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Search all 1506 producer floridian profiles
The Cat Warrior Is Back In Town! I'm a autistic Tokusatsu Fan for 18 years and still loving it.
I am a Voice Actor, Singer, Artist, Video Editor, Audio Engineer, Writer, Director, and Producer
Full Name: Jaimie Olivia Finkelstein
Age: 29
If you don't like my voice acting, then why are you listening to this?
Voice Acting Experience: 14 years
I have a life, so If I don't do anything at the time that you wanted, I'm sorry it might take me some time.
I'm pretty strict with some social media, but if you're my costar then I'll gladly follow you (except for my personal Facebook) Not anything inappropriate, just geeky related pictures, that's all 
Please understand my social anxiety, I can do the best as I can. 
I'm your Tokusatsu Girl! 
Voice Actress, Singer, Artist, and Creator of the Tokusatsu Fan Dub Series on Tumblr
I may be the creator of Tokusatsu Fan Dub Series, but I'm looking for Admins, audio editors, and video producers so I won't get stressed over so much of work.
I got other projects too outside of things so stick around for that :)
Speaks: english
Setup: audacity
I am a Voice Actor, Video Editor, Music Composer, Audio Engineer, Writer, Director, and Producer
Experienced internationally touring musician with a decade of experience in performance, recording, engineering, promoting, producing and event organisation. Highly experienced audio engineer with a passion for delivering high quality productions, both live and recorded, in team oriented or individual environments. Years of experience in mixing and mastering audio for live concerts, recorded albums, musical theatre and film. Extensive background in research and implementation of spatial audio including surround sound, ambisonics, and binaural audio for 3D environments. Enthusiastic team player and leader on team-based tasks or projects.
Speaks: english
Donkey Kong December!
I am a Voice Actor, Audio Engineer, and Producer
I'm a nonbinary guy/gal that just creates games, and music and art and other things. I hope to release them and make people happy with em!!
Speaks: english
Setup: audacity
I am a Voice Actor, Video Editor, Music Composer, Writer, Director, and Producer
It's just my friend Charlie and myself, our audience ain't big, but we've been credited as some of the most underrated GTA 5 film makers on YouTube, we're both aspiring writers and directors with creative minds and hoping to one day become legit writer and directors making live action films!
Speaks: english
Skills and Interests: baritone deep
StarMC Studios is an East Coast Production Studios based in the town in Owings, Maryland.
I am a Voice Actor, Video Editor, Writer, Director, Producer, and Live Actor
StarMC Studios is an East Coast Production Studios based in the town in Owings, Maryland.
Speaks: english
A Canadian 21 year old with a passion for Cosplay and Voice Acting!
I am a Voice Actor, Artist, Video Editor, Writer, Director, Producer, and Live Actor
~~** Facilierr **~~Also known as "Okay, but what is your real voice?"
Hi! My name is Maxwell, but I am mostly known as Facilierr by people who know me as a voice actor. I am a 21-year-old Canadian who is currently working in the HVAC field that has always enjoyed voice acting ever since he was a tween. 
Most of my voice acting skills come from server jumping in video games impersonating the characters I play or from being main cast in most drama productions I was involved with. Because of this, I am an excellent improv voice actor and have some great skills at simply jumping into scenarios and making them work. 
From the people who have experienced my voice acting, they are usually impressed by my capabilities to change my voice as much as a do as my regular voice is pretty unique in it's own right. I've had plenty of people tell me that I should be a radio broadcaster- funni...
Speaks: english
Trae Gonzalez (TGComps) is a freelance voice actor, sound engineer, and music composer.
I am a Voice Actor, Music Composer, Audio Engineer, Writer, Director, Producer, and Live Actor
Trae Gonzalez's (TGComps)- https://www.traegonzalez.com name is Trae Gonzalez. I’m a freelance voice actor, music composer, and sound engineer ready to offer my services in fan-created and/or licensed productions. If you like what you see and hear, you can contact me at [redacted] or on most social media platforms @TGComps.
Search all 1506 producer floridian profiles