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I am a Voice Actor, Singer, Artist, Video Editor, Music Composer, Audio Engineer, Writer, Director, Producer, and Live Actor
Hello! I am an up-and-coming voice actor with a wide range and a talent for singing.
Speaks: english
Skills and Interests: modern singing rapping
I am a Voice Actor, Singer, and Artist
Hey there! Thanks for taking a peek at my profile. I'm a semi-professional vocalist and actor, currently residing in B.C. Canada!
I have a large range of vocals, being a mezzo-soprano, and have been trained (and praised!) by industry-level professionals, accumulating a total of 5+ years of experience in singing and acting.
My recording studio (my desk) has industry-standard equipment ready to record on any project you desire, with just some minimal/minor tweaks and a whole lot of love!
Speaks: english
Director, animator, digital artist, music composer, voice actor, and song writer.Recent works:- No Straight Roads: The New Era (STILL WORKING)- The Namkaverse: Stranger of the Night (ft. Nora Starshine)
I am a Artist, Music Composer, Writer, and Director
She/TheyBirthday: July 20, 2003Director for No Straight Roads The New Era
Aspiring voice actor
I am a Voice Actor, Singer, Artist, Writer, and Live Actor
Woah! its about time I updated this huh? I started voice acting on here in 2022. I use a rode nt-usb mini (condensor mic)I can sing! I can ...well voice act! I can draw too!(aaand thats all i got TvT)I also make silly little videos on my youtube relating to all these fun things.Some people also say I do a mean willow park impression ;)and my discord is justme_lolva if you like what you hear! (2024 demo reel)
Speaks: english
Elise W.
Elise Wagenknecht.
I am a Voice Actor, Singer, Artist, and Writer
Hello! Im Abbigail, I am an amateur V/A and song artist. I am currently working on learning both JP & KO. But for now, I am fully fluent in English. I play a bit of guitar as well and write music rather easily.Time Zone: CDT.Open For Work
こんにちは!私は Abbigail、アマチュア V/A および歌のアーティストです. 私は現在、JP & KO の両方を学習することに取り組んでいます.しかし今のところ、私は英語を完全に流暢に話せま. 私はギターも少し弾きますし、曲も比較的簡単に書きます.タイムゾーン: CDT.仕事のために開いている.
안녕하세요! 저는 Abbigail이고 아마추어 V/A이자 노래 아티스트입니다. 저는 현재 JP & KO를 모두 배우는 중입니다. 하지만 지금은 영어를 완전히 유창하게 구사합니다. 나는 기타도 조금 연주하고 비교적 쉽게 음악을 씁니다.시간대: CDT.근무 가능.
Howdy everybody, I'm yams!I'm an aspiring voice actress. Many people have told me I should try it because I sound like an AI or a Disney princess. Thank you for reading and listening!
I am a Voice Actor, Singer, Artist, and Live Actor
Speaks: english
Creator of Knoyva, an original story about magic and healing from trauma! Dm me at my discord (pinkceku)!!
I am a Voice Actor, Singer, Artist, Writer, and Live Actor
Hi hi hello! My name is pinkCeku! I am an inspiring creator, artist, singer and voice actor! One day I'm hoping to produce my stories and share them to the world!Please check out my story Knoyva! It would be very much appreciated if you helped out or even shared!
Boop bee doop
I am a Voice Actor, Singer, Artist, Animator, Music Composer, and Writer
Uh. Someone
Accents: german
Voice Description: male teen digital assistance
Sakshi Mistry
Letting my voice lead the way!
I am a Voice Actor, Singer, Artist, and Music Composer
Trained modern and semi-classical singer (in english and hindi), Aspiring voice actor, Keyboardist, Orchestral CoversReach out to me from any of the following social media platformsInstagram: @the_faithful_warriorGmail: [redacted]Check out my work by clicking on the links belowBandlab: (Christian songs):