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~ Wildly Versatile and Flexible-Voiced Character Actor  ~
I am a Voice Actor and Singer
Cosmic Voices AKA: Susana Schwartz. - (new here) voice artist and actor with a VVV (very versatile voice. Flexible & colorful w/ a wide range; many accents, ages, genders as creatures, meanies, monsters, gangsters, animals, space'y & bizarre or alien voices, maybe an annoying continuous buzzer or alarm ? In German too...and a lot like the late and great June Foray!

--->> Especially for your animation, cartoons & video games <<---
+ Readings, Audio Books, Puppeteering +
 Discord @Susana S.#6333  
Puerto Rican voice actor looking to get started in any small way I can. It's been a dream of mine for quite some time but that's all going to change right here! I will do my best to audition and attempt as many roles as I can. Whatever you need, I am at your service!
I am a Voice Actor, Singer, Video Editor, and Audio Engineer
CreditsVideo GamesTrails in the Dub (Trails in the Sky PC Mod) -Co-Director,Playtester- Sean Paulsen
Trails in the Dub (Trails in the Sky PC Mod) -Buck- Sean Paulsen
Accents: english
I am a Voice Actor, Singer, Artist, Director, and Live Actor
A pleasure to meet you, my name is Nyx Aether.
 I am a theatre actor of 6 years and have even directed some of my own small shows/projects. I have been involved in all forms of the arts since I was a child and I specialize (for this website) in voice acting, singing, drawing, and directing. I was born in Japan as a Marine brat, so I’ve moved around all over the US and have visited multiple other countries, allowing me to be very culturally aware and experienced with all walks of life. I hope to do great things with this website as any form of artistic creativity has always been a passion of mine. I'm willing to do both paid and unpaid work, as well as both official and fanmade pieces.
Have a lovely time,Nyx Aether
Discord: Arnexia#2978
Speaks: english
I am a Voice Actor, Singer, Animator, and Video Editor
🎇Hello, my name is Monochrome. But mostly everyone calls me Thunder/Mono, I currently do voice acting, animation, and singing as hobbies. I am self-taught with the majority of my hobbies and am learning and developing more along the way. I'm open to just about any project, but tend to lean more on Minecraft Roleplays, and Gacha when it comes to voice acting but am willing to try most projects. 🎇💫=============💫About Me:
Hello! My name is Thunder/Mono, I am 19 and go by She/Her pronouns. I'm a bit eccentric, and laugh at just about anything; I like and can just about work with anyone or independently. You will almost always catch me listening to music, or animating. I love trying new things and am always looking forward to growth and improvement in anything I do.💫=============💫PRONOUNS: She/HerAGE: 19TIMEZONE: PSTVOCAL RANGE: Medium-High(Soprano)💫=============💫✨Contacts:✨Discord: Mon...
Speaks: english
Setup: audacity
Never going to give up on what I love to do! Bring it on!
I am a Voice Actor, Singer, Video Editor, Audio Engineer, and Live Actor
My name is Khalil Randle-Myers (known as SuperKobalt). I'm an aspiring voice actor/film actor who dreams of making a career out of moving my body and harnessing my voice. One day I dream of voice in a fighting video game. Before taking a career in Acting, I was an introverted, kept-to-themselves type of person. But watching other actors and many of my favorite media has taught me that you don't have to be scared to be YOU. Acting has profoundly changed me as a person. Now, I'm more involved in activities and becoming more of a leader. And I'm ready to take at any opportunity this world throws at me!

You can watch a visual reel of the start of my career to now
Speaks: english
I am a Voice Actor, Singer, and Writer
Hello! My name is Taylor, and I voice act and sing, and write books on the side. 
I'm great if you need somebody who can express a lot (or no) emotion on the fly, and I am generally nice to work with.
However, please do not yell at me, I get flashbacks.
Hey! What’s up? I’m just your ordinary theater geek who’s really interested in voice acting and singing on the side.
