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Non-binary British vtuber and artist looking for voice acting roles to cut my teeth on.
I am a Voice Actor and Artist
My twitch channel: (It's mostly a passive aquarium stream, but sometimes gaming and crafting with my vtuber and mic on.)
I am a Voice Actor, Singer, Artist, and Animator
A 16 year old person who just wants to be a great voice actor one day! (They/Them!)
Speaks: english
I am a Voice Actor, Singer, Artist, and Live Actor
☆Welcome to my bio lovely person☆I look forward to sharing my voice with you.Profile working progress
Speaks: english
Accents: nerdy
Setup: audacity
Voice Description: female young adult
I am a Artist and Writer
I'm a digital artist who mainly draws Sanders Sides. I love working on projects and helping people out!

I'll work for free but I'd love to be payed. Who wouldn't! << Check my Instagram if you want examples of my art! I have unposted examples I would gladly give as well!
Speaks: english
Setup: Fire Alpaca
Voice Description: androgynous female teen
Voiceover, Mocap & on-cam actor in LA from AZ ✵ loves horror, games, making art, martial arts, animals, escaping cities to nature ✵ Latina ✵ Survivor ✵ 🧿
I am a Voice Actor, Artist, and Live Actor
Hey! I'm a Voiceover, Mocap & on-cam actor in LA from AZ ✵ loves horror, games, making art, martial arts, animals, escaping cities to nature ✵ Latina ✵ Survivor ✵ 🧿EMAIL: [redacted] RESUME:
✵ Insta:✵ Twitch Partner:✵ Threads:
✵ Kofi:✵ Twitter:
An artist with a dream
I am a Voice Actor, Singer, Artist, Animator, and Writer
She/her | Artist | Aspiring Animator | Loves cartoons, anime, and video games | Dreaming big | Autistic | Sexuality is a secret | Writes and sings sometimes
My original series:- The Activities Club- Cats in the Unknown- The Knights of Fairytales- The Children of Life
Master Zero
I aim for quantity and quality.
I am a Voice Actor, Artist, Animator, Music Composer, and Writer
I am Xeno, manager of Yoshimoto Studios.
I have no experience in this industry, but I do have experience in the individuality of the subject, such as the arts (performing arts).I am mostly an impressionist, but I can do my own unique voices if need be.
Speaks: english
Setup: fl studio
Voice Description: male teen
I am a Voice Actor and Artist
I can do several impressions on cartoon/anime characters, aside from my voice acting. I even do art. 
Speaks: english
What a LoomieBin.
I am a Voice Actor and Artist
Hey there, names Jento (or Loom works too.)I'm christian | An artist & writer | 18Personally a sucker for monsters if you will.Here to either find some work or start some! Tryna do projects but we'll see where it goes, hm?
Also, Jesus loves you!<3
Speaks: english
2d Artist/Animator, Minor, Any pronouns
I am a Voice Actor, Artist, Animator, Music Composer, and Writer
Hello there! Welcome to my corner. Little bit about me, i enjoying doing art and animation for various projects along with playing the clarinet. I don’t exactly have the best audio software for the moment but recommendations for better ones are appreciated. Feel free to message me if you’re curious about having me for your series to help animate/draw anything or voice act. Im especially interested in projects relating to Murder Drones or Rainworld!
Speaks: english
I am a Voice Actor, Singer, Artist, Animator, Video Editor, Music Composer, Writer, and Live Actor
Hi! My name’s William/Boo (They/it/he + any neopronouns) and I am a big fan of audition stuff. Ranging from voice acting, music composition, drawing/animating and writing, I do basically all of these. It’s quite a hobby of mine, but I do enjoy it quite a lot!
He/she/they/any pronouns. 24 (at time of writing). Native American. ADHD. 500+ OCs.
I am a Artist and Writer
Artist since forever. Writing since 2010 ish?In 2019 got to a level of art that they're generally happy with.Keeps making projects for themselves, probably has something to do with ADHD.OCs and such are slowly being added to his Instagram. Attempts at comics and other fanart is mostly done in Roleplay servers on discord nowadays.
I am a Voice Actor, Artist, and Writer
(English) Hi there! I'm Rene :)I'm a young artist and writer (or an attempt of) and i aspire to be able to see grow and be part of artistic projects!(Español) Hola! Soy Rene :)Soy un joven artista y escritor (o un intento de), y aspiro poder ver el crecimiento y ser parte de proyectos artisticos!
I am a Voice Actor, Singer, Artist, Music Composer, and Live Actor
Bonjour et bienvenue sur mon profil !Je m'appelle Loan (de mon petit pseudo "Lewoan"), j'ai 20 ans et je suis ravi.e de vous voir.Ici vous pourrez trouver tout ce qui me concerne en terme de matériel et de ce que je suis capable de faire.Pour me présenter en quelque mot, je suis un.e passionné.e pour tout ce qui concerne l'audiovisuel, le doublage, la musique, les sons, TOUT ! J'ai fait 6 années de chorale (bientôt 7) (style de musique varié), j'ai fait 2 ans de théâtre, et 2 ans de doublage avec mes ami.e.s. Je tente donc ma chance aujourd'hui de vous proposer ma voix pour vos projets.Je fais également du dessin, de la musique assistée par ordinateur, et un peu de montage vidéo + audio en autodidacte. Donc pour résumer, je reste encore très amateur.trice, mais je suis très motivé.e et déterminé.e à m'améliorer et à donner le meilleur dans de futures auditions.Merci pour votre attenti...
Voice Description: male young adult nonbinary
I am a Artist, Writer, and Director
Hello!! I am just your average teenager bursting with random story ideas which she hopes to bring to life 😃🤞And for that, I will be needing your help! With anything, you can give me tips on my art, provide me ideas, help me storyboard, collab, ANYTHING FOR GOD'S SAKE 😭😭Communicating on Instagram would be cool 😀👍 I am @chibidoeschris on Instagram, see you there ig?
Speaks: english
Search all 4491 artist traditional drawing profiles