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I am a Voice Actor
I've dreamed of getting into the voice-over business for a long time, and I'm gonna try my hardest to succeed. I thought this site would be a great starting point, so here I am!
I'm looking forward to working with you! 
Skills and Interests: language pronounciation
Hello, I'm Mya Wolf, I am an Actor, Voice Actor, and Singer, I enjoy being a part of all sorts of projects, large and small, with any role I may find myself in, I am looking into getting into acting as a more full-time career and hope to be cast in more roles and projects in the future
I am a Voice Actor, Singer, and Live Actor
Hello, I'm Mya Wolf!I enjoy doing voice work and am trying to branch out into film work as well
If you are ever curious about my vocal capabilities, I can do a wide range of personalities from super sweet bean to malicious and cold-hearted, I also have a wide vocal range of being able to sing very high to very low (F3-B5).
If you ever want to hear more than just the one demo I have provided, give me a DM and I can share with you what I can and cannot do as a creator (you can also reach out to me through Discord ((myawolf)) or through my Gmail ((xmyawolfx)))
If interested in seeing some past works I have done, here is a link to a YouTube playlist of covers I have done and videos I am featured inCoversVideos I am Featured In (Credit Names: Everfree Studios, xXGalaxyLaceXx, xXGalacticTempoXx, Mya Wolf)
Speaks: english
Setup: audacity
I am a Voice Actor and Live Actor
Hi! I am 14 years old and a voice actor! My discord is oceanicmaniac if you ever would like to contact me! I have aspired to be a voice actor since I was little and am always auditioning for projects :)
Hey and Salut! My name is Ryan p and I’m from the United States. I have a background in French and English Voice Acting. 
I am a Voice Actor
Hey and Salut! My name is Ryan p and I’m from the United States. I have a background in French and English translations while in the process of learning Japanese and Burmese for the same thing. I have a pretty standard voice that can bend and stretch to whatever role is needed. I can do accents and Pitch drops if needed. I am willing to work for free to build up a resumé And grow connections.
Skills and Interests: language pronounciation
I am a Voice Actor, Singer, and Live Actor
Hi my name is Anansi L StreetBlack queer person (Any pronouns)I'm 18 and aspiring Voice actor and actor.I have been doing English fandubs at age of 17.I'm also a singer and does English cover and original songs.Vocal ranges: sound like a young child to a young teenager.Singing vocal ranges: Alto,mezzosoprano and soprano.I've been a theater kid since high school but dream of voicing over any short or long projects.
Young aspiring voice actor trying to get his foot in.
I am a Voice Actor
I'm a 26 year old male and has always aspired to be a voice actor. Whether it be anime or the gaming industry I have always found myself inspired by the voices behind the characters that I grow attachments to, and how those actors bring them to life. I have no prior experience, but I'm always open to advice and criticism.
Speaks: english
Voice Description: male young adult
I am a Voice Actor, Singer, and Live Actor
I am an aspiring actor with a diverse range of abilities. Currently, I am an actor in local productions, demonstrating where I have to  sing, act, and dance. I am committed to making a career in film, voice acting, and theatre.
Taking my chances at fulfilling my dream.
I am a Voice Actor
Hello there! I am an amateur voice actress seeking to improve my voice acting skills. I'd love to voice your project, so do feel free to reach out if you think that I am a good fit for your work! Any feedback for me is also deeply appreciated.