english
Accents: american
Kinda tired of being tired | Hobby Youtuber | Local community leader | Full time improv
I am a Voice Actor, Singer, Video Editor, and Writer
I am a college student in the USA

Low-medium voice registers, sometimes might go off script a little when I am trying to embody the character for auditions, but director has the final say :)

Speaks: english
Skills and Interests: bass singing voice comedy improv
young aspiring male VA, requires coffee
I am a Voice Actor and Writer
Hi! I'm Bryan. I can sound youthful and spirited, calculated and sly, or lazy and lacking in sleep. All depending on the time of day and my opportunistic insomnia.Mainly interested in character acting, but narrations and commercials are also fields I want to dabble in! I aspire to bring characters fully alive as a professional VA one day. Still working on my skills and experience, but I'll try my hardest to give you my best work!I'm fluent in both English and Thai, and consider my enunciation quite clear also.I can do my own audio edits (at the cost of my sanity) so don't worry - your files are being delivered exactly how you need them. Let me know of anything I can do to make your job easier!
Regarding my microphone; SOM is a Thai manufacturer selling hand-assembled audio gear. You'll have a hard time finding ANY information on the microphone itself, seeing as SOM have shut down t...
Speaks: english thai
Amateur & ambitious averagely-rounded artist.
I am a Voice Actor, Singer, Music Composer, and Writer
I am a random roaming entity passing by just to make social interactions along the way. And this already sounds both awkward and edgy!!
Wheyo! I'm Dræghy or Dreaghy, male since born and... forever! I'm a young adult trying to socialise in anyway I can, rather very limited in text than vocally & in person.
Pretty much an artist 26/7 as my sleep schedule on average is nonsense (there isn't 26H in a day??).
WOOO HERE WE GO!! I create:Music & SFX3D ModelsAnimations (characters, in 3D)Video Editing (yet need training)Video games, like programming, overall gameplay, procedural generation, UI/HUDs... etc.I can sing (yet need training),And I write lyrics for my songs.From top to bottom; most to least.
Mouthful enough, 'won't tell more, just get to know me- if you can. I'm hyperactive (ADHD but only the H as I don't know if I have the other 3 letters- must collect them... o...
I am an actor (voice & body), HD skin designer, builder and animator for minecraft! However, I am an amateur, and I am seeking to improve myself everyday! 
I am a Voice Actor, Video Editor, Writer, Director, and Live Actor
I made a lot of projects, so I am pretty busy with that and also studies! I direct my time learning how to program (which I am a beginner, so you won't be confused) and ACTING for Minecraft roleplays! I may not be the best actor, or have the best voice as I stutter a lot, I am willing to work and try becoming something better each day.I also do HD skin designs and building, however, I may not be the best builder/designer, I am seeking to improve myself in this field, even though it might be "great" or "good".I have a Minecraft Fan-discord server you can join: it also has YouTube channel and other social media you can find there! We are constantly in-need for assistance, so join and be notified of any application upcoming!
Speaks: english
Setup: krita
A multidisciplinary artist who aims to bring authentic and professional enthusiasm to every project they take on. Check out my website for more information:
I am a Voice Actor, Writer, Director, Producer, and Live Actor
Kai Dohmann is a Canadian Two-Spirit voice artist based in Alberta, Canada with access to a developing home studio and alternative professional studios near them. They began voice acting as a hobby and a pastime but slowly found it turning into a plausibility when they landed their roles as Atlantis Scott in the science-fiction audio drama Records From The Reaver, and as Alex in the comedic horror anthology audio drama para/Normal. 

In need of a voice actor for your project? Let's make it happen!
Speaks: english
Excited aspiring voice actor and video editing artist!? Bing Pot!!!
I am a Voice Actor, Artist, Video Editor, and Writer
Hey hey! Shilovakun here, and I've spent about a year teaching myself video editing after it became a burning passion I discovered after being in a 4 year art rut! It's changed my life honestly, I never thought it'd be for me, and now i want to make a career of it. (I edit under the name GrooveDaddy!)On top of that, I've always loved voice acting in games, and have been told by friends to give it a shot. I've recently begun collaborating with a game creator on my own game, and I'll be writing the story and doing all the art and character designs! On top of that, some of my art has been featured in a game, and I wrote some enemy dialogue for it too! Most exciting moment of my life, seeing it in game! Unfortunately....the game is of an 'adult' nature so I can't brag or show it to ANYONE! (It's like becoming Spiderman, but I can't tell anyone! ;_;) I think I can show some art assets...
Speaks: english
Evan Stickymore
Discord: evan_stickymore21 | If you used me for your projects, please credit me at all times. Please, and thank you.
I am a Voice Actor, Singer, Artist, Animator, Video Editor, Music Composer, Audio Engineer, and Writer
Hello Lad's. The names Evan, Evan Stickymore, I make some projects or remixes, and stuff. follow me if you like! I am also autistic.I'm known for making some multiple games, some are like FNAF Fangames, animations, you guess it! and also composing music if you really know me that well!Yeah i'm also known for making FNaE Rised Again, Adventures With Evan and Friends: Apocalypse, Evan Stickymore's Custom Apocalypse, The Scratchident, literally everythingRight now my age is currently 15.Also, if y'all wanna use me for work, or if i hire you guys for work aswell, just a note about myself, i am EXTREMELY lazy, and i don't know why, so im gonna warn you that
Six months after Paulina returned from her internship, an unknown threat had reached its climax! Celebration has become a nightmare, making happiness short-lived and the friendship that was once treasured reaching its potential downfall.
I am a Voice Actor, Writer, Director, Producer, and Live Actor
HELLO!Allow me to introduce myself…I am your friendly neighborhood, NS! Currently, I am in production with a special Thea Stilton project called, “YOU TALK TO ME NO MORE”. I also have a passion for writing and voice-acting!To conclude this short message, I cannot wait to share more of my works with you! Until then, see ya soon!!!
MSD Productions
Let your wings guide you.
I am a Voice Actor, Singer, Music Composer, Audio Engineer, Writer, Director, and Producer
Cinematic ProducerSongwriterLyricistSingerVocalistWriterVoice ActressAs of current, I am in a music production course. I am looking to join a filmmaking course next year for another 2 years of college before I start hitting university. This means that I will be taught to produce and direct at a professional rate. I am also looking to invest into voice acting and singing lessons soon as I am applying for jobs in my area.My availability can range due to everyday circumstances, but I am not available on Wednesdays and Thursdays due to Music College.Business Card: Email:Msdproductions .business @gmail.comNOTICE: TEMPORARILY I MAY WORK FOR YOU FOR FREE.I am a student meaning I am in need of a portfolio, and because of this I may not charge you. If you...
Speaks: english
My name is Harry Ward-Thorpe, I am an upcoming actor/writer who is currently training to become employed in the theatre and voice over industry's.
I am a Voice Actor, Singer, Writer, and Live Actor
I'm an aspiring actor who has loved the profession of voice acting since I was a young boy listening to the likes of Stephen Fry and Richard Burton back in 2009. I lived a solitary childhood with many of my days spent in the confines of my own home reading, acting or singing. I began writing poetry and scripts in order to vent my feelings onto the page and have fell in love with creative writing ever since because it allowed me to be free, the same could be said for my interest in acting because it allowed the world to see who I was, to let them know that I am Harry Ward-Thorpe and I am here. My biggest ambition in life is to use my words to give meaning to everyday things, to be a pillar of support in a viewers most desperate moment or the reason why someone smiles even for a moment, that is the sole purpose of my career and my raison d'etre. I've come a long way since those days clo...
Speaks: english
Setup: audacity