I am a Voice Actor, Singer, Artist, Animator, Video Editor, and Director
I’ve always enjoyed acting and singing for the longest I can remember. I’ve performed in so many shows such as Cinderella, Oklahoma, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, And They Dance Real Slow in Jackson, A Christmas Pageant, Orphan Train, and many more. From being part of the ensemble, to narrating, and to even having a major role on stage by myself, I’ve enjoyed acting and voice acting so much! I’ve also been a part of multiple choirs and even performed a few solos as well as duets, so I'm a big fan of singing too.Overall, I really have fun sharing my voice and skills with the world, so I’m not afraid to step out there and hopefully inspire others through whatever projects I find myself involved in.If you’re curious about hearing more of my voice or other skills like art and animation, I have a small YouTube channel called PlumBlossomCat. I’d love it if you would take the chance to ...
Speaks: english
Accents: smooth
A passionate and dedicated actress with five years of community theater, training in acting on camera, and a love for all things acting!
I am a Voice Actor, Singer, and Live Actor
For more information about me, here’s my website!
Setup: blue yeti
just a little bit scared of the world, please don’t be scared of me
I am a Voice Actor, Singer, and Writer
hi, i’m inkk; i’m an aspiring voice actor and i’ve been voice acting as a hobby? (that IS how you use the word i swear i’m like good at this language) for about a year and a half now. i'm also a writer of fiction, essay, and script and i'll leave it to you to decide how good i am at it.some more stuff:theater kid, for better or worseminorqueerfluent (meaning i'm equally bad at both) in English and Chinese; learning Spanish, Russian, and LatinChinese American/ABCprobably AuDHD; if i seem rude sometimes i swear that's not my intention i just don't know how to communicateinfinitely awkward ;w;i do tend to joke about certain topics such as mental health and uh "inadequate parenting practices" let's call it because yours truly has trouble calling it what it is. if that makes you uncomfy sorry not sorry i will not stop doing it just leaveplease try to use tone tags unless we're like friends...
Just a dude
I am a Voice Actor, Singer, and Live Actor
I am a young adult queer trans masc; I've always wanted to be a voice actor and I'm finally making said dream come true.
I don't have many recourses right now, but I am working towards getting a proper microphone. Maybe one day I'll start my own project as well but for now I want to be able to be a part of others!
Speaks: english
Amateur Voice Enthusiast and Hobbyist
I am a Voice Actor and Singer
I am a young and aspiring Voiceover Artist aiming to turn professional. I greatly enjoy the whole process of reading, receiving feedback and then doing it all over again. I love what I do and have been doing it for years whether I knew it or not. Voice work has always been a passion of mine since before I was introduced to the concept and I believe I should use what I've been gifted.
Speaks: english
Voice Description: male adult male young adult
I am a Voice Actor, Singer, Artist, and Live Actor
Accents: oregonian
Skills and Interests: Exaggeration flexible serious
I'll lend you my voice if you lend me your reach.
I am a Voice Actor, Singer, Writer, and Live Actor
Hello! I'm Jimmy, 30 years old from the Twin Cities of Minnesota. I've wanted to become a voice actor for about as long as I can remember, and have been practicing voices just as long. I'm always working on getting better and more flexible with my voice! I do hope you'll lend me your ear so that I can properly start building my repertoire. I'm also free to answer any questions you might have, so feel free to send me a DM!
Speaks: english
I am a Voice Actor, Singer, Artist, and Live Actor
Speaks: english
Voice Description: female young adult
Skills and Interests: flexible
I'm an actor and singer who loves video games, cartoons/anime and art. 
I am a Voice Actor, Singer, and Live Actor
Hey, I'm Gracen Solis. I'm a 23 year old disabled trans man with a large vocal range. I'm looking for voice acting roles for any gender on the spectrum, and live action roles for trans masculine or nonbinary characters. I find learning new accents to be fun and easy. My singing vocal range goes from baritone to alto.